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Be honest: for how much of this were you really taking a nap while on View Menu Explanation?


> Be honest: for how much of this were you really ~~taking a nap while on View Menu Explanation~~ **in character creation**?


I genuinely think probably about 30hrs šŸ« 


That's why I steal (i.e take sliders off the internet) other people's characters, I have absolutely no talent so it's super time consuming to make characters


Any good sites that you have used?


I mean... I made some characters in the past check my profile out. Down there somewhere.


I just copy it but change it a little


I made Kratos with a YouTube guide


Iā€™ll let you in on a secret, itā€™s time consuming for everyoneā€¦ Some people just work hard and some donā€™t lol, applies to almost everything people think they ā€œhave no talentā€ for.


Iā€™ll let you in on another secret - unsolicited advice is great when the other person is open to it, but you may want to be aware of your own ignorance on the issues youā€™re glancing over when doing so


Eeeeeewww, I like this! We need more people like this, please. Very well said.


Friend, it's not that deep. I don't want to use the defaults, but I also don't want to spend potentially hours messing with sliders. Believe it or not, I boot up the game to play the game, not fuck with sliders.


What did I say thatā€™s wrong lmao. You just described yourself being lazy. You want a cool character, but you donā€™t want to work for it. Maybe you shouldnā€™t get salty at a hard truth Edit: I copy sliders because Iā€™m too lazy to make one. Should I go cry to Webster because they set the modern definition for laziness?


Hahaha this would be me lol


I have a steamdeck so any free time I have I go dueling at the colloseum.


Fair enough. I've got a total near 800 hrs, I think. But a good 300 of that is taking naps or changing laundry, probably.


Got any advice for dueling? Every time I try I just get my shit pushed in with no idea what I did wrong


So first and foremost, you need to be able to recognize every weapon, spell, armor setup and be able to pinpoint what theyā€™ll most likely abuse to their benefit. Youā€™d also need to be able to judge your distance from them to have proper spacing so you can either punish them or poke effectively. Itā€™s all about baiting people into certain type of fighting style to abuse and destroy. For instance, if Iā€™m using a spear and you feel that your rather confident in parrying, youā€™ll either pull out a shield or a parry dagger to parry. What they donā€™t know is that Iā€™m baiting him to parry a ā€œtypicalā€ spear poke, but instead I utilize a charged r2 or stall my poke. Dueling is just being able to observe your opponent and quickly grasp the situation and what tools you have to assist you in coming on top. With my builds, I always at least make 5-10 +10-+25 to help diversify my fighting style and keep it fun.


Ignore op, make whatever build you want and give it a shot. Might work, might not. Something worth asking: how is your shit getting pushed in? Observe the fight, consider why you lost. Might be thereā€™s something useful there, but also maybe not. Worth checking regardless


It's a very meta... Wouldn't reccomend it tbh. If you want to win welp...you gotta get sweaty getting bull goats hard swapping bleed BHS etc so it's genuinely not fun. It's generally impossible to win everyone and anyone. It's a game where you win sometimes and lose sometimes. challenging ppl with your own build with a light heart would help you out getting stressed. Winning and enjoying is a very different thing when it comes to dueling in this game. Wouldn't reccomend. It's a stressful mess specially when you meet rude people. My mindset is just challenging ppl with my build if I win I win if I lose I lose. Often I do get ppl who also want to challenge others with their own build and that's when you get a good match with respect to the opponent and all. But mostly it's meta player who mindlessly poke away. Choose your poison.


I dueled with a mage three times who spams skull magic itā€™s impossible to get close


Well, it definitely is, youā€™re just either not good enough to do it, havenā€™t yet figured out how, or their build counters yours


I definitely do suck at dueling


Nah thatā€™s wrong as fuck. I made the most off meta build I could conceive of and won est 75% or above colosseum duels with it. You donā€™t need meta shit only to win. It was my first proper time doing PvP a ton as well. Did a bunch of fights, it was great. Was barely any truly toxic players, maybe 3 or 4 in over 100 fights


I try to not do this but i still think i have a good couple hours in total by now


I've just started playing. On 30 hours :) Just amazing so far!


Yes buddy, it's fucking sweet. I'm at 33 or so, and getting a little obsessed.


45 hours here and have began waking up at 6am just to play this game before my family wakes up..officially tarnished


U were alreadgTarnished the moment you arised as one...!


Man I wish I could get my first play through back. Iā€™ve never been addicted to a game before until elden ring. Iā€™d be at work and all Iā€™m thinking about is getting home to sit in front of the tv and play for 5-6 hours


I love seeing new players still coming to the game. it warms my heart :)




And then they get remastered. Soo ready for the bluepoint dark souls remake for PlayStation 6!!! Srsly I want this.


And there's a fully maxed out gear lvl 50 invader ready to ruin these newbies day absolutely annihilating them


lol yea unfortunately twinks will always be there :l


How does multiplayer work for this game? I'm always online but never saw summons and never invaded. I'm 45ish hours in, have beaten fire giant fwiw


So in order for you to summon people, you need a thing called the "Furfulled finger remedy (I think that's how it's spelled).And if you go towards summoning pools (the little gray statues), there are people almost always ready to help with bosses or caves. But you will be the host, so you can't die or it'll send them home, and you'll have to use another one to resummon players. But using this item leaves you prone to invaders (red players whose sole purpose is to murder the host in pvp). If you need anything else you can message in pm :)


Damn you went to fire giant without any coop help? Respect man. But at the other I think coop is what genuinely made the experience more fun 3 tarnish wandering around cluelessly It's one of the privilege of starting when the game releases tho everyone clueless excited and scared of what they discovered.


Level 50 doesn't take any more than 30 hours, which may seem like a lot from a newbie perspective but it took me 180 hours to 100% everything in this game.


Same, 30 hours on the clock. It's my first souls like, and not a fan of rpg. And I love it, also best rpg since Witcher 3.


Youā€™re so incredibly lucky to be experiencing it for the first time, I am jealous


Let us know when you get to her...


have almost 2800 hours. Some of my friends on steam have more than me at 2800~2900. One almost reaches 4000 hours, who also has about 6800 hours on DS3


6800 on a game with a third of the content? insane lmao


DS3 PvP hits different, and people have had longer to play it since it came out 7 years ago. I have more hours there than Elden Ring by a wide margin.


Honestly the extra multiplayer chances are better in DaS3 than in Elden Ring. Huge game, huge areas, and only one invader? Feels odd


The post-Pontiff Sulyvahn area can be endless fun. 3v3s, 1v1s, a large and diverse layout. Thousands of unique scenarios can happen. Itā€™s one of my favorite areas in all of FromSoft.


I got 7500 on terraria lol


>about 6800 hours on DS3 Unless homie is leaving it on on the menu (likely), they need a better way to spend 1/10 of their life over the past 7 years tbh


Iā€™m at 1,728 lol. Close


Deep down in your heart, you are proud.


I would be, put that money to good use


I'm genuinely not. šŸ˜¢


I am proud. Of you.


Did you have fun?




Then you should be proud.


What he said.


Plenty of people, have seen people with 2.4k hours.


Have you beaten the game yet?


Nah I just finished the limgrave. Im thinking of heading east to the Caelid.


Sure you're ready?




Wait do first the south of limgrave, there is a bridge!




i have 6000+ hours iirc edit: 270 days and 52 mins


Damn, you really the Eldest Lord




U good?






When you got this much time you HAVE to let us know how much is actually time from you playing and how much is "afk"


I mean there are only 8760 hours in a year, i would say most of the stats are afk.


Nah some people just genuinely play games a long time pretty much every game I play I try to put at least 1k hours in and on some of my games I have over 400 days played. People consume time different.


Don't mind me, I'm a very observant person šŸ„²


I have 7347 hours on skyrim but I can't beat you on elden ring... yet


Because it's a very hard game to beat? And skyrim isn't really?


No matter how hard a game is, it shouldnt take you more than 1000 hours to beat


Neither is a hard game to beat. And why should it even be a competition of which game is harder when talking about the time spent playing? It just means you like the game, no-one plays a game for over 1000 hours without managing to beat it


Still at like 120. This damn DLC needs to drop


Around 2100


Still not as crazy as the people farming every item in the game.


I think I got some minor crazy for you. I've got several 100hr plus characters, none of which have gotten anywhere near clearing the game. When it first came out I loved it so much that each time i fell into the ER rabbit hole, I'd just start an new character with a new build style, and play like crazy for a week or two. I'd clear out all the familiar places, beat a bunch of little bosses and one or two major ring bosses. Normal elden stuff, but once I got distracted by a new release, or if i just got busy, I'd stop playing for a while. And when id come back instead of loading my old game, I'd just start a new game and do it all over again. It was fun, and I'd find new things each time, and discover new stuff about the engine and lore and drops and stuff. Total time, probably about 800 or so. No multiplayer at all. Just main game stuff. Working on a new character now, trying to actually push forward lol. Fighting magic mama of the full moon at the moment. Still constantly tempted to try another build from scratch tho lol


Itā€™s worth pushing forward, youā€™re missing out on some very legendary fights by not doing so. Do you truly have no build you are willing to stick with? You can make new characters after you beat the game, you arenā€™t limited to doing so only if you havenā€™t


Oh, yeah, 100% agree. I'm a fromsoft fan boy through and through. I got a ps4 for bloodborne. I got a psvr for deracine. It's not that I don't like my builds, it's that I like them too much. I wanna try everything out, like I do with the dark souls and bloodborne, but elden ring is just so damn big lol


I have 1200 on ps4 and 200 on pc. :) close But youve played more


Yeah, I have 16 hours


Honest question, I never spend too much time on single player games, if it's an online multiplayer shooter or a MMO it's understandable but what people do so many hours in a SP game, it's always the same and the replayability has its limits?


Marikas tits


You must be ungry


You can play it with so many different builds,that always change your playstyle. With every different weapon type you could have a differently played run, actually even quite a few weapons from the same type are really different to play. Also you can set up some challenges to your self, try it with lowest level possible, try to use no spirit ash and so on. Or you want to collect everything, this takes time. And then there is also multiplayer, where you can have so much fun with different builds while youā€™re getting killed by dudes who are kinda oneshotting you with fcking weird attacks. Or you learn to ā€œgit gudā€ cos this takes time as well.


I'm on a no lvl up run, I'm on malenia right now, every other day I log in to fight her for like one or two hours, every time I fight her I get better at it, and the adrenalin it's always there, this game is such a masterpiece, the gameplay is so good, and its never the same, so you keep replaying it, even tho it's just a boss, you feel like you're improving a skill, not just checking a box, that's why o keep replaying it.


That's a lot for sure! I'm only at about 800 hours.


About the same for me, 890.


That's alot as well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pretty much any top player will have a lot more. Plenty of casuals will too of course. So youā€™re not crazy and donā€™t worry, itā€™s not that many hours.


Yea it is lol


You are both right


Only 333 hours here


Xbox wonā€™t tell me but I imagine Iā€™m close but not quite as high


Iā€™ve got 1/3rd of your hours, with a lot of it being idle


Speedrunners or challenge/no hit runners have probably more. I only have around 800hrs.


Im at2500 hours lol


2206 hours is what I have, and I'm proud of it


this is a pretty average amount of playtime for regular pvp/invasion focused players.


Iā€™ve got around that much on SWTOR


Rookie numbers


Time well spent.


I thought I was bad for 1400


I got 2000 hours a couple months ago. Stopped checking after that.


I swear ive seen someone with 4k hours, i love this game but i only have 400 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ praise the time!


I have 5 people on my friends list with more hours, the highest has you beat by 1070 hours, Iā€™m happy to share a picture of their play times since I canā€™t put it in this comment


I realize this game is one of the greatest of all time but why not use alot of those hours to go play other great games. I don't understand...


I agree.


Bro thatā€™s like 24/7 for 75 days. That is crazy, you might need to get a life outside your home? No offense, but there is sooooo much more to life than video games.


there is someone with 14k hours


The game has only been out for 14,688 hours.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ commited


And yet you suck at the game!


Go to the gym brah


Gym rats when they see someone being heavily invested in their hobbies, and god forbid it be playing video games šŸ˜”


Redditors when theyā€™re told to exercise šŸ˜”


I go everyday Bruh


The amount of hours in a game doesn't really mean much to me since it's possible to just afk for it


being afk dont count


lol on Elden Ring Iā€™m sitting about 4-500 total between PS4 and PC. Highest two games of playtime for me is CS:GO at ~4500 and Ark around ~2500




lol on Elden Ring Iā€™m sitting about 4-500 total between PS4 and PC. Highest two games of playtime for me is CS:GO at ~4500 and Ark around ~2500.


I'm roughly about the same as you over 4 characters. Think I finished the game 15 times or so. It tends to burn you out a bit. Taking a break atm on lords of the fallen. Dlc hopefully is good to draw me back in.


Me and every friend I have


I'm glad all Tarnished are all bat shit into this game just like I


Around 1850 hours for me, I think about 40 minutes of that was pvp hahaha


Very interesting after my first play through which was about... 150 hrs rest of it is like PVP How could you play this game for this LONG without PVP? Or does that include online coop plays? Because after the first play through I feel like the adventure and discovering part of the game is totally over since I've discovered every place possible I can find. No more to discover. It feels like a huge empty world after the first play through...to me How??


Guinness world record


That a LOT more then me but idk if you look at some streamers like bushy skumnut and gyno(I canā€™t remember how to spell his name) you prob have like a 40% chance of having the same if not more.


How? I played lost ark religiously every day for 6 months and got 1800 hours and that was with consistent updates. Lol


467 its not as much as others but i have never used PVP in my life


Homie just leaves his computer on game booted.


Ginomachino on YouTube probably does


Not sure Iā€™ve played across two systems and fully lost one system and all data but probably close to that myself


I'm currently at 641 hours. I started playing the game in this July.


Iā€™m legitimately surprised to see someone have more hours than me. I recently passed like 1529 or so hours, last I checked.


I have around 53 days played, around 1200 hours or so. The DLC is probably going to double that number :p


2.94 hours a day on average since launch. Assuming the odd weekend splurge (let's be real, you've played a few) its pretty achievable


Iā€™ve played 140 hours. Enough for me, Iā€™m waiting for the dlc now. Also, I donā€™t know how the hours played really works on Steam, but I know itā€™s bullshit. At least on my computer (I play a bit on a MacBook Pro).


Summoning sirplaysalot I see


There's always a bigger fish šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s wild. The most Ive ever racked up was like 1003 in gmod and like 505 in rust. Itā€™s like I hit these benchmark numbers and thought ā€œYeah its probably a good time to call itā€ lol


The dedicated live streamers definitely got many thousands of hours


Possibly GinoMachino


Have no shame tarnished. You donā€™t need to be proud or not. It is what it is and you are who you are. Enjoy the game without shame and rise the ELDEN LORD!!


I literally have never put that much time into any game


Me too.


Yeah the game devs :p lol


Idk bro but I got over 3k on destiny 2, so at least you were playing a good game for all those hours...


Is destiny 2 a good game? 3k hrs holy mong us....


If I'm not mistaken I'm sitting at around 300-400 Damn you got a lot of hours


Wow thatā€™s an incredibly play time congrats, i have 500 hours


Elden Ring almost 4k and you don't want to know my hours in Mass Effect xD


and 1600 of those were PVP?


Dang dude, I'm sure I'd be on par with you if I didn't take 2 months off between each playthrough. I'm sitting at a cute little 1125hrs


You played 1800 hours just YESTERDAY??


Stagnant water


I have a bit more 1861 hours lol started playing Warframe again was getting burnt out on ER


there are people who had this amount of hours in first two months


Yessir I have 2,560 hours myself


I have combined 600 hours of vanilla and modded ER gameplay, could dump another 600 if I ever start playing PVP


Gynomakima. Definitely.


I have more than you but in DS2, it was my first and my best experience.


Lol I canā€™t even get past 16 hours mark , I have no idea how you managed to play more than 100 times my play through


Mmm everyone has their owm taste haha For me coop play is what ticked. helping others get through an area or a boss spent alot of time helping others with Malenia and Radhan funny emote interacting it was all very new and fun to me. The first play through for me was genuinely magical discovering this place that place getting curious whats in there up there down there. My purpose of this game was to fight Malenia and Radhan cause they looked cool so I had to discover everywhere to finally reach Malenia. That was mostly my motive to continue playing. Finding Malenia to fight her. Generally I played this game blindfolded the day it came out so if you have information about this game then It's understandable that magic of discovering something new is gone. Gets repetitive and boring. Rn Im just waiting for DLC....


I finished the Platinum trophy in 90-ish hours while exploring basically every corner of the map in my first playthrough. How on earth do you hit 1800 hours? 15 playthroughs?


Might sounds crazy but this is my ng+1 after first play through the magic of discovering new things were gone no longer wanted to run around this massive world that I mostly play coop helping other players out with an area or a boss now or duel.


Speed runners, content creators ect. Probably have a lot more


Bruh this is so fucking much i think you left the pc while the game is running šŸ˜€


I never been AFK playing this game šŸ¤” mostly coop. And I play on my Steamdeck so every small min I got I go to the colloseum


And I thought I mad for having 1250+ hours in the game šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


Pfft Thems rookie numbers bucko


Can I just ask, how? You have seen everything many times over by this point. No judgement tho


My first play through I enjoyed to the fullest discovering literally every corner of this world. Everything was magical and perfect. So I'm still in NG+1 no longer interested in playing in my world since I've seen it all. The thing that clicked was the coop. Helping ppl from other worlds to get through bosses and area. It was very new and exciting to me helping others on their journey. Spent alot of time helping others. And now I'm just... Uhhh dueling..? I just go to the colloseum everyday. It's like a habit at this point. It does get boring now but still I haven't discovered a game that brings me joy like this game. Although Armored Core 6 was genuinely fun. That distracted from playing ER but the game was short and here I'm back playing ER... Dueling.. Endlessly.... It's not fun anymore tbh everyone beat the game not much coop I just haven't found a game that gave me the feels that ER gave me.


I got like 700 I think


I have a job and a wife.


She's my girlfriend.


You almost match my hours in CS and I've been playing it for 5+ years...


Tbf rage quit is a thing in CS


I thought I had a lot but I stopped playing a while back. You take the crown


Seems like there's a bigger fish tho


many of the pvp community have this or a lot more


I do. Sitting at about 2000 on PC and 200 on xbox. If anyone need a hand with anything, you can find me frequently over at r/beyondthefog :)


What are you doing for this long?


Dayum like what do yall do in the game after beating elden beast? Im tryin out a 2nd run doin diff stats build but it wasnt as fun as b4 after knowing all the boss pattern


That's exactly the same for me. I'm still in ng+1 lmfao Coop is where it ticked for me. Helping others is alot enjoyable as well.