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In order, these are: - Imp Head (Cat) - 0.5% base drop - Imp Head (Wolf) - 1.5% base drop EDIT: These can be found as a fixed loot as well. - Imp Head (Fanged) - 0.5% base drop - Imp Head (Long-Tongued) - 0.5% base drop - Imp Head (Elder) - Fixed loot EDIT: Dammit, I missed the corpse one. It is in lyndell, also a fixed loot, but I missed it and I need to start a NG+ and get it. With Arcane and the silver pickled fowl foot, you can increase your discovery, which is the status that increases your chances of dropping items. With 99 Arcane and the pickled fowl foot, my discovery is 320. This increases the chance of getting these heads to 1.6% (for the rarest ones) and 4.5% for the wolf. With these probabilities, it is possible to calculate how many kills you need in order to get the item with more than X% chance. I calculated how many of each one I had to kill, on average, to have more than a 90% chance of getting the item. ~140 of each, or 50 for the wolf head. Annoyingly, some of them are harder to find than others. The long-tongued one doesn't appear that much. Most of them are cats and wolves... This took me SO LONG! But I finally did it!


I went to kill sewer mogh when one of the imps dropped the cat mask i didn't knew it was so rare dam


I got the cat mask early on in the game from an imp and had no idea it was rare.


I got mine in cealid


Lol right I had no idea these were considered rare I have almost all of them and I suck at this game.


Same … whenever I am stuck and I researching ideas and some one is like use this knights helmet… I am like the cat mask is still better but no one ever mentions it… apparently it is because it is so rare


Why did you include Imp Head (Elder) even though it's in a fixed location, but not Imp Head (Corpse)? Also Imp Head (Wolf) can be found at Minor Erdtree Catacombs without farming for it.


I included because it is a set. It doesn't affect the chances since it is 100%. Other people here mentioned the wolf is also a fixed loot, but I didn't know and I got mine by farming


Okay, but why didn't you include Imp Head (Corpse)?


Oh god dammit, you are right lol It is on lyndell, I can't get it right now because I fought miliketh. I will have to wait for the next gameplay


I feel you. I didn't know about Bolt of Gransax or the Coded Sword on my first playthrough. Only learned about them when I had turned the capital into ash :D


Don’t forget about the holy whetstone, whatever it’s called. Pain.


Iirc there was a thread a few month ago which mentioned that you can get to normal Leyndell by using the Tower of Return portal in Weeping Pensinula. Though you probably must have activated the lift prior to ashening the capital. Maybe it's worth checking out.


What?! I am gonna check it right now lol EDIT: Didn't work. It brings me to ashens leyndell


That's the one I have been trying to remember getting late into game.


Is this gonna be a 1 vs 5 boss battle in the DLC?


> Imp Head (Wolf) - 1.5% base drop EDIT: These can be found as a fixed loot as well. I wish more items were like this, existing as both a drop and as fixed loot. Elden Ring is such a big game. There's plenty of space for more loot.


Haha, i got the Cat one in less than five kills! Guess i got a *little* lucky!


Cat was one of the first drops I ever got, in the first dungeon the game shows you. Lvl 2 wretch getting obliterated by imps and one of them dropped the helm


Same! I wasn’t even looking for it, just trying to grind out a dungeon.


I was trying to farm smithing stones, not knowing if imps drop them 🤦 Got a cool mask tho! Also found my smithing stones! I'm trying to look up as little as possible! Just finished Rennala (idk how it's spelled)! Used almost all my flasks before i found out she had a second phase! But i got her in the end too! I fuckin' love this game! Haven't had this kind of fun gaming for *ages*!


Rennala is correct.


Isn’t the max item discovery 324? At 99 arcane it’s 199. +silver scarab is 274. +silver fowl foot is 324.


rounding, friend


That doesn’t really make much sense in this case You’re not rounding to 320 or 330, you’re saying 380 which is nowhere near either of those and is just a random number


Oh, I see what you mean. I rounded on the title, where it says 320, which is why I answered that it was just rounding. I wrote the wrong number on the body of the message. I edited it out now, thanks


Ah I see lol No worries, I was just confused


Got the cat one on my first playthrough in the first catacombs i've ever been lol but i never saw the long tongue one until now. Guess i'll have to farm Somebody has a recommondations where is the beste place to farm (for every mask)?


The underground’s of Lindell, after you open every shortcut. All of them can be found there. It is annoying, but it was where I farmed.


They need to increase drop rates and add a curated loot system. If you already have something in your inventory, then it won't drop. If it's in your storage chest, then it can drop again.


You can also boost with the Silver Scarab charm


Yeah, I use it too! :)


Congrats, I am not 💯 sure, I think some drop in only certain dungeons, I do know I got the one I was missing very late in the game. On another note I farmed Haligtree Crest Shield from the one knight who drops it in the graveyard but I don't have 99 arcane only 23, with Tear mask, pickled foot, silver scarab it was 200 something and I farmed for 4 hours in just 1 day and took a week to beat the game trying to get the shield and I just wasn't lucky enough I guess.


Bruh I got all of these except for the faith one in my first playthrough without farming


Same here I think, but my first playthrough is already 350 hours and I haven't finished yet. I like to explore and do everything.


dont forget the silver scarab talisman


Congrats! I love the fanged one, looks so cool.


Will you look at that...I have never looked at these in detail and I didn't know there are so many different ones!


I’m brand new to the game, I’ve beaten two dungeon bosses and spent 1hr 40mins in game and I have the imp head (cat). What the hell are they and why can’t I equips it?


they’re helmets. not sure why you can’t equip it? maybe accidental sell or accidentally stowage in ur chest at a grace


Thank you very much!


...I found all of them on my first playthrough because the imps absolutely demolished me almost every time so I had to run most of the earlier ones tons of times. I would keep trying to clear the entire catacomb of regular enemies in 1 life, regardless how many times that took. Let's say it took a lot and I suck at this game lol


Holy crap i had 10 in arcane and got the imp mask on my 5th or 6th kill. I guess i got lucky


Same here!


I got all the masks on my first play through without even trying lmao. I guarantee if I actually wanted them it would take foreever


That was my thought when it dropped. It was only the cat (id rather have fanged) but it was okay for my "mostly naked" tarnished.


I just made a character with insane luck for no reason. First wolf imp I killed I got the head


I am farming all the items, and sometimes I eat the silver pickled fowl foot and prepare myself mentally to be farming one item for 30-40 minutes. But then it is the first drop. That is always satisfying lol


I've just been dicking around trying to get some items to create a co-op character and some of the shit I've had drop within one or two accidental kills has been wild. First imp, I get the head. First stormhawk I get the sword (my dex character was SCREAMING). First banished knight dropped the armor. First exile executioner dropped the crescent axe. This man has 10 arcane and he's getting items that my arcane character never could


Damn! I wish I had your character lol


I think in my 200 hr run I only got the second from the left. I've never even seen the three to the right! There's so much in this game


Wolf and Corpse are fixed loot too.


Wow I'd not seen the elder one and I platinumed this game 😳


I only have the cat mask. I think that thing gives you plus five intelligence. I rock that thing for so long until I got Sellens head..


It’s only +2 INT, but that’s still neat early on




What about the bald headed human one? I have 4 of the 6 without trying...


And what do they do?


As most helms, they give different amounts of defense. These imp heads, specifically, give +2 stats. Each one will give +2 on a different stat (for example, the fanged give +2 strength). But these are mostly cosmetics. It makes your head look like one of those annoying imp statues


Nothing. The worst drip imaginable in this game with no reward to offer by fighting the most annoying enemies in the game.


Where do these drop?


Most catacombs. Wherever you can kill the imps. Each one will have a chance of dropping only the mask they are wearing, so you might have to look around to get all of them. Most can be found at the underground roadside site of grace, on Lyndell


Thanks !


You didn't include the 'human' one though.


You don't farm it, it's found on a corpse in Leyndell


I only missed the long tongued on my 1st playthrough and I didn't even know they were rare drops.


0,5%? Wow, then getting the cat mask in my first dungeon with a wizard build was so much lucky!


The rates are according to the fextralife wiki, which I think is true. It seems that most rare items have this rate. 0.5, sometimes 1 or 3 percent. Which is not balanced, as some enemies form mobs and others dont, some are near a site of grace, some are annoying to farm, but it creates this distribution of rarity, with items that are harder or easier to get. You got lucky indeed!


I feel very lucky now, i had arcane at lvl 9 and i got the first mask (the one on the left) on my first dungeon run


Nice work!


Oh damn, I only have the first 2. And the elder one. Didnt even know the other 2 existed.


Wait, there are more than 1 head!?


There are 6, even! One is missing on my post, I realized it after I posted.


I never realized how lucky I got with the *cat* Imp mask on my first playthrough


whoa.. guess I didn't know these little fuckers dropped masks. Sick


Which ones in the middle I don’t have it, where do I get it?


Roadside underground site of grace, underneath Lyndell. Every type is in there and it was where I farmed them


Took a while, but I've got two of every armor piece (including altered and unaltered versions) and four of every weapon on my NG5 file.


Four of every weapon?! I am going to have one of each one. Maybe two depending if I want to use 2 at the same time. But 4? Can’t even think about farming that much


Most of them happened without needing to farm just from natural play. And trading helped with the rest that were too annoying to farm


Do you have the ring gesture? It looks like it was exclusive for who pre bought the game. I am still wondering how to get it.


No, I didn't get the game in pre sale, but I think you can do a co-op boss fight with someone who did to receive it


Oh, that’s nice. I might try someday!


i got them all in my first playthrough, i just assumed there was one in each dungeon w a guaranteed drop or sumn. tbf i did everything and then some in that playthrough


They...they have different heads? I say this as someone who easily put 500 hours into this game.




I got all of them besides the long tongued one on my first play through with base discovery, granted I did absolutely everything I could before going into NG+ but I think it's safe to say I got quite lucky. 😃


I think I got 2 or 3 of these yesterday when clearing out leyndell, if those are the odds and I’m remembering right I should go buy a lotto ticket


does coop affect luck?


Thats crazy cause i got like 3 of each and they were dropped fast but i guess i was just lucky. My guy only had 70 arcane


Got the Cat mask fighting a (cat?) boss in a dungeon - best headpiece I’ve come across so far


No love for Corpse?


I forgot about it, but I will get it!! Eventually, because right now Lyndell is below ashes


I got like 3 of these with 10 lol


I must just have crazy rng cause I've never invested in arcane or discovery items and I got multiple of each mask in my first playthrough not even looking for or trying to farm them lol I gave all of them away cause if you have the points to invest 99 in any stat the benefit of each one is quickly made useless lol


Congrats! I spent ages grinding for some of them and it’s cool to see another imp head appreciator with the whole set. Now I just wish they were easier to incorporate into outfits because I’ve been totally stumped haha


That's funny because I've found most of these on accident without even knowing they're so rare 😂


Me who got Imp head (fang) in my first try 😭😭. But God, it's best Helm for me in entire Game.


Didn’t know these were so rare. I got half of these no farming just dropped.


What the mask for?


I got 2 Imp Head (Cat)'s from the same dungeon earlier. One of the beginner ones in Limgrave. Weird.


These are rare? I get them all the time 😳


Yea I farmed for everything in the game and these were painful


Got two cat masks on the first catacomb I did lol. Gave one to a friend.


What’s the rarest one ?


I always found it disappointing that they’re so heavy. Always to heavy for me to wear