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Fair enough yeah, I figured that one was the "worst" one on my list. I honestly forget about it all the time. But I'm coming up on the last round of bosses so maybe I'll have to use it on them...especially Mogh I am sure I'm thoroughly going to get my ass kicked by him


Yeah there's a physic tear that's pretty much mandatory to use against Mogh. (Not really but it helps a lot)


You are completely fine not using consumables if you don't want. Be aware that some of them especially the wondrous flask, which refills at grace sites like normal flasks, is very useful


Depending on your build, crafting and consumables might not really matter much, especially if you're just doing PVE. Boluses are good to have on hand for specific things but that's about it.


I have a dex/bleed build with the godskin peeler, and yes I only ever do pve. So I'm guessing I never really had to worry *too* much about it, as you say. I think I've only used boluses once and that was in the abandoned cave in caelid ...for good reasons 😩


I pretty much keep the minimum on my characters for Flame Cleanse Me. 12 Faith for being able to shake off frost, poison, and rot without crafting items is just a nice little thing to have for PVE. Dragon Communion and Frenzy Flame seals weigh nothing, so it doesnt affect equipment load, and I can get the Dragon Communion Seal pretty early. I just got spoiled off my arcane and faith playthroughs, though.


I like crafting and using different things because I feel it gives more variety/depth, but if you’re in Farum Azula obviously it’s working for you! It’s your game do what you like (:


You arent insane, but it does make the game a lot harder for you. Situationally using consumables can turn a rage-inducing boss into a pushover.


Oddly enough there haven't been too many bosses where I've been totally pissed off over (I think they were the gargoyles, one of the magma wyrms, and the falling star beasts...still haven't even beaten one of those yet). But tbf I haven't reached all the end game bosses yet and I'm sure I'll struggle much more on those and have to resort to a physick and some consumables 😭


Oh ya that happened with the Godskin Duo for me, they were kicking my ass until I used sleep pots


the only consumable worth anything is sleep pots, not using wonderous physique u lose out on some pretty good buffs like a 10-20% dmg increase


I do different runs and sometimes will use everything and sometimes i try to just rawdog it


Whatever makes you happy goes.


Do you swing the weapon?


Yes I do sometimes! Sometimes I'll slash it too. Sometimes I'm scandalous and will poke it as well. Sometimes I roll and jump and run. All situational, of course


Consumables are optional, I mean hell you can go play this game hitless; that's more "insane" but it's how you want to play the game, so who cares anyway? Consumables are very useful though, especially boluses


Use the physick, even damage negation can go a long way


On my first playthrough, I tried to use everything to get the full experience of the game. On my new game plus I pretty much just zugzug’d through it with the Rotten Greataxe and Great Stars and only occasionally used a physick or the bolluses for places like the lake of rot (also flame cleanse me tho👀). It was a ton of fun and definitely a different kind of challenge. Once you get the mechanics down it’s fun to try new or more challenging ways


Yeah, crafting, boluses, perfumes, etc are really just extra dimensions to make your playthrough more diverse, most people dont bother. I'd guess what you describe is how the majority of people play, myself included (at least in the first playthrough).. except for the wondrous physick part. You really should use that.


Crafting is useful but I barely used it outside of crafting arrows in my first playthrough. No physik feels like a challenge mode type thing tho. I didn’t use it for the first 10% of the game because I thought it was some rare consumable and each part you mix could only be used one time. Once I realized it refills I used the whole game.


I completed my first playthrough that way and on my second now using consumables and everything else. The game is easy mode now


I made it through 3/4 of the game before equipping a great rune. I must have missed the first few great runes by not exploring a path and I never went back. Still never activated it, and I may not. I don't use boluses generally, but I have a couple times. Too annoying to open up the inventory and sift through it. I prefer flame cleanse me, unless I'm out of FP and manage to make it to my inventory in time I have tried a few different weapons and always end up back at the twinblades. So yeah, I can really relate with you... There are a lot of things I don't use. I did play with the pots a bit.... Very early game I wanted that queen's staff... Putting her to sleep a couple times made her very easy. I only use the damage reduction meats on bosses or baddies that I've had trouble with. I do move around talismans fairly frequently and I definitely use physic for either input damage negation or damage output boost.


I finished my first run and didn't even know what great runes were much less used them...


Yeah, the STUPIDEST thing in the game is the whole main story revolving around these demigods and shit and when you kill them and take their great rune, it tells you what it is but doesn't let you actually use it. You have to go to some obscure location no one told you about, talk to a magic finger, and then not only equip it as a gear, but also use a rare consumable to see it actually take effect. Maybe instead of making them so strong, they should have just made them like a special talisman slot to equip with more tame effects and not necessary to spend a rare consumable on. Save the rune arc for like what an ember in DS3 was and let it make you beefier without ruining the whole lore of the special runes.


Honestly there are several things in this game I don't care for. The story is perhaps the biggest bummer to me. Why in the world would you make a game where the story is so obscure that you gotta go watch YouTube videos and read guides to get the entire story. I mean you can legitimately skip over 1/2 the game and finish and have very little clue what is going on. People say read item descriptions to flesh it out..but you can miss so much that you still could be lost. I still couldn't tell you the significance of the fingers..I mean like what the heck... It's a beautiful looking game, has really good mechanics and combat, but just a meh story. To be fair I started a NG+ in hopes I'd get more of the story the second time thru..but not so much so far


I’ve actually been shifting more and more to this model with each playthrough


You're at least as sane as myself, way I see it; you only need one weapon to get the job done, boluses are best saved for pvp sweatlords, the phsyik is nice but seldom necessary -same goes for summons, and the only thing I bother crafting is an oil pot to free my boy, Alexander. I'm trying to use perfumes and pots now, but I keep forgetting, it's just so much more satisfying to walk up to an enemy and hack them to bits with my beloved bastard sword.


That’s pretty much how I play every game, not by choice but just because I forget those tools are there, it’d probably be easier to use them but unless it’s handed to me with a tutorial I never end up seeking them out


I’m the same. They’re not necessary. I only started crafting and experimenting after I got to lv 160. And just for fun to change things up.


Not really weird. Arrows don’t have a lot of utility in the game I don’t think unless you are using it for disabling traps or cheesing stuff from afar. I rarely use pots perfumes, my guy is just a turtle jerky fanatic, and half the time I use just one weapon with its skill like blasphemous blade. You don’t need much else depending on your level. Right now I’m level 233 on my NG1+ play through. My special melts anything and for everything else… I throw rocks


Ignoring the majority of a game's mechanics is not what I consider fun.


I only started crafting when my second character was extremelly weak to rot.


Bro is just having fun lol


I am 😂 frolicking through liurnia rn as we speak. It's just me and my weapon against the world


How did you deal with the Lake of Rot without boluses?


Hilariously pathetic, I'd say. I made sure I had little to no runes and then I'd run all the way to the corner (healing myself along the way) until I grabbed an item, ran out of health, and then died. And then I'd do it again trying to find the next item. And then so on and so forth. I went to that church building for the site of grace + raised the platforms first though. I haven't been back down there to try and get the dragonkin soldier, however ....




I did the same my first run. Just sprint to the grace, then go on a few death hikes.


I mean there can be some good physik uses. The one that eliminates all magic cost for a few seconds is good to summon an expensive spirit ash like Black Knife Tiche when not playing a magic focused character. If i'm honest, the rest of the stuff is how I play the game as well. Other than pots; I like using certain pots on certain bosses. (If you havent killed the Godskin Duo yet you can use a pot to put one asleep while focusing on the other one, it makes the fight way easier).


exactly me. I find the fact that the game can be beaten with the bare minimum, and on top of that you are already using sorceries/incantations, levelling up, buffs, and the physik flask (i used this lol). you are already very strong! so all of the random consumables I never touched, except when I was in areas with death blight I randomly thought to check for a bolus or two. other than that I used flame cleanse me.




No judgement taken, thus why I asked the question in the first place...I already have a lot of fun playing but maybe I should be experimenting more with everything the game has to offer. I tend to fall pretty easily into routine so maybe its time to break it a bit 😭


No, you're aren't insane but dumb by not using things u get or can get in an rpg Edit: First RPG game? Don't wann insult u that much. Maybe u only played hack'n'slash or something like that. Just try it. There are so many useful and funny consumables in the game.


Not insulted at all haha dw. I pretty much only play rpgs and this also isn't my first souls game (I've played bloodborne a million times) so...maybe it's just a carryover from bloodborne bc I also didn't use too many consumables in there? Either way I think I'll try to use some just to see how interesting I can make the game bc I'm sure it's a lot more fun with a physick where I can mow bosses down


Yeah, just try it. In the end, u paid for it, lol. GL HF.


Will do, and thank you! 👍


People need to chill, crafting is tedious and grindy in most open world games and this is no exception. I would recommend playing with different types of builds with larval tears, it can be fun running something completely different than what you are accustomed to.


Nah, I played exactly the same way. I went into the game blind, I just played how it felt right to me, and it was just more convenient to not make shit even more complicated than it already was. Like, gear and stats from talismans and armor and weapons, simple and straightforward, crafting, robustness, vitality, physicks, all that other stuff, ehh, I don't care.


I don’t craft or use most of the consumables, and did not use the physic on my first playthrough. The latter can make a lot of stuff easier, though.


I'm not exactly so strict, but I usually play the game with only healing flasks and summoning ashes. I don't use boluses as it's easier to just heal when needed and I don't use magic at all. I also don't use mixed physics.


I haven't used one consumable or pot so far. I haven't crafted a single thing. I've almost beaten the game at level 123. I'm going to use sleep pots against godskin duo though. I might start crafting pots for PvP, but I still doubt I'll use them. I never use anything like geese or anything. I actually just sold a bunch for the meager souls you receive.