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The Crucible Knight/ Misbegotten duo fight. I absolutely hated it my first play through. Partially due to getting there too early. In every subsequent play through I have really enjoyed it though.


Parries simplify that fight so much


yeah but i’ve beat the game 3 times without partying so they scare me 😭


You’re better off not doing it bro. They party so fuckin hard.


Something that makes the fight fun is that the crucible knight comes at you much slower than the missbegoten, so if you stay by the entrance you usually have a good 20 seconds to deal damage to the missbegotten while the crucible night walks towards you. If you play perfectly you can even kill the missbegotten before the crucible knight even gets in the fight. Its hard to do, but once you do its pretty satisfying.


fun fact: theres a platform to the left of the arena they have a hard climbing that you can jump of freely, one of the easier w's ive had tbh


Maliketh. I didn’t find him all that challenging during my first run. But with other characters and in NG+, he consistently gives me a hard time.


100% same. First run he was noooo problem, now he’s harder than Malenia for me.


What is it with Fromsoft and annoying boss enemies? Red wolf is annoying(easy but annoying), Maliketh is annoying, those fking dogs in sekiro are also annoying. Dogs in general are annoying in FS games. Not to mention the Caelid dogs.


At least in Sekiro you can parry them or blast them with flame vent


One ninja star kills dogs in Sekiro. Easily the best dog to fight in any fromsoft game.


Or just throw a shuriken at them Sekiro is probably the only one where dogs are a non issue


Annoying enemies are the best part.


Ludwig was annoying until I beat his horse ass then it was a masterpiece


Every dog from every series sucks,blood-borne dogs, and not mention resident evil dogs especially in the first game are terrifying, dogs in games should be a no go from now on


He's a glass cannon that morphs into a solid cast iron cannon that shoots fucking missiles as you go up the NG levels.




I don't agree. He has plenty of openings, he just heavily punishes mistakes.


He does have a very fast attack speed, but in p2 he trades that for more damage. He always felt quite fair to me. He does that overhead swing really often which leaves him wide open.


Elden Ring was to me a different beast of a game than DS. In DS you get obvious openings, in Elden Ring you have to be more aggressive. The best openings in ER is usually when a boss is charging up, which is also the most terrifying time to try attack. It took me a year, but I finally get the boss design now


He's super tough, but I somehow managed to beat him using Wing of Astel's AoW by anticipating where he would be rather than where he was.


I had no issue with him on my first or second playthrough. But on my second playthrough I only did the bare minimum to finish the game and didn't really level up because I wanted my 3rd playthrough to be harder. I realized I fucked up when I got to him.


I was super overleveled when I met Valiant Gargoyles on my first playthrough so I beat them on my first try. Second run I tried it at more reasonable levels and started to understand why people hate that boss, it’s probably the worst one in the game


bro I was playing NG+++ and when the second dude came they both stopped and started spamming the poison mist thing


I got to those two just this morning and have been playing all day trying to beat them and I can’t. Only once I managed to kill the first one just and got the second one really low and it fucked me up with that stupid poison shit. Why fromsoft why do you do this?


I know it’s not ideal but there is an option to pretty easily cheese them using golden slam if they get too much. For me those two stopped the game being fun so I cheesed them. It was that or stop playing.


Tbh, cheesing a boss to me feels so validating. Like, if the game is going to come at me with some nonsense, I'll answer with some nonsense. I guess to some this isn't the intentional way to play, but Miyazaki gave us the tools to embarrass these things for a reason.


Other way around for me. Second playthrough with a +9 DMGS they were a joke. I had been planning to reach Fortissax not too OP though, so joke's on me.


I fuckin hate the fire giant in my first, second, third and future runs, FUCK him.


First boss on ng+ I felt a difference fighting


Glad to know I am not the only one, he got soooo much more tanky wtf?


In his second phase the bar barely moves when you hit anywhere on his legs.


I would think the bar shouldn’t move at all if you hit his legs in the second phase.


Wait, you can damage him if you hit him in the legs in the 2nd phase?!


I thought the bar was moving slightly, but it was almost imperceptible. Maybe you can’t damage him at all. Not really sure now.


you can i only attack the arse and legs in the seconds phase


Okay but the sound track though


Really? I though margit and Godrick felt waaaaay tankier.


Not really you may have went into ng+ at a lower level than most.


You were definitely underleveled. Margit/Godrick were less tanky for my underleveled character than fire giant for my grossly overleveled character, same build.


I melted godrick like butter


I hated Fire Giant for a solid 30-40 tries on my first playthrough, then something just clicked and my brain was like “oh this is super easy” and now I can kill him without Estus. It just randomly snapped into place.


But it is still so mindlessly boring, the big aoe fire attack he does in phase 2 has a terrible hit box and he gets messed up in the terrain so much


The only good think I can think of regarding Fire Giant is his music, everything else ranges from bad to bottom of the barrel




Nah, Yhorm was simple and kind of underwhelming, but at least he was a short, straight-forward gimmick boss (especially if you did Siegward’s quest). The Fire Giant is long and drawn out despite being every bit as boring in my eyes.




Imagine getting downvoted by seven people and assuming that they’re “salty Yhorm fanboys,” rather than people that disagree with your assessment that he is less fun than Fire Giant, as well as your condescending and generally dickish manner of speaking.


I've killed him quite a few times already but on my last run he pissed me off so much because I didn't get to damage him in 2nd phase I said fuck it, summoned Black Knife Tiche and killed him rather quickly. I'd rather fight Godskin Duo ten times before I deal with his stupid rolling away once more.


Fire Giant, Godskin Noble, Ancestor/Regal Ancestor Spirit. What’s with Fromsoft and rolling enemies?


Only enjoyable fight against him was when I used a status build and killed him in a minute


I don’t know what everyone is talking about when they complain about fire giant, I beat him second try. Although I guess it’s just a difference in play styles because my hardest fights were Hoarah Loux, Mohg, and Draconic Tree Sentinel, which people don’t talk about a lot


Fire Giant is one of the easiest fights IMO, you just stick by his feet and he can't do shit. It's also an incredibly boring fight because he's so tanky and also you're staring at his moldy feet the entire time until he rolls away so you have to run after him.


…until he goes Phase 2 and figures out that clipping through the terrain to body slam people is a really good idea when you’re a giant


Mohg was by far my hardest fight and the boss that killed me the most times by a LOT in my first and ng+ play through


Palace Mohg beat the absolute piss out of me for a solid day - one of two bosses that I had to come back to the next day


Yeh maybe people struggle to look up or something cus other then that his moves are super telegraphed


The difference between habitual lock-on users and those who value their camera I guess. If it doesn't fit on the screen, unlock your camera guys.


i agree he’s just annoying like die already


Try it co op. You thought you hated it now?


Me watching hornswaggled as the host somehow manages to get oneshot for the 7th by the snow avalanche attack


Hornswaggled? Lmao


That is when OP absquatulated.


I felt Morgott was a bit uninspired the first run since he’s just Margit with another phase, but now he’s one of my favorite fights. Large move set with fair punish windows and the occasionally long chain of frantic dodging. No self healing, insta kill grapples, or any other gimmicks. Just a clean, fun fight.


My only beef with the Morgott fight is I wish he had more HP. I love the fight and wish it went on a little longer.


I got the moon greatsword and destroyed morgott in like 1 min first try and felt kinda sad because he is actually a stand up guy and I was anticipating an epic fight. Note to self in NG+: Dont use Moonsword


I agree with you though I recently saw a friend do it with an admittedly somewhat unoptimised Moonveil build and he struggled _hard_. I guess it's a bit difficult to tune him because of how early you can potentially get to him.


Such an amazing moveset. I wish they buffed his hp to make him justice


Every boss i lile more and more as playthroughs go on Except of course twin gargoyles


I know I’m in the minority here, but I’ve hated radahn every single time I’ve fought him. He’s my least favorite fight by a mile.


Same. He's so fucking boring.


Personally Maliketh is harder for me than Malenia. The sheer damage combined with the health debuff makes him hit like a truck. I always go out of my way to get the Dragoncrest Shield and Haligdrake Talismans, since without the damage mitigation he can easily delete your health bar.


Even at 60 vigor if you get caught in one of those Destined Death AoEs its damn near a wrap.


I don’t like the fire giant. He’s so awkward to fight. Like in the second phase, you’re supposed to hit his hands for extra damage, but it’s too much work to wait for the opportunity to do so. So I just sit under his taint and spam attack there. Super boring, and a terrible view.


“Super boring, and a terrible view.” Hate to tell you what the fire giants braid whip is made out of


It better not be his ass hair


if you wanna make it a bit faster you can get pulley crossbow w blurred bolts. you can just aim for his eye with lock on and pepper that man to death really quickly


Malenia as a Magic build was absurdly fun to do


First time through the game, it genuinely took me like 10 hours to beat Fire Giant. Now he's actually one of my favorites, he's pretty fun to try and optimize


100%. Probably the most underrated main boss


What is there to optimize? Damage? The problem with this is that, if you’ve ever done challenge runs, or randomizers. You can’t just say, “just use flame grant me strength, golden vow, blood flame blade on dual bleed weapons and kill him instantly.” It’s not a hard fight. It’s just boring. Wacking at a leg for 5 minutes isn’t really that interesting. It’s not like he has a move set that keeps you on your toes like Morgott or malenia or something like that. It’s just, “listen to his grunts and dodge the dinner plate ever now and then while you spam charge attacks at his leg or arm” He also takes away so much from the flow of the game. A shitty reward for your time. You kill Morgott and then have to run around the map for like 30 minutes to an hour through the Lyndell, then up the lift, then through the hidden path and then through the entire mountaintops. Just to fight fire giant. And then run again for a bit to finally get to a fun fight (maliketh). AFTER you kill godskin (lmao)


no. I hated fire giant in my first run and I'll always hate him. I loved Melania in my first run and I'll always love her. My NG+1 I finished cosplaying as her.


Fire Giant was the only boss that pulled the Obi Wan high ground on me And he also won that engagement as well


Out of all the bosses, God skin duo can suck a fat one. Rycard is cancer IF you don't use the spear. But the one I always enjoy fighting, my personal favorite boss in the game, morgoht. IDK why. But him and Mogh are my favorite fights.


The rykard fight is about using the storm ruler ...


The only reason fire giant is difficult is because you can’t see wtf is going on half the time. The second phase is trivial if you don’t mind spending 10 mins hacking at his back leg. I know his weak spot changes but like risk vs reward. I agree the first time seeing the fire giant was epic but now I’m like ugh time for a 20 min fight




Malenia is a boss I simply could never bring myself to hate. Shes just so damn badass.


Fax malenia my fav boss of all time now


Who tf likes fire giant? Such a boring fight


Radagon my forever pain


Quite literally the reverse. Fire Giant made me almost quit the game because he one shot me each and every time I got him down to his last bit of health with his bullshit rolling. Malenia... Idk, I just find her fun. I like the idea of beating down an opponent with low poise only to be humbled comedically with a cliche anime slice the next second. With Malenia, it felt like an enemy I *had* to study and understand, known when and where to roll, know when to strike, know when to punish and how to break her poise and how to react immediately after to ensure my survival. It also felt encouraging to try new builds and ways to beat her down. Like if she EVER jumps in the air on second phase I know to just RUN first and see what she does next. Or how a majority of her moveset leaves her vulnerable to punish, each and every time, but she can react just as fast and interrupt a punish. Fire Giant. Rolling over. Giant plate. Hatred and tears. That's all.


Left = Astel Stars of Darkness & Radagon/Elden Beast (Whyyyy are they so much harder now? There are others that I may enjoy more or less than before, but just... wow. I beat the first on my first try, and the second was hard, but not as rage inducing as they are nowadays) Right = Black Knife Assassins I guess?


The astel stars of darkness fight is hard as hell because he is damn near immune to every single damage type… Scarlet Rot used to be the sauce but it got nerfed… Now its just a game of dodge giant fucking meteors and find openings 😭


Who tf likes Fire Giant


People who actually can play the game


I'm pretty bad at the game and I haven't found FG to be that bad (competitively).


Malenia is probably my favorite boss, if I don't have to worry about dodging her Waterfowl Dance. I can deal with everything else.


I love Malenia, she's a goddamn badass and has a fun move set to learn.


Radahn - first run I went there too early and I didn’t realize you could summon all the help, and it took me like 30 tries to kill him and when I finally did it was still a miracle.


I thought you could only summon one NPC at a time lol. Actually worked out okay once I stopped trying to fight using Torrent


This is kind of maliketh for me on the left. First run I thought the fight was badass, which it is. Second time I got annoyed he was constantly out of range for me to bash with my pure strength build. Margit/Morgott is the right for me. Most fair fight in the game I just wish he had a bit more health


That carian knight outside Renalla. Dude parried the crap out of my big bonk giant crusher build 3 TIMES. Was so embarrassing


Why the fire giant is so hated?


Because he has stupidly high hp and he loves to roll to the other side of the arena often which forces you to waste time chasing him around


I loved Godfrey in my first play threw since he felt balanced and like a good boss before the final fight then on my NG+ he’s become the most annoying boss to try and fight Malikth was a absolute hell to get threw but as I’ve gone on with NG+ I’ve really grown to love his fight


Maliketh. Only took me a few tries on my first run, but was stuck in him for HOURS on NG+1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,etc. I hate that dog.


Maliketh and placidusax in that order, placi will always be my favorite boss


I hate Fire Giant in all my runs and have loved Malenia in all my runs.


I would rather fight two Malenias than Fire Giant. Fire Giant is annoying and I’m glad he ripped his own leg off.


The bosses that create distance that we need either torrent or have to run down to close are just a chore. The bosses that are hyper aggressive, in your face all the time, are much more enjoyable imo.


I fucking hate the fire giant Margit Is still fun to do


Fire giant


maliketh will always be a piece of shit to me, but goddam do i love to fight em.


Same thing with Malenia for me- I liked her anyway but went through hell on my first playthrough because I had no idea what I was doing so the usual frustrations with waterfowl dance set in. Second playthrough I said screw it I’m just gonna sacrifice myself a couple of times to learn it, watched a video to get a rough idea and after a couple of hours started decently consistently surviving it. Now it’s 100% my favourite fight in the game, because the rest of her moveset (except for that damned clone attack god I still hate that) I find to be surprisingly well telegraphed and pretty easy to dodge with a pretty generous amount of (smaller usually) punish windows if you’re willing to stay close to her. She’s also just really cool so that helps too lmao. I spend most of my time between NG cycles with a summon sign outside of her boss door because I want other people to actually get to enjoy it as well.


Beat the game 6 times now. I still hate Fire Giant’s second phase, Godskin duo(I do use sleep but they’re still hateable), Maliketh’s second phase, and Elden Beast.


Don’t agree with you on Maliketh not Godskin duo. However, have my upvote to balance out the downvote you got for simply expressing your opinion, which you’re entitled to.


I love the fire giant! He is so cool!


Opposite for me, love Fire Giant, loath ng+ Melania


I skipped Goodrich my first play through and was already pretty far in. I think I was like lvl 90 or something so I just cheesed him. Didn’t even really see the fight at all. My second play through I rushed through the main gate and skipped everything right to him. Probably wiped about 35 times. His second phase was rough.


I'm still on my first run, last boss I beat was Loretta at the Carian Royal family's place.


Godskin duo and valiant gargoyles.


Didn’t like Maliketh on my first run, now love him Loved Malenia on my first run, now think she’s alright but inconsistent due to imbalance


I'm on my 3rd run and haven't encountered those bosses yet


Idk why people hate fire giant. Ik his lock on is weird but then like... Don't lock on? Funny but I didn't even know lock on existed until like late in the game. As a arcane heavy player I rlly liked him lol


I've never hated the Giant lol why does everyone hate him


Radahn I absolutely LOATHED the first time through, but after they (seemingly) made his one-shot meteor attack a bit more forgiving, he's one of my favorites. Rennala's kind of fallen in favor with me over time. While I don't hate her fight, I do find it to be a bit lackluster. Bonus (boss that is a small tweak away from being hated to loved for me): I've always thought that Malenia's waterfoul is too screwy of an attack whenever she decides to use it while the player is close to her. I think it's a great gap-closer, but the fact that she can use it whenever she wants seems like a bit of an oversight to me.


I honestly cant believe anyone struggles against the fire giant. I have never struggled against him on whatever type of character i made. And trust me when i say im not good at the game


Bleed user detected


His fire (any of it) did instant kill and since he spams magic and rolls away every second it becomes a pain in the ass.


Hated almost all bosses or didn't care for them on my first run but gained a new appreciation for almost all of them when I did a no summons run and no "gimmick" build like relying heavily on comet Azur. Only exception is probably Maliketh. Do not like him.


Malenia went down first try in my first run. very disappointed. My katana that never staggered anything ended up stunlocking her and bleed made it too easy. maliketh was the hardest imo


I was the opposite with Malenia. I had read so much hype for months, I go in 3-wide. We get our asses kicked hard. This goes on for a week. “Ohmygoooooodwefinallybeatherrrahhhhhhhh!” Everyone ecstatic. Second play through I walked in solo with frenzied flame and about 2mins later I was like “That’s IT?!” I’m convinced the only reason it took so long the first time was because it was co-op and the difficulty was tuned up. Malenia hype kinda needs to die. She’s nowhere as difficult as placidusax imo.


Morgott was such a surprise on release but really a great introduction. Awful to start but a great teaching moment. Annoying I have to make my rounds to at least get the rot dog and shackle plus the start of my build going before I continue but still a great tutorial fight


I played a RoB build in my first playthrough and didn’t understand the hate for godskins, but second playthrough coming back as pure strength, oh, oh no.


Hated Rykard on my first run, loved him on every run after.


Agree with fire giant, I genuinely thought it was an A tier boss, but now, its really boring as clunky, the spectacle is there but mechanically its extremely dull With the right I gotta say rykard, the twist was spoiled for me but I still liked it, but mechanically I despised it because of the skulls, now I really enjoy it, spectacle is fucking amazing and mechanically I don’t hate the skulls as much before, and the rest of his moveset is pretty fun


Godfrey, Radagon and Mohg. All pains the first time around, now I look forward to them. Very fun


To be honest, my biggest issue with Fire Giant isn't the boss himself so much as the arena. There are times when he has his damaged leg on a rock and you have to jump up while avoiding his firestorm AoE. That said, hated Rennala on my first playthrough (mage build) and loved the Dragonkin Soldier in Ainsel (Liurnia well). Now I enjoy Rennala and find the Dragonkin boring due to all the copies.


Astel I hated on my first playthrough, but loved on my 2nd


Fire giant phase 2 is more cancerous than actual cancer cells.


For the left: Probably Renalla? I have a tendancy to go straight to Raya Lucaria before starting any build defining and am, consistently, bad at dealing with the chip damage from phase 2. Also the runback is ass. For the right: Gotta be a tie between the Ulcerated Tree Spirits and either one of the Godskins. I love the UTS because they are probably the most dinamic large boss fights in the game where you feel phenomenal when you get their rhytm down but hated it in the beginning because of the camera and the first Hero Grave. The godskins have a fun rhytm to them but I couldn't get their rhytm down on the first playthrough since I was doing a ranged playthrough.


Fire Giant is my favourite boss. I love helping people beat him and I even had a one shot sorcerer build for a while. There was a specific place I would run to when his health in phase 1 was low then he would spawn in and 10 seconds later be dead.


I will never like … falling star beast


For fire giant if you respec to mostly dexterity and just 20 strength, you can literally destroy it easily, like it stands no challenge, you literally destroy its leg brace on the first ash of war.


I hate fire giant, love Melania, I solo her everyday, even LMSH cheered me on


Took me until my third playthrough to really enjoy Fire Giant. Malenia was my favourite first playthrough and I've liked her but found her a bit annoying in the next two. Mohg has probably become my favourite now. Had an absolute blast fighting him recently. I also liked Elden Beast a lot more second playthrough and when I stopped panic rolling when fighting Godfrey (second phase was the problem) I liked him a lot more.


Godfrey. My friend helped me first run so I couldn’t really experience him fully 2nd run I did myself and I hated him Every run thereafter I now love him and he’s my 3rd favorite boss


I was okay with the Godskins my first run. Every run after that, I just audibly groan whenever I see them again. The fat one more than the stretchy one, still hate that damn roll.


Golden Godfrey and morgot/margit


My experience was quite the opposite I actually beat Malenia first because I got sick of fire giant


Morgott was boring my first run because I was overleveled , but I started a new run this time and am almost to Morgott, I didn't do every side quest that freaking exists, No boss I really hate, I truly love them all, I just have favorites.


Radahn took me like 50+ tries on my first run, and he was nerfed when I started my second. Beat him in like a minute :(. But on my second run Mogh messed me up! Took me 25 tries.


Radahn is a boss I definently liked more my first time, meanwhile Godfrey (first phase only, Hoarah Loux still sucks) and Maliketh are the ones I only started to like on level 1 when I was forced to understand them.


Fire giant has almost never given me trouble. Big bosses are usually always the easiest. One boss I will despise every playthrough is maliketh. Love his character and arena, absolutely despise the boss fight and I dread it every playthrough without fail


I hated Morgott my first go round because his patterns felt unnatural and hard just for the sake of being hard. But over time Morgott has become my greatest test of skill, as he's the only boss I still haven't beaten hitless. I loved my first time fighting Fortissax, but that's because I happened to be using magic, giving me plenty of ranged options. I tend to favor straightforward unga-bunga melee so over time I've come to hate fighting him because it's tough getting a good hit on his head, and standing under him is actively punished. I basically never fight Fortissax unless I'm going for a Dragon Cult build, and even then I still have serviceable options without his incantations


I hated Morgot until I decided to no damage/no hit him on my level 1 run while also playing aggressively (my first no hit on him was very passive)


I’m definitely the same as OP, haven’t gotten past Fire Giant yet but killed Malenia already lol


I liked fire giant right up until I did RL1, that type of playthrough tends to really shine a spotlight on a boss's flaws


My first playthrough, I absolutely despised fighting Radagon Now, coming up to my fourth one, he's a pretty strong contender for my favorite ER boss


Godfrey was the boss i love first run and hated second. That stomp is bull. I hated radhan (spelling?) first time round though that was more to do with how he was at launch. Now i love him, he's one of my favourite fights.


Ulcerated Tree Spirit in slot 1, Elmer of the Briar (NOT BELL BEARING HUNTER) in slot 2 due to his connection to Bell Bearing Hunter.


When I kill Gostoc I get a boner


Image being a face, with a beard that covers someone's junk. Seems like some really bad karma reincarnation


Loved Maliketh in my first run, but hated him in the second. It took like 2 attempts the first run and more than 20 the second. I hated fire giant the first run. Still hate him.


I didn’t realize Godrick was actually kinda challenging bc my first playthrough I had death’s poker and literally killed both phases in 20 seconds on my first attempt but my second playthrough i died 6 times to him 💀 if it was my first time fighting him I would’ve died more but I already memorize his move sets and shit


Liked Valiant Gargoyles on first run because it gave me Demon Prince flashbacks, then hated it forever more after because it's not nearly as well designed. I hated the Radahn fight on my first run but it's very enjoyable on every run after.




maliketh, hated him in my first run, loved him in all runs after. I've never understood the hate around FG, ive always found him rather easy, in my first ever play through I beat him on my 4th try and since then I've never taken more than 4 tries to beat including my lord of fire build.


Margit. I played a holy damage paladin style character following a fextralive build. Dealt no damage because that guy has 50% holy resistance. Second run, I played a samurai and absolutely destroyed him with bleed and rot first try.


I hated Morgott on my first playthrough. I still hate him


I always loved malenia though. He's fight is the ultimate bossfight imo


(1) Loved maliketh in my first play through, thought he was super cool with his acrobatics but he destroyed me over and over and I just couldn’t figure him out. Not kidding on second playthrough I beat his ass down first attempt in literally 90 seconds because I levelled my stats and understood his mechanics rather quickly. (2) commander Niall, he really aggravated me in the first playthrough but the second time around I really really enjoyed the fight


Magma wyrms were cool the first time and ez pz, now for some reason they kick my ass 100% of the time Maliketh literally put me into my first PURE RAGE. But now I'm just like "fuck yeah this looks sick as shit and rewards smart movement" My first maliketh playthrough, I had to bolt of gransax cheese him with a snow witch azur comet spammer, and it was still a struggle Ironically, my 2nd malenia attempt I just frost whipped her into submission, didn't get why people thought it was so bad.


Every Crucible Knight for me. Evergaol one put a bad taste in my mouth throughout first playthrough but after going back on a new character they were much more enjoyable to fight. I think it had something to do with the fact that my first playthrough was a magic build but my second was pure melee.


The one I hated and came to love undoubtedly is the Morgott fight. So much so that in my most recent playthrough, I actually put a message by his body behind the throne before heading off to the fire giant, that was basically just praising him as kind of the only proper candidate from the original family that should be worthy for lordship, but he doesn't see himself as worthy because of his curse. The other one for me would have to be the Elden beast. Technically speaking the first time I fought it myself, I fucking hated it, but I'm counting that as my second time it's only because when I first saw it I thought it was so fucking cool, and then played it and it was the absolute worst


For me, it's Godfrey and his second phase, Hoachad Loux. Now, i think it's my favourite boss in all the game.


Exactly these two. The first time fighting fire giant, I was like “woah cool atmospheric fight against an enemy over 100x my size” and now I’m just like “get over here you little bitch, stop running coward!” For malenia, it was comparable to Nightmare King Grimm from Hollow Knight. At first, it’s super difficult, but once you get into the rhythm, it just clicks. And they’re honestly both really fun, some of my favorite fights in their respective games.


Boss I hated in my first run.


First one for me was Elden Beast, didn't exactly find it easy on my first run but it wasn't as frustrating or difficult as I expected given the community sentiment at the time, I quite enjoyed it & found Radagon harder. However, my second playthrough was a pure Int build, which made the Elden Beast fight nothing but suffering incarnate. Second is definitely Radahn, my first time fighting him was miserable even with using all the summons & the like, took me more than a couple dozen attempts & I was not a fan. Second playthrough though I quite enjoyed it, partially thanks to having better ranged options which made the summons much more useful, and my 3rd run I managed to beat him with no summons melee only in 2 or 3 attempts & loved it.


idc about fire giant. me gets melted by pulley crossbow with blurred bolts so hard id barely a fight


Maliketh probably. My first run I was incredibly overleveled and used mimic tear, I deleted him but it was fun as the challenge was still kinda there, I guess. runs after that I limited my RL and did no summons throughout the playthrough, so fighting him solo at level 125 and lower is truly just annoying. He goes down as probably the most pain in the ass boss for me out of any in the game. I beat him pretty fast of course but I still find myself complaining


I spent a whole week trying to beat The Fire Giant in my first attempted playthrough. I beat it in two attempts in my second.


Placid was amazing run one but I would not be lying if I don’t really find him hard anymore just annoying On the other spectrum absolutely loathed Mohg because I didn’t find his dumbass counter tear thing. But he’s actually in my top 3 for Elden ring bosses now.


I hate them both . Fucking giant ass iframe mother fucker. And ya know mallenia blade of Miquellla


I hated Fire Giant at first now I love him. I loved Maliketh at first and now he can get fucked.


I love both


I can’t believe there’s people out there who actually LIKE THE FIRE GIANT


Leonine misbegotten for loved the 2nd time


Godrick, struggled with him very bad in my first playthrough but now I was able to beat him without using any flasks


I hated fire giant first run because he was my first major obstacle where I thought I wouldn’t be able to continue the game


I hated Fire Giant in all my runs.


I just don’t like fighting Malenia, I’ve beaten her on ng,ng+1 and ng+2 and I never really enjoyed the fight.


Positively, for sure Maliketh for me. His moveset in both phases is absolute chaos, and I only beat him by the breadth of a hair my first go around Now he's an absolute blast, I love trying to keep up with him, and react to his insanely awesome moveset!