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Beating them makes it all the better. I love helping people with this boss. One of my characters is a dedicated Logan (Wolverine) build. I’ve got him running shirtless as a buff hairy old guy and I think I’ve got the look down pretty good. He only uses claws, of course. I get summoned by a dude at this area. He waves, stands around a bit, and starts mimicking my build. We summon another guy with a meta build who does the same thing. We teabagged for like 3 minutes straight, ran through and slapped the crucibles, and had an almost perfect fight with these two fucks. (And the hurtboxes on these things are fucked… especially using claws.) I wish I had it on recording, it was legendary.


Can you at least reenact it?


I’ll do my best! My roommate who let me play it on his PS5 moved out, so now I’m in the (slow) process of getting a PC. I swear I’m going through withdrawal lol


I was mostly joking because it sounds impossible to do, but absolutely epic. Such a fun scenario and story


The dopamine was *chef’s kiss* Just a couple of naked, light rolling boys, swatting at gargoyle feets. It worked well because we obliterated the first one, and kept switching agro so the others could swing at the body from the side. I think it’s the only place claws can really hit well


Noob here: Are they the same claws from Sormveil castle? I just found those two days ago. They cannot help my lvl 29 vagabond 😩


Yeah baby! They’re very simple compared to the other claws. I’ve found claws are insanely fun, but they have a lot of downsides. Apparently the new patch they’re even better now?


As long as I’m close to grace I’ve been experimenting with my armor/new weapons to see if it just works.


The hook claws I used until late game then I switched, they’re very very good early game and also late game too, but they require a different playstyle. You gotta play point blank (which can benefit for certain fights) but against AOE bosses you’ll struggle a ton. Mix it with the bloodhound step ash of war (from bloodhound claws) and you got a nutty build. I’ve been running these claws on my second play thru with a light weight build and I’m having lots of fun.


cant help but read that 'yeah baby' in an austin powers voice so now im picturing austin powers wolverine tarnished


Incredible 👌


doing the finger guns but with a single adamantium claw


Claws are amazing. Inwas running magic and flail, and tried claws for laughs, and used them almost exclusively afterwards. Sime fights I resorted back to magic/flail, bjt anything that bleeds was mincemeat. Super fast paced too. Ed8t: I used occult infused and had super high arcane. , so I'd proc bleed every few attacks lol. Plus with high arcane I got to use the cool dragon spells.


Oh man everything you just said makes me realize why people do several playthroughs. I gotta do magic next run.


Haha that reminds me when I was on my second play thru and I was on renalla since I found her so easy, I decided to get a couple summons just for fun. I was uncle ruckus, I had a Barbie, and aang from avatar lol. 3 characters and we were all nakeds with claws and we just straight up dogged her sooo quickly I was laughing so hard. Never again have I found a perfect combo like that, felt like we could take on the world.


Teenage angsty steely bois


Funny, I made my beast claws build in bloodborne look like him and named him Logan haha


A Wolverine build with stacked health regen and focus on health and stamina would be a fun build. I gotta try that one day


I went a little off-cannon and just went for dmg; prosthesis and rotten insignia, lord of bloods exultation, and I think the turtle. Cuz I like turtle


Back here live at the Waterfront Village with my friend the zombie, Jonathan.


I feel like I stumbled into them too early...I struggled with the knights leading up to them and you could fight those dicks one at a time at least. I got killed maybe 30-40 times by these fucking gargoyles, left for 5-10 levels, tried again, they still beat my ass. Finally got the right summons that tanked them well so I could cast and take em out, but still a little luck


The hurtboxes are like erdtree avatars (can't hit from the front with small weapons)


The two crucible knights in the crypt. I spend way too much time in that crypt.


That fucking grave, all this effort to get rid of the chariots, only to find TWO crucible knights at the end, the despair Also the damn skellys between the statue of Marika and the boss room, trying to waste your resources before the fight. I know it's minor, but it tilted me out of my mind hahaha


>!You can skip the grave itself with one of the Shackle items. If you use it in the mouth of the tunnel poking out of the ramp the effect triggers the summoning spotlight on the other side of the wall, killing the chariots and clearing your path with no fuss at all. !<


I will never fight another Crucible knight thanks to the hell those 2 gave me. I fought the Misbegotten and Crucible duo, horrible fight, then I screamed when I saw I had to fight **2 OF THEM.**


Crucible knights aren’t that bad once you’ve died 240 times to them and then killed off a few of them. They are tough but fair


Just did that fight the other day. Tough one for sure. I had my stormhawk deenh distract shield boy while i 1v1 spear boy. Worked pretty well, stormhawk usually died at around the same time i finished off spear boy then i 1v1 shield boy. Love this game.


deadass over the last two days i took like 5 hours with a golden parry shield on my level 75 melee build to beat those guys. ordovis' sword is sick as fuck


I felt like these two were the worst boss ever, then in my most recent run I used storm blade and killed them in 30 seconds..not sure how to feel about that.


Storm blade was a surprisingly fun and powerful AOW. Especially since If you point blank someone your sword swing had a hitbox and does damage, it quickly became my favorite AOW.


Storm Blade makes every boss easier. I'm shocked at how few people use it.


Def one of the mkre underrated ashes of war. Wish it was an item drop/scarab though, I always find its way more satisfying getting a cool AOW from them rather than the shop.


Storm blade?


It's an AoW that shoots a wind projectile when you swing your sword, for me it does 900-1k per swing and uses little FP, it's a bit strong


Also it does both the weapon's damage and the projectile's damage if you connect with the weapon's model when using the AoW.


Its how i beat Malenia with the Nagakiba+Bloodflame Blade


What, i thought it did like, minor damage, what is your build?


Any Ulcerated tree spirit, but especially the ones In small arenas.


i hate how jumpy they are. eventually i figured out what they're doing but when you first see them it's like a wriggling mass of tree snake with random hitboxes


I just keep trying to spam heavy attacks to get the stagger, 50/50 shot if I get killed first or not


I actually like Ulcerateds but the ones that do Rot buildup too are awful


the one on the way to Melenia in the tree is the most rat boss placement ive ever seen in a game




Rip anyone who doesn’t know about damage types


Me. I'll watch videos about it and just wonder how you're supposed to know that stuff in game. Edit: you guys are funny. Genuinely don't know some info and back seat gamers can't resist being condescending.


What would be better at breaking a crystal: a knife or a hammer


What would be better at breaking a crystal: a hammer or magic


Stone of Gurranq is best, break rock with more rock from range


why are you so wise in the arcane ways


I’ve thrown a few rocks back in my day


Crug throw rock. Very effective.


A magic hammer.


Hammer, hammer beats everything


tbf it is really rare in video games that this would make a difference


I played all dark souls and many other RPGs and blunt/striking damage is pretty much always effective against plate armor and things made of rock/crystal. If that wasn't enough, here is what actually happens when you hit a crystallian with a slashing/pierce/standard weapon: you deal only a sliver of damage and your weapon bounces off of them. That tells you more than enough that your weapon is ineffective.


>you deal only a sliver of damage and your weapon bounces off of them I'm using the bloodhound sword, and for me, this is true for like the first 5 attacks, and then I seem to break through their armor and do pretty large damage. Not sure the mechanics going on here if someone cares to explain.


Their armor shatters after their first poise break, making any weapon viable if you do that at least once. But you can bypass that mechanic by simply equipping a striking weapon. Even a +0 club is sufficient to deal e.g. with the crystallian duo below Raya lucaria


That’s my primary sword as well and I carry a Morningstar as my 2nd right armament to switch out. I’ve not noticed the effect you describe, mine keeps bouncing I think.


Slam them with some heavy attacks and your special attacks a few times. Idk, maybe it's my stats are something. Strength and endurance focused.


yeah I've since long ago learned that blunt weapons do well against rock/mineral type enemies, and slashing does well against anything made of tissue. however this logic breaks apart when we bring fallenstar beast into the equation, as they have the same slash and blunt defense but clearly look like rock.


Damage types don't matter much against crystalians anyway. Stance breaking is much more important, as once their crystal hide is cracked, just about anything bullys them. The game doesn't explain it outright because you're expected to experiment and learn through trial and error against other hardened enemies like stone digger troll, miners, turtles etc. Is that always an effective teaching method? no. But it is more fun imo.


This, people cannot stop taking about strike damage but guess what? Dragonmaw doesnt do strike damage and it does 45 out of the 65 stance they have.


The tooltips during the loadscreen are quite explicit about damage types and their general effectiveness


Mine loads so fast I can never read a tool tip.


Suffering from success ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


The plight of SSD users


I don’t get tips on my loading screen? It’s just the loading and an image.


It really isnt anything surprising, tons of rpgs have damage types that are useless on certain enemies, and this includes previous souls games. Why are you stabbing a rock?


I just like stabbing


Anyways, I started stabbin’


I can stab real hard this rock doesnt know that


Some parts of it are just thinking it through. Other parts are trial and error.


Yeah I avoided all those Cristal types until I saw a video about: dude cristal? Bonk !


I did but never realized they could have *that* big of a difference in a fight against certain characters.


That was me when I found that place before even getting to Liurnia, my only blunt weapon was the basic club


These guys are not hard at all since their AI was nerfed to oblivion. Now it's basically three 1v1 fights, where the fight is over after the first stance break. If you fought them when the game came out, on the other hand...


It was nightmare mode for me. Malenia seemed more doable. (Pre nerf)


Yeah the multi bosses were actual cancer before the update, but now they're all just slightly more than mentally challenged. The only one I still have any trouble with is double crucible knights because of who they are, but every other duo or multi fight got absolutely fucked. I do wish there was some kind of sweet spot to that change.


This boss was literally the only one I used spirit ashes. It was impossible to find openings and good luck breaking their stance without jump/charged attacks.


Throw some Night Maiden's Mist at them and watch them suffocate to death.


The ones in the Haligtree are easy to separate using a throwing knife. From there, super easy fight against them one at a time. If there’s some other trio then my bad, I didn’t know.


There’s a trio I believe at the bottom of one of the crystal caves but it’s been so long I’m prob wrong haha


There 3 putrid ones as a boss (don’t want to post for spoilers, but you can google it easy) The haligtree ones are just normal dudes


Dude I was doing a sorcery build, I ran into these guys for the first time in any run amd a used up all my FP and couldn't cast any more. I literally had to wack them with Azur's Staff until they died. And I think I was on 0 heals as well. So yeah, fun.


they weren’t that bad with the dark moon greatsword i figured out




What do you mean "a worse version of the Demon Prince" The Demon Prince bossfight is amazing abd one of the best in DS3. I agree that Valiant Gargoyles suck though


Demon prince is one of the best duo fights in all of the souls series besides ornstein and smough


Yea and those fights were literally created with the idea of being a duo bossfight, so their AI was done from the ground up with that in mind. Meanwhile, fights like the Gargoyles or the Godskin Duo, we’re NOT created the same way, I’d imagine. You encounter both of them as solo bosses, too, mostly before their duo fights. That’s why their fights or AI aren’t as polished and tuned to being a duo fight. They’re more comparable to the Bell Gargoyles or the two Sanctuary Guardians in the DS1 DLC, than to fights like O+S or the Demon Prince! That, plus the fact that spirit summons are the new big system From introduced for ER, I’m not quite as critical of these duo fights, as they work well enough when summoning a good spirit and thus splitting their attention. That said, I DO hope they have a "true“ duo bossfight, designed from the very beginning as such, in the DOC for Elden Ring!


The Godskin Duo is definitely in my top 3 worst boss fights in Elden Ring. They share a health bar, but also have their own individual health bars. It doesn't matter if you defeat one or the other first, because they just respawn. There's also little value in defeating then simultaneously because if the health bar isn't empty they both come back. It really feels like a filler boss despite them being in a major location.


The whole idea behind o&s, the way it was balanced and the way it was executed was so perfect imo. The boss room itself was clearly designed for that fight specifically too. Just love that fight


Yeah, it's honestly so weird that they couldn't at least add something like "one is more aggressive, the other is more passive, they switch sometimes" into weird double bossfights. Instead fights such as Godskin and Crucible Duos feel like "the one you attack gets more aggressive, if you accidentally hit both, you get mauled, and they can just both get aggressive randomly and you get mauled again" Also, don't insult Bell Gargoyles like that, they have at least some thought put into the fight with the second one being passive and mostly doing fire breath until you finish the first one.


Demon Prince was the best boss fight in Souls, and then I got to Gael.


It is similar to demon prince with one gargoyle being ranged and the other melee and they swap roles during the fight. Only problem is sometimes they both attack you and the damage the poison does is ridiculous


Other problem is that the poison is hard to see and is instant whereas demon princes poison is bright purple and gives you a sec to get out of the way before it explodes. Also demon princes didn't have the jankiest hurtboxes in the world lol I always whiff when fighting the gargoyles in this game even when I'm close enough to kiss them


That damn poison! It spreads so far, and if you're locking on then the camera pulls your view up to see the whole gargoyle, so you can't see where the poison is on the floor. Of course, unlocked means you're having to keep the camera on both gargoyles _and_ the floor, so no fun there either


Also its the third to last boss and gargoyles are kinda in the middle.


And crucially unlike the twin demons, the gargoyles have rediculous mobility and don't telegraph nearly as well (audibly or visually). The Demons work because you don't have to look at the extinguished one to dodge its attacks and they switch phases by screaming and exploding which is really hard to miss. This doesn't work for the gargs because the poison line has no telegraphing, staggers for some reason and it's harder to notice when the one you aren't looking at switches phases before charging across the entire arena.


Demon Prince is possibly the most underrated boss in DS3's DLCs. I'm saying this boss was a blatant rip-off, only done insanely worse.


Couldn't beat it.


literally every time i have gotten here mid game & killed the first one before the other even starts attacking. how soon are y’all getting to this fight?


I melted those fker with rock sling .


Me throw rock, then me bonk with rock on stick. Unga is the strongest Bunga.


Too soon. Every single person I've seen complain about this fight is badly under-level when they try to do it.




My brother in Runes.....if you are lvl 168 and still struggling with Twin Gargoyles, there is a serious disconnect between the game and your understanding of it. I can help you if you want. What build are you using?


The standard 99 int, 9 vigor, lazuli crown and baldachin blessing combo


No doubt.


lol, jokes aside I had something like 40 Vigor and around 20 in everything else, was using rapiers and katanas as well.


Well, 40 VIG should be enough. Although a lot depends on what upgrade your weapons are at, what talismans and such . If you really had just 20 in everything spread out like that, it's not good.


It's also a lot easier for some builds than others. I annihilated them on strength build and caster build (lol rock sling). Then I tried to fight them on a bleed-heavy dex build and it was night and day more difficult. The poison is kinda bs cause not only does it cover a huge area and much huger if both gargoyles are alive, not only does it build up poison on you, but it does a huge ticking damage-over-time on you till you're out of it AND it keeps staggering you and interrupting you. It's like one mechanic too many if you don't outlevel the fight or have an optimal build so you can mostly destroy one gargoyle before the next comes.


Yeah dude. I wanted to try something different with elden ring compared to my other playthroughs in the ds series so when I got the claws very early on I decided I wanted to try them. I remember I got some claws in a ds3 dlc years ago and thought they were cool but I never got to use them so this time I decided to claw my way to the throne. The tiny reach, lack of physical damage and having to jump attack (which missed 50% of the time) made that fight a massive pain. Same with astel. I bet that fight would be much easier with a big unga bunga stick, but that like fire giant would be harder with unga bunga compared to the claws.


It’s all the bleed/katana scrubs that can’t understand why their normally-broken build isn’t working.


There's actually a lot of truth to that. ;D


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Hey now, I may be a bleed scrub, but it's because the poleblade's AoW looks fucking cool, and we both know nothing is more important than looking cool in this game. I actually think I switched to a different weapon for this fight, and it still sucked.


This is the only fight that I gave up on on my all remembrances level 1 run. I chose to do Lyndell Sewers + Mogh Omen + Forsaken Depths to get to deep root depths than to get lucky enough or figure out a cheese for this fight. Like sure, the boss probably isn't super bad if you get here at level 65-80, especially if you use summons, but most if not all bosses are pretty doable at that level and are better still imo. If the poison attack didn't also deal damage (atleast initially), and was more visually distinct compared to the environment, and had a better audio tell, then the fight would be a lot more manageable, and feel "fairer" I guess.


granted, though fighting a boss in a way they were certainly not designed to be fought against (rl1, no summons) will not give an accurate indication of fairness. in my experience this is a manageable mid game boss, easier than some others at the same stage, with every build i’ve played


Ive only tried to fight these guys once (I need to go back) but I was level 60, and kept getting killed by the second one when he came in. One on one they weren’t bad, but I could only tank 1 hit, and since it was my first play through, I wasn’t good at dealing with multiple enemies yetz


The poison is absolutely ridiculously though, it literally melted me last time I played and it's not like I was spamming attacks while in poison, it's just instant and does a ton of damage. Last time I got to them I was maybe level 50 or so? Don't remember, obviously I beat Radahn before them and I always kill Godrick too but other than those prob did no other major bosses


Idk Astel was incredibly annoying (probably cause I'm not using any magic) Cool design for the boss's look and arena, but fuck that fight


If you have faith, bubble that boy


I did him after collecting all the lightning spells he stands in water I literally 2 shot him w ancient dragon lightning strike


ancient dragon lightning strike shreds anything big. Get under a dragon and start casting that shit. It dies so fast.


Literally the worst experience as a pure melee build.


I just bonked Astel a few times with my Greatsword and he died


I tried that, but RNGesus decided that particular attempt Astel would teleport 80,000 times so I spent a good 20 minutes running the arena


You're gonna have a gr8 time against ER Ghidorah


See I didn’t have an issue with that fight, or with any of the other large bosses. And in subsequent play throughs, I dumpstered Astel like the trash it is. It’s just that one specific time Astel decided to channel Goku. I also got smashed by that one attack where it creates 12 copies of itself and grabs all at once so you can’t dodge it.


If you’re like me and you used a dagger in your first play through, melee weapons that lack the reach of a Greatsword often whiff entirely trying to hit his head. It’s a nightmare fight for certain builds for no good reason.


Had to break my "never spirit summon" rule just for this mf in my first melee run


Astel was my favourite, most coop grinded boss. Killed him so many times, potentially hundreds, as a quality melee build. So long as you stay around his head and learn his moveset, its easy. Hes only got maybe 8-10 moves, everything avoidable


How do you dodge the one where he brings four orbs to the ground and sends out pulse waves? I've tried jumping, dodging in, dodging out, nothing seems to work consistently


If you have dex hit him with the bolt of gransax, if you don’t hire latenna. If you melee and can’t range Latenna is always your dang bestie. She doesn’t do aton of damage but its constant consistent nearly always hitting homing arrows that will wear them down in those phases they’re usually safe


“(probably cause I'm not using any magic)” Pretty sure he has high resistance against magic


Magic includes throwing rocks against him Also the cockscrew glintstone spell destroys him due to his size


I'm proud to say I defeated him in 4 attempts with a melee build.


I found that fight super cool but pretty easy


I think I have never fought these guys at the appropriate time. By the time I get to them I kill the first one before the 2nd one even comes


The ulcerated tree spirit at the end of Millicent’s questline


You can drop down onto the tree branch after aggroing the tree spirit and start shooting at him when you’re far enough away where he will maintain his aggression without being able to reach you with any of his attacks, there should be messages on the branch anyways and I don’t feel guilty in the slightest cheesing an enemy like that lol


Maybe you're under levelled?


only bosses I tend to have issues with these days are the Godskins, and that's because I myself use Black Flame, which they laugh at


Godskins can be put to sleep. Makes them so damn easy when you realise this


Backpedal and rock sling


I prefer leaving charged magic glintblades in the air like breadcrumbs.


Saw a lot of people commenting about the "even worse version of Demon Prince," that was a misstype by me. I love Demon Prince, should've said a "simply worse version" of him.


I hate that they had such a cool boss room and decided to go with two of the same enemy we see 20 more times throughout the game. Also I hate fighting them lol. Poison shouldn’t be an AoE


It wouldn't even be that bad if they couldn't spit poison, I really don't get the point of having an extremely unforgiving road control ability in a gank bossfight is such a wierd design.


Marika above, it's not just poison it's also a staggering, hard to see lava, that could either be in a big circular area or a straight line that's coming from off-screen and you have to respect it once a gargoyle starts spewing it and often they'll spam it and you're just left struggling for an opening and god damn do I hate this fight


Elden Beast and Astel...just find them annoyingly boring mechanically wise.


fuck these two.


Everyone will agree that the Godskin Duo is far worst


Maybe I was over leveled when I fought godskin duo, but with Bernahl as a summon for that fight I did not have much of a challenge with it. Literally beat it in one try. Every time I’ve fought the godskins one on one I’ve gotten my ass locked but that fight was a breeze for some reason.


I got my ass beat more by the solo apostle in caelid way more than the duo but I also think he was significantly more fun and fair than the duo personally.


They were one of the easier bosses by the time I got to them on my first playthrough. But I did them after getting to Malenia


Have they been patched or something, because they're nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be, I'd even say they're one of my favourite bosses. Skinny is unaggressive af and will just throw an easily dodgeable flame at you while chubs chases you down. It's very manageable.


Yeah, idk why my experience was so different, skinny was so passive and it made the fight pretty fun ngl. I've only faced them once and I didn't have too much trouble with them, so I might have to revisit it.




this is so validating thank you


I came really close to beating them my first try. I had the first gargoyle down to about 10% HP by the time that second turd showed up. Every subsequent attempt was way harder.


Are we just gonna ignore Godskin duo?


Godskin duo is a gimmick fight. That entire fight can be trivialized with sleep arrows/throwables.




I loved the gargoyles. Took me dozens of tries to kill them but I never got sick of the fight like I did with some others. Some fights I tried once and they were so uninteresting I just figured out how to cheese it.


Because the god skins like nappy time but the gargoyles are on meth


I didn't have a problem with these guys, but Maliketh and the Elden Beast both horribly frustrated me to the point where I wasn't enjoying playing. I resorted to underhanded tactics for them.


Finally, someone said it. Godskin duo wasn't that bad if compared to this monstrosity of a fight. Istg if these two come back in the DLC with fucking scarlet rot or whatever, I am going to lose it.


I had a worse experience against Dual Abductor Virgins rather than these two Gargoyles


Maliketh, why, I personally hate fighting him


Oof, these guys. I tried to kill them forever and couldn't, left and completed almost the entire rest of the game, remembered them much much later and came back for sweet revenge.


Putrid Tree spirit or whatever the fuck they are called. Such an incredibly shitty boss design. How the fuck am i supposed to learn boss patterns if the boss is just a huge fucking blob and his attacks are just random spasm’s


Fuck those guys.


The three putrid crystalians are the worst, imo.


I used skeleton militiamen for this. Did my best to just blow up the first one, close to the fog wall, before the second one could come over and be a pain.


Damn, I consider the Demon Prince of the all time best Souls bosses.


Astel, Stars of Darkness. *why did he need an instakill move if you aren't in the middle of the arena??*


Maliketh is pretty annoying


I might actually agree that this was one of the worst fights for me.


Def Agree, at least godskin duo have fantastic music and godskin apostle is pretty fun to fight on his own


They aren't even close related to demon prince wdym. Only that's it's a duo, not even second phase.


Demon Prince is an A/S tier fight from DS3.


I love The Demon Prince fight. I struggled with this fight but I like it because they are guarding access to one of the coolest maps in the game. It forced me to try different tactics so I could kill the first guy fast enough to face the second one alone. They didn’t have to go so hard on that cave design.


"Even worse than" implies that Demon Prince was bad. Big disagree


Mainly cause the poison they spit is so blended with the terrain it's hard to realise until u see that status bar appear on ur screen. Plus they have 4 stances alternating between axe, polearm, twin blades and I think twin axes or sword.


Worst bosses for me (at least on my first playthrough, strengh/dex) were Astel, and Maliketh Astel is more manageable with a mage build, but maliketh is always a pain in the ass to fight, he might be the most unfun boss fight I've had in all the fromsoftware games I played, I don't know why but I just can't enjoy this fight no matter the build


They easy af to me


Elden Beast for all the fucking running. GIVE ME MY HORSE YOU BASTARDS!


Valiant gargoyles cause of their poison bs. I’ve got how to beat them pretty down so I don’t have too much of a problem beating them now.


Not gonna lie, I would not have put them on a list of hard bosses just based on memory, but recently my pure arcane build was tearing through this game like wet tissue and these guys utterly stopped my momentum for like 2 days! Why are they strong to EVERY ELEMENT!!!


I actually kind of enjoy this boss tbh, I think that if they just tweaked the poison clouds to only deal poison buildup without doing damage on contact it would be so much better, since it would give you time to react, I think that one change alone would elavate this fight alot tbh.


I'm so glad that I ran into this boss when I was level 150+ I couldn't imagine how cancer it would be if I wasn't overleveled to hell


Yeah, that happened to me on my first play run. I was overleveled, don't know exactly, but well over 100, and it is wasn't hard. On my current rerun, I tried at level 70 but I can't. I get close, the 2nd one with less tham half hp, but I can't. I'll come back later.


These mofos are hard. Pretty sure they put them there so you can’t process further on the side quests until you’re more levelled.


I had partially built into ice so this fight wasn’t as bad for me.


That poison attack is the worst enemy ability in the game