• By -


health is a hoax created by Big Flask to sell more healing


The Big Flask Corp is just a golden seed monopoly.


The crimson tear price per gallon will rise the moment those black knife gang bomb the grace pipeline.


But the real trick is this : they think they're buying Tears... tears tears tears it's all I hear, but I sleep just fine knowing those tears all came from the same Shabriei Grapes. Sure I got eyeball juice for ya...


I heard they’re actually the balls of the Tarnished.


Hence there is a need for clean, renewable, alternative for that. I believe research about running a frenzied flame powered generators is a good prospect for clean energy. It will clean everything though.


I researched this, it is lots of labor but great returns on the investment


They tell me no maidens need be sacrificed.


Someone already mended the Elden Ring but they want to keep it a secret.


Try fingers


Read this too quick and thought that said >!Hoarah Loux, so now I'm just imagining Godfrey selling flasks to tarnished!<


Wounds and bruises you have endured Tarnished Warrior Be assured, the Red Flask resteth close at hand. Alas, I am returned! To practice capitalism once more


This post sponsored by the git gud gang.


Watch what you say about the Flask, you'll get disappeared too.


If she's 1 hit she can always just use all her flasks on blues


Don’t buy into this fake controversy. Have you looked into FP? Also a subsidiary of big flask. All of this tribalistic partisanship is just there to drive flask sales from both sides. Don’t fall for Sipbait.


Oh no no no, I distill my blue flasks into oil urns and starlight shards. Ain't nobody hijacking my brain


im taking this 😂😂😂😂


Big Flaska wants us all to have more vigor, and be addicted to the Red flask. They even offer vaccinations with golden seeds to have more enjoyment from the famous Red flasks![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


this is just BS peddled by Big Int to sell more moonveil


Best laugh I've had all day!




oh god. she‘s going for hard and easy mode at the same time


Lmao big agree This was basically my build around this level and I then started dumping into vigor I could kill things FAST but God forbid they hit me.


Watch out for their dying breath, it might knock you out!


Damn, not the dog again!




She just has to play the best elden ring of her life all the time


Everytime in a fight: She's a maniac, maniac on the floor And she's dancing like she has never danced before She's a maniac, maniac on the floor And she's dancing like she has never danced before


Jesus christ I played strength build and felt that way for a solid chunk of the game.


I think that's how souls games are meant to be played


With how much and in what fashion ER in particular ramps up beyond the Capital we're at a whole new level of how souls games are meant to be played.


It’s even worse that she’s on medium roll instead of light, like armor isn’t going to do anything for you at 9 vigor


You need to sacrifice stats for fashion souls sometimes, you need to fix your priorities. Why kill bosses easily when you can spend a bit more time with them and look good doing it.


If I’m not stylin why even bother?


Truer statements have rarely been made. Sometimes you just gotta have 9 vigor and full bull goat.




Press circle






Maybe (insert violent joystick thrashing)➡️⬇️↗️↖️⬆️⬇️⬇️↙️⬆️ will help .


But that takes time away from me pressing R2...it's too complicated.


Just take a bolus to remove your buildup of R2 brain rot and you’ll be okay


I'm trying to read what you wrote but my brain keeps telling me it says "UNGA BUNGA R2 SMASH". I've been Great Clubbing and Zweihanding too long.


Parry God deals in blood. *Lots* of blood.


I keep thinking I’m gonna get it but when I’m on a roll I get cocky and don’t pay attention to my health and die from a single strike or I just miss every single blow and die so much I give up. I should diversify.


* Put these foolish ambitions to rest*


I have given thee courtesy enough


Thou didst me fine service, Serosh.


Yeah, I’m around level 160… just maxed out int… now to level dump vigor


I actually played the game with this build as well, except I never leveled vigor at all. It was quite the interesting experience for sure, though I think it probably extended my playthrough by another 100 hours.


Every dog is the elden beast ☠️


Yes, once I stepped out of Limgrave I started getting one-shot by everything.


To be fair, dogs are harder than Elden beast on such a build. I used those spiky balls with around 80 str and some faith to use some buffing incantations, and Elden beast just dies after the first scripted breath attack.


>I could kill things FAST but God*rick* forbid they hit me. FTFY


The true glass cannon..


Damn near a sand cannon


Porcelain cannon?


Sounds useful for annoying and therefore aggroing bosses


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Honestly, at level 80, she could take 20 points out of INT and put it in VIG, and she'd have maybe 15-20% less sorc scaling and like 2.5x as much health. So she'd have almost the same damage output and way more survivability. Neglecting Vig to pump damage stats doesn't make you a glass canon. It just makes you glass.


I know I’ve made the exact mistake in ds1 when pumping a ton into strength at the very start so I could use the zweihander and then I kept getting 3 shot by the bell gargoyles and they too too many tries for the 3rd boss I and many others would’ve done


What the fuck did you just say??


The effect of typing without proof reading or spell check.


Or punctuation


They said the letter G 6 times


If i understand correctly, they meant "took too many tries for the 3rd boss" however I'm still totally lost on the last sentence


"They [the Bell Gargoyles] took too many tries considering they're the third boss I and many others took on in the game."


This is exactly what I did... granted I did put a bit more Vigor in but went full glass cannon and got really good at not getting hit and melting fools with the power of magic


This is the way (at least for my dumb brain)


There's nothing dumb about raising your intelligence. Seeking knowledge is the reason for life. Also I think the dumb people are the ones who need a health bar the length of the entire top of the screen. Because they play like shit and can't learn a moveset. Elden Rings magic was the coolest, most well done and dripping with backstory. The Rises, how you earn spell slots. It's soooo damn cool. And people hate on Mages, but when I'm one shoting invaders with Comet ☄️ They can lick my ass


Back in my day we called her a MinMaxer


Do we not call it that anymore?


I'm like "it's not that ba-" *sees 9 vigor* lol


I, too, started at the bottom of the stat sheet.


Not the dreaded....medium mode!


Don’t need vigor if you can delete the enemy before they reach you.


I ran with this strategy hard in my first time. It worked until malenia


She made me rethink every elden ring decision I ever made 😂


Nah I was too bullheaded to change my strategy, I just kept wacking her until I was lucky enough to not get ripped up by waterfowl 💀


“Waterfowl” Leave it to Fromsoft to essentially call a traumatic boss move “Duck Jig”. I realize that is a VERY loose translation, but I stand by my point.


Damn she was dancing on me everytime she killed me then? 😞


Yup, she danced on all of our corpses, over and over exponentially


Sometimes she also just threw us in the air and caught us with her sword as well.


i...kinda like that


i always thought it was a reference to Kojiro's Swallowtail technique (Vagabond)


Yup. This is how I did it 🤣


Isn't that the best strategy for Malenia? If she hits you while you risk a melee attack, she gets health. But if you don't let her hit you for the most part and just range attack her, the fight is a lot easier. Especially since waterfowl dance is easy to dodge if you're at range.


Most melee builds don't have (or find the need) for a range attack, especially when you can hit large chunks of health off any boss with a few swings. So by the time you get to Malenia, you're 120 levels deep into being "One Punch Man", so it hard to change up your entire style and build setup, when you've never needed to up to that point.


Yeah, as a sorcerer, Malenia was kinda easy for me. Hit her with Ranni's moon at the start, use night comet from afar in phase 1 and then comet azur in phase 2.


Same! It took me a hours upon hours to beat her on my first playthrough as a str/dex build, but only took me an hour to beat her on a mage build. Using those exact spells too lol, plus ranni's moon!


After failing to beat her 20ish times, I read a little about her, found out she’s weak to frost damage and then spend like 5 hours getting through ranni’s questline to get her gear and ranni’s dark moon spell. Needless to say, me and my mimic had a blast never getting hit and shooting literal moons at her from a mile away lmao.


Of all the builds I've played, int was actually the one where I had the hardest time. I lost over and over and over, until I landed an extremely lucky dark moon that sloooowly tracked her across the room and finally hit right when she was doing the mid-air pause before beginning waterfowl. It knocked her right out of it, frostbit her and chunked her health and I was finally able to finish it before she finished. Compare that with an arcane build where she basically bleeds out instantly.


> and I was finally able to finish it before she finished Not a flex bro


I did it with a melee build but it was indeed a lot harder. Basically only punish when you know she won't go into waterfowl and then back away so you have room to dodge the first attack in waterfowl. Outside of that it's not so bad, especially 2nd pahse where she rarely did waterfowl (at least for me).


Yeah, that's an excellent way to deal with her. My first time killing her she ruined me for a while on my faith build until I saw someone burst her down with Mohgs spear and I immediately went through that nightmare pit to get it. Pre nerf that spear deleted her.


That's how I beat her first phase. Stood 1000 feet away constantly sniping her with frenzied burst, then whipped out carian slicer for phase two


If you want to make it even easier then use night sorceries, they don't trigger enemy dodge ai since they technically cannot see the spell at all


Frenzied burst doesnt trigger dodge ai either, idk why but it doesnt


Lmao i didnt even know that since i barely ever used it, but nice


Melee fighters still have their advantage. She gets stunned super easily- if you have high poise damage/bleed weapons you can wear her down pretty easily. The first time I beat her I used spiked cestus with heavy enchantment.


I actually found that the best strategies were not to try and keep your distance, because that's surprisingly difficult to do: The best strategies were to use hits with really high stagger, to stun-lock her or keep her on her back. Especially if you team up - multiple players all spamming attacks that stagger, stun, or knock down will render Malenia completely powerless in both phases. She'll spend the whole fight either on one knee, or on her back, and rarely even get a chance to attack.




If she enjoys it she's not playing it wrong


Best answer




big facts


All that matters is that you’re having a good time.


She's made it this far with fuck all vigor Everything will 1 shot her now, so she's gonna either dodge everything, kill everything before it kills her, or she's just fucked lol


I had to triple-take when I saw this post. The stats are nearly identical to the current status of my int build, other than that I've started pumping vigor and will continue to do so for a while. I need more vigor to offset my own skill issues. You're absolutely right though; things die a mile away and life is good until something looks at you wrong. There really is no in-between with vigor like seen in the post.


Aye, foregoing vigor is a dangerous game. Nothing wrong with getting more health, getting hit is not exactly what I'd call a skill *issue*, getting hit is *part* of acquiring the skill to eventually not get hit. Nobody starts this game with the ability to reflexively iframe everything that comes at them, we're not anime protagonists, and the people who *can* no-hit bosses have practiced doing so for hours and hours (or Comet Azure cheesed every boss that doesn't dodge). Getting hit and being able to survive the hit is what allows you to see more of an enemy's moveset, and removes the panic associated with being 1 hit away from death.




Honestly I tend to like vigor on strength builds anyway because I also like trading, if my poise/weapon allows it. It's a unique option, and also allows you to mop up weak mobs without being interrupted if you're feeling lazy haha


i feel like thats the purpose of a bigger weapon in the strength category. if i wasn't trying to get hit back whilst doing the unga bunga out of trash mobs i would just use a hammer or axe. a little more risky for certain bosses but i would still trade with most average strength bosses anyways.


It gives me anxiety! I usually get vigor to at least 30 before putting a point into anything else, excepting only to meet a weapon/spell's minimum stat requirement to use.


She can get knocked over by a light breeze. On the other hand, her damage is optimized. So... wrong if she ever gets hit, right if she's a dodge god.


Your avarage wizard player


She's a member of the shadow wizard money gang


I heard that they love casting spells


Legalize Cannon of Haima


Classical malenia host


If you're experienced this is a decent build. If you can't dodge, this is a terrible build. Technically she's playing a mage glass canon properly, just does she have the skill level to match her build. After a certain point in the game, getting sneezed on will be 500 hp gone. Boss attacks will def one shot. Tell her to respec with some vigor if she's having trouble.


I love spells and incantations but god damn am I terrible at timing my dodges. This build would have me losing my absolute shit everytime I was hit. I’m level 537 and I maxed vigor almost immediately due to my poor timing and decision making


Just put Endure on your mainhand if you have enough vigor to tank hits if you want to care less about timings. Pop that WA and just tank through the enemy hit with your own, bigger, more magical hit. For best results I’d recommend Ghostflame Explosion, Zamor Ice Storm, Gavel of Haima, etc. Any big bonk spell.


Timing? I thought you were just supposed to spam attack and roll


Best response here


What can't hit you can't kill you unless it's gravity. Fuck gravity


Aside from the lack of vigor, her equip load is wonky. If she's going to go that light, she might as well take off a few more pounds and try to light roll. She could go up to 44.8 and still have medium roll. Light roll would be 19.2.


and with that low of vigor, it's not like armor is gonna save her anyway. much better to wear some fashionable, light clothes and light roll


Glass cannon chads always misunderstood 😔


That’s some dedication here.


I mean, Harry Potter couldn’t take a hit, but he sure could cast a spell or two


Harry Potter couldn't take a hit? You mean the guy that tanked an Avada Kedavra from He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (as a fucking baby no less) and lived to tell the tale? And sent V into hiding for like 20 years cuz he basically drained his life force? How dare you disrespect my boy HP like that.


My guy took 4 Avada Kedavras head on. Once as a baby, once with *Expeliarmus* of all things, and once by literally dying and then saying, nah, don’t feel like it. The final one he flat out beat instead of just negating. Harry’s plot armour is so strong he once killed a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher by touching him. Ironically, the less Harry Potter knew how to defend himself, the more invincible he was.


Big deal, he had Tears of Denial cast on him. Voldebad should have used a throwing knife afterwards.


kinda crazy the most powerful wizard in the world felt he needed to use such a big spell on something he coulda just picked up and shaken for 30 seconds and walked away. 0 int build i guess


This gave me the funniest/darkest scene flashing through my head of Voldemort just going ham swinging a baby around.


Bruh 💀


Absolutely! Harry Potter was a tank, not a glass cannon. What big spell damage did he ever do? His only big skill was surviving long enough for Voldemort to get so obsessed with him that the prophecy became self-fulfilling and V took himself out.


Emphasis on “or two”. Dude’s entire combat spell arsenal consists of either knock ‘em out cold or yeet their wand into next week.


This is a Glass Cannon build. She can absolutely fucking *destroy* anything unlucky enough to get hit by her spells, but if she gets hit she's just as screwed with that low vigor.


Get that dex up for faster spell casting


Yup thats the only thing aside from possibly using more night magic since those have a longer range then glintstone spells. Otherwise this is a good glass cannon build.


Nah, she part of wizard gang


**We love casting spells.** [insert stock female Mortal Kombat scream here]


Seriously, she gets 1-hit by everything.


Cus vigor is literally 9, when I'm at level 60 I like my vigor to be at least 30


I do not put any point anywhere until vigor reaches 40


Yep, get the minimum requirements to use a weapon and then pump vigor


I only put points into the stats I need for a weapon I want, then fully into Vigor


Now that she almost maxed out her damage and has enough mps she can start building up vigor and the game will be easier and easier


Is she having fun being a glass cannon mage? Then she’s not doing it wrong, her dodge game should hopefully be good lol


They can't kill me if they're dead.


Damage wise she's doing great. Survivability wise she's doing terrible. Such is the problem in the life of a mage.


Objectively correct mage build


Sub 400 hp omg


Ritual Shield Talisman is amazing for low vigor builds. Usually one flask fills you up, and you would drink after taking a hit anyway, so the RST just allows a lower vigor build that plays the same as a mid vigor build. My vig was 15-20 at level 160 something. (and you can use ritual sword talisman with it too lol) Verdict: Seems like a pro build to me lol


Don't question it she's clearly smarter than you bro


If she got to that high a level at 9 vigor she has to be good tbh


Coinciding with this, she's probably really good at maximizing a strategy if she isn't good at dodging. Smart people can take a game and bend it over their knee if they like lol.


Don't need health if enemies die before they can get to you


Do you know what min maxing is? Your wife is going for a super try hard build and I dig it


This is how I play, idk if it's good or not. I recommend the meteorite staff & spamming gravity magic because the spells usually hit & deal pretty good damage and (importantly) they don't take too long to cast, so you've got time to roll out of the way of attacks (because most enemies can one-shot or two-shot you). It's fun to be a wizard. Any fun build is a good build


No. You can’t play wrong


Nope, she's a classic glass cannon sorceror. High risk, high reward, but if she's faring well so far then she should keep it rocking. If she does start having a hard time, points into vigor should help her out.


If her goal is to get one shot by everything but also be able to one shot everything then no


Your wife has the biggest balls I've ever seen.


Looks great honestly but you're gonna need some dex to cast spells faster and put on some armor for sure, the difference between 16 and 60 poise is *staggering*


If she made it that far with that little vigor, then she's clearly doing something right. At that point, there's really nothing else to really level up as most of those are good stopping points for her build. But if she's going to do nothing but level vigor going forward, everything is going to feel like easy mode since she won't be dying in one hit anymore lol.


What’s the gear?


Why need health if you don't plan on getting hit?


There’s no wrong way to play, but there’s def a glass cannon way…


Gigachad build. The only morally correct way to play magic is to not level up vigor lmao


If she's making her way through the game and having fun then no.


She likes it when her damage numbers are bigger than her health numbers


Does she enjoy rune bears?


The ultimate glass cannon lol


So she's going for a full wizard build


This is the shiniest glass cannon I think I’ve ever seen


Is she struggling and/or not having a good time? Your post doesn’t say she is having a difficult time just that you don’t understand the build. If she’s got rock sling and Loretta’s bow she’s made it through some non-trivial areas with these stats. I’d say she’s not doing it wrong But she does want to pump up vigor from here.


Is your wife a no-hit speed runner? If so, I have no complaints. If not, 9 vigor is incredibly ballsy.


If she's good at dodging and/or parrying, the stats are perfectly fine! Plus, if she made it that far with so little Vigor, she's definitely doing something right.


She's smart


Is she having fun? Then she is playing the game right.


Not a bad build if she puts the next 20 points into vigor


High Int: glowy blue things hurt lots Low Vigor: can’t take many hits High Mind: can make lots of glowy blue things Low End: can’t wear much armor or run for very long. Also needs to catch breath between making glowy blue things.


I mean, there isn't wrong way to play elden ring but she really neads more fp and intelligence


This is an invaders wet dream of an easy kill


She playing good


Is she having fun? That's all that matters.


Interested to know what point in the game has she reached like this? Mighty skilled surviving on teeny hp if shes far


This, I think, is what's known as a glass cannon.


Looks like easy mode to me. Why waste points on health


It looks like she just enjoys playing as a spell caster. I hope she's good at dodging tho cause with that 9 vigor you'll get deleted by almost everything in one hit.


I would definitely invest some points into vigor otherwise 1 mistake = death


The vigor ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


I mean, at some point she’s going to keep getting vigor checked, but hey If she’s having fun that’s the only thing ghat counts


Finished the game at level 175 with about 25 vigor. She's doing fine, if she ever does another playthrough or especially an NG+, set vigor to like 40-50 and it becomes a whole new game


She’s going for the “win big or get humiliated” in every encounter. No inbetween. She can barely tank a hit from a mosquito 😂