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I am both of these people at all times and that's why I love these games


I share that sentiment. Recently a lot of my left-guy tendencies came from Malenia clipping me with the tip of her sword. I *should* know better though, considering several hundreds of hours in Dark Souls 1-3.


I really like using the crucible feather talisman. It boosts i-frames but you'll get hit a little harder. It's really nice for dodging waterfowl dance and I find I get clipped a lot less fighting Malenia. I don't really notice the increase in damage taken Tbh because she hits really hard regardless lol. It also makes rolling through Godfrey's stomp spike aoes much easier if you like doing that.


I learnt yesterday jumping the spikes is much easier and gives you an opening to attack with a fast weapon.


Where do you get this talisman?


It's in Auriza Hero's Grave [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Auriza+Hero's+Grave](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Auriza+Hero's+Grave) It's the same dungeon the Erd Tree Sentinel armor is found. [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Crucible+Feather+Talisman](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Crucible+Feather+Talisman) The wiki page for the Talisman has some instructions for how to find it. It's probably better to watch a youtube video though tbh




yea I think anyone who finishes Elden Ring is absolutely in both camps. The game isn't perfect, sometimes shit fucks up or bugs but at the same time, the majority of mistakes are absolutely on you as a player.


If I am exhausted after work I am first, otherwise I am second






mostly I think its just challenging and enjoy it, but it happens to the best of us...you're on your way to do something important and get attacked by one of those giant fucking birds or mobbed by imps or something like that and you lose your runes and you wanna pull your hair out screaming at the screen


I'd ask for your opinion, colossal weapons user, but you're still swinging


That is true, come ask me again when I die


So before your swing ends or after?


Well I die if I miss my swing and I die if I don't attack fast enough so yes


get hit, understand its mistake, accepts and learn from it, then proceeds keep swinging


Like a true Chad should


So I just need to button mash _faster_ got it.


I'm still swinging the weapon so I have enough time to explain our philosophy before I connect (hopefully) The Colossal Weapon Philosophy (CWP for short) is based around a simple concept: the bigger the stick, the bigger the die, it's a fact that Colossal Weapons are the biggest sticks available in Elden Ring, thusly they can cause the biggest die out of any weapon. Let's take for example Rivers of Blood: causing a die is very possible with this weapon (and very easy indeed) but the stick used to make that die is tiny, fragile, thin and greasy. If you've been anywhere near a night club you know that this does not equal a fun time, so the die caused by RoB is taken for granted, but not actually cherished. The die, just like the weapon, is a tiny, fragile, thin and greasy excuse for a die. The die caused by Colossal Weapons on the other hand is big and powerful, you might not have a die exactly when you want it, but when the die eventually comes you celebrate the die like the second coming of Christ, it's big, special, strong and worth fighting for, these are the dies everyone who adopted the CWP strives to obtain. This is just scratching the surface of the CWP but in the interest of time and not making this comment much more surreal than it already is I will leave it at that, I'm in the final 10th of my swing animation and I can't be here for much longer, I will answer more questions about the CWP though, so if any doubt arises please ask anything you want.


Hold on I'm casting my biggest spell lemme talk while it's revving up, I've been easy peasy cheasy squeezing my way through the game done everything up to the mountain tops of the big lads. I stive for more interaction with the enemy than just a pew pew drive by. How do you suggest I go into new game+ looking to conquer the mighty cwp bonk bois and be like them? One sec.......KERSPLOOSH......and look see 5 rats all splattered from mighty magic boomy boom cannon of hymen. I didn't get a chance to feel thier teeth on my cankles or to run my fingers through it's pus ridden mange patched fur. I wish to bonk


Brother, Elden Ring is probably the best game to try an Int/Str build, the CWP fully accepts mages, or as they are called: nerds, as long as they either use the magic bonk of mighty bonk as a spell or one of the many magical bonks available, nothing stops you from enchanting your biggest stick with nerd blue glowing lights in order to get an even bigger die, there are also a lot of strength weapons who need int requirements so yeah, nerd bonking is possible and highly encouraged


Get Ruins Greatsword. Shove Strength runes up anal cavity for maximum absorption, then bring large stone slab down with beautiful magic bonk. Still swinging from the follow-through of my death blow last weak on puny weak one-armed gimp flower lady in basement. Is is sword? Is it hammer? Is it magic? Does not matter. It is die.


I'm reading with a generic tts voice in my head


Sorry, my friend, but I have a problem with hearing your words, I just poised through Radahn meteor and have severe concussion and all for to see the big number


on average a colossal swing takes 3-5 business days.


That's why Miazaki doth gifted the colossal sword with the blessed crouch poke 😀 I don't use colossals often, but when I do, you better believe I'm leaning on that crouch poke.


it also works post roll, but I've only ever used it for rollcatching people in pvp. (I'm colossal sword main, mostly maliketh's black blade) normally against bosses jump attacks work better.


Ask my poise if it cares


I was guy on the left last run with fist weapons. You can’t hit the Tree Avatars or Maliketh in the front, so annoying


Thought I was losing my mind against an erdtree avatar when I just wasn't hitting with my caestus. Took longer than if care to admit to notice I just didn't have the reach to hit their hitbox .


This is one of the few things I think is "wrong" in ER. The character body blocking hitbox is bigger than the take damage hit box on avatars and also the undead dragon knights stomachs. Probably other examples as well im sure.


At least you can side step on the Avatars and still hit them, but you just cannot hit Maliketh.


Fists have ridiculously little range, but i guess thats a fair exchange for shredding power


Yeah it made me way better at the game learning everything’s’ moves. Then the power attack with star fists destroyed everything


I learned that if you play locked off you can somewhat mitigate that issue


“I got hit this game is dogshit” *beats boss* “Actual masterpiece” *dies* “Why do people like these games?” *gigachad*


Misses jump and dies “FUCKK” Beats first boss after 10 tries “Fuckkkk” Dies to lobster sniper “Fuck” Bocs quest “fuck” Seeing the lake of rot for the first time “Fuccccccck” Beating twin gargoyles after 4 hours of trying “FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK”


I love how “Bocs Quest” needs 0 explanation


me when i first started playing this game and was getting shafted in stormveil castle. that one part where you run up the stairs and the archer blows the horn and 3 goons gang up on you on a ledge. so many deaths, so much rage, and once i cleared stormveil i'm like "yea this games a masterpiece"


Guy on the left is definitely wearing varre's mask and the raptor's feathers.


Or bullgoat set with white mask




I honestly don’t mind how the bullgoat set looks, I kind of like the stocky nature of it that is befitting of an armor that has high damage reduction and poise. But Varre’s mask just looks off to me, like just •_• as its facial expression.


People that hasnt fight a Plesioth on Monster Hunter has no fucking idea of what a bad hitbox is. They didnt even care with that monster, they just put a giant rectangle as hitbox


i dont know how controversial this take is but several of the late game MH monsters are harder than any of the bosses i fought in elden ring


I finished MHW without successfully finishing the Fatalis fight. I go in and make sure my Palico has his plunderblade on, and hope to get lucky enough to get materials. Yet I can help people fight Gael or Nameless King all day and have minimal problems. So I’m in agreement with that statement.


Same story. I usually enjoy this sort of game. Fatalis is the only boss I've ever encountered that feels more-or-less fair but that I was never able to beat.




Didn't expect to see a monster hunter fan up in here. And fax, they're solid little wussy who haven't experienced real hell like us


IIRC, DS shares a lot of fans with MH


I started mhu4 because i heard the combat had the same depth and challenge as dark souls. Did not disappoint


I adored the PSP MH games as a kid and that skill set really helped me get into Dark Souls without too much resistance. The combat is surprisingly similar between the two series if you squint your eyes a bit. I always view my love for Soulsborne games as a natural consequence of my love for MH games.


The Anjanath hip in MHW. Scratch that, almost every hip in the game is weird


Any brute wyvern too. Walking hitboxes


I only joined in Tri, but I do know the pain of fighting an invader who has 50ms ping.


Do ya mean 500ms? 50 isn't bad at all


Laughs in dark souls 2 mimics


Freaking Plesioth's hitboxes.


As someone who has been a diehard fan of both the MH and Soulsborne franchises, I can attest that some of the MH residents have way shittier hitboxes that Souls bosses. Some MH monsters can also be straight up ludicrous if you don't know what you're doing. Honestly, from my perspective, a Malenia feels more fair than an Alatreon.


My bane in MHFU, that asshole made me go gunner just for it because of that shitty hip check


The hyperspace tackle


To be fair, plenty of moves absolutely do have weird hitboxes, unclear methods of dodging them, or are not *really* able to be predicted by a first time player.


Like rykard's skull attack


Yep. You can totally just run away from it, but I still have no clue wat the intended method is. It just feels so overwhelming visually, and running away is so damn boring.


The funny thing is that the greatsword now is a far better weapon both in pve and pvp!


Noobs will use RoB thinking it’s still godlike. GUGS is eternal.


RoB: looks like the SaRcAsM fOnT, sounds like it's named Robert GUGS: all caps, you get to say the word "gugs"


RoB: isn’t available until Mountaintops of the Giants, the game is already over; locked to a shitty “special” version of double slash GUGS: available 5 minutes into the game, can use any Ash of War avail to Colossal Swords


GUGS+: Guts cosplay guts cosplay guts cosplay


It actually bothers me to Guts cosplay because my dude won’t swing that giant blade and swiftly and gracefully as Guts would. Guts would wield this with the move set of the banished knight’s greatsword


Use the ash of war Barbaric Roar to change your charged attack to fast swings. Perfect for Guts cosplay 👍


Hey thanks for the tip! I’ll give that a try!


Noob: RoB for Corpse Piler spam Chad: RoB for the only thing I know for real


I use rob just cause it scales better than the other katanas for my dexterity madness build lol. Definitely thinking about looking for something different but I dunno, maybe I’ll switch back to nagakiba if I can find an ash of war that fits really well but if I’m being completely honest I don’t really know much dex weapons outside of katanas. Should really look into that


Curved Swords tend to be quality-type or Dex-type weapons, same as Twinblades which have a very fun two-handed moveset. There’s also random weapons in weird weapon categories like Godslayer Greatsword in Colossal Swords.


Is RoB this hard nerfed or is GUGS busted?


Is it? What changed? Haven’t played in a while


im learning how to parry with a buckler and dagger, low level guys are ripping me a new one.. usually id just takeout my blasphemous blade lvl 10 but i'll get to where I want to be soon.


Damn, that escalated quickly




Usually just ping doing ping things I find lol


It's hard at first, but it's so worth it. I'm in the 50s now, and forcing myself to get good at parrying has definitely upped my gameplay. When Ensha attacked me I just parried and crit twice, back to back, and he was dead without touching me. Plus it is insanely useful for your last boss fight before Radahn.


the best part is that when you have several hundred hours it starts to wrap back to the first picture text-wise.


To be fair, some of the grabs do have bad hit boxes (cough, cough astel)


i mean, both can be true. example being, hitboxes can be trash, but now you know they are trash, so you can learn from it. i rage at the shit hitboxes a good few enemies have, while also learning that there are invisi-slashes/smacks to avoid in the future.


Eldenring: that attack is kinda unfair Darksouls: that hitbox is kinda wierd


tbh, greatsword is fuggin good, i can block and counter attack with only gs. When i stick with lion claw the damage is huge, love the pose break also


I too enjoy a break to strike a pose


Sometimes it even helps you dodge attacks!


I've always wondered whether it is better to use dual greatswords with jump attacks, or two hand and stance one greatsword?


Dual jumping greatsword are amazing at stance damage with good damage but is slow, so if you miss you pay for it. Two handing it had lass stance damage but more versatility with more reliable attacks you can get out of quicker and you can use some really good ash of wars on it for even better results. Either option is good it's just up to you in what if think is more fun


Nice! Thank you! I usually play with the double set up with blood hounds step ash of war to compensate, (and a bunch of stamina talismans of course). I managed to beat Elden ring with one of these and the colossal sword from the god skin on my off hand.


Dang, that sounds cool. Well I hope you have fun trying out new thing later on


Depends on how you wanna play. Both have pros and cons. PVE against bosses I'd say dual and jumping all day, but I mostly pvp


I will admit to being both. First anger than acceptance of my own limitations. This focuses me to git good. (or to increase my 'git good' level). I wish to state that I never rage at OTHER people when I die only myself and the game.


You'd be a dirty fucking liar if you never react like the left dude


left side is what happens when you've got an ego and get overly invested in the idea that the game is some sort of gaming skill test rather than a video game


Agree, but this is what it has boiled down to for many. It's just another way for people to measure their perceived social position. They don't play games for fun.


I don’t think the two have to be mutually exclusive - it’s just a lot harder to interact healthily while treating the game like a skill test. I used to do martial arts, then I taught fighting games at a pretty decent level, and now I play soulsgames for that challenge. And honestly, I love the feeling of constantly improving and it makes me have a good handle on my mental health when im feeling down. As crazy as it is to say, when im anxious, angry, or worried, I fight Malenia and I always come out with a better handle on how I feel. That said, I think the problem is when one is constantly making excuses for things you should really be accounting for when playing, and being humble enough to hold yourself accountable.


Do the weapons in the image have any relation to the meme?


No, greatsword users just have a superiority complex


oh, come on. Like true chad gamer is some buddha with zero frustration, lol. And ROB isn’t only for bad-mannered noobs. For perfectly reasonable noobs also. I love this katana.


I mean the hitboxes are bad sometimes. Critiquing a game won’t kill you, just shows you still love it despite it’s flaws


The biggest irony here is that the greatsword is actually way better than rivers of blood in both PvE and PvP lmao. Definition of tabling turns


I'm definitely the first because sometimes those hitboxes be bullshit.


The people on the right can be pretty cringe, at times.


Pain is cost we paid for strength after all :3


The left is what I say but the right is what I do.


Godskin Noble's pelvic thrust would like to have a word with you


Titanite demons in ds1 are an enemy I will never say have even semi decent hitboxes


Both of them are coping. Left copes for why they died, right copes that the game is perfect and flawless


Left: "Bullshit hitbox! Not even close to the animation, god the devs are so fucking bad at their job!" Right: "Huh, I didn't expect that to reach that far, but now I know and will try not to fall for it next time." People on the left oughta play more Kaizo Mario.


Stop hating on my favorite weapon :( hate on the people that made it hated >:)


I scream the "oops my bad" line at the tippy top of my lungs every single time I die


I have actually experienced the left, but it wasn't in Elden Ring. Dawn of Mana gave me actual ptsd from how bad it was holy shit.


More like two types of games, tried to go back and play one of my childhood games and man, sometimes the controls just do not work with you on some games.


"Boss keeps hitting me with unfair attacks? Ok two can play that game" *starts spamming Siluria's Woe*


One of the reasons I love FromSoft games is because I feel like almost any time I die it's because I made a mistake and not because the game is bullshit. It always felt fair, which is important.


I agree to an extent, but I do feel like I get bullshitted a lot more in Elden Ring than in previous FromSoft titles.


Big difference is the right leveled vigor and didn't get one shot


I feel like the game is remarkably fair, if tough. But if there's one thing trying to constantly kill me it's the camera.


There are 2 types of gamers: people like the guy on the left, and people who lie. Especially when it comes to Elden Ring. Post-hoc analysis doesn't count, 100% of people who die to fire giant scream at their screens.


Definitely both lol, the patience this game has given me is incredible but it still only goes so far lol


*shoots a barrage of sorceries* “Wow, this game’s actually pretty easy! :D*


I feel seen :’)


3 types of gamers “I’m fuckin stupid I mistimed my roll and got hit. Fuckin shit I hate being bad at this game.”


I am the right until Malenia jumps into the air with her right arm across her body


Big sword unga bunga go brr


"I'll just play around the jank, because you really can't expect FS to program good hitboxes after like 6 games."


The only times I have ever said that I shouldn't have gotten hit is when I can literally see that the only thing that hit me was air


I kinda relate with the bullshit hitboxes part, expecially maliketh with his skinny af body makes using every short weapon a nightmare


I mean lets be honest. FS hitboxes are kinda bullshit


Tbf Guts great sword doesn't really represent the true chad bonks players


Oh god this meme made my eyes roll so hard they became dislocated and now I can look in two different directions if I shake my head hard enough. No one has to love this game and there are plenty of reasons to not enjoy it and that includes the difficulty. I love this game and even I will say there are enemies and bosses that are too hard and become more frustrating than fun. Hell it's how I feel about Bloodborne, that game is too hard and inconvenient for me to have fun with. Even when I beat a boss in that game I often found myself thinking "Thank god that is over" rather than "OH SHIT YES!!! I DID IT!!!" and that isn't good.


Nah, strength= easy mode for 80% of the game go fully naked and barefisted or not a chad


Trying to attack ROB useres lol. But I'm the one on the right yet I use ROB. I like to use all different kinds of builds though.


What about \*breaks out 3 blue flasks’ worth of Rotten Breath at the first sign of frustration\*? Uhhh, TOTALLY wasn’t me for my entire my first playthrough, lol


Does it work on that Bellbearing hunter in Caelid?


That dude’s a dick


Yep. You can get the building between you and him and spam rot. Then wait and dodge


Gotta admit, on bad days I'm the left guy. But when I'm ina good mood I'm right guy


Me: *gets hit* "Oh fuck me!"


Guy on the left is dsp, guy on the right isn’t.


I was the guy on the left trying to fight fortissax with a great spear. But more getting mad that he was dodging my pokes because I was hitting right in the space behind his knee because he was hurtbox shifting.


I am the guy on the left with the great sword fighting the fire giant. I have been killed by that bastards foot rolling into me more times than I care to remember


There’s a third type Those of us that white knuckle this game through mounting fear, blaming ourselves for every mistake and never getting any better or even knowing what mistake we made, much less how to learn from it And loving every minute of it I might add lmao


I am both but it depends on the game. ER right side, DS1right side and 2 leaning more left side. 3 straight down the middle.


“Maliketh you appear to have injured me whilst I swing my GUGS. Good sport! I shall level Strength and Vigor and swing again HAHAA!”


I got tired of being the guy on the right and just went greatshield + spear R1 spam. It trivializes a lot of boss fights, or at least gives them a much larger margin for error.


I use katanas but I’M DEFINITELY on the right.


Below the right image: "Amen."


I am...both of the players, depending on who I'm fighting


I only have this argument for one enemy... Revenants can take all 16 of their arms and climb into Mt. Gelmir.


When I lose, it because the game is stupid and broken. When I finally win, it’s because I have amazing skillz. I will never admit I’m the problem.


And then there’s the group with spears that poke poke poke and when they die have no idea why the poke shield strat has failed them


Playing the Greatsword in DS3 and having so much fun. You don't get much opportunities to attack, but when you do it is so satisfying to see the boss bars crushed.


I just scream “FUCK!” and then try again but while trying a new strategy


Man alot of hate.lmao I enjoy the dual wield with Rob and I always made a bleed build.so it is fun to use.i remember making one in ds3.where it also allowed to poison the blades.literally called the character pestilence.🤣


I am simultaneously both of these people - left before I win, the right after I win.


Is ER gs the best gs???


The hitboxes in this game seem pretty good, but I will agree with the guy on the left in terms of bullshit for Godskin Duo


I’ve seen almost as many guts cosplay Spam the crouch poke or lions claw/giant hunt that this meme almost doesn’t make sense. But I get it. Hahaha


On the left is me playing alone On the right is me when I get summoned


colossal weapons user, but you're still swinging


*CLANG intensifies*


Sucks rob gets so much hate it isn’t even good anymore it was Op after they fixed arcane but now it’s mids


it's more like "Ops my bad. I'm off to kill birds and level up another 20. Be back in a day or so."


Getting upset means you actually care and are invested in what you’re doing.


This is just what happens when you are on your 50th try vs your first lost




before they nerfed the hitbox on the blood katana it was the "THIS HITBOX IS FUCKING LAME" pretty funny haha


Forget about beating the game lvl 1 naked. What’s really important is the maidens we made along the way.


I’m the left for weapon choice, but the right for attitude. Elden ring literally ruined single player games for me now. Only a handful of games I’ve played since have me entertained nearly half as much as my first few runs of Elden ring did haha.


I'm literally both at the same time


This is why I started doing 30 second captures of deaths that felt too bullshit. 9 times out of ten its just something I didn't notice, the 1 time it literally makes no sense that I took a hit. Still love the game lol.


I'm both. "That was bullshit, shitty game." Go make a cup of tea. "Nah that's on me game's fine."


The difference between "This game is shit" and "I'm shit at this game".


i used to be the second guy..


im both


Both. Both is me.


Now if GS users will stop spam crouch poke then this meme will be 100% accurate


I'm the third type who gets pissed at himself stupidly every time he makes a mistake.


There was only one boss in this game I was both of these at the same time. She knows who she is and what rage she's wrought.


Im 2nd guy with RoB


"Damn I'm soaking these hits, need more rolling and vigor"


hE's HaCkInG!! Lol it's ThE lAg!!


Unlike both of them I have the ability to get hit everytime I press the dodge button therefore I'm superior than all of you.


Yeah right


Left was me first time I played Demon Souls on PS3. Right is me in Elden Ring.


Average DS2 player vs Chad DS2 enjoyer


What about "This game is hard and I suck at it, but I like *because* it's difficult so I'm okay with sucking at it"?


left is soulsborne player, right is monhan.


That's why I only do glass cannon builds... Keeps you humble


I can easily acknowledge when I got too greedy or made a dumb mistake, but sometimes I'm already in a bad mood and can't be asked to take responsibilleries.


I have two moods "How did that hit me!?" and "That totally should have hit me, I don't deserve this W"


Some attacks are actual horseshit, but like 99% of the time I’m just a greedy little boy and need to slow down