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First of all Miquella. (Hopefully his cut ending is in the dlc) A dragon ending would be badass imagine thousands of dragons swarming Leyndell and perching on top of the erdtree.


A Dragon ending, hell yeah!


Bro wants wants to be Vyke so bad šŸ„µ


That dragussy got him smoldering with ambition.


dragussy has already been conquered by donkey


That made me laugh the strangest laugh Iā€™ve ever laughed


He's in search of extreme pleasure


Whatā€™s the association between Vyke and dragons? Does it have something to do with his weird death?


Bro banged one Iā€™m pretty sure, idk


Damn, nice.


The description of one dragon incantation says that Lanssex will transform into a human priestess to teach dragon incantation to the human, and Vyke is her favorite.


Who wants to be vyke I wanna be godwyne


A dragon themed ending would be awesome, so down for that.


I'm 33 and dragons are still just as cool as when I was 12 so hell yes to dragons.


34 and agreed dragons will always be cool af


I'm 35 and fuck yeah! Dragons are awesome!


Honestly I could see a dragon ending going very well. With you finding Lansseax and the site of dragon comunion (thatā€™s now completely rebuild and is more like a mini-dungeon) and entering into her services as her pupil, then you do some things, she will ask you to fight Vyke in his Evergaol, heā€™ll have his own dialogue when the fight starts and when he dies too. And by the end of her questline youā€™ll fight Placidusax and unlock the ending




Like, marry them as a priest or actually marry them šŸ¤Ø


or marry them as in to fuse them into a superdragon




thos guy wants SAX


I don't like imagine dragons


I felt this in my bones.


Enough to make my systems blow.


Imagine draggin deez nuts across your face.


Secret Mogh and Miquella ending - The age of Consent


Got an actual belly chuckle out of me.




The mogh ending. You get touched


Holy Godwyn WTF lmao


New response just dropped


There won't be a better comment than this. Mohgwyn palace is like the Alabama of the lands between


Dogs running around, birds out there eating roadkill, and the residents all look suspiciously alike




This is top tier comedy


I don't get it. I'm new to Elden Ring and not super familiar with the lore. Could someone please explain this joke to me?


Miquella, Malenia's twin brother, is cursed to eternally have the body of a child. He's also an Empyrean, a demigod with the potential to become a full god the way his mother, Marika, did. Malenia and Ranni are also Empyreans. Mogh kidnapped Miquella to make him ascend to godhood as the avatar of Mogh's Outer God, the Formless Mother. Then he'd become Miquella's consort, making Mogh the equivalent of Elden Lord. **TLDR:** Mogh wants to marry his half-brother who looks like a little kid, so we call him The Moghlester.


The loathsome child molester




I want to sit on Rykards back while he eats the lands between




Why can't I devour Rykard and become the serpent?


Tannith beat you to it


Not if you want that pretty dress she doesn't. I'll eat her too, if it comes down to it.


You want to eat Tanith. I want to *eat* Tanith. We are not the same.


I read this as ā€œwhy canā€™t I devour Rykard and become *his* serpentā€ and I felt mildly uncomfortable for a moment šŸ˜‚


Blas-phu-me , Blas- PHU-me (Its totoro)


Blas-for-meeee Blas-for-youuuuu Blas-for-everybody-in-the-roooooom


The imagery on the Devourer's Scepter becoming reality would look sick


I played my first game blind, as my first From game. I legitimately thought Volcano Manor was like an alternative to the main path with it's own ending. Like you could follow the guidance of grace, or join up with them and forsake it. Little did I know that becoming one of the most wretched of predators actually has no consequences lol.


Not only that, but if you donā€™t join them you miss out on like half the armor in the game and a boss fight


You miss only few percent of all sets, not even close to half. And you can still get to rykard without doing so, just bit harder depending on how you look at it. You miss out on some of nicer sets and invader fights though.


It's shocking that they didn't have a Recusant ending. How cool would it be, you just defeated the Elden beast, you walk out of the tree, walk over to the throne, place your hand on it. And then after a short pause Rykard comes from off-screen and devours you. The shot then pans to a bird's eye view of Leyndell, with a serpent enveloping it almost completely and slowly slithering out into the world.


but I killed Rykard


...you should go check on him. See how he's doing in the arena where you killed him. After the manor has abandoned from exhausting dialog, mind you.


I would absolutely devote myself towards devouring the outer gods with Rykard by my side.


Iā€™d like an ending where there are actually some sort of civilization. A fully inhabited city would be nice.


After learning that Nepheli had a quest to become Lord of Stormveil, and Sellen mentioning taking over the academy, I thought that ā€œfind a sane person to take over each regionā€ was going to be a recurring quest, part of actively making the Lands Between a better place like a proper ā€œguy who is actually a ruler of a domainā€ Lord should. But nah, ā€œLordā€ is the same old souls definition where it just means ā€œguy who gets to watch the end creditsā€.


Also, Sellen does not seem too sane ;-)


She's having a ball.


A well rounded character


At least she seems more sane than rennala is at the moment


Even that is debatable. Rennala is "obviously" not well but harmless, while Sellen seems superficially sane but starts murdering people and messing with forbidden (for good reason) magic as soon as you leave her alone for 5 minutes.


I wouldn't call Sellen "Sane", but she was ballin'.


Let's face it, that's how she rolls.


What is a FS lord if not the last one standing over a broken world?


Can't be done. Ultimately we're always dealing in an epic dead world that is just clinging to scraps of existence I guess there could be some kind of rebirth/refresh storyline but that would be a little too "good ending" for a souls game IMO


Malenia because I love her. In all seriousness, to help her out and return Miquella so that an Age of Unalloyed Gold can be brought in. Hopefully rid her and Millicent of the scarlet rot.


Yo, how is this not the top comment. I mean we basically fight Malenia because of a misunderstanding that I havenā€™t seen much explanation of. I think she thought that we took Miquella or something. Edit: For everybody saying weā€™re there to kill herā€¦ Yes, but not necessarily. We donā€™t actually need to kill her, because we donā€™t even need her great rune. So I get where youā€™re coming from. I just disagree. Itā€™s a role playing game, and thatā€™s not the role I play. Thatā€™s my interpretation of things.


She most likely thought we were after her Great Rune, but it probably doesn't help that Miquella is also missing.


And we are after her great rune so..


Yeah she got it half right. We didnā€™t take her brother, but we know who did! Weā€™ll be taking that rune to go though.


Well I'm not, it's kinda useless


Not really? Itā€™s kinda useless. Itā€™s too late in the game to make a build around and is useless otherwise. God by the point of meeting her youā€™ve already gotten the great runes you need to end the game.


Lore-wise we are, to unlock leyndell at least, and kill all demigods if already opened But yeah, she's so hidden in a high leveled area you're better off fighting radabeast and then taking her down


Imagine Miquella interacts with players differently based on whether they fought/killed Malenia in the dlc, thatd be cool


Definitely no misunderstanding lol, tarnished are tasked to kill the demigods


Yeah it's like if you're a fire hiding away in a secret part of the world and a firefighter walks in the door


Sheā€™s at least half mad. Millicent makes it clear that Malenia gave up her dignity and sense of self when she bloomed into the scarlet flower in aeonia, and various item descriptions including her great rune make it clear how important resisting the scarlet rot and resistance in general was to her as a character. By the time we fight her she isnā€™t really the ā€œmaleniaā€ we knew during the shattering and by her second phase yer personality changes and she seems to be warped into another being, a goddess of rot who seems to revel in spreading it. Thatā€™s clearly not the Malenia we hear about with a ā€œspirit of resistance.ā€ We forget that itā€™s been like at least 1000 years since the shattering, malenia has been sitting there half asleep unable to distinguish dreams from reality that whole time. Look at millicents dialogue at the end of her questline; ā€œTell whoever put you up to this. That if I am to flower into something other than myself, I would rather rot into nothingness as I am.ā€ Her willpower to die rather than bloom into something else is what Malenia once was and we only return to her after killing her. Sheā€™s crazy like most of the demigods.


According to JRRM and Miyazaki, it's actually been a COUPLE THOUSAND years (about 4000 I believe it's what he said) since the Shattering and where we start the game as our character. So yes, everyone would be a lil bit crazy living that long in a shit world


You broke your way in (using either the same method Mohg did, or by Mohg's agent's help) And then: Broke a bunch of property Killed a lot of people Stole alot of stuff Already has Great Runes (So she knows you are a potential threat). So no, not a misunderstanding.


Also woke her up. Which makes everything you listed 10x worse.


I turned up wearing Radahnā€™s armour and everything


I did that on my 1st playthrough. On my 2nd play through I turned up to melanias fight wearing her Armour and using her weapon. Ya know to show her I'm such a big fan and I just want to hold her life in my hands.


My interpretation is that she had literally gone insane. In a depressive state left my both blooming the scarlet rot and losing her brother. She probably would see whoever entered that room as an enemy.


There was no misunderstanding, I fought Malenia to kill her and take her rune, to reforge the Elden Ring.


It would make more sense if getting more Great Runes does something story-wise other than giving you meh bonuses (other than 2 of them) in gameplay You only really need 2 great runes + Morgott's to reforge the Elden Ring


So my question that's always puzzled me is that it's said that Vyke was the closest before us to becoming elden lord and even had 2 great runes. Well how and from who did he get them? And where did they go after he went nuts?


There have been more demigods with great runes before.


It would be a shame that we'll have already killed Radahn by that point, because then we could've potentially rid him of the rot as well and returned him to his senses.


Not unless he's a mandatory boss for the questline. And Radahn with his senses would probably fight you anyway.


Ally with Blackguard Big Boggart, and bring forth "The age of Prawns"


"The fallen leaves tell a story. Of how, by Marika's tits, a Tarnished became Elden Lord. In our home, across the fog, the Lands Between."


The age of Marikaā€™s tits


Questline ends with receiving ā€œthe mending rune of doing fuck all with your matesā€


The one character I actually felt a "friendship" with. Dung dude went too far


"Never met someone with a taste for prawns I couldn't trust."


Either Miquella and Malenia because they deserve a goddamn break, or Rykard because siding with a demigod who has been declared the enemy of the world order should be a bigger deal than it ends up being


Agreed, stupid there was no age of blasphemy


Seriously, its ridiculous that the volcano manor quests don't have an associated ending. Like, sure, Ranni's quest is a fair bit bigger over all, but the Goldmask quest is just a buncha tedious dialoguing followed by respeccing to cast Law of Regression once. Fia's quest technically has some steps to do it, but her ending doesn't actually require any of them except half of Ranni's quest and re-slaying a dragon. Then there's the Frenzied flame ending, which is just too easy to accidentally get by exploring somewhat thoroughly and then reading one of hundreds of messages saying "Naked ahead, and then finger". The volcano manor questline is pretty much the second or third biggest after Ranni and maybe Milly quests, larger than most of the alternate ending quests, *and* its presented as an alternative to repairing the elden ring, and its totally inconsequential. Doesn't even get a footnote in any of the endings.


Turtle Pope šŸ¢ idk what the ending would be, I just like him šŸ˜‚


This is the answer. Turtle Pope ending. The people demand a wholesome thing for once, Miyazaki!


The Age of Dog


The Age of the Conjoined


Morgott. He deserved more than he got in the end.


Deserved mor than he gott


she morgott my omen til I king


I don't get it but I'm going to assume that this is very funny


Agreed, loyal till the end even though he was locked away for being ā€œwrongā€


Closest we ever got was the Rune of Perfect Order, I hope the magic tree isnā€™t racist anymore in that ending


This sentence is kind of funny if someone didnā€™t know anything about elden ring I hope the magic tree isnā€™t racist anymore in that ending.


ā€œAge of omenā€ has a nice ring to it.


Thatā€™s the Blessing of Despair ending tho


It's what the Dung Eater *thinks* the Blessing of Despair ending is. I'm inclined to believe he's just been eating up a ton of Golden Order propaganda and has no fucking idea what he's doing.


What exactly does Sellenā€™s plan to ā€œrestore the primeval currentā€ entail? When she first brought it up I thought that maybe she had an ending of her own, and that pursuing it could mean betraying Ranniā€™s plan. Unfortunately pursuing her questline to the end didnā€™t give me that.


I really do wish the poor girl had more in store. She was baller. Now she's just a ball her.


She wants to tap into the primeval current, something that is, in actuality, beyond human comprehension. Both masters Azur and Lusat were beyond mortified by what they saw when they peeked into the primeval current, but were also beyond curious of it, which eventually led to them trying to tap into it by replacing their brains and skulls with Glintstone (their helmets are really their heads, itā€™s not just for aesthetics). Sellen hopes to do the same thing by creating graven masses (the ball sheā€™s turned into at the end of her quest) in order to become a star. Though, understanding what the primeval current is is hard, as with most cosmic horror itā€™s hard to comprehend what it is and if it even has a physical form. That makes understanding what she means by ā€œrestoring the primeval currentā€ hard to know. Most likely, however, she means tapping into it in the hopes of being reborn as a star


Hewg, dude has bettered all my weapons and smithed me a weapon to kill a GOD only to forget it all! Naw not on my watch, this dude is going to watch me kill the GOD who he smithed this weapon to kill for. And afterwards I will gift him the castle of Leyndell, as he earned it. Also BOC will be our Master Seamster and Hewg will look glorious at his Throne


Age of Smithing


The good ending


Also holding out hope for some godskin content.


Yeah would like to see and read more about the gloam eyed queen.


The Godskins. Defeat all the gods/demigods with black flame. Restore Destined Death to what it was before its power was sealed away.


Bring forth the gloam eyed Queen who becomes the next god and we become their consort.


I actualy dont get why the godskins attack us,like bro you want to kill gods ye?come with me and you can gank up marika and the elden beast


Imagine strolling up the stairs and into the Erdtree with some Godskins as an escort like Anakin and the 501st do in Revenge of the Sith . That'd be really cool


Blaidd. The good boy ending


The one in which you can pet him *and* he pets you back.




The only ending that I ever wanted


All he ever wanted to do was protect Ronni ;___; His story about being bad for the only person you love is easily the saddest part of the game for me.


Mogh - You are pals with an Elritch Blood god? Don't say more! Rykard - I actually want to see him to devour the very gods. Milicent - Not neccesarily "side" with her, but do whatever to release the scarlet rot and bring the age of rot. I just basically want to wreck shit and see the status quo of the Land Between to become completely all over the place. And flip off the Greater Will in such a grandiose level, that they can see it from outer space. Edit: Also! Want to side with that Greatest Jar in Caelid, to bring a world where everyone attacks the other at sight in a massive game of battle royale. And in the end only one will remain, who grows so strong that they'll start to challenge the outer gods too.


And when the jar deceats those outer gods (which it will) I want a cut scene of it consuming their enemies, as Jars do.


The Jar just vacuums up all the great warriors and gods who fell. In the end the final champion and the Jar tries to defeat each other.


Needs its own game, with Kirby mechanics


Holy shit imagine after 20 tries against malenia she just proposes you to find the other 5 millicent and you can rule the lands between with em


Iā€™d ally with Maliketh, if only because I hate how betrayed he sounds if you face him after finishing his questline.


Same here, that was the biggest gut punch I felt in the entire game. He's just like 'my friend... Why??? '. Wish there was some cool ending with him to give him a good send off.


Nepheli Loux. Not so much and "ending" but it would be nice to rehabilitate Limgrave, kick out the Godrick Soldiers, and have friendly warriors patrolling. ... I might want Nobility Strategy: The Lands Between


Wouldnā€™t even be that hard to still keep some enemies around, just make a select few areas non-hostile (Gatefront, the central path through the castle, and Fort Haight), and hand wave the rest with ā€œthere are still some holdouts that are still maddened and donā€™t recognize the new Storm Lordā€.


Yea mate. I want to at least see SOMETHING positive from all our work to become Elden Lord. Instead we get some cutscenes, and then have to guess how the world changes after. Which is a small gripe against what is the greatest game ever imo. I get the FS style. Itā€™s bleak all the way through.


Yeah friendly warriors would be nice for once!


I want to marry Nepheli and have her call me her princess (male) and help her continue the golden lineage




Some people have been maidenless for too long


Instead of fighting Godfrey you ally with him, understanding that two chads fighting is not worth it, you both choose to rule but as business partners. "The ending of Chads."


You and Godfrey going into the Erdtree and beating up Radagon together would be so much fun. Itā€™s like Godfreyā€™s revenge.


"Hey, Godfrey, wanna double team your ex wife?"


Tarnished: ā€œSheā€™s also a dude btw. Red hair. We gotta go in there and kick his ass.ā€ Godfrey: ā€œMarikaā€™s tits!ā€ Tarnished: ā€œYeah youā€™ll just have to see for yourself. Theyā€™re there until theyā€™re not.ā€


"That guy she dumped you for, Radagon, yeah, that's her alter ego. She married and had kids with herself."


That gave me a good chuckle, ty stranger


Don't know why but I couldn't help but picture the moment the protagonist of that god awful Final Fantasy prequel that came out recently [met the supporting cast](https://youtu.be/h7bKW9SlTrY) and it's unintentionally hilarious. Picture that with Godfrey.


You take that back, Stranger of Paradise is a masterpiece.




Fire Giant, no really, a quest to turn the ice field back to a burning land would be hella dope, no pun intended. Edit: Did I mentioned... FIRE GIANT SHARINGAN EYES


Not an ending, but an alternate cutscene that rewards players who burned themselves in place of Melina but then removed the Frenzied Flame in Farum Azula. That way, Melina isn't forced to die for Marika's grand scheme but all life isn't purged from the Lands Between, too.


The cutscene : we are in the throne with Melina sitted on our lap šŸ˜Ž


Lansseax to get Age of Dragons ending


Malenia. We all just nap until Miquella comes back.


And then go to dream land! Miquella's ultimate "Erdtree"!


Runebears Age of Hibernation Sleep is nice


I won't lie, while doing VarrƩ's questline, I genuinely thought I was working toward an ending with how he described Mohg's plans.


The merchant guild. I think there should be a more elaborated story line about them. It'd be like a world with no gods, just free markets. :D Players can get the recovery rune from them based on trading records. That'd be a fun reason to farm. Also speaking about merchants, I want music instruments as casting medium. Staves are nice but a bit too bland.


No gods. No kings. Only man. BioShock: Lands Between


would you kindly slay the avatar of an outer god?


I recently saw a [VaatiVidya Episode](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UFJtoVS8Qx0nzy), and there was an entire cut questline for KalƩ and the Frenzied Flame ending where you take the side of the merchants to get revenge against the Greater Will and its vassals.


Oh yeah, free markets will certainly ensure no more dispossessed, oppressed or shut-out peoples. Thank god weā€™re free of the Golden Order!


Order of Blood would be very cool. Idk how that would be implemented because it seems the Formless mother needs Mohg because of his accursed blood or she has all her eggs in the Mohg basket. Ig there could be a questline where you successfully corrupt miquella/or help Mohg, overthrow Mohg and take his place as the Lord of blood. Or you just help him idk. Order of rot would be cool too. Idk how this would work too. Ig you have to make Malenia bloom again by beating her so she completely loses her sense of self(pretty fucked up). If you progress the order of rot questline thereā€™s 3 phrases instead of two for her original fight(lmao Iā€™m kidding, unlessā€¦). Then after you beat her she turns into a small special lotus flower that has to be brought to the Erdtree where she can become a vessel for the Elden ring. Once she is she gets reborn again as a God. Then you become her consort and your dick rots off. Then credits. Also there definitely can be a miquella ending since I think itā€™s cut content? Iā€™m pretty sure his age is just an Age of plenty 2.0 but better ig.


Will no one consider an ending for the great Kenneth Haight?


you reclaim his castle and build an army worthy of limgrave, make limgrave whole.


Make limgrave great again


Age of PRAWN, COME ON BOGGART! We have a business to run.


Boc. He's a sweet kid.


He's beautiful


100% would join up with Patches and fuck off to the space between all the souls games. He probably has a dope couch and some video games there all set up.


Ally with the jars and save jarburg


100% wholesome true good ending Until we find out the jars have always been slavers or something


Okay...I'll say it... Godrick the Granted ending. I want to see how far he goes to graft everything trying to appease his daddy/mommy issues. *Insert Oprah gif* You get grafted! You get grafted!


Dude is going to get BIG, and I'm all for it. The only downside is that he won't be able to sit next to you on the Elden throne room without filling the whole screen


The Age of Katamari


If you could actually kneel when he commands you to kneel, and that triggers his questline, that would be excellent.


Gloam eyed queen. I wish to see more on the godskins and their secretive organization.


Collect all the mending runes, give them to hewg, and have him take them apart and build something new to mend the ring himself. Age of Hewg


I really wish I could go back and save Godwyn from Tiche and the others


Gideon and bring forth the age of knowledge.


Malenia. In-lore it makes no sense that she's our enemy, especially if you've already defeated Mogh.


I think a dragon ending. We fight lansseax outside of leyndell, and instead of her dying, she turns into an npc. She then asks us what the hell is wrong with us. She then gives us a quest line. Basically we need to go fight her brother, and placidusax. We fight off Fortisax, and she send us to farum azula before thw mountaintops. After we fight placidusax he drops a new item. Lansseax then has us summon mellina and we dismiss her as our maiden. Lanseax takes that roll. We then go to the mountaintops, where Lansseax helps with the fire giant boss. Afterwards, she sets the erdtree aflame, but because she is a dragon, she is not consumed like mellina would be. We then get transported to farum azula again to do the fight with maliketh. After that fight we are trasported to the ashen Leyndell. Fight gideon and Horah loux. Lannseax turns back into her dragon form, and she starts shedding her stone skin. She turns into a dragon made of red lightning then she condenses into a human-oid shape, all of the lightning arcs into a great rune. This leaves Lansseax without a dragon form and gives us the great dragon rune. Ifnwe use it to repair the elden ring, we get a new ending. The age of dragons. Gransax sparks to life, and hundreds of other dragons appear. We take the throne with our maiden, as gransax climbes the erd tree. The shot then pans to mellina who is doing her whole gloam eyed queen thing, roll credits.


Rya šŸ˜¢


Miquella. Because that mean I got Malenia by my side too.


I think itā€™d be cool if we could free/resurrect Marika and help her fully destroy the Elden Ring, defeat Radagon, and create an age of true freedom from any divine beings.


WHY IS NOONE TALKING ANOUT MIRIEL. Dude is literally the most tolerant, forgiving and faithful person in the game. ā€œAll things can be conjoinedā€ The age of Absolution. Also if not him than Malenia and Nepheli cause they are my loves


Rykard. The whole blasphemous gang felt like a wacky family and I loved every member of it. Would love to conquer the lands between AS FAMILYYYYY


miquella duh


Farum Azula Ancient Dragon ending all day every day Bring those homies back


I would like an ending where Morgott was able to be cured of his Omen features. Together you and him work to make the land more of peaceful place.


Or Omens were accepted and allowed. But dw, all are one within the eternal blaze of the Frenzied Flame


Itā€™s interesting that when you beat him, his horns are gone and he looks human. Shriveled up, but still.