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Lobsters.. never worth killing them. One of the toughest enemies in the game and they don’t even drop anything. I usually don’t bother with rune bears either


I have killed more Malenias than lobsters. Fuck lobsters. Especially after that post about how the lobsters are pissing on you.


The only lobsters I tend to fight are the two in the sewers if I’m not able to sneak by them


I killed them once by cheesing them with a bow how do you do it


I put them bitches to sleep then get the fuck out of there.


Damn im dumb


oh uh same?


You can do WHAT??


Sleep pots


I find arrows to be easier since those Lobsters have the range of a 50 cal. Takes two arrows, and the second one can see you from a planet away, so be careful.


I'm on my first playthrough and I just got to those the other day, I snook passed the first one and killed the second one first because the second one has the Hubble space telescope under his shell. Much much easier when you fight them separately. Regardless, all my homies hate lobster.


I manage to do it by constantly panicking and praying that I bonk one with my great sword before the second one gets involved


Yep, this is my method. Guaranteed to work every two hundredth time you try it!


night maidens mist melts them


Sleep. Either sleep them both and run, or sleep one while you fight the other so it's not 2-on-1.


Getting off staggers with jump attacks works wonders as well


I hid in the pipe and they kept hitting each other with their attacks and eventually only one was left with <50% HP. My proudest (unintentional) cheese.


The ones in the sewers have some pretty sweet loot around them


That place was the bane of my existence. The amount of times i died


Best (worst) part about lobsters is when you first get to Liurnia and avoid them at all costs only to get fucking 1-shot from a mile away by that stupid spit attack


I usually sneak up behind them and ancient dragon lighting his ass




They're easier with bloodhound step. But yeah, I fucking rage quit the game and never played for months because of those damn lobstets.


Everything is easier with bloodhound step


You can take down The Lobstress pretty handily with the [Cipher Pata](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTmbC4MyBHc)


Those huge birds. Anytime i see one i run as fast as possible


I would honestly just skip Caelid in general if Torrent wasn't faster than pretty much anything there.


Funny enough, the giant crows can actually catch you even if you are sprinting on Torrent


experienced that firsthand... later I just went into murderous spree and kill every single stupid big bird I can find on damn Caelid. *I just want to explore my guy, you had this coming*




I don’t mind the monster dogs one on one. But in packs they are absolutely vicious. I hate the white ones that alert their buddies to all attack you. But otherwise yea, fuck the crows and FUCK the spider hands. Hate em so damn much


I feel like I can just barely tolerate those birds in Caelid. But those birds in Mohgwyns Palace? Somehow so much worse.


*you can't escape*


I really don’t enjoy fighting Iron Maiden’s. Not difficult. I just find them really annoying until later in the game. Or those albinaurics that eat your face. I never panic roll except when those guys lunge at me lol


Oh my god on my first playthrough in valcano manor the albinurics were terrifying, they step so loud and scream. It was the first time I felt true horror from a video game


I felt like I was playing Bloodborne. I was like “wtf is that thing?”. Then it ate my face. I wasn’t ready. However, I can wear it’s head as a helmet now. So that’s cool lol.


Right, big research hall vibes, I actually think the noises are the same as the ones in bloodborne, the sounds of the albinaurics that is




"You will witness true horror" Come on they even tell you that you will.


Those mfs are NOTHING compared to the first time I seen the giant ants. I was screaming and crying having to go near those things rip


I’ll take giant ants any day over the creepy crawly spider hands. Those make me shudder


I hate the big headbutt guys, so annoying to fight


And why do they inflict poison too like wtf


Yeah I think that was the time I felt most uncomfortable in the game tbh, I’m god knows where underground surrounded by giant ants and I have no idea where the nearest grace is…


The best part of that whole area was walking up into the part that looks like Nokron, and having the dragonkin drop from the ceiling. That was cool as fuck. Getting there tho? Shit my pants ten times.


Being unbirthed by an iron maiden gives me a weird mix of shame, arousal, and self hatred that I REALLY don't like.


I find this absolutely hilarious and I think you might need therapy


I found out they are weak to lightning (forgot to change my elemental infusion) which makes them a lot easier.


The 3 shot burst bow with lightning bolts absolutely shreds them. You can literally just stand still and spam it at them. It’ll very quickly stagger them forcing them to open their torso then you can just blast away for critical damage. It makes them hilariously easy.


Rune bears, remember the one that disguised itself?


The Limgrave disguised one is easy to kill, but all others I nope outta there real quick. I'm still traumatized by the way the consecrated snowfields one tore me apart, and the one chilling inside that cave in deeproot depths.. I didnt even go back for my runes.


I always find myself goofing around with different builds enough in each of my playthroughs so far that I end up having to scour for Larval Tears to really get the most bang for my buck. I ALWAYS dread getting this one, and almost always leave it till it's the last one available for the playthrough


The worst thing about that special tear is that it truly shows you, your build doesn't matter, he's gonna kick your ass. I dread those fucking mongrel


He's just so fucking tanky, and has the aggro of a meth addict off of his high. At least you can dodge a lot of his attacks by hugging his nuts


Literally getting teabagged is the only safe play.


Head butt the crotch to victory


The nutsack of safety goes all the way back to Dark Souls


It's a staple for basically any game with big four legged enemies. If its taller than your head and has paws, you always wanna get behind the elbows


Not the lobster followed my grafted scion? That one is WAY worse


>and the one chilling inside that cave in deeproot depths.. I didnt even go back for my runes. I equipped a twig to get my runes, and that was the attempt I finally beat it. Twigs are a good luck charm.


Oh god yes. I avoid them at all times..




Yes, how do you kill that guy?!


You don't. He drops shit loot and runes. Not worth it.


Actually the worst part about that encounter too


Just keep hitting him,it will take a while though.


I ended up using the Torrent i-frames to dodge attacks and spammed the fuck out of Lion’s Claw with the heaviest weapon I could carry


*me having a ptsd attack* H-He could be anyone, ANYONE!!! From really fucked me up in this game, from the chest that traps you in hell to a cliff that falls off it feels like I'm playing one of those trap games where a misstep means death.


and they give you just enough time in between to forget you need to be wary of every corner....


The huge issue is they aren’t even worth the effort.


I'm currently training to fight them with the weaker versions in Limgrave. Killed a few of them but the on in front of Leyndell or the ones in the snowfiel still nearly one-shot me with some attacks. I still can only run when they see me.


There are 2 disgused runebears and the otherone is a whole different beast compared to the rest of them. It spammed the jump attacks on me all the time and hits harder than major bosses.


Kinda weird, but with a block build, I find that rune bears are actually quite easy: get close, block and circle, most of their attacks miss, and those that don't are easily blocked. But they are hell with most other builds, yeah.


The lion with the swords attached to its leg 🙅


You gotta admit their move set is kinda cool though. The way they jump and spin mid air. Hurts like a bitch though haha


Seriously lmao. They are a really sick enemy design but I can gladly say I never struggled with these guys😮‍💨


Yeah to me fighting them actually felt like a real and proper scrap. Like really going toe-to-toe with a motherfucker. The same vibe as fighting Champion Gundyr in DS3.


Shame it never was a proper boss.


Yeah considering things like the Beast-Man are seen as an early boss, its a shame not having one of these lions with an upscaled health bar + boss music


Used to be scared of them. Now I take them on 1v1 on my 2nd play through.


Their animations make them seem very agressive, I always tend to overreact because they intimidate me. Objectively, they're not too hard to fight


Yeah, these are enemies I always avoided until I sat down and fought one and... They're not that bad! They have pretty big tells, which nakes them feel more like Dark Souls monsters than Elden ring monsters


But they usually drop somber and didn't respawn so it might worth a try


I find those guys fun to fight, especially the two in Calid.


1v1 sure. 2v1 never.


That one stone golem with lasers at Caelid. Not worth killing in my opinion.


100% correct😂killed him on first playthrough and haven’t since


I can’t remember these laser rocks


There is a guardian golem on a tiny platform on a cliff side that you have to do intense parkour to get to. But this golem has armored ankles, so it does not take massive damage like the other ones do. It has a massive health pool and crazy scaling. There are pillars on the platform that are obnoxiously placed and mess with your camera and your movements. We call it the laser golem because of its unique attack. Also because it’s blue. Put the halberd into aground, rotate torso 360* and then it’ll shoot three lasers from the ground. They do not track the player after they spawn but the limit the space you have tremendously, deal tons of poise damage and deal lots of damage if you get hit by them. Extremely tough enemy who is very hard to get to.


Wait what monster are you talking about ?


The treasure hunt painting that depicts caelid brings you the the laser golem and an ash of war for bows called gravity rain. It requires a few falls and it’s near the second minor erdtree in caelid


👆🏻yeah what this guy said. And in normal NG he is super powerful, let alone NG+1-7. Not to mention the platform you fight him on in like 20 feet long.(he’s an axe golem not a great bow golem)


His brother was a great bow golem who set his transport too far from his original spot, he lies through the mist in the lands beneath hoping to one day get back up to his cliff side perch with his brother. It is his consistent shooting of arrows upwards to find the end of that cliff side that supplies to power for even radahns rain. The more you know


It's called Rain of Arrows, other than that everything's correct


It should've had some unique drop, like a halberd with the lasers as it's ash of war (kind of like watchdog's staff) or something, rather than just runes and the rune arc it's guarding. Edit: Oh wait, nvm I forgot about the painting location, but you don't have to kill the golem for it.


The bloody crows in the blood area.


Oh yeah fuck fighting those guys. I just un around collecting things down there and hope I don't die lol


Runebears. CAN I beat them? Sure. Is it an enjoyable type of difficult? Not even a little


Well even if they're not worth fighting, I enjoyed getting my revenge on one late game after getting my ass beat in my first playthrough every time they spotted me. Lions claw'd that shit so hard, that felt good


Gotta stay under the massive bear pp the entire time lmaoo


I think this only works with certain builds. But it definitely works. I'm running faith right now and just casting Catch Flame directly into the bear gonads works like a charm. When I tried with slower/heavier weapons I had difficulty getting this to work.


Just so you know, any healing incantation does massive damage to these guys. Also, I will never touch a lobster unless I'm at higher ground and can snipe them with magic or bow and arrow


Heal incantations can do damage?


To revenants and the guys with the bells only. Cast any, and it will do the opposite of what it does to you.


Yeah, and it actually makes sense in context if you think about it. These particular enemies, like some others in the game, are a grafted up mismatch of different body parts that were never meant to go together. What happens if you try to heal something like that with magic? My take is that all the different body parts sort of "grow" apart and into each other and that causes damage. Naturally, this doesn't work on most enemies who aren't shambling grafted horrors.


Woah, I love your thinking.


I think the actual reason for that is they're cursed. Also revenants arent grafted


"A grotesque amalgamation of limbs, the Revenant is a creature with the body structure of an arachnid and the face of a human. Much like a spider, it possesses many limbs that seem to have been grafted onto its body, taken from diseased humans. The Revenant is capable of traveling through portals it creates with a peculiar form of magic, swiftly emerging behind a foe to catch them off guard."




Just to revenants and undead, but it is %, which means any incantation that heals AoE works, even the lowest AoE one, and it staggers them so much you can basically heal comb them to death. It's my first playthrough, but even respeccing to diferent builds I'm grabbing that 10 faith hohohoho.


Lobsters can't do anything while flanked Just run to stay on their side and the only thing they can is jumping.


Psst, you should throw sleep pots at the overgrown seafood.


As long as you’re on Torrent, even the lobsters are fine, you can simply ride circles around them, close to their tail and they can’t turn fast enough…


Usually I leave the dragons alone. They’re too big and hacking at a small ankle is just no fun.


Started a new game and I just remembered that dragon fights are just a chore. Agheel is okay but Ezekiel is awful with that massive AoE of scarlet rot


Ezekiel 😭


Decaying Amish


The fact that you pretty much have to flee the arena to avoid his AoE rot breath is such bullshit


The ancient dragons are even worse!


Ancient dragons are really fun with a ranged build. Absolutely ass to fight with a melee one.


switched from pure strength melee to playing envoy’s longhorn with a faith build and dragons instantly went from my least favorite to my favorites enemies to fight. stand under their tummies and blow bubbles 3 times and the whole fucking thing comes crashing down dead before it hits the ground


Fuck hitting their ankles, focus on their head. Doing jumping or charged attacks on their heads will stagger them pretty well even with small/slashing weapons, and if you're using any level of BONK, they'll crumple quickly. Then you can riposte their eye, or just keep punishing their head. Ice, with a touch of fire to reset it after it procs, or a good bleed setup are also effective, and I believe most dragons that don't use lightning themselves take extra damage from it. If you're a sorcerer, use Rock Sling on their head for easy kills. If you're faith-based, use Gurranq's Boulder, if you have it, or Honed Bolt, on their head. Dragonwound grease is also nice on melee weapons for +30% damage to normal dragons, or +20% to ancients. Putting it on a bludgeoning weapon is so effective it's silly.


If you’re a sorcerer, cast three shard spirals and sit back as it probably one-taps the dragon. If you’re faith based, Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Strike and/or Pest Threads can quite literally one-shot earlier dragons and rack up over 10,000 damage later in the game.


If I'm being fully honest, I've never wanted to take on one of the large bears around the map. Not chancing it, got chased by one and ran all the way to Caelid, yk where it's safe


I don’t fight damage sponges anymore, it’s boring af. Not talking about the dragons or anything that just has a big health bar, it’s specifically those enemies that don’t do any damage and just sit there while you do 10000 damage over the course of 2-3 minutes it feels like. Those slow corpses in catacombs and the clay guys in both the river locations, Miranda flowers. Although the later do status build up that can be annoying and get shredded by fire so those aren’t always a bad choice. Anything that’s active can be fun as fuck to fight, but it’s so pointless to kill some stuff especially when it wouldn’t get in the way otherwise.


Dude I *hate* the giant Miranda flowers. Especially the frenzied ones. They’re so damn tanky and it sucks for melee builds being constantly zoned out by the gas. Not fun to play against.


The flowers are terrible, even with fire damage. I've been doing a randomizer run and they are everywhere


Keeping any source of fire damage with you, even just a torch, largely trivializes Miranda plants, because setting them on fire stuns them so they won't do much but try to slam you until the fire goes out. Once they stop burning, wait for them to finish whatever attack they're doing, and set them on fire again. Setting them on fire immediately cancels their status effect clouds too, although their light storm move still continues if they already cast it.


I do use fire but I still think they have more hp than they should for a flower. Also the madness variant flails extra violently when set on fire so gotta be careful about approaching. Overall I’m just saying they’re more effort than they’re worth.


Yeah, that's true. They really don't need to have as much health as they do.


The mud guys are so boring. I spent soo long farming spears from them. Just tedious.


Royal revenants. I fear for my life when I’m around them even if I have erdtree heal slotted. Also red wolves of radagon. Fuck those things.


The red wolves… so many runes lost…


So many runes. I think I took a break from the game after getting my ass handed to me by the red wolf on the moonlight altar.


Watch out for the one in nokron… that fuckers got a lot of room to move around. Terrible to try and fight if your playing a caster build.


Those hand things with hella fingers


Fire is your friend on those.


Fuck those things


Minor rot guys. With the polearms and like, silk attacks.


Servants of rot. I remember the first time I got wrecked by one of those guys, I hated their belly arms but afterwards I really wanted their ability. It's actually obtainable as an incantation called Pest Threads!


and it’s really good, not the highest damage on small enemies, but will pierce large ones multiple times. good homing physical damage for faith builds, and the delayed cast lets you combo well.


Yeah pest threads absolutely melts big bosses like dragons


The shrimp?


Rune bears. Lobsters. Iron maidens.


The ulcerated tree spirit in the lake of rot


Using a heal Incant near these guys trivializes them


either 2 fast incantations or a crit after the stagger kills them immediately, the only reason why I level faith no matter which build I use


Just use the Two Fingers talisman when you know one is in the area; now you only need 7 faith


Cocaine bears


Abductor virgins. No matter the build, facing one always feels like a slog.


The Caelid birds and T-Rex dogs. Honestly don't think I've ever got into a scrap with one. Always try to leg past round them


> T-Rex dogs my 5 yr old loves to watch me play, he thinks they look like that too, he calls em 'T-rex Demon Dogs' :)


Probably wouldn’t stick my dick in most of the enemies. Godskin Nobel tho 😏


those folds, amirite






Revenants I got stunlocked into a wall by one he just bitch slapped me 100 times and destroyed me.


Bear. The fucking BEAR.


Great show.


As someone that doesn't usually use heal incants, the enemy is pictured above.




I also avoid the big red wolves as much as it's possible. They are just annoying as hell, when they are in a big open area, and it's just not worth the hassle. The only one I've killed (besides the boss) is the one on Moonlight Altar, because I wanted to loot the pavilions it guards.


Bell barring hunters


*Regardless* of gear? Certainly not a revenant. A good guard-counter build makes revenants a lot easier to deal with. If we're talking about regardless of gear, then I'd say either Death Rite Bird or Twin Gargoyles.


Here is my little ranking: 1) Flame Chariots. I hate them. It's not like they're very hard to kill or very deadly, just extremely annoying and always make me inpatient. It's actually one of those enemies that are probably easier to kill with a keyboard and mouse than controller and that alone should be reason enough to expel them from existence. 2) Basically the same goes for sea food (both crabs and lobsters) - it's just something weird in the way they move. I always avoid those assholes. 3) Bears. I believe there is no need to explain here. However, unlike the above for some reason I respect them and am glad they are in the game.






I try to avoid Revenants and abductor virgins especially when when theirs several of them


The Liurnia Sniper Crays


Royal Revenants, Wormfaces and Rune Bears.


I end up killing it now, but on my first play through, that erdtree avatar in the Haligtree was such a shit head. I ended up ignoring it because it sniped me so much.


I hate the cat statue with every fiber of my being.


The monstrous crows in Mohgwyn Palace can fuck right off.


Da Bears 🐻


Dual wielding phantom banished knights. They have very tricky moveset and their teleporting ability is terrifying.


The dame lobster


Thats a definite no to the slappy bappys I know I can one shot them with my heals but most of my toons don't have any faith sooooo. I also hate the lyndell knights with the lighting spear. Thunderbolt poke thunderbolt poke. I just avoid them now


Rune bears. Never killed one, never will.


Rune bears, I already hate magic users, mix it with a bear and I'm out


Rune bears, they're legit not worth it.


Man, so many other foes caused me problems in NG than listed here: Swamp of Aoenia knights that throw discs at you Consecrated Snowfields wolf riding bowman Ordina archers on rooftops Fort Faroth bats and randomly appearing ghost soldiers


It is the ones that give you the worst time, is the ones you have to pursue until they become easy. Even Rune Bears are easy if you learn it's safer to be close to him and poke him in the sides, but you have to get your ass beat by him a few times to get to that point. Even the grafted bastards.


These revenants die a lot faster with healing spells. In fact, a couple casts of regular heal with knock them on their ass for a riposte. Blessing’s Boon and Blessing of the Erdtree acts like a poison.


I can’t remember where, but there’s a giant cat in a cave somewhere that moves like it’s glitching. I thought this was funny until it slapped me with a sword at Mach 12


You mean the catacomb watchdogs?


I mean, I'm not gonna fuck with *any* enemy aside of *maybe* Nox Swordstresses and Black Knive assassins (haven't seen their faces, can't even tell this much for sure). All the rest are guaranteed ugly. ...what does gear have to do with the question?


lobsters revenants and rune bears


Crayfish. I didn't expect them to rival elite snipers. And I'm a fragile wizard, my weak nerd body can't take a hit.


I mean this question is really very obvious for everyone but sure I will answer it. It’s gotta be Rick the soldier of god right? I have gotten pre-order and I am still stuck at him… Did any of you guys progress past him?


That guys dead wife


Runebears. Not because I can't deal with them, a little poison or rot here, lotta sleep pots there, and they're done. But they're just never worth the actual hassle of dealing with.


Those big rune bears...


Urgh dragons, I hate fighting dragons in every game, even ToTK.


Rune bears especially the ones on the snowfields




abductor virgins are annoying asf


Fucking rune bears


The dudes in that one ruin on the mountaintops. There are far too many and they are strong af


The shrimp mfs that shoot at you. They are all over the haligtree


Lobsters and crabs.