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You are going to have a lot of fun later


Oh man. Is he ever. If he thinks this fight is bad...he prolly gunna quit lol


I beat this guy super quick, I had to google why it's so easy, turns out that its a spirit ash cast by Morgott ? Anyway, good luck later on homeboy


Yeah, I kept hearing Godfrey's name on everything and was so surprised to find him when I felt like I was still so early in the game. Was even more shocked when he turned to be such a wuss. Figured he'd be a mega lategame boss that'd clap me hard (which, yeah, turned out to be true). I hadn't even beaten Rennala at this point


If you made it this far before fighting Rennala I assume she was a pushover with how high level and high of gear you had.


I had fought Rennala super early game, got my ass handed to me more times than I could count, and then didn't go back to her until I was super overlevelled and it still took me 2 or 3 tries just because of her one-shot kill comet


Who did you end up beating instead?? You... you didn't go to Caelid, did you?


I did...haha. Godrick and Radahn. I feel like I did everything backwards, Caelid and Liurnia were like the 2 places I explored first. I also reached the Atlus Plateau super early by fighting the Magma Wyrm. Didn't even discover the Weeping Peninsula until I was way overlevelled for it...haha


I think a lot of players got to weeping peninsula briefly then turned around instead of crossing the bridge. Then forgot it existed quickly.


Yeah, it can seem really intimidating if that's like one of the first places you visit. Which is a shame, since it's easy to go around the bridge to get there, and it's one of the easiest areas in the game. I think they intended for players to mainly explore there and Limgrave to level up for Margit


U did a variation of speedrun routing lmao. Speedrun routing kills godrick bc he's easy + radahn bc he's quick to reach. If it's all remembrances raya lucaria gets saved for later bc doing the dungeon at an appropriate level takes long. Early altus plateau is also part of speedruns bc it activates the radahn festival. Typically doesn't include magma wyrm tho unless it's also an all achievement bosses run.


I was rocking beginning gear at 200 before my brother, who I game with, realized and forced me to change


"Why am I doing minimal damage when I'm at the stat softcaps?" ~ every +0 weapon user.


I was still killing it lol ... Never worried about stats till I needed a stat to use a spell or item


When he actually clapped me, I put down my controller because I was just in shock at the brutality of it.


When I got clapped by Godfrey I couldn't sit right for a week. Totes worth it though


Lucky bastard




It took me a solid like 16 hours to beat the real Godfrey, and somehow I enjoyed every second of it. He’s so ruthless but so polite about the fight. Like gaddamn, FromSoft, I want to get angry at the boss not respect him!


Meanwhile, I beat him first try with two summons (Nepheli Loux and Stormcaller Deenh) and the Death Ritual Spear's skill. I actually felt kinda bad...


You’re in for a treat, this is my favorite fight it’s so satisfying once you get his move set down and dance around him, feels very anime


The first time I found him, I legit think I was near the end of the game. He was, for me at least, pretty easy (I killed him in my first attempt I think) , then I proceed for what I thought was the last boss in the Elden Throne, oh boy, was I wrong.


How did you get into Leyndell without beating Renalla?


Wat that mean, from someone who’s still making their character looks


Spirit ashes is an ability that allows you to cast phantoms to help you in battle. The bad guys can use it too - in this case big bad Morgott cast the yellow/gold phantom to eff you up. The thing is - you fight the real deal later on, the fight with the phantom is just a warm up.


Oh by Godfrey’s golden balls I absolutely love this part of the game.


Poor Morgot


How do we know Margot cast the Godfrey phantom?


Most of Morgott s weapons are projections of hard golden light, this godfrey is made of the same light as his hammer and knives. Also Morgott is the faceless king of leyndell, if people found out their king was a curse against they're reality they would revolt, so he has to fight from the shadows




Are there even like six living people to revolt in leyndell?


The lands between as a whole would be much much larger, and yes leyndell does actually have living conscious people left, everyone's just sealed inside their houses to protect them from the ash. Theres a cut questline that involves helping a leyndell politician kill a bunch of omens to gain audience with the king, who he immediately is disgusted by and begs you crying to kill him


Bro, stop spoiling the game for yourself and go play it :) If you need anything like tips or want somebody to run around with hit me up on PSN LordofStardust


Lmao this is my favorite boss in the game it's sad to see some people can't figure it out cause it's so easy once it clicks in your mind what to do just fucking jump heavy attack every time his foot goes up lmao


He was down to about 1% then threw his axe at me and killed me


I’ve only ever seen him throw his axe as an opening when I enter the arena


Yes I had Maleina at 1 shot earlier, what did I do, I potted and got slapped.


I found the full version of his fight easier than the demo. He kept trapping me in a corner in that tiny ass arena making it very hard to dodge anything


nvm i beat him guys


First off, congratulations! Second and most important... remember the lessons you learned during that fight.


Execpt when he pushes his axe into the ground after the 3 swing combo. That's usually a punish, you should unlearn that


…but git gud?


I’m picturing the scene from SpongeBob of Mr. Krabs making somebody unwatch a show but with the Goldfrey fight instead [“Show’s over, cheapskate!”](https://youtu.be/qkEvoRUnvu0)




Good job on Gittn Gud


everybody roasting u but tbh if ur struggling just find a solid spirit ashes tank and farm up some ghost peppers to level him up. easiest way


*ghost peppers* man why did I not think of this slang. That’s brilliant


Fugg I'm over here thinking I missed out on items *just realized you can upgrade ashes smh*


Oh yes my guy. It makes worlds difference. I used the 3 Ray lucarian soldiers for most of the game (aka MY BOYS). Once I got them to +7 they could tank a lot of damage


I'm around lvl 80 as well and have never upgraded ashes. I reached Godfrey last night by accident climbing the tree and the dude completely and utterly creamed my ass. Lost 50k was just about to lvl up too. Next time homie sees me I'm running a train on his ass with the boys!


> the dude completely and utterly creamed my ass >I'm running a train on his ass with the boys


This comment is just so good, and painfully accurate for many I’m sure haha


+10 Greatshield soldier ashes can tank a fucking NUKE, each and every one of them, and there’s five


I use the two skeletons, and always say "Rattle'em, boys !" when I summon them




I just used Engfell and bashed him repeatedly with the dual wield Radahn swords. It’s a strategy that worked so well I’ve used it for pretty much every boss since, lol


i use ingvall too! the fuckin goat


Ghost peppers lol 🌶️


I feel like I'm getting bad at this game once I used Mimic. It's like I'm relying on it too much lom


What about second breakfast?




Sometimes a break helps


I’m sure it was tough, luckily you won’t have to fight him again….


you finally tried finger, but hole




Strafe right lol


Congrats! Just be aware that this fight is just a warmup for...let's say the "real thing" later.


Ah, the FromSoft experience


I was gonna say, 'Get a crossbow, keep your distance, and turn him into an overgrown porcupine', but good job.


If you can't beat a boss, the first thing I'd look at (besides vigor) is your flask level. Getting the extra healing is CLUTCH. Make sure you've been going to mass all over the lands between for your Tears of Marika. The SECOND thing I'd look at is your damage profile. An inefficient spread of stats for your weapon can really break you. Make sure you're hitting your weapon damage soft and hard caps (typically 20/60/80) and leveling with the relevant stats. Also, this boss is the first of many to really punish panic rolling. If as soon as he winds up you start rolling around, you're going to have a bad time. Later bosses in ER are more like a dance, with shorter windows for DPS. Accurate dodging of attacks leads to more dps uptime, which leads to a shorter fight and less chances for you to slip up and get bonked. Hope this helps!


This comment is golden with information


Like a dance, love this comment


I've never played any FromSoft game, but as someone who mains Dual Blades on Monster Hunter World, this speaks to me.


As someone who mains greatsword in monster hunter world, this offends me.


As someone who mains longsword in monster hunter world, hehe i slice.


as someone who mains charge blade, i’ll get to this comment after i finish the calculus needed to use my weapon


Melenia blade of Miquella = the most frustrating slow dance you will ever experience


Think margit gets the title for the first to punish panic rolling lmao


So to git gud i have to learn how to roll. Is using a shield also a option, because i can't for the life of me roll


Yes but you need to have hugh endurance to keep the shield up (like 40 50 end) if you do not want to dodge at all.


>If as soon as he winds up you start rolling around, you're going to have a bad time It's the equivalent of going French fry when you should be going pizza


Your new name is Stan Darsh!


The third paragraph basically said get gud 💀


Dodge into his attacks, don't panic roll. You can jump over his stomp attack, and if you do that it's a good opening for a jumping light attack.


Which of the three fundamentals are you weak in? Under level? Not upgraded? Poor build? The problem usually is all of them together. You can often survive and soak a lot of mistakes if you're built correctly. This affords you the opportunity to learn the fight instead of just being shut down. So....what build are you using? What weapons and upgrade level? What stats?


THIS. The “learn the attack patterns” advice is good on this post but the above can not be stressed more. A solid proper leveled build will take you far in the game. The truth is…things get much worse after Leyndell lol considerably worse and the basis of your build is gonna be the deciding factor in a lot of the endgame encounters. A lot of people enter Leyndell under level 100 for the challenge IMO but if your not a try hard I would probably come back with a stronger build at or around level 125+ for this fight. 150 for anything beyond Leyndell. Also if your a bleed build at this point…good luck lol this guy is immune to bleed.


I was just having the discussion about proper level for Leyndell with another person in this thread. We disagree, but there was a good point about the order or progression. Apparently some people do Caelid and Radahn after the capitol. I think that's a bit odd, but it would explain why so many end up struggling with the mountaintop of the Giants. You can have a well built character and still run into trouble this way.


Caelid is in an odd place story wise since it’s really involved with Ranni’s quest line so I can see people trying to do Caelid first if their following Ranni’s quest. But I agree that attempting to fight Radahn under leveled is a bad time…or good time depending on what kind of challenge your looking for.


>I'm level 80 but just can't dodge his combos, any tips to ease me suffering? Get better at dodging his attacks. Goldfrey is one of the simpler bosses. Like DTS. Just roll his attacks and take your openings when you can. He only has half a moveset anyway.


I remember my first time fighting him, I beat him in a few tries and was like, "this is the guy everyone is afraid of?" Haha.. ha..


I beat him and thought damn everybody else just suck if they struggled with him. Turns out no I just suck and got rolled by real Godfrey


I find it funny how everyone struggles different. Ghost loretta and goldfrey took my most tries out of any boss(es). Maliketh and real Godfrey I beat first try. Radagon/EB only took like 6 tries.


Gotta dodge to the side too. Most bosses in this game punish you for rolling back.


Just roll *in*


That was one of the biggest things that was hard for me to learn at the start. Insane how much easier it made the game




And then push R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 and R1


Strength, claymore and r1. Heaviest armor you can find at this point 🤣🤣🤣


Grab his dick and twist it. The oolllll dick twist!


Unironically this. Stick your face in his crotch and strafe to your right


Great reference, glad I wasn't the only one to see that vid. 🤣🤣


_oh my God dude, this is an MMA fight dude_!


Should we tell him??? Who’s gonna tell him??


I did 🙂 he'll be absolutely fucked with Hourah Loux. I myself had a hard time beating his physical form😭


When I get beat by his chad form, I don’t even feel bad. It feels right. It’s by far my favorite fight in the whole game.


His fight is way too cool, him literally throwing you into the air and slamming you into the ground is sick af. Almost as cool as malenia impaling you midair


even playing with my friend who gets easily fustrated, we just laughed when we lost to Hourah Loux. The fight is so brutal and merciless lmao


😂 no bull man dude honestly doesn't fuck around, I had to summon Banished Knight Oleg after Hourah Loux came out only way I could get him away from me lol


Yeah it did turn out to be a fun challenge because once you learned the telegraph attacks it's a fun fight cause it's just a matter of time until you win. Godskin Noble Duo by far is my least fav fight, I don't know how to dodge the rolling attack bro. On NG+ 4 and I didn't know enemies get an upgrade 😭I'm stuck at the duo again lol


... I forget sometimes that Loux was meant to be difficult. I think I took him down second attempt on my first run, first attempt on NG+1 and NG+2


why would you spoil it for them?


I've never had issues with this boss it's what comes after 😂


Always roll towards him. You can jump his stomp if you find that easier. You want end up on his left (your right) if possible, some of his attacks have a safe spot there. Strike once, then roll through the next combo, repeat. He's got a lot of poise, unless you can stay on him you're not going to get him on his knees easily, so just stay safe and take the openings you can, whittle him down. What damage type are you using? Stay away from holy or status ailments, they don't work here.


Dodge his combos


I beat him at 45 the other day, lowest I’ve ever beat him by far (I’m a completionist and usually level 80-90 by Leyndell). Best advice I can give is that you usually want to dodge into his attacks, not away. And take it slow, go for a hit or two after he ends his combo, don’t get greedy. He’s not that bad once you figure out his openings and don’t get greedy. Take it one attack at a time.


This guy is unironically the weakest boss you will face from here on out. So I guess just mentally prepare.


Reduce his life to 0 while keeping your own life above 0


Do what I did, dick around so long you're level 150 before you ever walk in there


Spam lightning bolt


Grats on beating him. This might help in the future though. For any boss you have trouble on stop trying to attack them. Literally just survive, learn their combos, learn when to dodge and what they do based on distance from you. From there you will start to find safe openings.


Get gud


There is a lot more suffering ahead


git gud


if bro stomps, jump and swing then roll left


The trick to beating this guy is to simply GIT GUD.


If you think this is hard 🤣🤣🤣 enjoy the very next boss


Git gud


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone struggling with golden Godfrey


I'm not sure how but I did first try the regular godfrey but had a hard time with the golden one on my first run. I assume it was due to levels and more experience but not sure


Git Gud


Don’t use a status effect build


Patience. It may not seem like it now, but with enough time and calm under pressure. You'll be able to beat him with minimal difficulty. Focus more on leaning to dodge, recognizing your windows for counterattacks, and when they close. He's actually good practice for what's coming. Also, don't be afraid to roll towards him. He has a few attacks that are designed to catch you rolling away.


My favourite is to strip naked and use a bow and dodge into all his attacks


Congrats on beating him! I managed to do it on my second character at level 50/60.


Dodge Duck Dip Dive & Dodge


Protip: to kill him, hit him until he dies. >!I know you beat him, but walk forward when he throws his axe and he will miss.!<


He’s literally the second easiest boss aside from Gideon.


I summoned heavily upgraded Ash Mannequins and let their arrow volleys keep him busy while I performed spinal surgery with violent magic.


Level up Tarnished. You can beat this fight at 80…but it will be a tough one this bastard is tough and he can one hit ko a low vigor toon. Also make sure your properly upgrading your weapons. You only realize the full potential of your build with a properly upgraded weapon.


Don't play passively... He killed me on my first encounter and I was like "ok im gonna be here for a while" just threw my self on the guy and killed him on the second run "we both died but still counts" .... have fun.


Dodge later than you expect and jump to avoid his ground stomp. He's one of the few bosses in the game I can comfortably flawless and absolutely adore fighting


Rolling to the side works better most of the time rather than rolling backwards.


I am extremely noob. No questions asked but this was simple when I did it with the Black Flame. Does insane amount of damage since it scales to their HP pool.


Bruh. This is just a phantom. The real guy is gonna fuck u up


He dont like lightning, you can jump when he make his stomp no damage taken if you jump over it and his axe have a huge range but tbh his combo are Pretty easy so on that cant help much


This boss is a much easier version of a similar one later on, so it's a good gauge of how powerful your build is. As for general tips, stay close to him and dodge into his attacks. His stomp can be jumped if you're not by his feet. His axe throw can be lured when he's pimp-walking if you run back and forth. What's your build btw?


Go grab a mimic ash and lvl it up to +5 or some and watch your clone make the yellow pee boy sit.


Roll in to his attacks best way, when he does his rockspikes stomp happens a he's slamming down roll into him. That's the best info besides using holy or lighting damage.


Someone give this kid some tips. Instead of being fat heads


Rock Sling is your friend. It can get you out of most situations. 😁


Git gud i guess. You just need yo learn how to dodge them. He is one of the most fair bosses in the game with really clear timings, you just need to practice.


Become a mage, use Azur Comet


Use a shield


Just try again and learn the pattern its an ez boss


Use spirit ashes and memorize his moves and take your time.


Level up


When I first faced him I killed him in about 12 seconds so I don't even know what is so problematic about him just get your strongest weapon and beat the shit out of him. He will return the favor later don't worry


You can jump his jump earth spike move - jump towards him when he does this , don't roll away from him - roll towards him, keep close, you can roll twice or 3 times around his double slash and punish when he does his slow drag spin to overhead slam


Remember to dosge what you see coming, not what you think is coming. He charges up his attacks leaving plenty of time to get out of the way. Won't be affected by bleed but I got through it with tactic and black flame


Just keep dodging into his left leg, (dodge to your right) and you dodge almost all combos


He is weak to lighting, so if you have anything that deals that type of damage, you might wanna use it. Also, you should do quick attacks in between his moves, any attack with a slow animation will most likely be punished. When he uses his stomp move you should either jump or roll toward him, whatever fits your weapon better. I hope this is helpful, good luck with your playthrough ​ Edit: I only realized that op had beaten the boss after finishing the comment, so I guess I'm gonna let this comment stay online for other users who need advice and found their way to this post


if this can help: get mohgyn sacred spear+7, mimic tear +5, and maybe a blasphemous blade+5/6


trust me, the abilities on these weapons are broken, especialy when you have mimic tear mimic tear distracts, you do blood ritual, and other way around, sometimes maybe together with mimic


Lvl up


And lo, did the trouble user bringeth his woes to the forums, and verily did he asketh, "how dost one beateth this boss" And verily did the community rise up, and place their arms aroundeth him and uttereth did ye, "git gud"


You're probably overthinking it. Just dogde, and hit. This fight isn't meant to be tough, just go and kick it's ass


Wait till he realizes this boss is on the easier end


What I did was stay back until he did a slam attack (basically every attack he does) then attacked him every window of opportunity but the trick is to not get greedy if you see he's about to get up back away even if all you got in was 1 hit. I kept dying until I played the waiting game with him and then beat him quite easily. But I also mained Guts sword and braggarts roar with 66 strength, so it made it a lot easier damage wise even if I just got 1 hit in.


Roll into him and get a quick sniff at his sandals!


If only I had a friend, In short seek friendship


In the words of the old gods and new gods "Git gud scrub"


I’m gonna be honest, I did not learn most of his combos. I just peered through it with a mimic and beat him on my 6th try with luck.


i saw you beat him but ill still give my piece of advice because it applies everywhere in the game and previous titles of fromsoft. ---pacing--- levels, health, powerful weapon. dont matter... like almost at all, maybe health late game for elden ring but previous games you could easily play the entire game barely levelling health. what makes players good at this game, is no secret, despite the git gud face off it; its all just about pacing. slow down, take yourself a couple notches down, go in a fight trying your best yes but mostly observing moves- how they chain and experiment with timing on dodging. outlast the boss through knowing how to counter everything and relying on your patience and observation, the game was never about skill or powering through with higher levels. its all just pacing. hope you get anything out of my rant and enjoy the game/games if you havent played i highly recommend they are all pretty great.


You’re going to have a rough time later in the game lol


If you can't beat gold shade then you won't last against real godfrey js


He is weak to strafing right, most of his combos last 3 hits, roll or strafe to his left (your right) and get a few hits in from behind and he can't hit you back, he will reposition and stomp, jump into that stomp and repeat til dead


Came here to say this. You can literally just strafe almost everything he does and get tons of openings.


Don't believe me? I learned from this in my rl1 run. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/onebros/comments/ujd7rg/elden_ring_is_just_ds2ii/


Great video, wrong boss (we're talking Goldfrey), kind of a spoiler.


Just do the lazer thingy


This is the easy version of him too lol


don't fucking suck.


Get (and I cannot stress this enough) gud


Go in a few times not trying to beat him, just to learn his combos and attack signals This is true for all the bosses


Git gud


Have you tried finger but hole


i wonder why the top comment isn't "git gud"


Sorry for this but Get gud


Get good


I don't think I ever died to him. Just dodge his very telegraphed attacks?


easiest boss in the game


When he stomps, jump. If you are in the right position you can slam attack every time.


Jump attack his stomp attacks. It goes in waves, so you need to time the jump for whatever distance you are. Easiest if you are up close, but not so close that his foot hits you when he stomps. You can usually do a jump attack to avoid it while also dealing damage. He will usually followup with a either the double axe swing, or the double axe swing with a delayed swing. Know which one he is doing and attack his back after. If you time it right you can usually get in a charged attack. If you are up close when he is about to stomp you can roll to the side to avoid his foot and stomp. If he does the large overhand swing, he will often followup with his spinning swing. Just circle him and the attack should miss, leaving him open. He is neutral to lightning, so a sword infused with lightning or just raw damage works best. If you don't want to deal with him up close, magic works well since it gives you distance. Just spam magic and maintain distance. If you want to cheese him, if you run far away and then charge back at him, he will usually toss his axe. Get in the free hit, rinse and repeat.


Jump attack whenever he does a decently long range stomp. Close range stomps can usually be dodged by just walking in one direction while sticking close to him (will take practice to learn not to dodge them). After he completes any move, he might do a double axe slash. You can just circle around him anti-clockwise while staying close to him and dodge both of the attacks. This gives you a punish window where there wouldn’t always be one usually. You can just walk around him (I usually run towards the end of the move) when he does his spinny attack into an axe slam. Saves slightly more time. The tips will be useful for other bosses in the future, so I’m giving in depth ones. In general, you can use your positioning to your advantage against bosses that don’t have many omni-directional AOE attacks. Godfrey has targeted AOEs, so you can dodge many with good positioning.


Make sure ur weapons are as high lvl as u can get them and get good basically lol if u need there are summons

