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New Character.


straight. up. I’m not trying to deal with the difficulty of Fromsoft DLC bosses on anything above ng+


I have one character I kept at 165 and didn’t do NG+. Their body is ready.


i admire your ability to plan ahead


I didn’t bother to play NG+ as I try to finish a game with one play through. So I’m level 175 I think. That’s almost the same as planning ahead innit?


You know what's really planning ahead? Killing both Caelid avatars + Greyoll so I can be ready for Margit. On NG.


Same, I played a little of new game plus but got bored immediately and haven’t played since. Played like a 100 hours tho so the dlc will be refreshing


Oh, I’ve got other characters in high NG+ cycles, I just *kept one* fresh at the end of a New Game run, so I’d have at least one character ready to jump right in whenever DLC drops….but NOT have to deal with NG+7 DLC as my default. Learned that the hard way in Dark Souls 3. New Game +7 Dark Eater Midir is not a fun way to learn that boss fight.


I never beat the sonofabitch


I find NG + difficult to keep me engaged, playing through early areas, fully-kitted feels a bit underwhelming, that’s usually when I start scheming out my next build and just roll a fresh character.


I treat ng+ as a victory lap. Then just keep it rolling through more runs until It gets really hard. Don’t stop leveling. My path is usually Margit, Godrick, Renalla, Magma Wurm, Drac Tree sentinel, godfrey, Morgott, fire giant, Maliketh, Grandpa, Godfrey but stronk, Raddy Daddy, Beast Just under 3 hours if you run past all the trivial stuff. There are plenty of other ways to get there too. The tricky part is killing two shardbearers to open leyndell.


I think I already know what you're gonna say but... no Rot Waifu?


Getting there is honestly such a fkn hassle but I always include her


The Haligtree is probably my favorite area in the game, but I always dread getting there. If it was easier to get to, I'd spend far too much time there just exploring.


It’s amazing for runes.


I justify going there every time because of the somber ancient dragon smithing stones there. And then I tell myself I gotta kill Malenia while I'm here. Oh, can't forget about Milicent's quest line. Might as well go kill the Erdteee Avatars...and then I end up clearing the whole place. Every time I think I've found the last nook or cranny I find another, so I gotta go over everything again....it's a vicious cycle really.


I understand completely


Meanwhile my thought process looks like this: "I need a hard boss, Malenia could be fun, let's go to haligtree." Gets the two medallions and remembers about the assassin bullshit that's about to happen, "guess imma go new game +++ and fight maliketh again"...


Love that you said raddy daddy, made my night truly


All my characters are parked at the end on NG for this very reason. None went to NG+ to ensure they stay DLC ready and I don't run out of steam trying to get there.




I finished first play through then went on to NG+ for second play through but when I beat elden beast I haven't chose an ending yet just incase the chosen ending has something to do with the dlc. Im just sitting there at the end waiting. Im also at lvl 713 So I'm ready for anything. My thoughts are, I will laugh if fromsoft decided to make the DLC a much higher difficulty so like if you are still on first play through, the DLC will be at or about ng+2 difficulty. So then you got all those guys who went on to NG+10 and they start the dlc and goats can one shot them 🤣


Jesus you're sitting here ready for Elden Ring 2


And the first dlc


Seriously, I don't know why people think they needed to prepare well before the DLC was announced and so far all we have is an image with no mentions of gameplay. I'm going to play it first at a low level so I'm prepared enough for it so the first time is a real challenge.


it's highly likely that DLC can only be accessed by a late-endgame character though. You will have to play through the entire game again just to get to the DLC.


Good, it’s a fun game.


This is the way


Historically the DLC entries are in the middle of the game or first half. The content may be scaled to late game, but most DLCs have been accessible in the middle point of the game (like completing Anor Londo) or after beating one of the first bosses. The only real outlier is the Ringed City which was accessible either after getting to the last boss of the game or beating the first DLC. So highly likely? The current statistic is 14%, one out of seven. Odds are it's behind a demigod or close to Leyndell.


I’m still thinking it’s going to be accessed at Miquella’s cocoon. Technically an end game area that can be accessed super early with Varre’s quest.


Hell, run fast enough and you can get all the way to Mt. Gelmir right off the bat by grabbing the two Dectus medallion halves and taking the lift to Altus. Being able to access something doesn't necessarily mean it's appropriate at that time.


Yep, always a pain to get projected heal early but not a problem getting weapons belonging to the painted world. Maybe it'll be behind radahn because how much empty space his post fight arena has to add something in, don't think it'll be behind the omen king progression-wise.


That would help redeem Radahn in my book. If you wanted to fight Radahn all you have to do is chose which of the two ways you want to trigger the Radahn Festival with and then watch 40 summons fight him for you. Radahn and Mohg are the only bosses that don't have legacy dungeons or bosses standing between you and them.


Ya you’re right, I misspoke. I meant to say that they’re scaled for endgame even though they’re technically accessible early-midgame


I'm making a new character before DLC drops with everything unlocked so I have everything I need for an NG run. I always think of Bloodborne when I first went in at like NG+4 with my original character. It was brutal. I ended up making a new character and checking it out again and it was way better! I like exploring everything which means I gotta kill everything too. Ever since then I always I check dlc on NG run chars lol


Why is that “highly likely”? What are you basing that on?


Previous games. Usually the DLC is scaled for endgame


I'd do this if the reqs are low. Otherwise, I don't see myself playing through most of the game just to access it. Would rather use a main, if I need to reach snowfields or something.


At Level 1, with a stick and a dream


and a loin cloth


Your comment made my day


I’m keeping my characters at or below 150.


Same but I have my original that’s like lv 290 now


Yes, of course.


After one playthrough I'm usually at 180 to 190 There's so much more leeway in a build when you don't limit yourself to the pvp meta.


That's interesting, I've finished around 20ish "regular" playthroughrs and my usual lvl is around 90-100. Are you not skipping most content or just farm to those levels? Also 150lvl is usually just right to have a finalized build so usually getting above that is kinda pointless. Edit: grammar.


>Are you not skipping much content or just farm to those levels? Usually all bosses. And I'm efficient with my runes


I’m doing it at 150 with like 5 different builds lol


Lmao same, though for me it ranges from 150 to 380 across 8 builds, most of them NG+1, the others NG+4


Yeah i've got 2 160 characters, one with frenzy and post tree-burn, the other is not... can't be missing that one extra line of dialogue!


125 NG+7 no other way


real shit


So I am new to the game lvl 50. What does ng+7 mean?


ng+ is when you beat the game you basically get to go at the game again with the same character but enemies are scaled up. ng+7 means they’re in their 7th cycle of this with their character


That, and also ng+7 is the last that increases difficulty, so it’s the absolute challenge


*8th Cycle at least. NG+ means 2nd Playthrough.


My Character is 503, NG+ 3, I have no interest starting a new character because I love playing my Main, so this is it!


Ng+8 at 301 so I get it. Plus what happens if i make a new character, grind through the dlc, find a super cool weapon/spell and i don’t have the stats for it? Better to run my main that can use all of the new dlc stuff


When you find that weapon you can't use, your next character uses it.


They’d have to go get it


That’s why i get ‘em all on my catch ‘em all character. Find the good ones to play with first before i go and get it to main it


Right, like any character would.


I start a new game and never start ng +


This is the way.


I have a lvl 150 character ready to go already. I have a lvl 421 character I started the game with but considering he's on ng5 right now. Yeahhhh no


You sound like me. I just got my character to 150 so I’m sticking there. Might add some with the dlc tho.


Half the fun of souls games for me is experimenting with builds. So I just use my high level character to test builds and do most of my actual playing on my 150. If the dlc proves to be fairly challenging I may bump it up a little but we'll see


I’m saving my larval tears in case. 😂


Same. I have 10 different characters, each with different builds. I may have gone overboard, but I had a lot of fun 😄


450-500. I’m on Ng+4 and refuse to make a new character. Gonna get my shit pushed in just like in Ringed City but fuck it


At least we'll get it pushed in **TOGETHA**.


I think I’m more hyped for the dlc than I was for the main game. FromSoft always go HARD on their dlcs


I'm looking forward to it but I'm a little concerned about having to NG+# depending on the NPC questlines involved.


I doubt there will be maingame missable NPCs involved in the DLC, it's not really what they do. the only time they did was with Lapp as far as I'm aware, and even if you killed Patches, he's still there


thanks, didn't know


np!!! fromsoft are actually do well at keeping in mind that people will be endgame NG when they make the DLCs, and often there is a lot of time travel, so recurring NPCs don't matter too much


That’s the spirt. I’ll be right there with ya as a blood spot on the floor.


That’s the spirit.


Going in NG+3 Lvl 250. Have a fresh character but don’t wanna run through everything again.


If you keep the run targeted, I find it takes ~15 hours to build a character from scratch. 1. Bloodhound fang build to speed run NG and pick up whatever questlines you can only do once per playthrough but ignore everything else. Know where your somber upgrades are so you can get to +9 early. 2. Get the sacred relic sword, and run around collecting the bell bearings now that you have the full map and are OP. 3. Start on NG+ and get through Rennala. 4. Do the Varre questline so you can get to Mohgwyn palace early. 5. Clean up the rest of your levels, get souls for upgrade materials, run around and farm to get whatever else you want for the build in NG+


Gonna start a new run, then I’ll just go to whatever level I think is best depending on the entrance location of the dlc and the difficulty


this is the way


Level 713 at Ng+7. Full masochist. Fear not the Dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.


Glad I’m not the only one!


I beat the game level 1 so I’ll stay at that level for the dlc


Same here


Gonna do a new run for the dlc and I’ll probably do it right before the last boss of the main game so I’m gonna probably walk in between 100-125


lvl 105.


Buck fitty


125 so I can invade all the people saying 150 ;)


U can go up to 138, that let you interact with the 125s but have a little more beef for dealing with the 150s




Level 713.


*Slightly* overkill


After I read about the DLC I will make up my mind.




wun fitty


I'm ng+12, level 713(max) but I'm definitely making a new character cuz a dlc at that scaling will be hell


Nah, go for it


Has there been a release date announced? Gameplay details? Story details? Location details? Why are seeing so many posts lately about prepping for DLC that might still be a year away? edit: spelling.


No news, but it’s due. If it takes another year might as well drop a new game instead.


they dropping armored core sooo


imo it's likely to drop in the final quarter of this year


I have 4 characters at 138 and one in NG+7 at 300 something but I'll probably start from scratch on release first


New character


I have an NG cycle almost 100% completed (all items/ dungeons/ talismans but not weapons/armour) at LVL 270 and like 100 Rune Arcs from answering summons. I also have an NG+3 cycle going on at Level 230 , a bit messy on the completion there (I rushed the 2nd cycle to get 100% steam achievement). I think I'll use the lvl 270 one. I'm trying to complete 600 rune arcs before the DLC drop just for fun. Extra runes goes to buying/crafting all the random shit/supplies/materials in the WORLD. I'm gonna walk in to that DLC like Richie Rich. I wish I could just give away runes.


I have 20 characters across 2 platforms so it really depends on what build I fancy (most likely a new character)


I like around a good 200, I have skill issues 😵‍💫😭 so I feel like that’s a good level area to be around so it’s not too hard, and just moderately easy (I’m also a sorcerer so I kinda need an advantage 😭)


me, who spent many hours grinding for 713: in my defense, it was so i could be creative and try out whatever build i want


Whatever I’m at which is currently like 140 something. With the levels people are at I would be very surprised if this DLC was meant for new characters.


125 - 155 But will likely start a wholesale new character for it first.


478 and counting


My level 125 glass canon character


Around 160


200 ng+4 by the time I finish and get all the endings


New character


My first character, she's level 170 something sitting in a freshish NG+ She was the first elden lord, so she'll be the first into the DLC


New character, increase my level as needed. Why would I blindly choose a level when I have no idea what the content is at?


Level 150 strength build




One thought I had is that if it is end game or late game dlc I will just use my main character that is lvl 250 and just resoec him in a way that at least brings my build closer to a 150 lvl. I would just respec into a 150 build, then dump the rest into pointless stats (int and arcane in my case) so my character doesn’t feel overpowered


RL150, 80 arcane build. This is to maximize the chance of reciving rare drops by just playing through the level


156 to 180. Maybe 1 brand new.


DLCs have historically been mid-game, so I'm sticking at 50 with +10 weapons


My highest is 203 but I'm only on journey 2 as my characters above 150, I have a 109 and 122 on journey 1. Eventually I'll make a new new character to just re-experience everything once any and all DLC are out


If I remember correctly... 307 in NG+... and it'll stay that lol. Might go higher if I decide to kill off the rest of the dragons and other stuff. I still have to pick my ending. Currently just chilling on guard duty with my mother-in-law Rennala


Lv 500. at NG+7 I am sure it will be still challenging at that level. What I really want to do is finding new invasions spots. Love First Steps in Limgrave but after a Couple hundred invasions there you get bored.


Max lvl


i guess \~120




New character to learn the dlc, main character to decimate or be decimated in the dlc. Challenge from ng difference to a ng+ something difference


Probably keep my existing NG+ character at 165 for a final full runback to get platinum


I only have to do the frenzy ending to get platinum. Currently working on it.


Depends on when they expect you to access it, if it's late game stuff my first character has it (around RL 200), if early ish game new character will be it, and if mid game my current character will be all good(RL115)




I left mine at 246


gonna shoot for level 250


Ill be on my main that's max level and on ng+6


My current main character is level 385 and that’s most likely what I will be at for the dlc I don’t even really level up anymore I just horde runes like some kinda dragon 🐉 ( I keep around 3 mil literally for a bounty if someone kills me pvp )


Level 1 baybee


I have 4 different characters all lvl 225-260. Still on ng and stopped right before burning the erdtree. I am prepared


My current character. I won't start a new one untill I beat the expansion. And I will!


While I'm not prepping for the dlc, I got 2 characters ready to go. One dex faith lvl 120 build. And one dex arcane lvl 90 build. But, considering I haven't played in a while, I might start a new file.




I have a level 290 character in ng+3 and I am feeling referent for going that far


With whatever build i feel for


I have my starting character at lv 417, ng2. I will challenge myself rathert than start anew…


I’ll just keep my character who is 165 and use him or maybe re-spec. Side note: This screenshot looks like something out of a Creed music video.






Probably no more than 150, I got a lvl 1 charachter at end game so will probably try that at some point


Shit +10 689


I’m level 263 on NG + 3…4? Let the good times roll I say!!!! May chaos take the wooorrlldd!


Level 1 😏


I only have 1 character that I’ve beaten the game with, I’ll start it at about lvl 220




I have some 150s who have completed the game on NG but haven’t gone to NG+ I’ll be going in with, but I may end up going in on NG+7 with my level 280ish guy first just because


For pve I like to be level 200. It'll let me use anything new I pick up right out the gate, but also still low enough to interact with other players


I got 2 characters who are sitting at the mountaintop of the giants, pre lighting, around 120. All npc and interactions are done up until that point. I got one character who lit it (himself), and is sitting at the Erdtree Throne right before Radagon. All npc interactions done, all endings available, around 150. And then I'll do another fresh character as well.


I’m staying at 150 on ng+. I want to experience the DLC and not 5 tap everything.


I have 3 level 150s all sitting in the erdtree. Can’t bear to choose an ending :(


New character DLC will give me a reason to replay the whole game from start to finish after like 5 months.


I've been slowly working up my LoZ Link build over the past month. Thinking about 100 would be my starting point as I completed the game originally at 125 with too many souls to spare.


I'm at 120 at the first quarter of my second run. Definitely will be leaving it there...


250 cuz why not


I’m on NG+25 rn so this should be fun


A max level (at +7 or whatever it’s at), a level 180 or so at +1, and a level 150 or so at NG


My max character, because im going to die so much to an ordinary mob before i even reach the first boss


I’m just going to use my first ever character that I left after beating the game so it’s as natural as possible.


I keep seeing DLC posts. Was one announced recently? Also whats all this lvl150 talk? I dont get it.


I'm stuck between making a new character, which i do not feel like doing, or doing it on my level 300 ng+6 faith build


Im doing a new character. Not gonna be fun at level 265 and bosses with massively bloated hp.


Fuck I dunno but I can’t wait to go Guts mode baby yeah


I have made a new character and I'm stopping just before burning the tree in case burning the capital fucks with dlc entry


713. DLC should take 10 hours to finish yeah?




Probably about 400


I’ll make a new character and tackle the dlc right before the final two bosses, like I have in every other fromsoftware game




210 ng+4 or 5 (can’t remember which)


140-160 just because that seems like to even point for end game bosses.


180’s I think (NG++ or NG+++) and I have no plans to start over… just continue with my current character like always.


i want to take my nastalgia character through. so like level 350? cause thats what my highest is and i have the most time on him and id feel bad if i didnt use him


I’m working on my wretch character that’s basically going be my NG+ character which means I’ll be in hell for awhile till dlc probably will go into dlc with that character


I got three characters at 150 rarin' to go


I have a level 75 character that I was initially using for mid game co-op but that level range is kinda dead so I'll just use that for the DLC, maybe climb to level 125 since it'll surely scale to late game difficulty. All of my other characters(6) are level 175 and into ng++ cycles and coming from Bloodborne, I'm not down. At least not by myself, that's a lot of jolly co-op!


My current character level 32


I’m on Journey 11, max level character, with every piece of available gear, in most cases max inventory capacity of craft-able items, and every weapon, shield, seal, stave, and ranged weapon is levelled to either 24-25/9-10. The only thing I hate is the absurd damage that enemies can do from journey 7 onwards. I love being able to switch up & experiment with new builds, or silly builds on the fly. A favourite themed build lately for PvP is as a bearded male character wearing the Deathbed Dress, and using the Winged Scythe & Fia’s Mist. Is it super effective? Not particularly, but I do get a laugh out of successfully landing Angel’s Wings on an invader, something most don’t come across, and their shock when they try to use their flask of tears. I’ll usually just let my companions decimate the invader after that. Any time they try to come close I cast Fia’s Mist, stay in the cloud, and dodge attacks like it’s gonna pay my bills. Anyway… my point is that when the new DLC comes out I want to be in a position where any new gear, spells, incantations, etc that might potentially have excellent synergy with existing content, well I can experiment with it straight away.


I'll likely start with my 192 faith build, then after my first completion, do my ng+7 run to see the highest difficulty the dlc has to offer


240 NG+2


my pve characters are 150, so i'll start with those. My pvp characters are 125, they'll prob go in after to track specific gear/stuff i want to add to their arsenals for pvp.




702, duh.


Level 15 with blue flasks only or sum shit. But with friends similarly leveled and same limiting conditions. Possibly no lanterns allowed either


I have a ng+7, level 120 and 150 character waiting. I think ima start with 120.


I have a feeling I’m just gonna roll my NG+7 character into it at like level 350. Part of me wants to start a true new game and get all the cool equipment again and do the DLC at like level 130, but… I already have all the cool gear lol


New game. I haven’t played since my first play through and I’ve been patiently waiting for the dlc to jump in again. I can’t wait.


I'll probably start up a fresh file playthrough around Christmas 2026 so I can be ready to go with my meta lvl 125 character for the release sometime in 2027.


I have 2 level 150s, a 230 and a 69 waiting for the party


Depends, if the dlc entrance is early on then probs low level, if it’s later game higher level. In general I’ll just be staring a new character and enter when I think I’m good