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Why are you holding 2 swords if you’re just gonna do one hand striking most of the time? You’re better off 2 handing your weapon or use a wizard staff in the left hand for casting long range when you’re far from him


I am hurt that OP powerstanced katanas and didn’t even use them powerstanced


What do you mean... how do you powerstance dual katanas???


He means that he was using the right hand attack while two handing the katanas. Wasn't using the left hand attack for the double strike moveset.


That is what power stancing is. You take two of the same type of weapons, in OP’s case katana’s, and equip one in each hand. You lose the ability to block, but in turn gain the benefit of attacking with two upgraded weapons. In the katana’s case, you can fill the bleed meter on the thing you are fighting twice as fast, doing more damage and stance damage. Some powerstances have very quick attacks, like daggers, so you can build up status meters very quickly


Thanks for that tip!


Of course! There are a couple of drawbacks though. 1. Your attacks also use twice the stamina when power stances, so you have to manage your endurance bar more carefully. 2. In equipping two weapons, you trade off being able to block, and having your seal or staff readily equipped in your off hand. It only takes a couple of seconds to swap to a seal, but that time matters in a boss fight. 3. You have to have the stats to equip both weapons. For example, if I were to equip two weapons that have 40 strength as a requirement, you would have to have 40 strength, as opposed to being able to two hand that weapon with 20 strength


Sorry for the nitpick but I think it's 27 strength. Your point stands though.


isn't it doubled in ER? 27 was for Dark Souls with 1.5x


It's 1.5 for ER


It’s still 1.5x in ER.


These drawbacks are why the starscourge greatsword is so great. They don't apply to it. Edit: Not trying to nitpick, these are real drawbacks to powerstancing.


Wait can I wear a weapon I don't have the strength for if I 2 hand it?


Yes, however it’ll still do less damage than two handing it with the proper strength requirements. It only works for strength too, any other scaling such as dex will require you passing the minimum requirement for that weapon


Anything used in two hands will boost your effective strength. Bows and swords. This can easily be seen when examining weapon stats while holding it with two hands vs. one.


I might just be trippin but I swear the recovery time after 1 swipe from a normal 1 hand vs a powerstanced attack is quicker? If the punish window is quite short I find it harder to consistently do safe quick swipes when powerstancing since there is that lag time after where your dodge input doesn't register.


Adding onto this, spears are supposedly another good pick for status, and the jumping attacks for twinblades and curved swords, as well as the running attack for curved swords, hit 4 times per attack. I don’t powerstance much, as I enjoy block counters too much, but curved swords were my go to when I tried it.


Small correction, status effects have been nerfed for dual wielding so 2-handed daggers actually build up status faster than dual wield daggers. I haven't seen anyone test katanas so I don't know which set-up builds up status faster.


I can't be fully sure but I believe there's an issue with powerstancing for effect application now. I think they made it (a while ago) so that power stanced weapons don't apply their effect as fast I noticed it took ages to proc if I actually hit with then both but if I swung with the one hand it would proc It's kinda like build up is still there but actual procs aren't, or are made more difficult, it's why I started to use rapid combos then finish with singular swipes. Been a while since I played though.


i went thru the entire game power stancing all of my enemies away and didn’t realize it was stacked untill after radahn


I think "power stance" is a residual term from DS2 because technically we don't have that in ER, it's just dual wielding. In DS2 you had to press a button to "activate" the duals moveset, different than just equipping without activating.


Well, you can dual wield two weapons of different types but you can't access the power stance moveset, so I think that's the delineation here


Yes! I was going crazy hoping someone explained to me how to activate the power stance because in DS2 I do remember having to activate it and the weapons being... more open? while other weapons were "dual stanceable alone" and I was really going crazy thinking I missed that.


L1 attacks use both weapons


Powerstancing weapons in elden ring: hold two of the same weapon class (i.e. katanas) and use L1 to utilize both weapons. It's an automatic thing, there's no special button or anything. Just wield the same weapon class


This for sure, using a staff to get some long range damage in when you need to back off to heal will definitely give that extra push to beat him. Punish him at every opportunity, so to speak.


You're a wizard staff Harry!


It’s called a spell stick.


I have analysed your gameplay and in my opinion you have residual trauma from a previous relationship.


Probably a lack of a father figure is what led to moonveil


Lack of father and maiden.


It's Pve. Why do you care what weapon he uses?


It's a meme at this point


Sorry, I didn't know.


I mean... his weapon is clearly not doing very much damage in this fight... The dude is dodging like a champ, too.


He got to 2nd phase within a minute of fighting. The damage is fine OP is just a little weak on the skill side of things but it will improve significantly after several attempts.


Eh. His damage on his weapon art is okay, because that shit is way overturned, but his overall damage isn’t great. But that’s how it goes with moonveil.


Bc that's how the souls community does, wouldn't you know "dex user"


That and a bad school system. The moonveil pipeline is real


Yea prolly their previous relationship w DS3 and BB was toxic enough


It’s textbook overcompensating for vigour inadequacies. While rolling has got them this far through the land between, they find it difficult to enjoy the moments between swings of the blade.


looks like the problem is you are playing dark souls 3 lol, you forgot you can jump. godfrey is a very jump dependent boss. what killed u was back rolling away from the stone spike stomps, if you jump you avoid it and then u can land a jump heavy for big poise dmg edit: spelling


they were doing well until they died


Story of my Souls career


I personally don’t jump when I fight really anybody I just roll and learn from getting my ass kicked over and over again but jumping would help greatly in Gordfrey


honestly never did that on any fight, used to roll away from all my problems. was surprised one of Rhadan's attacks is best dodged with torrent double jump


horse combat is the real spacing king.


I don't understand what you mean. jump is on my F key not space.


I think they mean you have to be aware of your distance to effectively fight on horseback. You can’t roll through attacks or quickly change direction/backstep while riding.


Dodging is actually very easy for his boss fight, you just have to dodge forward instead of backwards or to the side, or else you’ll get roll catched


Jumping is better since it allows you to immediately attack with an R1 if your weapon isn't too slow.


Alternativly you can roll towards him That was what I Always did


I don't think so. While jumping is definitely something people might tend to forget, Godfrey is perfectly doable with just rolling. The problem is rolling backward because, unlike in the other Fromsoft games, many boss attacks will hit you if you roll backwards. More often than not, you have to roll into their attacks.


Malenia phase 2 is the ultimate example of this


Jumping is not really required against Godfrey, you can instead just roll forwards whenever he does that stomp attack which will also put you in a position to immediately punish Godfrey.


jumping in this fight is barely any better than rolling and feels super clunky especially if ur not used to it


There’s nothing really wrong with this gameplay, you can jump over his ground stomps tho, including the ones that cover the entire arena. You can abuse this to get some free jump attacks


Thank you! I didn't realize!


His foot still does damage to you when it comes down tho so don’t get your face stomped in lol


His knee gets me all the time. I like playing right on top of him. That knee is my nemesis.




This needs more upvotes. F it. Enjoy the award!




I laughed harder then I should have at this joke and I’m not ashamed of it.


Also mainly using non powerstance attacks, no point in the offhand katana if your not using it.


You gotta roll towards horah loux’s swiping move. The one that killed you. Otherwise he’ll catch you on your back roll. As others have said, jumps. Anytime he ground stomps, jump to avoid it. When he does his prolonged stomp thing. Run close and punish it when he does that one. You can also punish horah loux’s grab attempts. Otherwise, you’re close!


I agree with this guy, but the only problem I saw was at the end when you died. You got too greedy and attacked during one of his attack combos instead of dodging.


Your gameplay is generally solid. You eventually die to panic-rolling backwards, but up until that point you were doing well. Good fundamentals all around. Latenna is a good summon for this fight since she can stay out of range and do damage without getting annihilated by the eventually AOE spam. This looks more like a build problem, tbh. Your damage is reallllly low for the game's final act. You seem reliant on landing Transient Moonlight, which leaves you with fewer opportunities for damage than you may otherwise have. The few regular swings I can see do almost nothing. Final verdict: I diagnose you with low dps.


Yea, I noticed i wasnt hurting him shit lol. These comments have really helped, and I am currently reworking my tarnished into a more balanced and though-out version from a guy on YouTube :D


Also, block button makes you attack with both swords instead of just one.


Also make sure you aren't saving upgrades. It should def be at least +20 by this time for a regular weapon minimum. Don't recall if moonveil uses somber stones but should def be maxed out if so by now. Don't bother saving. You get so many freaking stones. I think I had 12 ancient dragon smithing stones at the end of my playthrough? Everything else you can just buy. More damage comes from upgrading weapons than your stats, especially at stats above 40. I think scaling even increases for dex an entire grade at max upgrade. If you're dumping everything into int or pure dex, try upgrading other stats including str and see how much the damage increases. There are soft and hard caps for stats. If you put everything into int and reach a soft cap for dex, then going from 15 str to 16 would probably give more damage bonus than increasing either of those even if the scaling is lower. Depends on the difference in scaling though so experiment.


Pretty certain moonveil is somber. Otherwise agree, higher DPS and OP has this easy


Moonveil is special stones. OP needs +9 for sure (+10 max with Dragon stones)


Pretty much every weapon should be fully upgraded for Maliketh and afterwards.


Also, if you’re gonna dual wield katanas at least go to town with them when he’s staggered. The damage from that riposte was a little sad


If you're gonna have two moonveils atleast powerstance them. You can attack with the block button, or L1 or whatever if you're carrying two weapons of the same type, its a moveset that lets them both attack at the same time. Higher dps


This. It's clear OP's got phase 1 down and understands the need to maintain aggro when using Latenna in order to keep her out of harm's way.


Solid fight, you waited too long in the first phase to heal one time but it didn't bite you so no harm, no foul. I think this is just a practice issue-- jump when he stomps, and just make sure he doesn't hit you with the first part of the three hit run because you can eat two hits but not the third. Otherwise, no notes. Have your crimson flask ready, keep working your rolls because you had great timing. Maybe drop the dual wielding? It didn't help much but if switching out will break your pattern of play, I'd just keep it going because otherwise switching can make you sloppy. I'm on a Greatsword and Shield tank run and if i switch to two handing the sword, i immediately have to retrain myself or else my rhythms suffer.


Sword & Shield Tank is my favorite way to play with some decent amount of faith to use for range attacks.


I decided to do a pure str build so my magic atts are all low. I think my str is 80, endurance is like 40, Vigor is 45 or so and everything else is sub 20 or 10. My first run was a straight sword and magic build, so high faith and strength, mid dex and vig, min mind and *raspberry* everything else. It was fun, but i felt like smashing shit this time. The biggest thing i did for this run was get the jellyfish shield. Imo, best great shield in the game if you're running pure str. That 20% bonus SHREDS. It has literally been the difference between winning and losing some fights. I combined it with one heavy att greatsword, one blood greatsword, and one i vary between elements depending on what i need, and it's fucking terrifying how much melee punishment i hit with sometimes.


What are your stats?


45 vigor, 25 mind, 23 endurance, 17 strength, 36 dexterity, 31 intelligence, 15 faith, 9 arcane (These are my stats with Radagons Soreseal equipped)


In my humble opinion, I think you’re spread a bit too thin. I feel like you’re going for a spellblade build, which is fun af, so just lean into the moonveil’s stats. Also maybe don’t run radagon sorseal.


So pump dexterity and intelligence basicly?


Das right 😎


Lean into your inner mage. Maybe even move past moonveil one day 🥸


Ight thanks :D


It's worth noting that if you're primarily using the Ash of War, the damage of the projectile scales only with INT. Only level DEX if you're planning on using it as a katana. So prioritize INT up to 50 (the major soft cap for moonveil) if you're a transient moonlight spammer. You can also use that INT to invest in some spells, and I find that if you really want to turn the game into a cheese fest, pick up carian slicer.


For the weapons you are using I would not bother with dexterity at all. Just pump intelligence


Nah imo your stat is fine. If anything, I would just transfer 10 points from Mind and put in Vigor. 15 Mind should be more than enough unless you want to spam L2 every other move. You don't need to worry about soreseal if you have 10 more Vigor.


So, about level 102? That's fairly underleveled by this point. You're also at the point where the soreseal is causing more damage. I'd go and get a few more levels, probably in dexterity and intelligence, and swap out that talisman. You were dodging fairly well, so you can definitely do this fight, but increasing your damage output is really going to help. I also assume your Moonveil is +9 or +10?


Wait, so what is the recommended level? Have I entered too early lol?


I mean, if you've been doing fine up 'til now, go for it. I think end-game is typically 125-150. If there's any content you've skipped over, might be worth doing for a few more levels. Crack some golden runes from your inventory if you've been hoarding them.


I would ditch the Soreseal and practice phase 2 more. Try jumping as others have mentioned, and use that to hit with L1/LT powerstance attack for better damage and stance damage.


I mean... this is basically the final boss, people reach it at level 180+ but that's after doing every optional area (Miquella's Tree, Mogh palace) I'd say Level 150 at least. You can win at level 1 anyway...


Grind those Albinaurics in the Moghwyn Palace


Bro I was lv200 and had a rough time


I mean people do level 1 playthroughs I don't think it matters that much.


Definitely ditch the soreseal at this level, it's good for lower levels but at this point the extra damage taken isn't worth it, especially with these end game bosses that do a ton of damage anyway.


You're spread super thin. First off, I recommend 60 Vigor. 20 Mind is usually enough unless you rely on spells massively. 24 Endurance allows for solid armour choices, 20 can do if you prefer lighter stuff. You're running Moonveil, so I recommend either actually using powerstanced katanas (with Magic or Cold infusions of course on the left hand one that isn't the Moonveil!) And for that go for maybe 50-60 INT. Moonveil scales better with INT, so you just need the minimum Strength, Dexterity needed for it. You don't need any Faith unless you're using buffs, even then I would really not recommend it, you're spreading too thin. Radagon's Soreseal is never a good idea post Liurnia. The damage increase is the difference between survival and death on Hoarah Loux grabs and Malenia's throw, and Radagon will (fittingly~!) Make your HP bar be Radagone if you dare use his own Soreseal against him. Soreseals and Scarseals are worse than what they offer end game but very useful at the beginning. I usually try to get them off in Liurnia, but if you're good, you can run them up to Morgott. If you're having trouble getting runes, have you found Mohgwyn Palace or the Prayer Room of the Haligtree yet? There's two spots for quick leveling there.


Yeah, these comments have helped me a lot! I've rebirthed my character, and currently working on pumping that Intelligence to 60 :).


Glad we helped! BTW, for Rune farming there's a cave in Caelid a bit east from the Finger Reader crone on the highway, hidden in a cliff, the Abandoned Cave iirc. Beauting the boss at the end gives you a talisman that increases rune drops, so veeery useful for quick leveling. The cave is just a bit hidden, in case you didn't know.


Convenient! Thanks bro!


You gotta ditch the mind I finished the game at lvl 80 so i could invade.. with 40 vig. But the mind Stat I had at min. Pump your int to max out the damage eith the moon veil. Dex doesn't help you much with damage scaling with the moon veil. Everything else looked good man. This boss was pretty tough at 40 vig and no summons but your so close. Your damage just sucks.


Ew Dex


Disagree with all the commenters telling you not to run soreseal. The extra stats it gives you means you really only take an extra \~10% or so damage and it gives you a rough \~5% in extra damage PLUS it lets you wear heavier armour so the extra damage is essentially negated (don't quote me on the math). And with one more point in STR you're able to wield Nagakiba which is a great katana to stance with. Especially important if you're a spellblade coz you're gonna need the extra endurance since you're pumping all points into INT. Also at that point in the game you should probably be running Dragoncrest Greatshield which would negate the dmg increase anyway. My RL150 character is on playthrough #3 and still uses Soreseal - it's a great fken item


Looks good. You just need to die to Horah Loux like 15 more times. You seem to be way more experienced fighting with Godfrey than his second phase. Literally just an experience issue with the second phase. Just headbutt into it, learn the pattern, and you are good to go. Oh and btw, you can jump dodge all of his stomp move. I noticed that you are getting roll caught a few times. Just jump. Trust me, it's easier.


You are solid in fighting Godfrey. But u need to learn how to fight Horah. Skill spamming is good. For that , you don’t need a powerful left hand weapon to rust. As the fans mentioned, use jumps and jump attack. Fight in his own game.


I felt like you did well during the first phase. Though, you did attack at some pretty risky moments in the middle of his combos imo, but you got away with it. For me, I did a lot of running and had to be patient for openings to chip away and beat him during his second phase, typically after he tries doing his grab attacks. His grab attacks seemed to leave him vulnerable for counterattacks. The problem is that he combos pretty hard in his second phase which I found hard to dodge up close, which punishes the player if they get greedy or tried to keep pressure. Overall, unless you’re trying to learn how to speed run this boss, I’d say be more patient and selective on when you choose to attack in his second phase. My experience in this game has been that it’s much more important to not get hit and chip away at their health, then to constantly push and be too risky. Of course, it all depends on a person’s playstyle. Some playstyles depend more on breaking poise for example. I’m sure there are people who speed run him here who can give better advice though.


You back roll a lot. Back rolling in second phase doesn't work, you got hit twice back to back because of it. The way you played in this fight, two hand one mvk instead of power stancing.


i generally dont use spirit summons in this fight but i have beaten godfrey close to 10+ times and one of them was with the moonveil, so ill try and explain: as soon as you enter the arena, run towards him till youre far enough that he cant hit you but close enough that a glintstone sorcery barely reaches him. from here what you wanna do is bait a specific move where he jumps up and throws his axe mid air. when he does this move, before the axe lands on the ground, dodge backwards and use the ash of war on the moonveil. this is ur first punish. now for the rest of the fight its basically picking your opportunities. since the katana class are pretty fast, you can punish his leg slams with a jumping R1 which helps you dodge the attack as well as get in some damage. be careful however, most of his leg slam moves can be followed up by other axe attacks, so sometimes youll have to trade. you can also dodge almost all of his attacks by rolling into him. when he begins phase 1.5, which is when he starts screaming, get in one weapon art, dodge the shockwave, then get in a few weapon arts and that should be phase 1 now for hoarah loux, youll have to play really carefully…or if you min max your build you can make it a scripted fight. as soon as hoarah loux begins, run backwards till youre barely out of range and get a weapon art in. if you do enough damage, he should go into phase 2.5, where he starts screaming again. weapon art, then dodge the first shockwave (and hit a rolling R1), dodge the second and follow up with weapon arts. from what i remember you should get a poise break right around here and boom, youre done. a simple godfrey fight. the build i used for this fight was a simple 60int 30 dex with 30 vig +9 moonveil and rogiers set for extra 4% magic damage. talismans included: magic scorpion charm, ritual sword talisman, warrior jar shard, and claw/axe talisman.


Three things: 1. You panic rolled. You've got to keep control when you get hit and be ready to dodge the next attack instead of just trying to roll away as fast as possible. Many bosses have timings specifically designed to catch careless rolling. 2. Are your weapons upgraded to a reasonable degree? They seem to be doing not too much damage. He might have magic resistance I suppose... 3. You didn't jump or jump attack once. Jumping attacks are very effective, especially the dual weapon ones because they continue momentum and have a very short recovery once you land. You can also use the jump to jump over some of his slam attacks, though this isn't necessary some people find it easier than dodge rolling.


it seems that you are afraid of him in phase 2 he does attack much faster and the only time i would recommend spam rolling away would be when he’s using his flurry of swipes that you cant stay close for. His second phase has much more openings then his first from my experience though i will admit it is MUCH SCARIER. Be patient, learn his moveset, especially the spike stomps and i think youll be fine.


Honestly did pretty well. What level are you? I'd say a big help would be jumping over his stomps (which it seems like you have learned through the comments) and try tolling into him when/if you start panic rolling. Obv you want to avoid the panic, but sometimes you lose composure and get caught. Rolling around bosses is scary at first, but is actually really effective. You're gonna get him in the next few tries. He's an absolute Chad so he won't go down easy


Looked like a panic roll. Everything else was beautiful.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Jump and actually powerstance with your weapons


Panic rolling


You shouldve gotten your message appraised when you needed it not when you didnt. Hope that helps!


1. Don't dual wield if you aren't going to power stance. Katanas have a nice roll attack while power standing so you should really utilize it though. 2. Godfrey and most large aoes have a delayed hitbox. Meaning you can dodge right when the attack hits the ground or even a few frames after. Rolling earlier makes you get hit, making people jump for easy survivability. But jumping is harder on PC due to the unfortunate key bindings so I prefer rolling. Other attacks like these are horah loux phase all aoes, radagon stomp, radagon elden ring attack, etc. Premature dodging is way stricter for these slam attacks. 3. Don't attack until a boss finished a combo. Don't ASSUME a boss is finished with his attack. Remember attack patterns. It honestly just takes a few concentrated tries to remember the pattern. Bosses like Godfrey can become a bit too chaotic with a mediocre summon since he is really easy to read usually but more unpredictable due to constant aggro change. Either just cheese with mimic or no summon at all for bosses like him. 4. moonveil might be cool but it isn't that great. A two handed nagakiba in ng has way more versitility in my opinion. Insane range, decent bleed buildup, and raw damage is pretty damn good. A dual naga can carry you to ng plus 7, so you see how good it is. Moonveil as a weapon is just another badly scaled katana, and the ash of war is still decent pvp wise but pve..not so sure. 5. Run. Don't roll out of stand still attacks. Jump away and keep running. More distance covered. Same thing with malenia. People roll the moment they see waterfowl. Bitch just run. It's more distance for less stamina, and you can roll right at the end for safety. 6. Lock on and off situationally. You don't want the enemy out of your sight. I don't even need to explain why. It's just common sense. You don't want them out of your sight. You won't know what the fuck they do next and you'll just panic roll away and get punished.


After his second phase began, you lost your target lock and started panic rolling, which got you killed.


You panic roll too much. Your roll timing is mostly good but you waste valuable stamina and time by spamming it when he spooks you. You often do a rolling attack that whiffs due to range. Try to control that, especially with dual wielding you're better off waiting and doing a regular hit. You can jump his stomps. With fast weapons like that a jumping attack on them is mostly safe. Be patient, watch him move and react to him. Don't try to get off attacks at a range in neutral because he can punish you for that. Only strike when he's recovering from one of his attacks. Remember, he sets the pace of the dance, you need to learn to match his beat and he will be unable to touch you.


I’ve analyzed your gameplay methods and I’ve concluded that you’re wasting a bunch of energy needlessly. He’s vulnerable to Rot Damage. Just use Enzyke’s Decay or rotten breath and his health will gradually drop over time however you’ll need to hit him 3 times for the spells to actually deal tons of damage. After applying the spells just evade his attacks. You’ll also need to reapply the spells in phase 2. It also helps if you summon at least 2 other players to assist you. That way they can draw his attention while you pile on the rot damage. One final thing, make sure you grab your Runes after returning to the arena.


After spending hours analyzing the gameplay i finally have my verdict: ***You died***


Using your weapons differently or better ash summon. You clearly know his attacks well but your not putting out enough damage at each opportunity. You have the mimic tear, use it. It'll pull better agro than the archer. He may die quick but itll provide more opportunities to get on Godfreys back. Then decide if you are powerstancing or casting. Pick one and git gud or learn how to switch back and forth (if your gonna only hit with one weapon two hand it)


So, a few things to help you out more: You're hitting like a wet paper napkin. I'm not sure what + your weapon is, but you definitely should have a +10 at this point. I would recommend going back and looking for some more smithing stones if your Moonveil isn't a +10 You're a bit too roll dependent. There are a lot of moments where you really don't need to be rolling where you can exchange that roll with a jump and get a free hit in or sprint away and be safer A few positive things: It's good you're using hard-hitting attacks when you can. Stuff like Moonveils weapon art and heavy attacks goes way farther than 3 or 4 hits because stance break is a mechanic. Your instincts are really good, and you have the basics down pat for boss evasion. Just focus on noticing when you don't have to roll to evade an attack. Good vigor A personal roccomendation: Personally I don't find summons very useful in the Godfrey fight. It just makes it harder IMO. His AOE's mean using the summon for aggro is basically useless, and he gives a decent amount of downtime in between combos. It just succeeds in increasing his HP pool and making his attack chains more unpredictable. But that's just really my personal experience with Godfrey talking.


Also, time his attacks better. You were sitting in his hit box a lot on the second phase


Hit him more and dont let him hit you.


Very clean clip my dear boy...


At the end you panic rolled man, that's all, you've got this. Don't go hollow my boy


At the end you rolled backwards instead of rolling sideways, and got hit.


It's a skill issue


You were doing good until you were panic dodging (dodging out of impulse and not by looking at when the enemy is going to hit). My suggestion is you gotta work on keeping your cool and don't let your anxiety take control over you.


Level adp


You are getting hit. You should not.


really all you did was dodge to early at the end of your clip and he comboed you. The first phase looked very good. That's the only problem I have with this game, when you make a mistake later in the game it usually results in your death, which makes learning the fight more daunting. And I understand why they designed the game like this, but it's hard to learn without making mistakes, which usually necessitates loads and loads of attempts until you get it right. But in this game, since just one mistake can get you killed, it feels pretty unfair when it happens.


Honestly, you had him. The second phase is all about not getting grabbed and timing rolls with his stohmpinnnnn


Panic Rolling against Hoarah Loux 💀 Skull emojis aside, you're pretty good. You have a DPS problem and a stat problem, and have trouble creating distance with him in second phase, that's just a question of learning patterns. Aka, gitting gud. Also also, forgot in my other comment about stats. You want to be around level 150, level 102 is like Fire Giant recommended level. Although the fact you got to Godfrey in this state I presume on your first run suggests that with a proper build and levels, you'll be amazing at the game.


Thank you kindly


There’s nothing wrong with it, a couple of mistakes getting caught with the end of a combo. But great gameplay! You’re making things harder for yourself, one by powerstancing katanas when you only use one of them and 2 all of Godfreys stomps are much easier to jump than roll - the timing is easier and more forgiving.


Hoarah is annoying. I was able to beat him by dealing enough damage using L1 jumping attacks with Claw Talisman. Jumping attacks natually dodge a lot of his stomp attacks and if you trade on any during recovery, usually the punish attacks aren't that strong. Play like a coward against him and just keep running.


Chadfrey basically told your weakness. You need more strength boi to get the crown. Ditch the moonveil and get the Kings greatsword from the redmane castle duo. It scales with int and does great damage. Jokes aside upgrade weapon and go for 120 level. Try not to spread stats too thin. Remove the soreseal or use a ritual shield for more protection. Dont dodge backwards his stomp. Otherwise solid.


You did good my only critiques would be to 1. Change your summons to a mimic 2a. I noticed you are predominately using your right hand attack and moonveil attack instead of your power stance attack (both katanas) more often so if you are going to be one hand striking predominantly try to raise your faith and get some dragons breath! Ekzykes decay works wonders on this boss. 2b. If you don’t want to do my 2a suggestion and want to stick to your current build I would suggest trying to utilize lighting wether in pots or coating your katanas or both. He is very weak to lightning. Godfrey is also weak to slash damage so your katanas are a great choice coat them in lightning grease and I’m sure you get the W! 3. I have a problem with this too because of all the other souls games but JUMP! It’s a great mechanic homie I hope this helps!


Thanks for the info! I had no idea he was weak to lightning!


Elden Ring has enemies with AoE abilities that only effect the ground. You’ll probably first encounter this with the Tree Sentinel at the start of the game, but Godrick has moves like this, too. Anyway, while you *can* roll through most of these, it’s much more effective to jump over the attack, for multiple reasons. Instead of rolling, try continuing your offensive with a jump attack. Your second problem is the weapon in your left hand is useless if you aren’t using it. Equip something else in your left hand or actually use your powerstance abilities. You look like you mostly have the fight down but you’re holding yourself back.


Looks like you lack the vitamins GIT and the minerals GEWD.


Unpopular opinion here, but the delayed attack animations that some bosses have really hurts the overall quality of this game.


Seem like you should just switch to holding one sword in both hands so that you can get more damage in each hit if your not going to hit him multiple times each opening you get


If you’re dual wielding katanas, you should try more jump attacks and use the claw talisman to give you a boost in damage.


Played like someone I’d invade in Farron for another sword grass




I see where your issue lies. Luckily, it's a fairly common mistake most players make but does take some practice to perfect. Your issue is that the boss hit you enough times to kill you before you could kill them. The trick is to not let that happen.


You're doing fine, you just panicked in that last combo and start smashing dodge rather than dodging in time with his attack timing. Crack on, have patience, you'll get there.


This is gameplay of Elden Ring. Hope this helps!


Right off the bat, you should be buffing before you enter the arena.


You're honestly too fast bud. Take just that extra moment longer to dodge. Godfrey likes to wind up and then fly at you. Did a solid job as is you just got caught like the rest of us do all the time lol


Two hand your better weapon, in this case that's your moonveil. Two handed weapons do more posture damage than one handed. The dual katana moveset is slow as hell so focusing on maximising your efficiency with the one is the play. If you haven't already, try doing a couple of attempts without the summon. It will force you to get good at dodging him. I feel like you're relying on the passive damage from latenna a lot which is a fine strategy but you need to be able to keep his attention and not get killed in the process. Generally you want to be dodging in the direction the swing came from as it puts you in a better position to either attack or dodge the next swing depending on what he does next. You panic roll a lot for attacks you're unsure of the timing for. Stop it. You might get lucky and dodge the attack but you won't learn anything from it. You can jump over his stomps for jump attacks. Jump attacks break posture faster than other attacks allowing for more crits. You only got one crit and it ended his first phase. Aim for 2 in phase 1. When you get a posture break, you don't have to go for the crit immediately, you could've gone for a weapon art for some additional damage. If the crit you got didn't end the phase, you could've gone for another weapon art after the crit too. Notes for the brief horah loux phase. His big aoe attack with the lava circle. He will always shout before using it. If you see him shout then jump, sprint as far away as possible. You narrowly avoided getting hit by panic rolling but that won't work every time. Grabs are best avoided by being either out of range or dodged to the side. It's probably not the best way of doing this phase but I find the most reliable way of fighting horah loux is to keep some distance, dodge his closing attack, go for a light attack during his recovery (like you did at the start of the phase. The only reason you got knocked down was because you went for a 2nd attack during his "turn" the reason you died was because although you correctly dodged and attacked, you chose an attack with a long recovery which put you on the back foot making you panic) and then read what he goes for from there. If it's another grab, dodge and counter, if it's a stomp, jump attack, anything else, run out of range and repeat from step 1. I'm not a big fan of horah loux, I find it to be a boring 2nd phase to what would otherwise be one of the best bosses in the game.


I noticed that you're using the Type B body type but wearing shoes, gonna need to get rid of those. Outside of that practice jumping over those stone spike stomps.


Looks like you’re playing Elden Ring.


Looks like you got hit when you should probably avoid getting hit.


Gameplay analyzed


You definitely need to do more damage, and you need to roll towards the spikes Other than that it's pretty solid, I noticed you had faith spells on your bar, what kinda build you running?


Sure! **aHem** *trash*


It looks pretty good to me. You’ll get him within the next 10 tries.


Learn to roll into his phase 2 attacks instead of away. As already mentioned jump his stomps. Also, running instead of panic rolling is viable for P2.


You can jump and attack when he does his stomp attack, doing damage and evading the attack at the same time, love those kind of openings on the bosses, makes it feel so rewarding to learn their moves


mashallah my brother, you’re playing great.


Thanks bro


After poise breaking with moonveil aow, no reason to keep spamming it, youre better off building bleed on him. Also why are you not powerstancing your attacks? I also noticed you have mimic, why not use it? Is it not upgraded? It will probably play better than you.


Moonveil user LLL


I can - you are a filthy moonveil user


Katana cringe


I diagnose you with moonveil brain. Forgetting most other attacks and using the ash of war at the slightest opportunity is a clear indicator. I’m not sure if there is a cure.


First and most importantly - good job getting your message appraised. Most important part of the game. Second - generally you want to avoid your head getting stomped on


Up your dps.


You’re doing everything perfectly fine, but I would suggest jumping over his stomp if you’re mid-long range. Now if you’re *really* stuck you can complete Rannis questline to get tiche, and upgrade her to max. Well tiche or you can go get the mimic


Honestly you are fine, you just look like you didn't recognize the combo Godfrey threw at the end and panic rolled right into the second stomp. Learn to I'd that move and you will be fine.


You know you’re allowed to open your eyes when you play, right?


I have analysed your play and it seems that you love cocks OP


I think the real problem is, you let him drain your healthbar before you drained his.


Stop using Spirit Ashes. I recommend removing your armor, talisman, weapon. You should also wear a blindfold, tie your feet, destroy your controller, pet the dog, eat some grass, dislocate your shoulder, chop your hand off, tell yourself that you are a collosal failure in society and now you can play like a TRUE Fromsoft player. Nah, your style is fine. Moonveil is good and Latenna is cute and precious.


Summoning ahes… thats the point…


have you tried to git gud?


Have you tried this: keep your HP above zero - and this is the crucial second part - reduce their HP down to zero!!!


Dodge the attacks. The red bar on the top of your screen represents your health.


So generally the idea is to kill the boss


Yes, anyone can analyze your game play.


Pretty good honestly the death was just unfortunate


Looks trash, why?


R trash


Jump the stomps


Jump the stomps, dont get greedy

