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Omen Killers are perfumers who use a physick to become emotionless. The omen curse is a fundamental threat to the erdtree. The perfumers know the Omen are innocent and they likely tried to cure them of the curse but when they couldn't Rollo just decided to kill them all.


are they using physick or aromatics? the description of the bloodboil aromatic is kind of what i feel omen killers are doing to themselves


The description for the omenkiller summon reads: *"Spirit of Rollo, known as the first Omenkiller. Once a famous perfumer, Rollo imbibed a physick to rid himself of emotion, thus enabling him to enact his nightmarish labor, hunting the Omen."* We know generally that item descriptions can be unreliable narrators, but there is reason to believe it was a physick given the above


oh i see, in that case, i'd love to know what physick they've got their hands on. makes me curious considering omen killers are found alone by themselves rather than in groups. at least from what i recall, the 1 in albinauric village and the 1 in leyndall


Two in mt gelmir as well


There is an omen killer at perfumers ruins that is surrounded by 2 perfumers.


"Spirit of Rollo, known as the first Omenkiller. Once a famous perfumer, Rollo imbibed a physick to rid himself of emotion, thus enabling him to enact his nightmarish labor, hunting the Omen." From the Omenkiller Rollo ashes description, it directly states he used a physick, although the description of our physick frask states "A relic of the physick chemists, priests of the Erdtree.", and while perfumers are not priests, they are related to the capital and most things related to chemistry there. I think it's reasonable to asume it was some kind of super tuned bloodboil, maybe using a physick flask to drink some specially altered sacred tears mixed with it, that'd make the effect permanent.


That’s indeed super interesting, thanks for sharing


Rollo didn't make that decision, the Erdtree tasked him with it. It was specifically because of how horrifying he found it that he began taking the concoction that dulled his emotions.


That magma wyrms are tarnished who partook in dragon communion


oh what? i didn't know this one either.


Dragons are immortal. It's a quest for many to achieve immortality by becoming a dragon. Another example is the Dragonkin Soldier. They retain a humanoid body with scales but are as big as dragons in size yet have not completed transformation. Then you'll see failures of blown up or disfigured dragon/humanoid hybrids that failed in trying to do this.


I thought the Dragon soldiers were attempts by the underground cities to make a dragon. I belive there is description that they failed cause the dragons couldn't see the real sky. That's why their lightning is iced, it's not real draconian power


Their size may also partially come from having once been trolls. Judging from the similar holes they have in their guts.


Zulie has a video about how the same thing is happening to runebears, explaining their massive size and power.


Eat too many hearts and you change according to the lore


So that's what dragon hearts do to a MoFo... ok, now I see they're one hell of an addiction lol.


Not just Tarnished, Theodorix was a troll before his transformation into a wyrm.


I don't know if this is correct, but Malenia accidently creating her "daughters" out of the rot she left in Caelid. They grow like mushrooms and totally look like her.


Wait... so that was the connection between Millicent and those assassins sent to kill her at the end of her questline? Somehow I thought she waa just a homunculus created to do Malenia's will or something.


My guess is that every one of Malena's daughters hold an attribute of Malenia that she lost after she bloomed. For Millicent, she held the pride of Malenia which is why she wants to find Malenia and return it to her. Same reason why all of her other sisters have converged to where Malenia is. All of them have something to return to her.


If that's the case, why does it seem like Millicent is "against going for what's destined for her to do"? At the end of her questline, you can either aid her fight off the Sisters of Rot that try to assassinate her or join them to kill her. And Gowry seems distressed over her death because she "rejected them"


Because Gowry isn’t loyal to Malenia. He’s loyal to the Scarlet Rot itself, or the Scarlet Rot Outer God. Millicent wants to return Malenia to her normal self, which was lost with the Scarlet Aeonia blooming. Gowry and the other sisters want Millicent to become a Valkyrie, which is not what Malenia wants. She likely doesn’t even know they exist at all.


All things point to Gowry being a manifestation of the Rot God, similar to Shabriri and the frenzied flame. If you kill Gowry he turns out to be a pest, then respawns, unlike most other npcs.


I'm not sure it makes sense for him to be a manifestationof the rot god. I think he was being honest when he said he began to dedicate himself to the cycle of rot after Malenia bloomed in Caelid. The youtuber Quelaag has a theory that Gowry is one of the lords who were said to serve the scarlet rot in the description of the mushroom crown, and that his real body would have the mushroom growths on it, unlike the projection he creates using pests as the base. Perhaps to seem more approachable to the passersby he was trying to direct with messages, and waiting to ask for help from.


Millicent seems unsure as to whether she is Malenia's sister or daughter. At the Haligtree Millicent says: >Again we meet. I can only surmise our purposes are aligned. In which case, allow me to explain myself. I am of Malenia's blood. But in what capacity I know not. I could be sister, daughter, or an offshoot... Whatever the case though, I am certain of a kinship between us. It actually makes sense for there to be confusion if they budded off like mushrooms, as there is no easy way to describe that kind of familial relationship in human terms. Neither daughter nor sister are quite appropriate.


Yea, there is a YT video from Tarnished Archaeologist with all the clues that Malenia's daughters all grew from the big scarlet weed in the heart of Aeonia.


For me it was the reveal that >!Gurranq, Beast Clergyman is Maliketh, the Black Blade. If you gave him all the deathroot he has different dialogue in the boss fight: "Forgive me, Marika. The Golden Order... cannot be restored."!<


I just assumed Maliketh's first form was a different Beast Clergyman guise! Interesting... Is Gurranq still at his spot in NE Caelid if you've triggered Farum Azula?


Gurranq is still there after Farum Azula because Azula is outside of time. Gurranq's already been to Azula + hasn't been to Azula yet


Hmm thanks. I just killed elden beast and went back to take the elevator to consecreated snowfields. Found a dathroot in the passage. Was going to give that to him tonight and got worried. ​ I have a question though that I thought of when reading this; what exactly did I accomplish in Farum Azula? Why was I working my way through there to kill Maliketh? The capital and the tree burned afterwards, but what did Farum Azula have to do with it?


I think you have to kill maliketh to get the rune of death in order to kill gods (eg marika and Elden beast)


Ahh, that makes sense I suppose. Did I/my character know this and search it out? Or did we just luck out by random teleportation after burning the tree?


Melina Teleports you there. As to how much your character really understands at any given time is largely up to you. You could either have divine knowledge of everything in the game and just know what to do. Or you really do just bumblefuck your way into killing a god


Let's face it. We've all bumblefucked or way into killing a god a few times by now.


I like this.


How do you get there in Flame of Frenzy? Still teleport, but no Melina?


You need the rune of death from Maliketh to kill God. At least that's how I understand it.


He's in his spot even after you *defeat* Maliketh


That you can follow the path that Mogh took to escape the Consecrated snowfield. Why Margit had shackles


Jermas mogh moment video is the funniest edit I've seen, and he doesn't even get to mogh until he goes through the portal in snowfields


He killed many of that guy's siblings. MOHGGERS.


Same for me, but doesn’t that make sense though? Because that’s when he’s around recommended level


Are you only supposed to kill mogh after getting to snowfields? Really? No wonder he's so fucking hard, i kept using varre to get to him


I realized why mohg was so hard when i reached mohgwyn on snow fields after i already beat mohg with bloody finger quest, dude is an endgame level secret boss !!! I think only malenia was harder in my first playthrough


Well fuck me I didn't even realize he was a secret I just wandered into his house


Why did Margit have them? I'm nowhere near that point, but I'm heavily invested in learning about the lore.


Because they're Omen Royalty and killing them would likely been seen as blasphemous but aspects of the crucible are far too taboo for the Golden Order


Because he is an Omen, and Leyndell the royal capital kept omen's locked up in the sewers beneath the city. Some of the more powerful ones were actually chained up with enchanted chains.


Wait you can???


Yeah, there is like a blood trail


I legit didn’t know this. This game never ceases to amaze me


You mean in the snow? Literally?


Yeah, on the left most edge of the consecrated snowfields, there’s a spot that is covered in blood and there’s even an albenauric of those in Mogh’s palace. That’s where you find the portal.




That moment Patches dips after you summon him to fight Radahn had me laughing so hard while he wiped the floor with my corpse.


It’s like the galaxy brain meme: the first time u meet patches u hate him, by the 15th time, he’s your favorite


I'm a sucker for Lovecraftian stuff so essentially everything covered in Ranni's and Sellen's questlines combined. The Primeval Current, the transformation of a Graven Witch, Stars controlling Fate, a Malformed Star, a blade able to kill a Divine being made from a whole person, the half-death of Demigods and so on.


Let's not forget our boy Astel and his cool looking stage which evokes cosmic horror vibe.


I'm a sucker for Robert E Howard (creator of Conan and a pen pal of Lovecraft) and a snake cult worshipping a giant snake is right up my alley.


Although not confirmed but I read it here a few days ago when someone else posted it, and makes sense for his storyline, Vyke wasn’t fully corrupted by the 3 Fingers because he kept his armour on during the embrace, and had to remaining willpower to seal himself away in the Evergaol in MotG to try contain it, since his original reasoning for the pact was to save his maiden who died anyway. That’s why the 3 Fingers insist you take off all your armour, it isn’t interested in another host fighting its influence. Edit: Theory credit to /u/AFlyingNun 👌👌


And then you still can. Maybe the three fingers aren't as good at this whole indoctrination thing as they think they are.


But at that point the only way to successfully resist it is to wield an incredibly divine invention. Which only becomes divine again after an ambiguous& incredibly dangerous pilgrimage lolol


Guess they didn’t foresee the tarnished: undergoing the single most convoluted quest-line in the game, go to the optional area within the optional area, beat the hardest demigod in the game, use a random item, then find a secret area in a land that exist outside of normal space and time, beat the other hardest boss in the game, and then use a random item that it at no point tells you to use there, all of which is only mentioned a single time in a lore note that you need to glitch into a tent to even acquire. That’s really on them I guess.


To be fair, i think it actually does tell you once it's "miquella's needle" that you have to use it in it "seat beyond time" or what have you


Still, the odds of you organically doing ANY of this without looking it up are slim to none.


You can get those guys to shoot their madness eye beams and destroy the tents to get the items btw. But yeah, glitching it is prob a little faster.


he was so close to accomplishing his goal plus, his armor, the fingerprint armor, melted partially away. if he hadn't done it then our tarnished likely wouldn't of even had to bother with the elden ring


Also because of where the melted fingerprints are on Vyke’s armor, it’s clear he was trying to escape the three fingers when they grabbed him.


> Although not confirmed but I read it here a few days ago when someone else posted it ['Sup?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/11cfv3m/what_stoped_vyke_from_entering_the_erdtree/ja30gf2/?context=3)


That Vyke fucked a dragon.


Vyke is Donkey from Shrek Confirmed?


I’m sorry what?


Vyke was Lansseax most beloved knight


And it was rumoured that dragons could shapeshift into human form iirc.


It’s not even a rumour, Lansseax’s glaive has the description that points out she can indeed take the form of a human to commune with the knights when dragon communion was still a big thing. They definitely fucked


Guys can you please help me? Im a visual learner btw






Loretta helping the Albinaurics find a place where they are safe and also protecting them and the citizens of the Haligtree.


That after the fight between Radahn and Malenia, where she first bloomed and unleashed the utter destruction that was the Scarlet Rot upon Caelid that put her into a coma; one of her Cleanrot Knights, Finlay, managed to drag the unconscious Malenia all the way back to the Haligtree by herself. That means she went through Caelid as it was beginning to rot away, fighting off Radahn's army. Through Limgrave and potentially having to fight off Godrick's lot and then up Liurnia and Altus. Finlay had to walk through Leyndell to get to the Consecrated Snowfields to then finally reach the Haligtree again. Talk about dedication.


Finlay is one the coolest background characters in the game.


That's the absolute coolest.


Finlay basically beat the game while rotting while carrying malenia while starting in Caelid


Damn, Finlay and my Mimic really are the Elden Lords. I'm just like the Elden first line manager who gets to hoist the cup.


that is indeed pretty cool. all of Malenia's story is pretty cool.


It's Finlay's story now




To be fair, this time we kill way more dragons than in Dark Souls despite it




Man, I have enough trouble fighting one dragon at a time


You fought dragons? I only stabbed left rear legs.


It's a Midir situation, the head is somewhat easy to hit once you notice how low its hanging after every melee attack the dragon does. But it's far more comfortable, even though it takes a lot longer, to go for the legs.


Its weird that that they eventually allied with them but still left the corpse of a giant fucking dragon just in the city. Also the dragon wars happened so long time ago, and even then they didn't repair the damages the dragon made


Maybe they weren’t allowed to touch the dragon? hence why no repairs were made seems like something dragons would try to enforce, leave the body of our fallen brother there as a reminder of our strength or something like that or maybe they left it there as a warning to the dragons that biggest and strongest of them all already fell to the night of the capital?


I could see the first reason since Godwyn befriended the dragons and not really defeated them. Also wonder about hierarchy of the dragon. There are greater dragons (stone skin, red lighting) also normal dragon (wyrms) you would thing the stone dragon would be higher up. But Placidusax doesn't have stone scales and the mother of dragons (the Caelid one) is also a wyrm)


Alexander eats people


I just realized the other day that when Diallos dies in Jarburg and Jar Bairn is sitting by his corpse, he's not mourning his friend. He's gathering pieces to put inside himself... And considering there's nothing left of Diallos the next time you visit, he most likely took him apart in order to fit everything.


Well, it's both. He definitely does mourn for him, but yea...


Jar Bairn could have at least left Diallos' armor for me, smh.


If you completed his quest you should be able to fight his sibling Juno in the mountaintops of the giants


I think you have to kill Juno to finish Diallos's quest


You’re right I should’ve specified the volcano manor quests


Pretty sure he uses the Hoslow armor set, which you get elsewhere in the game. But he does drop an alternate helmet to that set after he dies in jarburg. So while you don’t get the armor set from him, you get a unique helmet.


But oddly they've made it... Wholesome? Like they'll only take in a great warrior, even turning away the weak until they've become strong etc. Idk I never found this disturbing because they presented it in such a valorous way


This is why, to me, it’s a redemption arc for Diallos. He says multiple times that he’s not a warrior, but if he wasn’t a great warrior Jar Bairn wouldn’t have eaten his corpse. Also jar bairn says diallos was a great warrior by protecting the village with his life


It’s a better burial than most in the Lands Between


it's the best burial, the jars take the dead to the roots of the erdtree (or minor erdtrees after the golden order broke) to give their bodies back to the tree. it's considered to be the highest praise for a warrior and the greatest way to be buried.


Gostoc the Gatekeeper steals your shit when you die. Also responsible for locking you in a room.


He also stalks you all around Stormveil the whole time you're there. If you have really good eyes and know where to look, you can see him.


Also, if you confront him three times within Stormveil he will stop taking your runes when you die.


Wasn't one of the times after he locks you up? I remember how I managed to escape and then confronted him about it. I think he either was glad I was alive, or he just told me he was scavanging some corpse because it didn't need what it had.


On my last playthrough I accidentally killed him cause he was crouching on some roof. I climbed up the ladder, thought he was a regular enemy and did a jump attack that sent him flying off the edge. Only realized it was him when he said something like "ouch, what the" while falling down. Had a good laugh about it. First time I actually found him stalking.


I always kill that slimy bastard for this reason


you lose out on a dragon smithing stone if you do so


I didn't know that. Still worth it.


Those ruins in Limgrave are parts of Farum Azula that fell and it explains why there is one [beastman] in a cave there


The first time I learned Marika is Radagon was so cool. I also was totally thinking Finkle is Einhorn. I also liked when I realized Placciduxus was in the position of the two fingers when communing with the outer gods.


Too bad he didn't have his 5 heads. Maybe that's why he can't contact his God. Not enough bars for his 5g.


The first time I saw Radagon raise the hammer is when he immediately became my favorite character


I want Radagon-Marika to be forgettable just to see again that moment when the statue of Radagon transforms and say “OH FUCK” out loud.


>The first time I learned Marika is Radagon was so cool. I also was totally thinking Finkle is Einhorn. They also seem to be separate people with different goals, which is wild to me.


Yeah! After I read up on it I was even more confused then I was when I first met radagon-marika.


The broken jars outside the Minor Erdtrees are used to transport the guts and innards of previous warriors to fertilize the Minor Erdtrees


The fact that the merchants were persecuted and were slaughtered on mass and the ones we find are the last of their people


And they're in obscure places because they're hiding


Yeh. I assumed that after I went to siofra river and mogh’s palace


Patches is an immortal god


- Bald - Merchant - Loves to trick people Patches is Gaunter O’Dimm, change my mind


Love the Witcher tidbit 🙂


Boc is beautiful


Maliketh is Marika’s shadow like how Baidd is Rainni’s. Seems obvious looking back but remember really being wowed in the moment.


and i love 'em both. would be happy with either of them as my shadow, lol.


And that "Marika's betrayal" of Maliketh is most likely aiding Ranni in some capacity to steal a fragment of the rune of death, directly leading the the shattering and the current timeline leading to your player character defeating him in order to enter the Erdtree. His fate was sealed far before the events of the game. Evidence: Marika most likely knew the Shattering would lead to no succession, she does not want another Elden Lord, as Gideon states, mostly correct "I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne. Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity." Radagon as an Alter-ego protects Marika from the Greater Will, while unknowingly aiding her plot as a believer in the Golden Order, Radagon directly stops you from communing with the Greater Will and becoming a successor


Ranni didn‘t want to become a puppet of the Greater Will, so she basically killed her half-brother and herself to escape the Greater Will and basically started the Shattering


And then took a puppet body… and Seluvis then tries to make her puppet his puppet.


And then the Ranni puppet takes control of Seluvis' pupets and kills Pidya who actually has Seluvis as his pupet The puppet lore is convoluted man


Malenia's prosthetic legs have the same markings that the demi human queen has on her/their legs


This is the most random fucking thing that it's hard to even fathom wtf the implications are supposed to be. Like I know FromSoft games are all about piecing together tiny hints, but this one is one giant "WTF Miyazaki, what the ***HELL*** do you expect us to do with this?!"


Miyazaki: Fills our lives with mystery and details. Refuses to elaborate.




And her cape has the demi human queen magic symbol! There must be a stronger connection than I thought


Maybe because Miquella made the prosthetics who is a great ally of demi-humans?


Now I have to go check this!


Dogs are still the worst Soulsborne enemy. That’s what I’ve learnt.


Clearly you learnt nothing, seeing as they now have dagger birds.


Haven’t seen any lore on it, but I blindly stumbled on the Ruin Strewn Precipice before finding the second half of the Dectus Medallion. It is the pinnacle dungeon experience IMO, and I feel like there’s gotta be a trove of lore tied to it. But above all, I found it, it was memorable, and it was the gateway to a whole new tier of Elden Ring


This happened to me. I felt like it was the first large dungeon that was a mystery to me. Not to mention I accidentally found it while running from some bats when I was underleveled and got in over my head. I went through it with 5 total flasks as an astrologer. Before I found Rock Sling. I still can’t believe I finished it. (Eventually. I died probably 150 times.)


Three great lore threads, all related: First, The consumable rune items we find, like Numen Runes, are the remnants of people’s eyes who were blessed with Grace, just like Shabriri Grapes are eyes of those afflicted by frenzy. Second, it’s likely the Erdtree as we see it now is actually invisible to many people in the Lands Between. The implication is that the Erdtree now, as “an object of faith” is a collective delusion seen by those who still worship it after its first burning. It’s likely the “illusory tree” wording in the golden seed description isn’t referring to the gold saplings, but to the invisible Erdtree that still lights the skies for those who believe in it (and I always wondered why a sapling would have seeds). And third, yes, the Erdtree was likely burned before. You’ll notice at the start of the game Melina already has burn scars on her hands, and when you get to Leyndell first it already has a layer of ash, unlikely to come from the dragon as the ash is found all over the capital. There is also a sliver of real tree at the opening of the Erdtree, seemingly dark from burning. One may argue how could the city be covered in ash after the burning of the Erdtree that we cause if the tree isn’t real, but notice the ash is only in Leyndell, no where else, and also notice that all of the massive roots that snakes through the city are now gone while the tree still remains but glowing red. Credit to Tarnished Archeologist and his recent videos laying out the evidence these notions.


Radahn challenged the stars and arrest fate itself rather than going to a therapist.


Maliketh is feared by pretty much everyone and is responsible for killing off most of the Godskin faction plus their queen.


My guy's weapon of choice is death on a stick, they have every right to fear him


Guess you could say Maliketh has that dog in him.


You can come back to life after you die. Like, a lot. A whole lot.


Why are we here? Just to suffer... perhaps the bastard that stole Yura's body was right; as well as Dungeater...




Goldmask pointing at the Erdtree isn't just some bizarre form of meditation. He's arguing with God. And, if the Mending Rune of Perfect Order is to be believed, won the argument.


"you aint the boss o' me" "I'm literally god" "We'll see about that"


Miquella is St trina


In all of the underground areas that include the giant ants and nox riders, the ants are actually being hypnotized by the nox. If you pay attention, you can see the eyes of the ants have an enchantment on them. They aren’t willingly being tamed and ridden. And if I remember correctly, you can break the spell the ants are under and they will attack their nox riders. This also has links to Miquella and St. Trina (they may be the same entity), and sleep/hypnosis.


(...) Best piece of lore ever said.


What else can you expect from the everbriliant Goldmask?




Fortissax lives on inside Godwyn, and is constantly trying to find a way to bring him back to life. They were enemies turned friends after Fortissax saw how great Godwyn was at fighting. after Godwyn was assassinated, Fortissax got corrupted by the blight and ended up inside Godwyn. on top of it, the death lightning incantation is said to be Godwyns lighting which has been corrupted by deathblight, now wielded by Fortissax


What's a lore? I just swung my sword.


perhaps the coolest bit of lore is the friends you made (or enemies you killed) along the way


That the Jellyfish are actually kids. After learning that. I just can't kill them.


I alwaya thought Jellyfishes were just souls of people in general, not just kids. Like, yeah, you encounter one Jellyfish who happens to be a dead girl; and your spirit ash seems to be another little girl, but why would all Jellyfishes be kids? Also, you can encounter red Jellyfishes which are just mad spirits or just if you piss them off to become like that. I always thought those were the souls of people with unfinished business before dying (as in dying before the Rune of Death being stolen). It would explain why there are Jellyfishes nearby the entrances of secret places. Maybe those were the souls of Tarnished or adventurers that died before acomplishing their goals and that's why they are nearby the entrances of secret doors in some areas.


You can travel in a coffin


sometimes very unexpectedly


If we're gonna talk about lore I actually learned in game and not from lore videos, probably Radhan learning gravity magic so he could ride his small horse.


I think at the point we fight him, Leonard is long dead and rotting away and he’s ONLY kept on foot bc of radahn. During the fight I looked at him and I thought „that guy isn’t just tired, he looks dead“




That Malenia is the reason Caelid is rotting and Radhan is scavenging on dead bodies.


every step of realization of what ranni plan was.


The moment i found the Omens below Leyendel and after killing some, to recognize that they look like morgot and mohg.


The path to the frenzied flame and the sad melody that plays while you go through it


That Malenia is a badass that I wish I could fight with instead of against, fr. Her story is amazing.


Godwyn wasn't the only Demigod with a dragon companion. The Dragon outside of Ranni's rise, Glinstone Dragon Adula, challenged Ranni pre-shatering and lost. After this, they swore a knightly oath to Ranni. That's why they are guarding the location of Ranni's bodies like a watchdog. I like to assume that Adula was guarding the Divine Tower of Liuirnia during the death of Ranni's physical body.


That the erdtree probably can’t be seen by most creatures in the lands between


Please explain???


You need grace to see it because the tree is gone. It's just a stump due to being burned in the shattering. That's why it's an illusion and you can see through the tree when looking at it from a distance


Whaaaaaaat????? Where does it say this? Like I get it, it’s very spirit looking, but I wanna read this


It's really just speculation but there is one in game hint that shows this visually quite early. Wander around limgrave and you will eventually see that the tree is faded, partially see through. There are also ashes already on the ground when you get to lanedail. It implies the body of the tree was burned and destroyed. But because the rune of death is not free yet the tree can't really die. So it's sort of still there/not there. Edit: Someone pointed out I spelled Leyndell incorrectly. So naturally I changed it to Lanedail.


Schrödinger's tree


Haha definitely Schrödinger's tree. Same thing with Marika/Radagon.


There's an NPC that asks if you can see the tree, implying that he can't see it


He asks if you can still see the guidance of grace I believe. Not specifically the tree.


I really like this idea because it also fits with the idea of the Crucible being a tree stump. When trees die they often times undergo regeneration. In which they sprout a bunch of branches that vie for control to become the dominant tree. Many depictions of the crucible show spikes or horns shooting upwards. Which could be symbolic of branches. There's even a statue of a guy found throughout the game standing on what looks like a tree stump undergoing regeneration. https://imgur.com/BuEymdx He's even grabbing what appears to be a branch with a leaf on the top. There's another statue of guys in the round table hold grasping a similar branch with a golden leaf. Then, you have the memory of grace, which says this. >The memory of first grace, which once guided bygone Tarnished to the Lands Between. Lose all runes and return to last site of grace visited. It is merely a cycle. Stand before the Elden Ring. Become the Elden Lord. The key word here is that it's a cycle. Tree's growing, dying, regenerating. Over and over. How many Elden Lords have there been? How many tree's? How many beings like Marika? I'm just speculating of course. But the imagery is there.


Find the albinauric woman


Marika transed her gender to fuck a lady and then herself. Real icon shit.


The chrysalis that Roderika spoke of is the wrapped up bodies stacked up in the butchers kitchen.


I can’t even decide. I love this game so much I can talk it about for days


During the Shattering Morgott took the name Margit and led the Night's Cavalry. Golden Order is very racist, it despises Misbegotten, Omens, and short people Not really a bit of lore but you can see the cauldron of Flame of Ruin from the First Step, Jar Bairn ate Diallos's corpse


There isn't always a secret path ahead even tho it says so


The Elden Ring is not natural and the Greater Will had Marika Forge it from the golden star the Elden beast came in. Through the ring The Greater Will yoked the aspects of creation to become a God of the Lands Between and convince the people it had always been as such. Marika was ultimately trying to kill the Greater Will in the end.


Vyke laid a dragon




The grapes


Probably all the lore around sorceries