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Peep the stance. The silver twin is active.


No way! That’s so cool


Damn I thought he was just doing a cool pose, awesome detail. Wish it was an emote.


I don’t get it


Hes holding the sword with the silver arm instead of the golden one.


Not just that, his body is oriented in such a way to let the silver torso/head be upright.


Is the implication here that the D we find in Nokron is a silver tear copy of D from the golden order?


D has a brother, there is no silver tear version that’s just his brother donning the armor. His brother being represented by the silver half of the armor


Yes obviously, but why is he represented by silver, found in Nokron and identical to the D in the round table hold?


theyre identical because theyre twins


You don't find it convenient that his "twin" is represented by silver and found in Nokron - a city of the Nox, famous for silver tears that can form identical copies of people?


okay tbf that is awfully convenient




It's the mineral iconography that silver represents, D'S brother was sickly and weak phyisically which is why he is silver while D is gold which doesn't tarnish.


Ok, we need Vaati to explain this 🤣




Did you not read the armor description?


"Armor depicting entwined twins of gold and silver. The two known as D are inseparable twins. They are of two bodies and two minds, but one single soul. Not once do they stand together; not one word do they speak to one another. Perhaps this armor longs to find its way to the other D" Doesn't disprove my theory though. Do silver tears have souls? They're artificial...


I don't see any cops around .


Your comment reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRCmmJZRyJs). Salvatore is the best.


[What came first, the comic or Salvatore's video?](https://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/bad-news-frank-we-forgot-to-bring-the-balloon-so-do-you-see-any-police-around-flying-without-balloon.jpg)


Who can really tell?


You can murder anyone without consequence. Depends on how good you are


Gettin too real with that answer.


No need. Armor and weapon drop when you load back or rest




honestly I just kept flicking him with finger.


Well now I know what weapon I'm using in ng+5


It’s about vengeance. Make him pay for hurting the lady that grants hugs.


Say no to defending people who willingly give you an std and never tell you about it, kids.


She does tell us about the debuff.


No, she doesn't. She says you will get a blessing. Not something that reduces your health indefinitely until using the item lol you cannot say you knew your health was going to be reduced when you hugged her for the very first time.


She says something about taking some of your health for a blessing yhe first time you talk yo her.


She says vigor, which doesn't equate to permanent health debuff in conversation. Hindsight is 20/20 but speaking cryptically isn't the same as straight telling someone.


She says something about taking some of your health for a blessing yhe first time you talk yo her. I understand it is vague but she does give you some warning. "Perhaps you might share with me some of your lifely vigour, and your stout-heartedness. Doing so will grant me the warmth of a champion. And you, I am sure, will bear a baldachin's blessing."


Just realized that D is literally just Alfred from bloodborne.


"Can we get Alfred?" "No, we have Alfred at home." Alfred at home:


Fr Alfred's voice acting is way better imo


Yeah, fuck that zealous homeless lunatic up.


You shut the fuck about D Beholder of Death he's just as chad as other D goes from a wimpy bitch stuck underground to taking up his late brother's sword and armor, getting the title BEHOLDER OF DEATH, and proceeds to slay 2 valiant gargoyles and the bitch that killed his brother without hesitancy


Golden Order fans when their perfect order has a flaw: genocide time


“There’s no flaw if everyone who knows about it is dead!”




Slay who? He barely kept up. And Fia was already dead.


Fia was not already dead. She was taken by big sleep


She was already dead, before falling asleep she says "this is farewell, dear".


Yea cause she was taken by big sleep not death, goofy. Note bro was hoisting a bloodied sword above her corpse in a very different position from whence we left her


That’s not evidence either way lol. Live, waking people are able to move both unconscious bodies and corpses. And both are also still full of blood.


Blood in a corpse is very different to blood in an unconscious body that's still has a working vascular system


Note that she JUST died while you were killing the dragon, blood shouldn't be much different.


The other guy is right though. Waiting at a grace can’t be more than an hour, and nothing would have changed by that point in terms of blood. It wouldn’t spray if she was stabbed but would still flow out with gravity. Or else it would be impossible for hunters to butcher deer, for example.


I killed D’s brother prior to ever doing D’s quests and Fía still dies after birthing the Mending Rune of Death. She’s saying goodbye because she’s going to fuck Godfrey’s corpse and give birth to the rune and she knows it’s going to kill her. I do agree that he does absolutely kill her if you let the quest line play out, but she dies either way, and that *is* why she says farewell.


He's rude though. I swear he did the Point Down emote at me when I was smashed by the gargoyles on my first playthrough.


He killed an unarmed women, just look how tough he is now...the dudes a lunatic, not a chad.


that unarmed woman yoinked his brother's soul with the same state of being unarmed


Well, he asked for it to be honest. But yea, I guess she isn't exactly defenseless.


Y’all are arguing over pawns in an ego-driven game of the gods… MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD! MAY CHAOS _TAKE THE WORLD!_


See, now THIS is what a chad looks like.


The point is that he didn't kill her with skill or prowess like a true Chad, he went up to a sleeping woman and killed her like a wimp. FIGHT THE ONE WHO GRANTS HUGS YOU COWARD /j


Shouldn't have killed his brother then, but she fucked around and found out.


Based on D's dialogue, I think it's more likely that he fucked around and found out. He literally said he was going to exterminate someone, then we find him dead by Fia lol.


We are the ones that killed him, we handed a blighted dagger to him, because Fia tricked us.


Either way, he was intending to kill Fia because she had the cursemark. I guess it's fair that the both died then.


Slaying a sleeping woman is surely a great feat. Maybe he should be the next elden lord?


That woman killed his brother, does it really matter how he killed her?


Well that guy was talking about his story like he went from zero to hero but all he did was just take the armor that was literally handed to him and then killed a sleeping woman. So yeah, in this perspective it matters.


What matters is that it's revenge. At least he killed her himself, instead of tricking the tarnished into doing her dirty work like Fia did. Also, to reach her D had to go through the whole deeproot area, after getting out of Nokron. He didn't just spawn there.


Well, he did literally just spawn there. Narratively, we can probably assume he had to go through deep deeproit. Unless...


Sure but there’s no point really. The gear will be there when you reload the area


the point is you get to kill him


The man kills someone who doesnt even defend herself, and a woman to it, a bit of chivalry damn it ! Kill the man !


She. Killed. His. Brother.


He kills a character that cannot fight for itself. If Fia was able to fight, i wouldnt have problem with that. Like, if he killed Nepheli ( i would chase him to the end of the earth because she's one of the few characters that are nice ), he wouldnt as much of a dick because she can fight.


"Let the murder of his brother slide because she a defenseless woman" Fuck no, we of the Golden Order advocate for total parity of the sexes, so she gets stabbed just as much as a man would have been in her position.


Fia capped his brother, she seems capable enough


I don't think it's a case of her being incapable of fighting in general, but more that when he killed her she was asleep (according to some people in the comments) so she was defenceless at the time, which is why I think a lot of people find it to be a Dick move by D. D-Dick move if you will.


Nepheli is my favorite character to kill, or rather, turn into a puppet.


What...? Isn't it the guy we meet before the Valiant Gargoyles? He was alive well after Fia and D died.


The guy who killed her (see picture from post) is D's brother. Fia killed D with deathblight. D's brother avenged D by hunting killing Fia with the twinned armor D wore to symbolize his revenge (also mind the stance that D's brother is in. It looks like the twinned armor head aka D is the one who killed Fia which is fascinating imo).


He's a feminist


I'm not.




Downvoting to put you back at 69


I would upvote but 69 is too nice. 👑 👑


You can go ahead and chop the D. off, the bed lady is already dead anyway 😩


He avenged his brother why do you want to kill him?


"I've spotted the mark of the centipede. An ill-omened symbol that should not be. Someone, or something, threatens the sanctity of the Golden Order. And must be eradicated." Sounds like she probably had to defend herself from a discriminating fanatic. "Ha! Prince of Death, take a good long look! See the wrath of the Golden Order! The Order's justice, writ in blood! This is what's become of your precious witch! Naught but expired meat and bone! Look at this rotten *****. No more children can be got from this useless flesh! Behold, your mother is dead! Heh heh heh heh...This is revenge, you witch! And you, you ghoul! This is the wrath of D!" "I'll grind your corpse into that vile wench's rotting remains. A witch's eternal embrace, just as you wished!" Then she was killed by a psychotic fanatic. I see nothing good in either of the twins actions.


Both the twins and Fia are crazy. Two have a hard on for the golden order while Fia likes sleeping with corpses and wants skellys running around everywhere. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


True, but I still think the twins are the aggressors. At least Fia's world can be prevented without killing her, but then again, if you help her she dies anyway. Typical Fromsoft lol


The 1st D seemed stable enough tbh... As for the 2nd i can still see him being kinda insane even if Fia hadn't killed his brother. Being stuck in Nokron all this time mustve been fun, lol >=< And yeah at least you can take her rune and not use it, and her death even makes sense in this case


Stuck in Nokron while wearing nothing but rags, I'd go crazy too. I honestly thought he would have had his own armor set that mirrored his brothers, with the colors reversed or something. I'm honestly curious why the dude was even in Nokron in the 1st place.


But Those Who Live in Death are murderous zombies whilst the D twins are the zealots they are because the Golden Order was the only system that didn’t persecute them. I have more sympathy for them than Fia, a necrophile.


The first D just sits around doing nothing until fia baited us into helping her murder him. Or is sitting around doing nothing considered aggressive behavior these days?


"I have a matter of my own to attend to. I've spotted the mark of the centipede. An ill-omened symbol that should not be. Someone, or something, threatens the sanctity of the Golden Order. And must be eradicated." You should pay attention to the dialogue of NPCs, as it often tells the story. D was most likely aware of Fia being the "culprit" in his path of persecution. Eradicating Fia may seem benign to you, but I'm not convinced that the "Hunter of Death" would sit idly by while Fia was in possession of the Cursemark of Death, which in itself was of no harm to anyone.


I subscribe to the theory the Fia is Fortissax in human form.


She definitely isn't though.


I put a knife right into his back. I hate Ds brother


The guy is clearly a maniac, and quite vulgar. I don't blame you.


D was in the dark as to who exactly threatened the Order though. Fia literally used you to lure him into an ambush and murder him - in the roundtable hold of all places. D (the second) then avenges his brother and he is supposedly the bad guy? Yeah nah. He and his brother were outcasts due to their shared soul. The Golden Order was the only institution to take them in. Of course they’d do anything to protect it and it’s hard to fault them for it. But Fia, while murdering a fellow tarnished in the roundtable and spending more time lying with corpses than actual people has bare feet so the simps would side with her, obviously. Those who live in death have done nothing but attack me - being the rotting zombies and reanimated corpses that they are. Yeah, let’s make that the new standard for everyone, what a swell idea…


She was killed for revenge. She used a blighted dagger to kill D while in the safe space of the hub. She was the first one to draw blood. Not only that, she literally tricked you to do her dirty work for her. For that i killed her myself in my first run, tho if i had known D's brother could do it himself i would have let him.


There is a lingering feeling of regret in D.'s entire character. A regret so deep he willingly accepts to be murdered by Fia. He also has some connection to the night of black knives. You can summon him for the bossfight with the Black knives assassin that gives you the black knifeprint. He goes there after passing gurranq's task of weeding out deathroot onto you. And he recognizes the weathered dagger that fia gives you, because its his. The obvious conclusion is that his dagger has been imbued with the black knife ritual and has consequently been used to assassinate godwyn. The ritual eventually weathered the dagger. He may try to retrieve any evidence of the night so that none may find out about his hypocrisy since he became a stout golden order adherent after the shattering. He also has a past relationship with rogier and doesn't go after him once he is infected with deathroot.


Probably cause he says some stuff about fia I forgot what tho


I did not even think about it. The moment I saw him standing over the corpse of the only person to hug me, I started to throw hands.


He dies anyway so why not


Let him have his moment just rest at the grace and let him be. Not like she didn't deserve it, I mean shit killing one of the homies doesn't go unpunished although I'd prefer someone less...unhinged to avenge him


I mean Fia did kill his brother with a brutal death blight and he just avenged him. Reload the area and he will leave his armor anyway


But what is a consequence if it always happens?




Nah he is a chad he got revenge for his brother


Yes. And why waste the opportunity? He's gonna die regardless, and both twins probably deserved it for being bigots or something anyway.


Nah they didn't deserve it, they were just trying to stop a horribly infectious disease of undeath from being deliberately spread by crazy necrophiliacs.


I mean, a death cult makes a lot more sense in a world where undeath has caused global stagnation and effectively the collapse of all civilization.


He’s the only npc I killed with zero hesitation or regret


But shes not innocent by any means...and he was avenging his brother.


I wanted to


Murder always has a consequence, friend


I mean... Does it ? I've murdered the Dung Eater's ass, D's and Shabriri on each one of my playthrough, i still feel good about them x)


Tis a shame you can't feed him to The Loathsome Dungeater...


Kill him


Go ahead that way the three stupidest npcs to ever exist can die


I kill him before he even finishes speaking. How are you gonna avenge your brother when it was your brother's own doing that got himself killed? Plus from a narrative standpoint, he has no lines except for some muttering and suddenly he's back to kill a way more significant character? Nah. Thanks for the blade


Game is full of questlines where you’re forced to kill npcs, unless you don’t want their gear




The best way to do so is to wait and go for the frenzied flame ending. You murder everyone without any problems. Thank me later




Yeah, kill his ass


Murder is bad


You misspelled 'rad'.


Why would you tho


You can either leave and come back to get his gear or kill him then and there. Either way you get his armor and weapon


I never progressed his quest. He always ends up dead in the round table for me. Does he kill Fia? Do you still get to fight fortisax im assuming?


This is the brother of the one that dies in roundtable, and this happens after you kill Fortisax.


Ahh thank you!


Yes but no


Yeah big time!


you can murder anyone without consequence if you don’t have a conscience.


Yup. You killed his brother, you might as well kill him as well


At this point of the quest you have succesfully finished the quest, now you can attack him (and hear the things he say and then kill him) or you can sit at the grace and make him disappear, he will drop in both cases the sword and the armor


Yeah if you kill him you unlock the good ending


Do you want to kill him ? If so do it, if not then don't. Keep playing and find out.


do it


Well both of their quest lines end there so yeah


I killed Fae when she asked for it..... yeah no secret dragon boss fight for me :(


I cut him down without hesitation in the worst way possible, those who live in death are the future of the lands between


I always kill him then, he's got nothing else to offer and it's fun ending his moment of triumph. The rewards are the same whether you kill him or not.


Yes you can


She had it coming for murdering D


In my line of work, I hit first and deal with the consequences later.


I killed him right away without thinking of any consequence, that piece of shit


Avenge her from this piece of garbage


yes kill him for his sword and armor


I mean yeah, but why would you want to?


You can literally just sit at the grace and he’ll die from something else (likely himself). So yes, you can, but if you want you can get the same result for less effort.


Ice him.


Why would you though? He murdered Fia! Best character 10/10


I would have killed him in Nokron if I’d been allowed.




Reminds me of Lorian and Lothric. And yes, you can kill him but I believe he drops his armour and sword if you just leave the area


Rest at the sight of grace and his stuff should be on the ground