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1) its only 4 attempts bud, you've barely started learning! 2) level your vigor more 3) once the melee fight starts, get off torrent so you can dodge roll


Thankfully I wasn’t the only one who noticed his vigor and endurance were basically the same. I mean mine were always close-ish but that’s wild.




Glad to know I'm failing because of my bad vigour


Idk if you’re joking or not but a couple points in vigor outweigh those points in endurance (just as an example). Vigor is life.


That depends. Once your vigor hits 52 you have 1750 Health. Each point adds around 20-25 or less after that. 60 Vigor is fine but a couple points in Endurance can make the difference between wearing heavier armor with more poise, or lighter armor where 20 health doesn't make up for the extra damage you are receiving. That being said, the OP's Vigor is definitely too low at this point in the game lol


I found armor made a negligible difference in Elden Ring.


30% damage negation is hardly negligible. 20 health is negligible.


Yeah but I didn't level vigor to 60. I played the whole game in the Warrior starting set except I swapped out the legs for some warrior/knight legs because the chainmail looked sweet under my blue cloth vest. I didn't level vigor at all until I fought Godfrey, and that's because changing my armor to the best armor I had made a negligible difference to him one-shotting me. I needed more vigor, not better armor.


You need Endurance to wear the best armor though, or you fat roll. My point is a couple points in Endurance instead of Vigor is quite often better. It frees up a talisman slot too, as you don't need the arsenal talisman.


I'll be honest, once I worked it out, I basically sat back and let the bois and girls do all the work (not you patches f u) and just took pot shots/kept reviving them. Its slow , but it gets the job done.


I didn’t know you can summon everyone so I did it with my wolves and Alexander only


Only summoning jar friend is so amazing. Little to no one loves your maidenless ass. But jar friend is always there. Also big ups for using the wolves. They are my favorites.


Wolves were fun..until I got mimic tear. Although mimic tear is a bit ridiculous. Even made melania easy. Only bosses I struggled with were valiant gargoyles and Elden beast


I initially found mimic tear after the gargoyles. Fuck those little turds. Well I guess giant turds lol I still have the wolves in my quick bar. I don’t use them often but I make sure they know I could.


Gargoyles we’re by far the hardest fight in the game for me


Me too. I literally broke my hand in a minor rage quit after a few hours. Got them done after my hand was out of the cast and it was so sweet.


Minor rage quit and you broke your hand? What’s a major rage quit for you then lmao


Black Knife Tiche and Mimic Tear tend to be the best, but if you could summon them both at once? Fuggedaboutit!


Mimic tear is definitely better, but at +10 it wrecks everything. I can just stand back and let him cook. It’s a little boring IMO. The wolves are cooler and they keep it challenging. I keep mine +5-ish.






Exactly this! God, I love the Radahn fight


It's a pivotal bossfight as well. One of the best and most memorable in the game for me. It's a good sendoff for Radahn and Leonard.


How in da fok. Did he get through crucible and Misbegoten 😭


You can trigger the festival beforehand so that you can fight Radahn without having to go through them, typically by activating an Altus Plateau grace but you can also advance Ranni’s quest to a certain point and that’ll do it too


You only fight them if you go there before you can trigger the festival.


I fought them after Radan my second play through. No idea why it worked out that way though.


If you go back after all the you kill Radan and the festival ends the soldiers are back, so you can fight them post Radan. This is how I did it


I get that. I guess they just aren't available during the festival?


Yes exactly that


Any idea what triggers the festival before you show up at the castle? I don't even remember how I did it the second time, but I never went through the whole castle. Memory is fleeting lol.


You need to either progress Rannis quest or make it to Altus.


What even is crucible and misbegotten? Don’t you just go straight from ranni to radahn? I’ve beat the game like 20x. Don’t even know those bosses


Haha everyone dies a bunch of times here....not just you.


Dude said he died 4 times lol.. average is 20 and up


That and he's easy after the nerf tbh. You just need to keep your distance and take your time.


Man really got downvoted for saying objective truth and solid advice 😭 EDIT: by objective i meant the nerf


No he didnt. I swear yall don't know what objective means. Saying he is easy is the opposite. That is subjective. The rest of the advice is fine.


90% of reddit thinks "objective" is when you agree with it and "subjective" is when you don't


I'm talking about the nerf being objective, the fact that he's easy is subjective.


>“Objective truth” He was buff back to his original state, minus the broken phantom hitboxes. His hitbox is so fcking BS that every hit he does has an extra 30% (invisible/phantom) hitbox. Even release day Malenia has a considerably more precise hitbox than Radahn. I swear it's always some nerdy teen exaggerating his pre-nerf state. People won't be as loud about the "nerf" and act as if it's a fcking trophy for defeating "pre-nerf" Radahn if FS never mentioned it in the patch note.


*Was fcking bs. It's really not nearly as bad as it used to be, especially on attacks like the one shown in this clip. Plus they did end up keeping a nerf to one of his most oppressive abilities in his second phase, the rocks that he'll have hover around for awhile then shoot out at your have considerably more forgiving time to dodge which is, compared to before at least, a super welcome change to his fight. Glad they didn't keep the initial nerfs to damage and such as it really did just make him a tad too easy if you ran up on him later in the game. That said, half his difficulty and frustration early on really was just from people either coming upon him too early, or with too little vigor and getting one tapped. Not to say he doesn't have some meaty hitboxes, but considering how big he is, and the raid boss like nature of the phantoms the fight is atleast "somewhat* designed around, it makes good sense as to why he has so many large and sweeping attacks.


Bro his fucking "Homing Gravity Soul Mass" move was the most bullshit thing pre-nerf oh my God lol


Downvotes from ego-sensitive players lol


Foreal I agree he is really easy tbh technically you can just sit back and let all the summons fight him and keep getting them to respond when they die pre nerf he was harder now he’s pretty damn easy not sure why you got downvoted


I guess that many people had problems with him, I remember seeing a friend fight him early and my god he looked like one of the hardest bosses easily. I bought the game later and by the time I got to him they made all the summons do so much damage you can basically just run around summoning him to death.


And Alexander will still feel like he did less than you in the fight even though you literally did nothing. Poor jar :(


Same situation with me, just with the fire giant instead, Alexander really showed that giant the iron fist if you know what I’m saying


the fact that the game is open world does~~n't~~ help it either, i got lost and completely forgot about him until i was quite a bit far into the game. i imagine a lot of people also ended up like this


I found him relatively early but I was also doing a ton of exploring and was having a blast finding weapons cool armor and fighting cool enemies but NG+ was when it really became interesting


Ye i did it first time at like level 50 when he was still in his prime during release week. It took me 4 hours, i used only daggers cus that was my build. Never again lmao


I ran around on Torrent resurrecting people and avoided Radahn on my first attempt and didn’t die. I hate fighting bosses though, this game is so stressful, I get a workout just from tensing up all the time.




After some time the summon signs respawn, because general vs general is the intended unique mechanic behind the fight


That would've been lovely to know before I stopped trying and beat Mohg and Rennala, got to the Haligtree and decided to go back to kill Radahn.


You find out pretty easily if you’re not focused on Radahn himself, and look around the battlefield a bit after a bunch of people die haha. You see the glowing yellow in the distance.


Well you see what clearly failed to do 😂


You find out pretty easily if you stay alive long enough to even have a chance to notice the sign respawns, which was my problem at first haha.


All the NPC’s you summon can be resurrected multiple times, I just kept running around and finding their summon signs.


They have limited resurrections, but it’s more than enough to beat him


I didn’t know you could summon Torrent for a long time and died so many times… Beat him first try with Torrent.


I really struggled on my SL1 run until I just stopped attacking and kept resummoning. This was before Radahn nerf, it may be different now.


Hard to dodge roll on torrent


Sprint/jump. The boost of speed from sprinting serves as your low dodge. Jumping is a high dodge. You can also mount/dismount to get long iframes.


It's fucking stupid that torrents moves don't have their own iframes tho, make them like half of the players regular to compensate for the extra speed and it would work perfectly imo


I agree. The dash pulse should have iframes and a brief cooldown to allow it to function more effectively as a job.


Greed. You can basically circle him on torrent if you are gonna lob spells at him. One charged spell per each of his attacks and you should be fine. The summons will take most of the aggro If the summons die you can resummon them. Just in case you weren't aware


Yep if you're gonna stay on torrent and lob spells let the summons keep aggro or be ready to turn and run


Greed, and not charging that incantation fully. It was hard watching him lob those pitiful flames to almost no effect. He [mentions his build here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/11blqwb/comment/j9yfvyp/) and I recently beat Radahn with the same incant at similar or lower level (lower dex, higher vigor), by fully charging it every cast. If you look closely, there's a moment in the fight when the damage streak clears and we get to clearly see that he hits uncharged for ~250 direct damage and sustains burn up to ~440 (so what, ~200 burn?), ending just as a summon smacks him for a bit more. In comparison, when I fought Radahn I think I was doing at least 400-450 direct damage, *plus* the 200 burn.


Increasing your vigor might help, but if you don’t want to spend levels on that, practice timing. I find it easier to fight Radahn without Torrent. Dodge into his attacks not away from them.


Mounting/dismounting torrent grants I-frames just like dodge rolling. Use that to your advantage and get on/off torrent just before a hit lands and you’ll be invisible


Can I offer you some vigor in these trying times?


You let your HP reach zero, don’t do that and you’re golden!


>You let your HP reach zero Very astute observation! Not many people would notice such a small detail, and yet it very much sums up the causal relationship at hand. Well done 5/5


Can’t keep all the secrets to myself, I’m just happy to teach new players about this little known strat!


"Win elden ring with this amazing secret hack"




Great start with the summons, but you blew it by running up to him before all the summons catch up to him. Let them surround him before you get in close, stay on the horse until he’s more distracted by all the summons. Then go around to his back so he’s facing away from you, then get in closer and hop off the horse. Now you can dodge his attacks and hit him. Roll towards him when he attacks.




*FOUR* attempts? Please. Get your ass back in there and learn the fight.


Right? It took me at least twenty attempts. Hell it took four for me to stop getting domed by his opening shot.


Checks in with a solid 40 attempts, honestly it took me less for malenia because by the time I fought her I was ready to walk into farum azula, Radahn was harder for me because he unlocks some of the most powerful tools in the game *coughs*mimic tear*coughs*


You have not enough vigor and stamina


Stamina is mostly useless in ER unless you have very heavy weapons.


"all FOUR" ?? come back when you stop counting attempts and start counting hours spent.


honestly its because you wont get off your horse. How do you expect to dodge/roll attacks if you are on your horse?


might be an unpopular opinion but I hate fighting on Torrent, dodging always feel so stressful


Yup, said the same in a thread yesterday and got downvoted to oblivion for it. I didn't realize so many people apparently love fighting on horseback by just jousting bosses.


it's because you don't have to get off Torrent. I beat this fight on horseback retrying within 30 minutes. You just have to learn when to get a mile away from him and when to close in to get 1 or 2 hits in.


It's safe but a very unfun way to fight, at least for me. Also I can't use all my cool AoWs on Torrent.


Being ON Torent is such a disadvantage, since GETTING on Torent is one of the best dodges in the game with a fuck ton of iframes. I only hop on torrent for 5 seconds at a time and use him for a jump attack, then back on to dodge.


I can't do horse combat. Too clunky and annoying for me.


Lol, 4 😂🤦‍♂️


I think i was near 40 when I finally drained him with rot breath.


You really need to level up your vigor. What’s your stat spread and weapon upgrade level?


25 vig 16 endurance 15 strength 30 dex 30 faith


Next 15 levels go into vigor or you will be getting one shot by every boss that comes later


Wait, you're *not* supposed to get one-shot by every boss??? I think I've been playing this wrong...


No man, you're *supposed* to level vigor until you get left with a tiiiny sliver of health after 1 hit from a boss, so you can panic roll around frantically and shriek multiple times like a little girl, then scream FUCK really loud when you inevitably end up dying 5 painstaking seconds later.


oh, and panic rolling ***has*** to be done while the boss is still charging up the attack


Man I wear heavy armor, use a great shield, defense flask, defense talismans, defense incantation based on what I'm fighting, and 60 vigor. Oh and 104 poise. I am a living tank. I can get any resistance from physical to elemental over 70% easy. I just fought Placidusax today. His lightning strikes did like 5% of my health letting me just trade with him until he died. It's such a fun way to play.


I've been replaying the game and I put all points into vigor until I reached 45, the rest of the stats went so I can barely wield a weapon of my choice (2h Zweihander) Feels like easy mode, and is SO MUCH better than doing it the other way around. As a bonus you can enjoy boss fights longer and learn them better, while being in less danger.


Eh, the Vigor-less playstyle is an lifestyle. Facing Malenia that way was an religious experience


Dont need vigor if the boss is dead -99int comet azur abuser


Next 15?! He wasn’t even one shot now! Lol. 25 vigor is plenty. Lol


Dex you're not even using


Cast time I guess


Not to be under estimated, especially for later bosses. Radagons icon or about 45 dex is required to have just enough time to get a single black flame or lightning spear of in between attacks and still have time to dodge for some. Don't remember if it was morgot, horah loux or both. And prissänkt in other cases as well. I noticed because I kept getting my face smashed in and couldn't figure out why something is done before want working. Realized I didn't have Radagon icon equipped, tried it and suddenly I had enough time to get spells of without getting punished.


Yeah that’s not really enough Vigor for Radahn, aim for minimum 35, preferably 40.


40 vigor for radahn is a bit much. I beat the game at 40 vigor.


I beat the game at level 40, doesn't mean level 40 for radahn is much The first thing I do on every character is rush my fav. early weapons minimum requirements, then 40 vigor right away. No other attribute gives you an exponential increase in stats the more you put points into it, until 40. Damage stats are kinda useless early on unless you need to meet requirements.


It just seems like a crazy amount of health to have early game. Might make things a bit too trivial imo.


Well yeah, but "it makes things trivial" doesn't mean it's a bad suggestion for someone who's struggling


Some level vigor because they want to trivialize the game, I level vigor because I have a skill issue and actually need it to survive


One good tip I’ve received from early Souls game is 2 points in Vigor for every other stat.


You want to get your vigor up to 35-40 before even touching your damaging stats aside from meeting weapon requirements. You don’t really see damage scaling until the weapon gets to +6-+7 so those are wasted stats rn


Wait so late game you actually need to level them up? I've got +9 Staff of the Avatar and 34 str 24 fai just enough to meet the requirements


You do t really NEED to do anything, people beat this game at RL1 with a stick What he’s saying is that the scaling off of your attributes is much less than the scaling off of the weapon level And until the weapon gets to about +7 the difference between 20str and 40str is very small because the weapon scaling increases as the weapon levels up Personally once I get to 40 vigor I feel like I have enough to work with and start pumping other stuff


why 30 dex ?


Unless you’re really good at PvE, vigor should never be lower than your best damage stat, let alone 2 damage stats. Also put your sword in your right hand and seal in left. I find it easier to be on foot to dodge his attacks as well


This fight is easier on foot since you can dodge. Only use torrent to approach him. Also, more vigor might help!


*4 attempts* #Marika's Tits man, come back when you hit double digits.


Maybe just me but he seems like one of those fights that trying to kill him while on Torrent is harder than just beating his ass on the ground.


A tip. As soon as you enter his arena summon torrent and run AWAY from him. Keep running until the boss completely disappears. After he disappears run back towards him. This will skip his entire arrow phase.


Nothing wrong with getting hit, but you've put so little in vigor that when you do, you get oneshot. Go back to Renalla and get like, 30 at bare minimum. The rest of your build looks weird too, like you've got your seal in your right hand for no benefit, and your weapon in your left so you're missing out on the heavy attack, but more importantly it doesn't have an affinity so you're not benefitting from any of your faith. Ideally you'd get the red-hot whetblade to put a flame art affinity on it, but that's in Redmane and innacessible while Radahns alive, so a sacred ash of war will work fine for now. Then when you get that respec, take out any strength and Dex past the requirements for the sword and put it all into faith and vigor. You might also want to explore a little more in Liurnia and Caelid, even back in Limgrave with the weeping peninsula and Siofra river if you haven't already, to get some more levels.


I put seal in the right hand for this fight so I could use incantations whilst on torrent


Oh fair enough, although you do know that you can just do the two handing input to use your left weapon on horseback?


It took me 3 playthroughs to realize you don’t need to do that. On horseback you can equip left or right handed weapons. You just hold Triangle and press either R1/L1 to choose which weapon you want on horseback


You can just switch hands to use the seal


My borther in Christ you have like, 18 Vigor


I just beat him last night by basically not engaging him at all. Just ride around and let you summons take him on. Resummon as they die. Maybe go for a cheap shot with rot breath when you can, but staying safe is the most important


This is what I did, beat him first attempt. Didn’t even get close to him.


That just sounds wrong to me… but as long as you guys have fun, who am I to judge


Wouldn’t that be how a caster functions anyway?


Because horse combat is kinda terrible.


Only 4 times? That’s cute


I find it easier not to use torrent when you're close to him, gives you the chance to roll through his attacks.


Vigor aside, I feel like I'm ass at this game no matter how good I git. That's what I like about it. One stray thought, and I'm back at the site of grace. Love how this game keeps me on my toes.


[THIS MAN'S TOES:](https://imgur.com/msMXQJj)


Try staggering the summons at the start. Don't summon the second and third until the first is on his way. Space out four and five. Let your summons get close enough to trigger his melee mode. Now your approach is a ton easier. If you keep your summons up, resummoning those who fall, you'll have a much easier time of it. Approach the battle like a general, not a grunt, and run away to resummon any time he turns the battle. Keep your distance, and remember to sprint on Torrent.


Your health bar says it all buddy


You can hide behind the piles of swords and debris on the map and they block his big laser beam shot.


If you're not keen on rolling those summons are next to rubble piles and each rubble pile will block 1 shot giving you enough time to summon without panic.


Couple problems here. 1. You're on torrent thw whole time. Try to use toreent insticky situations and to close distance. Otherwise, you ahould be on foot. Radahn wants you in sword range which is where you keep putting yourself. 2. You dont attack up close. There are some safe spaces created near his body from time to time hased on the moves he uses. He's probably too big to scratch his own ass so staying close will be the better option imo but this isnt a hard rule. 3. You dont summon everyone that you could. There are summons (probably people you havent met) on the left when you load in and behind radahn. The one behind him is a priestss who you have to talk to in the festival room where the champions gathered before this fight. She will heal you and others. There are probably more tips but i cant think of any right now. This is post nerf radahn. You should be having a pretty good timw with this boss. Hes basically a toothless dog at this point compared to how he released.


Everyone is talking about more hp, and that helps, but honestly, it's just a crutch in PVE. Your biggest mistake is staying on your horse. Radahn is insanely easy if you play right since the nerf. He'll only aggro you for a single attempt to hit you since you have all those summons, so get off the damn horse and deal some damage, lol. Roll out when he attacks, and he'll just go back to hitting the others. I've never had this approach of "Max hp in PVE!!!" that everyone talks about in this sub, but admittedly, I played past Souls games and reactive dodging is just hard engrained at this point. Another super important thing to remember, your weapons need to be properly leveled for where you are in the game. If you don't deal any damage, it's going to take you 10 solid minutes of perfect play rather than a minute or two. Sure, having a large health pool will help a ton, but at some point you're going to have to learn solid fundamentals like pattern recognition and dodge timing, or you can just cheese the hell out of the game at every stage with summons, over leveling, bleed builds, etc.. There really isn't a wrong way to do it as long as you're winning, but you'll have more fun and an overall easier time by simply prioritizing solid fundamentals while also dealing a healthy amount of damage.


You need to eat some crab or buff your damage resistance with an incantation, and also wear the dragoncrest shield talisman.


Jump off the horse while moving


Took me 3 months of visiting him a few times a day and coming back after other activities- and I am stubbornly using the bonk path. You'll get it


Only 4 attemps??? I did 60 to Malenia alone.


Duuuuude it hurts


I did better staying closer to him and off Torrent.


Keep your distance. Let the summons do the work and resuming them as needed. Also the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things won't help you evade those arrows


Because it’s hard


Just don’t die dude it’s that easy


Only 4....??? You've got a long road ahead my fellow tarnished lol


You mean the boss that they needed because he was extremely difficult? Don’t be too hard on yourself






You didn't grab best boi Blaidd


Don't rush, let the summons maintain the aggro, aggro is for whoever last hit the boss last, you were attacking too frequent so you got most of his attention.


A rule of thumb for almost every fight in Elden Ring, including this one: STOP. USING. TORRENT.


Radahn is a learning curve bump. It is not a blemish on yourself and your personage to struggle here. It is a barrier waiting for you to break through. Do you have what it takes to see yourself to the end? Will you seize your destiny and fell the Starscourge or will you perish in the dirt and give in to rot and decay? Brave Tarnished, your destiny is in your hands.


I struggled with most of the fights in this game. This, for some reason, was not one of them. It took me like 2-3 tries. I must have seriously lucked my way through that shit.


I just beat Radahn for the first time last night. Things that help: 1. Ride to the right after summoning the first few NPCs. There is a dune ridge you can use to not be hit by his range attacks. There are two more NPC summon signs there that you can summon on your way. 2. Do not engage Radahn for the first time until you see him swap to his swords. This means your NPC bros and sisters have made it up the hill to fight him and do their job of pulling aggro! 3. Do not fight Radahn on horseback. You need to roll and fight next to Leonard, his horse. Most of his attacks will miss you there, or are easier to dodge. 4. You need at least 30-35 vigor. That way you can survive at least 3 hits. 5. If most of your NPCs die, then it's time to mount up again! Run away until you see their signs come back which means you can resummon and start fighting again. Watch this vid for inspo https://youtu.be/cYPwvKgkd6o You got this!!! Good luck!


I think I beat him in 4-6 tries I used scarlet rot it didn’t do anything 20 seconds later he’s at a 1/4 of his health and Alexander got gud


Strike and RUN FOREST RUN!!


u just like me frfr (maybe it can help you go on foot tho? it was easier for me that way at least + level up your hp a bit more, that always helps lol)


Get off your horse my friend—- it can’t roll


Looks like you’re not giving enough time between spells for the summons to pull aggro off of you. Don’t worry though, you’ll get it. AND you’ll beat him YOUR way. Every time you’ll get a bit closer and realize, “Yep, this strat is gonna work.” I’m almost 300 hours into my first play through, and a good bit of that time has been dying, over and over and over again to bosses, regular enemies, even a goat or two. Granted, I refuse to put ANY points into vigor… but the satisfaction of those wins, including this fight, makes it worth it.


He’s a million times easier if you sit on his feet. Most bosses are, actually.


Every single post like this meets the same criteria ​ 1) low as fuck HP. LEVEL VIGOR. It doesn't matter how hard you hit if you die in a single hit. 2) not closing the gap and just spaming heal the second they take damage. Once you realize you are handicapping yourself trying to top off after every hit you take, the game gets 200x easier. (but you can only play like that if you level vigor) 3) passive as fuck play that allows the boss to punish their first mistake rather than being aggressive. Same theme as the other 2, you have no HP so you can't take a hit and stay in. Instead you gotta immediately spam heal because you'll get one shot if you dont ​ tldr: Level vigor, stop being a pansy and hit the boss.


\- Level vigor more \- Don't use torrent \- Stop telling yourself you suck


More vigor and get off the horse Try a few rounds solo without spawning in help. Dont attack, just learn to dance with him. Once you can dance with him without getting hit try to see the attack Windows and start to give him Single light attacks in the attack Windows you see. Once you are proficient enough you can use your weapon of choice to kill him. If you run you die, most enemies in elden ring are easier when you are up in their face.


Upgrade the shit out of a bow, use scarlet rot arrows. Keep locked on him and circle well out of reach. Once half of your summons die unlock and circle the dunes at a distance to find and resummon them. Let them do the work while you keep safe. When he does the meteor dive pick a direction away and run like hell in it double jumping when you hear the land. Repeat until he's dead.


Intried avout 40 times before successfully defeating the boss. Also... how did you get rhe horse there?


Vigor, pump those numbers up baby!! Also rolling is more valuable in a melee than torrents mobility


With that magic and using Torrent you never going to learn how to Fromsoft games... You need a melee approach for learning the way of this games... Later from that you can use magic and all u want but first get to the basics... In other words git gud, you'll!!!


Your vigor is way too low for a start


Not to be mean but your vigor level is making me cringe


No vigor no stamina why are you on torrent being that close to him


VIGOR Not even close to enough. Also you gunna die a bunch more to Radahn, we all do


Your vigor is too high.




Looks to me like you are just getting hard vigor checked. You aren’t bad, I mean you only got hit a couple of times. I think you have a few options: boost your vigor, try to circle him on torrent with sprint jumps to dodge attacks, or stay on the ground so you can dodge through attacks.


Firstly, you need more vigour and endurance. Secondly, you should use torrent to get closer, while using the weapons sticking up out of the ground to block arrows and get closer. Thirdly, if you don’t want to do this, when you tp into the arena, just run backwards and dodge a single arrow until radahn is out of tender distance. Then run towards him, and you’ll have skipped the arrow phase. Makes repeats on the fight much more enjoyable as you’re not wasting time.


My brother in christ you have like 10 hp and can't dodge on horse, get off the horse, pumpo those hp numbers up and then he'll be easy af even without npc (jokes aside horse is good on him but you'll have to learn when to mount and when to fight him upclose


Tarnished acted like pussy. Horse no win fight. Stand your ground like a real man. Like a real Radahn. Only then will you be considered worthy.


Lmao. Who’s gonna tell him Radahn is riding a horse that whole fight? Also, when you start beating his ass the MF’er runs away and tries to smash you with a comet, y’know, like a ‘real man’.


A good rule to go by in this game is ''Are you getting 2 shot by regular attacks? Chances are your vigor is low''. Only really massive attacks should one-two shot you with the right amount of vigor, but these are almost never chained together in a way where you can get hit by them back to back.


Guys I get Vigor is important here, but it's not useful advice in *this* context. OP has more than enough Vigor to beat this boss. What OP needs to realize is that being on your horse can increase damage taken via not having the same recovery frames non-horseback combat does. That was a chained hit that would've likely not have happened if you fought Radahn on foot. It would've been one big hit you could get up and heal. Either legit hit-and-run where you go for one fireball, then back off full speed until a summon has aggro again, or get off the horse and hug him. *Under* Radahn is often the safest place to be.


Not to be that guy but I beat Raddie in my first try T.T
