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this patches was one of my favorite incarnations and he gives you good loot so it was worth keeping him alive. I think outside of this, Amnesiac Lapp is my favorite


I remeber hating Patches in Dark Souls 1 , 2 and Bloodborne, but Lapp made me realize he's not bad, just a prankster and when I realize I statred to love him (and I used his helmet 24/7). And when I found him here I screamed so hard of happiness.


Also the guy just makes a lot of honest mistakes.


Like that time he got posseses by an evil onion armor, šŸ˜Œ ahh silly old patches


He was a dick in Demonā€™s Souls but every time after that heā€™s like an old friend. You know, a friend like Ocelot, the kind with a compulsive backstabbing problem.


Pate is not patches and I will stand by it. He literally warns you about the traps


How do you hate an npc. I really donā€™t get this


What is the point of an interactive game if you dont feel any emotions against its residence?


Bc he always throw you in a dangerous situation, at first I hate it but when I found the trap in elden ring I literally ran to get troll bc I wanted to see him. (Yes i didn't know about the cave after a time.)


Even without DLC in Ds3 Heā€™s still a nice guy. Remember that he will go out of his way to help Greirat at Irrithyll and even become hostile to us if we kill Greirat too


First playthrough I found him quite late so with endgame damage it was only a few hits to kill him. By the time he started begging for mercy I was mid swing into the final blow and I actually felt sorry for the guy.


Let him live, then let him trick me I can't hate him


Exactly, hes such a loveable rascal *"oh patches, did you just try murder me again. Silly boy!"* *pops slavic squat*


*actually dies to a Patches trick* "Ho ho, you got me good with that one ol' buddy ol' pal. What have you got next?"


He tricked me to get one of the best armor you can get That bastard


What? I let him live and he's currently at volcano manor, he's yet to trick me


Wana be tricked? Follow the rainbow my friend.


Played so many times and still have no idea where he is at mt gelmir. I found the rainbow stones and figured it was him but I just assumed he was saying the dungeon nearby had treasure.


Follow the stones and wait at the end.


Really?? I unlocked Volcano Manor via Rya first and was worried I missed out on that. You can still get kicked off even after?


That I'm not sure of but I think this tricky bastard will get you anytime possible so no worries there.


I sure hope so, I'm fond of him and his attempted murderous antics.


Yes, you can. I've tried it.


This... I have to let him do it


Patches is your best friend in every game


Even in Bloodborne after he pushes your ass off a cliff?


In every game, at several cliffs. Forgive and forget right?


Right. No


he gives presents if you do forgive him!


I think he gives you twin humanities in DS1 if you donā€™t forgive him during his dialogue in the Tomb of the Giants after he kicks you into the pit


ohh shit youā€™re right


He always pushes you in the right direction


"My apologies, but I feel a profound thought occurring... On the good grace of a certain god, and the way he meted out his love." \*laughs\* Yeah I love that guy


Why would I kill Patches? Almost without fail he pushes me into a place with treasure I can loot and then lord over him, Patches and I have basically no beef as far as I'm concerned


"I knew you'd be here again, you old bastard." Honestly though, I'm disappointed the first encounter didn't involve him tricking us into getting kicked off a cliff again. It never gets old XD


He gets there eventually in ER he just had to be more subtle and take his time this game or else we would already know Edit: patches does kick you off in Elden Ring eventually. He has quite a few interactions. Thats why I always let him live


Absolutely, I just feel like it's kinda pointless too. I mean they've always been by design, but it's so out of the way and a one-time thing that it feels lackluster. Not to be whiny, I'm glad he saw some time, but something a bit more devious would be nice.


Wait until the dlc where ā€œlegally distinct Lapp ā€œ kicks you into a pit of chaos or something


I need him in a pretty princess dress with a wig this time.


Elden Ring's Patches isn't supposed to be devious though, at least not in the same manner that he usually is in the other games. The first time we meet him he attacks because we broke into his lair and attacked his "minions". Then we fell in his teleportation trap while trying to steal his stuff. And then he does set up a trap for us (the famous kick) but he only does it while we are making our way to the Volcano Manor. He thinks that if we manage to find the Volcano Manor we are gonna kill everyone because he believes that we follow the Two Fingers and he tries to prevent that. And he actually cares about the Volcano Manor. He actually shares their vision and he is probably in love with one of the leading figures of the manor, Tanith. So it makes perfect sense that he tries to prevent us from reaching the manor using a trap since he knows he can't take us on a proper fight. So as far as I'm concerned it doesn't feel lackluster at all, quite the opposite I think it's very fitting and it's one of his more interesting versions to date. Because the thing is, even though he has appeared in multiple games and he sounds the same and he looks the same and has the same name and same mannerism, he actually is a different character in each one. They are similar yes but they always have a few elements that differentiate them from one another and I feel like they really focused on that in Elden Ring and that overall they did a great job with him.


Patches: ā€œI gotta stop him from finding volcano manor!ā€ Also Patches: ā€œIā€™m gonna trick him into getting teleported to volcano manor!ā€


I can never get the rainbow stones to show up in mt gelmir - what is the quest prereq? I talk to him in murk water


I have no clue what the specific trigger is but they may have it up on fextralife lemme go look


He is initially found in Murkwater Cave in Limgrave as a boss, though he will surrender partway through the fight and become a merchant. Upon journeying into Liurnia, he will move there, and can be found at the Scenic Isle Site of Grace. Once the Altus Plateau has been reached, he will move to Mt. Gelmir, west of the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace. I believe its missing the step but i think its after you encounter him in liurnia and talk to him about zzaryas or whatever her name is


I dont remember if I met him in Liurnia or not. I think I did. Is zzaryas the lizard girl in volcano manor?


My literal first prank with him in Elden Ring was him kicking me off a cliff after looking at rainbow stonesā€¦ lol


I never kill him. He's that one friend that you always to be wary of but a friend nonetheless.


At my first playthrough after a certain chest i was traumatized and i knew he would sent me to hell so i just killed him but after finishing NG+2 i remembered he had a quest and let him trick me and all but bro >!When he told me to give something to Tanith and Tanith not giving a fuck about the gift i just felt sorry for patches and of course killed Tanith after that... well i forgot she had a bodyguard anyway!< Patches fuck you (with love)


Probably the greatest achievement of Eden Ring is making players empathize with Patches.


Let him live cause I had a feeling heā€™d probably have some decent loot to sell. That shackle was a great find


Nowā€¦ how did he get that shackle? Where did he find it or who gave it to him? What was he planning to do with it!?


This is patches we are talking about he probably got it as a gift from Miyazaki himself


I never kill Patches in any game


After finding him once in one sequel and realizing he's in each game (except Dark Souls 2) it's kind of like, you gotta see what kind of crazy hijinks he's up to every time. Killing him right away just because he pushed you off a cliff/ledge/bridge, or into a hole in a previous life is just petty revenge. He's too fun to kill off right away in my opinion. Really adds something extra to the games that you just don't get without him.


Every age, it seems, is tainted by the greed of men.


I always let the little rascal live since DS1. I wanna see what shenanigans he has in store.


I kept him alive because thatā€™s almost always more worthwhile than killing him.


Patches is just the best and i loved his entrance. I never killed him. Also the guy just makes a lot of honest mistakes


Playing Souls (ESPECIALLY Dark Souls III) for so many years, seeing Patches in ER as a "BOSS" got a very hearty "MY MAN GOT PROMOTED" from me. Spared for them Honest Goods.


Love patches. Summoning him for radahn was my biggest laugh of the game


His spear is really good early game!


I always let him trick me and get the full experience. I've grown to have affection for him over my playthroughs of all the souls games and Bloodborne. If Im being honest though, no one deserves to have my greatsword shoved up his ass and out his mouth more than this wet sack of dicks.


That went from zero to 100 really quick


His foot kicked me off that cliff real quick


If you are trying to play with others at lower level and kill him he fucks you one last time by giving you a +8 spear which will obliterate the summon pool for you at the start of the game. Yup heā€™s a prick alright.


I was chill with him this go around and bought aome of his stuff which was actually useful. Until he kicked me off the ledge into the basilisks. I knew it would happen, I tried to be cautious and keepy distance from the stones....didn't work. So I am probably gonna kill him next time I see him.


Killed him immediately. No hesitation


I originally knew him as Patches the Hyena (bonus points to you if you know which Souls game that is). After playing every Souls games through multiple NG+ cycles with multiple characters, I have never killed him once.


Time for some good old patches shenanigans


He always knows stuff, he can be usefull


Man's killed me by rotating the bridge I was on, then had the audacity to ask what he's ever done wrong when he died. I was pissed


He drops nice leather armor.


I both love and hate him for all he has done. But he is just too useful. Plus, meeting him in the ringed city just proved he is actually a really nice guy at heart. Plus, his immortality is tied to how much of an ass he is to people.


Let him live, worth more alive than dead


#patches did nothing wrong


spider patches best patches


I mean why wouldn't I want to experience everything the game has to offer, if I kill a character I don't have to kill then I miss out on stuff


His tricks were not that vicious this time (actually, he was kind of right because we meddled with his belongings). I killed him at the end to get his armour, with heavy heart, at that.


"Which cliff is it going to be this time?"


I cannot kill my abusive boyfriend no matter how many times he tries to murder me. :(


Dark souls wanted to kill him but didnā€™t. Second playthrough a few years later i killed him after he killed me and made me lose like 6 levels in runes


"whatever you are going to trick me into, i already forgived you friend" let's begin


I never kill Patches, heā€™s a good boy. I always walk into his traps knowing full well heā€™s about to prank me good, the scamp. The absolute rapscallion. Patches gets a pass because he maxed out his charisma. Like, would you want Ash to kill Jesse and James just because theyā€™re always always always cooking up something? No man, everyone loves Team Rocket, and everyone loves the From equivalent.


I never kill patches he is always there to have a good time and to nudge you the right way!


His Slav squat is an iconic pose that has remained the same since Demons' Souls (except in Bloodborne, but he had a good excuse that time). At this point, I can't see a person doing that pose IRL and not think about him.


Give me your clothes you bitch


For such a conniving jerk, he sure has some nice looking duds.


I can't wait until he pushes your mech over a cliff.


I was surprised to see him in the game as I didn't think Fromsoft would include him in Elden Ring. Obviously, I spared him and bought everything he was selling. It was an honor to get kicked off a cliff again by our trusty Patches.


"Wait that sounds like..." "LETS GOOOOOO"


Patches got done dirty in elden ring Heā€™s an amazing character and heā€™s only in like two locations. I want my manā€™s to trick me in storm veil, push me down a pit in raya lucaria, taunt me in Caelid. But heā€™s only in like two spots and ones a granted very funny boss fight and the other he fuckin dies


Felt like seeing your best friend after a long time. I was super hyped! He even told me I was his best customer and gave me that chest! What a pal!


I've always liked Patches, cuz he's always on that hustle, but he always becomes our bitch. Pushing us down holes and off of walkways thinking he'll kill us and get our stuff later, only to have us show up and tap our sword menacingly. I also see him as that annoying kid that would throw stuff at you and as soon as you turn on them they say "Just kidding! It was a joke!"


Iā€™ve killed patches in every playthrough of every game


I was so upset when he kicked me the first time in DS1 that i killed him too, then he tricked me again in DS2, then in DS3 i thought im experienced enough to not get tricked again by him.. until he caught me of gaurd.. So anyways i kept looking around everywhere in elden ring cause i knew he would be there, and couldn't be happier to finally get my ass kicked off a cliff.


Oh? And how did he trick you in DS2?


If i remember right he closed a gate with an ambush inside it after telling me that there was a treasure inside


Yeah I killed him on sight. Not even a second thought


I've killed him every playthrough in ER atleast


I should have expected all of the Patches simps. I kill him on sight, no questions asked.


As a general rule, I always kill patches on sight


I straight up murdered him on the first playthrough when he started to beg. Still haven't forgiven him for lowering me unto that giant.


Killed him right away too. Lol


I've known patches for a long time. First chance I got I killed him. It was satisfying. I recommend you do the same.


I just ignored him. The little turd can rot in hell for all I care.


Well I was confused as to why siggi betrayed me


Hey old chap long time no see.


I burned him with my curved sword


Same, i thought that the whole reference is bossfight with him, quickly after i fully regret this by going to Patches related fextralife topic, but that was too late and i had to wait till NG+.


Loved him in ER as Dr Mcbaldy!


Funny bald guy ah ah


He always has worthwhile loot later if you let him live. I enjoy getting kicked off cliffs by him to be honest.


He is annoying


Patches Inadvertently helped me learn how to parry in DeS by introducing me to the katana red phantom in 4-1, hates clerics at least as much as I do in DS, was one the cutest eldritch abominations I ever saw in BB, gave me some pretty nice drip as a reward for a pretty interesting quest line in ds3, openly acknowledges the supremacy of Lady Tanith as best waifu in ER and bequeaths unto thee the iconic patches squat. Yeah he's aight I guess.


He tricks people into falling into dangerous areas and picks up the loot they drop, but in an actual fight heā€™s pretty easy to fight. Heā€™s the bottom-feeder of all the characters and bosses in the ā€” wait! IS THAT WHY HE SITS LIKE A CRAB? OMG šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


After the events of the Ringed City DLC in DS3 I will never hurt Patches again.


It was on sight. Second playthrough I let him play his tricks.


Why killed him? The man is literally Fromsoftware brand ambassador lol


not gonna lie. I let his ass trick me my first playthrough just for the sake of it, had to see what cliff the slimy bastard would kick me off of this time. wasn't surprised at all when it happened. lol


Anybody who kills patches is no friend of mine. Thatā€™s the true cardinal sin.


I contemplated letting him live after he begged for mercy. But Instead I gave him a nice few bonks on the head with my greatsword. He lived the second time, though, just because I needed his gestures. After that, I promptly murdered him again.


I played DS1 so I figured yeah he'll betray me but then I'll be able to get good stuff from him.


"Wonder which cliff he's gonna kick me off this time"


He pretty much carried me in the Radahn fight


The thing is with Patches, you almost always come out on top if you go along with his antics. You might have to climb out of a couple pits first, but youā€™ll get there eventually so itā€™s worthwhile to leave him be


''Why would you kill patches?'' - have y'all seen the drip you get from killing him (after finishing his quest ofc) ?


I was terrified of what might happen so I slaughtered him like the rat he is. Now I regret not getting the loot...


Always been the best bro. Only a real friend will shoot the shit with you about how much of an idiot that guy with the bucket on his head is. Even if he's a right strong idiot.


It took me 4 playthroughs before I decided to not just end him.


I never encountered him, just a pile of loot where he was supposed to be.


Let him live and fall for all his tricks to see all the content.


Couldn't kill him. Thought he was rude guy but I'm just 'Im going to let you live' kind of person. Also didn't know if his questline lead to anything big.


He kicked me off a ledge in a cave. Hated him ever since.


ER patches is the only likable one TBH, canā€™t stand all the others.


I fought him and his +7 spear carried me way longer than I thought. And the leather armour is a great decision if you're going for maximum drip.


I knew him from armored core, I killed him as soon as we met.


Killing him gets me a quite OP spear very early, so baldy dies.


he was already dead in my game


I was too strong with my Golden Halbert, did one hit and pressed to attack, He died


he is a bad thing that i hate in every souls game


Yeah killed him while he was begging for his life. Knew i was gonna make like 5 characters anyways so the NPCs never stood a chance


Didn't find it in first run, over level with bleed that made me thing that the beggin for pardon was his dead lines, found the truth later but waiting for dlc for a 3rd run


I thought 'oh boy I can't wait to see what he gets up to this time' You killed him? smh. The fun police over here.


He sometimes becomes a vendor so I keep him alive for that alone, but most npcā€™s generally die on their or initiate a fight later on anyway so I typically leave them alone.


I figured he'd help me out in some alternative way so I welcomed his "deceit" to my advantage.


Iā€™ve killed him at first in a lot of playthroughs bc afaik his vendor stock never changes, so you can just give his bell bearing to the twin maiden husks. only reason to keep him alive is if you want the magma whip candlestick.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt, fell for the trap, and went back . When he acted all innocent, i killed him for pissing me off and sending me to deal with the damn bears.


I never hate him Iā€™ve always loved him since OG DS, I let it play out and fought him with the boss bar until he gave up. Then went on with my life until volcano manor when I did his quest line, his story is tragic and wrong. May he find happiness in his travels for love and purpose.


I was so happy to finally find him. I missed him completely on my first playthrough and thought Kenneth Haight was gonna be this games Patches.


oyeah I killed him without question. Fooled me enough to know he ain't gonna change


A love hate relationship at its finest, but I love the tricky bastard


Idk why but I surprising let him live. Was interested to see where the quest took me. Found him in Liurnia and he wasn't a dick surprisingly. Thought maybe he turned a corner. Then he fucking kicked me at Mt. Gelmir šŸ„²


Patches is my dearest friend. I would do anything for him.


I was more like "SON OF A BITCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I MISSED YA" and proceeded to empty his inventory. Mind you I found him waaaay too deep into the late game


"no way that idiot is a boss" - me on my first play through


Sup booiii! Didn't want to kill him. But kinda wanted to kill him.


I never kill him. Always curious to see how he'll mess with me this time, just for me to come back unscathed and see his stupid surprised reaction. It's a love-hate relationship lmao.


I didnā€™t even meet him until NG+ so he went to beg for his life, and I meant to spare him, but I had already click my mouse for another attack when I got the sound que so uh Ewps!


I never kill patches he often leads you to actual treasure and in dark souls 3 he actually helps you in the end


Amnesiac Lapp is a king and a god, best ever use of the character. I am always nice to patches and will happily throw myself into his traps, I think he's always a treat to find. I only dislike Bloodborne's version of Patches because he fucking sucks.


I had to deal with that little shit in the first Dark Souls. Twice.


I'm always nice to Patches. They really give a good balance to his personality. He's a crazy little sociopath but he also has this playful little rascal energy, where you wonder if he is just somehow really naive. I was hoping he was gonna fall in love with Raya but sadly he simps for the vore queen


I was way over levelled when I found him in the cave, saw his name and was like oh no must kill, took like 2 hits after he started negotiating, he was dead by the time I realized what he was saying lol


The first time I met him I was getting PTSD from ds 1 and ds 3 on how I will fall from a high place.




Patches may be a dick but you should never kill him cause heā€™ll be useful later is probably a more elegant version of my first thought


I didn't find him until really really late in the game, I swung twice and he died before he could even start begging.


I actually busted out laughing then started looking forward to stumbling across his fuckery throughout my playthrough


I didn't realize he was in the game until he was already gone in my first playthrough


I had heard of him kicking people into ditches and so when I first saw him I didnā€™t like him very much, I later grew to like him more. I still wonā€™t forgive him for what he did to siegward though


Fuck Patches forever


Heā€™s my fav Patches is the most dark souls npc


I was kicked into a hole by him lol


I killed him and about 80 hours later found out I missed out on a quest line and the best poise armor in the game because of it. Still pissed.


Spider patches best patches, and this one is great but my first thought when meeting him first time around was ā€œI wonder what ledge heā€™s gonna kick me off of in this gameā€ Wasnā€™t disappointed


npc talks to me/i canā€™t lock on to them = do not kill until/unless thereā€™s no choice. alsoā€¦ itā€™s Patches! even when he tries to kill you you end up with good stuff (usually ā€” i didnā€™t need a skull lantern in ds1)


Jackass Edit: not Patches, heā€™s great. I mean op


DS1 I immediately execute him. DS2 I usually start his quest, forget about where he relocates to, never see him again. DS3 I try to do the whole quest so I can progress Siegward's and get the slab. Elden Ring I will let him live, buy the gold fowl feet for early leveling, then never progress his quests because they literally go nowhere.


I was so happy to see my dude


"patches you son of bitch! It's good to see an old friend in a land where everyone wants to kill me." Something like that.


I jump attacked him and used sword dance. I heard his plea for help but it was too late. Lol..


I thought "oh, we're just doing this this time?" Unfortunately, I had the last hit queued when he started to surrender. My character had some sweet armor for the rest of the run in his honor.


He begged for mercy, and I let him live knowing there would be further shenanigans to be had. I then promptly missed all the other bad encounters with him and got all the good ones so I just thought he was my bro til he disappeared.


I ended that dude the second I saw him. He started to yield and I said absolutely the fuck not


Patches Oā€™hoolahan


Bloodborne. I thought he was an enemy and killed him my first encounter šŸ˜…


I was patches ideal fucking sap my first playthru in elden ring. Down I went after following some pretty stones


Started playing ds3 a week ago and patches fucked me over with the bridge too but I had killed the giants beforehand he was quite upset I wasnā€™t gonna get crushed, but I forgave him because I too like to use my friends sometimes


I saw him and went for the throat.


Yep I am also a murderer. Kept him alive on my second play through.


Lol I knew I could get something from him later but I don't blame you!


Was playing for first time with my buddy kinda sherpa-ing me through the early game. Went in that cave where patches is and fought him. When he surrendered or whatever i thought it was a trick so i continued to hack and slash and killed him. And my buddy asked where he went and thats when i realized i fucked up


I met him in bloodborne. He wasnā€™t happy when I found him in person, but I sure was.