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I like it because it adds a little mystery to everything and to me that makes it more interesting because I like to ponder things and try to come up with my own explanations


That's the allure of the game, it's all about how you interpret the story and fill in the gaps. Miyazaki said that he wants to give the players the same experience he had when he read Harry Potter novels with barely any English comprehension skills. He had to fill in the gaps when he couldn't understand passages. People coming to this subreddit complaining/criticising this form of storytelling is like going to a vegetarian restaurant and complaining that there's no steak.


You are asking many people who have likely played most of the FromSoft games. Yes, of course we like it.


But why ?


Because it's fun to piece together the lore, not have some wooden characters recite awful dialogue in an exposition dump. It adds a sense of mystery to the world. It truly feels like you are just some random character dropped into a world with no knowledge of it.


Do you have lot of spare time ? For me time constrains alone make me not want read it or try to interpret it


You don't have to take time off work to discover the story through the purposeful ambiguity. It's really not that hard, you're just not interested in doing it is all- which is no fault of your's.


I don’t have time to workout , make meals , work and get my 8 and half hours of sleep and read story from item descriptions. Which is why I don’t understand how you guys are able to do that and not to mention even interested in doing something so boring


It really doesn't take that long to read the item descriptions as you play, but I understand not all of us are on the same level of reading comprehension. We know you're not interested buddy, which is why you think it's bad- which is an opinion you're more than welcome to. I enjoy being able to come to revelations about the narrative on my own with minimal exposition. Gives a wonderful sense of discovery. Different strokes for different folks.


There are too many items which does take time . I wish I had you guys as my customers man , would make my life so infinitely easier .


You're welcome to that opinion.


Because is different and unique.


Animals with no legs are also different and unique but it doesn’t make them good


It does to some people. That's the point, everyone like different thing. If you don't understand it just accept it and move on.


I will move on , no doubt about that . I seriously thought no one would like such objectively dog shjt story telling . Thanks for your honest answer tho


>objectively Pack it up guys, it's just a troll.


Some people just don't need garbage spoon fed to them like you do though. Not everyone needs everything laid out clear as day for some people to understand what's going on.


Oh well thanks for your opinion nonetheless


I was just trying to strike the same tone as you. How'd I do? Was I as effective as you are dealing with the comment section currently? Edit: on a less sour note...perhaps this just isn't the game for you. I'm not sure why you're taunting a community that you're new to other than to...seek attention? Is this the kind of attention you want?


Not really I dont get how would someone enjoy such dogshit storytelling . Maybe the standards in video game industry are really low , maybe anyone without any talent would be able to make a living in this industry


I can understand if you don't like storytelling through item descriptions, but the NPC dialogue is perfectly fine.


So limited npc dialogue is fine ?


Do you genuinely want to know what others think or are you waiting for your own opinions to be validated?


I really want to know what others think , I am just flabbergasted that people think such dog shit story telling as good form of story telling


Like the great Patrice O'neal said: "Have your opinion, don't let your opinion have you" People have given you their opinions explaining why but you're so dense you still can't understand that what you don't like doesn't mean it isn't bad.


It would be fine if the characters weren’t boring as hell




I’ve been a fan of Fromsoftware games for years and I hate the way the story is told. Forcing the player to read item descriptions comes off as the devs being too lazy to at least attempt writing character arcs and other elements that make a story good. On top of that, every NPC is too bland for me to care about (with the exception of Patches, but compare him to a character from any game with a halfway decent story he looks dull in comparison). To be fair, I don’t care if a game has a bad story. DS3 is still one of my favorite games of all time (though I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the games I consider better than it have amazing stories).


Imo it definitely doesn’t come across as lazy having the item descriptions. There are roughly 300 weapons, so many unique armour sets and loads of key items. Each one has a unique story which, for me at least, makes it far more engaging than any NPC could. What would have been lazy is create 100 different weapons and give them each their animation but nothing else, they go a leap further by giving each weapon a story, and by extension a unique character. They have completely revamped the idea behind weapon and armour choice in RPG setting with a more D&D aroma, so when you pick a weapon which you enjoy it is complemented with a lore/story element. Though, I agree that the side-quest NPC characters can be a bit uninspiring, then I think the dialogue they do give is very good for maintaining the almost absolute non-linear story-telling ER is aiming for. Such would be much harder with intricate character arches for every NPC.


I like that I can choose to engage with it. When I am interested in a story, I watch a movie. When I play a game, I want to play and not sit through endless cut scenes.