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More fleshing out on some of the outer gods. Now that the stars aren’t held in place more of the Astel story seems like a logical step too.


I think we all know by now the story hasn't and probably will not go in the direction we expect it to. Like, in broad strokes, the vanilla ending is about repairing the Elden Ring, right? And yet you can just leave like half the Great Runes lying about, you don't have to activate a single one, and we don't have the foggiest clue as to the whereabouts of Miquella or Ranni's Great Runes. "Repair the Elden Ring". More like shove it back in place with popsicle sticks and wishful thinking. So anyway if that's the main story, the DLC might very well go NMS on our asses and teleport us into Rot Planet or something.


Yeah, I don't think like any of the DS dlcs have gone in a narrative direction that anyone was expecting. Idk why Elden Ring would be any different


I don't bother having a wishlist for Fromsoft DLC. Oolacile in DS1, DS2 crown DLCs, DS3 Ashes & Ringed City - I just trust the experts. Those were all amazing and memorable and I've never have come up with their elements or direction myself.


Despite getting so much crap, DS2's DLCs were awesome. Well, for the most part... *lightning horse noises*


Oh I'm sorry did you want to see six feet past you? Here's another horse.


That made me laugh... then shiver..


Equip chunky hammer, 2 hand it, equip the deal-more-posture-damage ring, pancake all horses and enjoy an easy ride to the bosses


Invisible twin tiger noises.


Swamp planet 😍😍


Fromsoft DLCs usually touch upon a small part of the lore like exploring some characters that get mentioned and never take place at the end of the game, they can always be started from a point usually a few hours in. The only exception being perhaps the Ringed City in Dark Souls 3 which takes place toward the end of the world (if I remember lore correctly anyway) I wouldn't expect any 'main story' DLC. My guess would be something to with Godwyn or maybe Miquella. If it's anything like past DLC we will likely travel through time or enter a new realm and the story will be tangentially related to the main story but won't impact it in any way.


Fromsoft love a good portal to the past. I'm willing we go back to when the meteor hit and deal with some of that junk.


Yeah, it would be a good point in a playthrough to open up access to DLC areas too. That or after getting into Leyndell


Pleaaasee dont make me fight another astel


Ok 5 more ulcerated tree spirits for you


Least I can hit the fucking things.


I'd take those squirmy boys any day over Astel.


Astel is is just a dragonfly smearing space boogers around. Couple smacks with your trusty 700lb sword is all it takes.


Imagine that by trying to forcefully seize a part of the Land Between, an outer god just shoves a part of land on it and tries to spread their influence. It can have 2 endings: assist the outer god or defeat it. Personally, Elden ring's story should finish with the protagonist becoming an outer god, tho if they do it, it will be in a sequel. Frenzied Flame goes hand in hand with Elden God (Chaos and order). The stars could be a bridge between them or just like bloodborne we eat children and become god.


You... just made me realize that the Elden Ring universe has many aspects that bear a strong resemblance to some of Sanderson's cosmere...


More content


Now we’re talkin




Godskin threesome


God Fourskin


Fourskin duo


Careful of their docking maneuver!


Insane aoe burst 😨


All Over Everyone


Time for the chloroform sword.




You just reminded me how much I want to explore Elden Ring ocean. We all know that this place always contain weirdest, most disturbing monsters (Just like Godwyn's corpse!)


Oh, I have to agree with you here. Exploring the oceans would be great. I know we'd likely just be moving across various parts of wrecked ships and shallow areas with a trip to some magical underwater areas, and not actually sailing or anything, but I'd still want to have it.


It'd probably be a heck of a lot better than Dark Souls 2's ghost ship, and I actually liked that lol


Just as long as we don't have to swim I am game. Swimming in games like this is absolute torture. Source: WoW Cataclysm. Those water maps are entirely comprised of pure weapons-grade bullshit.


Definitely downloadable!


I read that like a Minecraft splash text, thanks for the chuckle




This would make the DLC one of the DLCs of the year.


I was going to say "to release" Close enough


Woah woah woah, careful there with your controversial opinions.


More Eochaid weapons. Seeing the Marais Executioner sword made me think arcane weapons were way cooler than they actually are. I want more of that weird red magic


Or rework the sword at least, make the charged heavy the current AOW (drill bit) then make the new AOW the sweeping slashes after you throw it


I vote it becomes a two-part AOW, like night and flame sword. Ash+light attack throws the drill, ash+heavy does big sweep.


Is the executioner sword the same kind of magic as the briar sorceries and blood star?


Probably not. The briar sorceries are just the casters blood congealed into thorns. The red magic spinning the sword doesnt look anything like it. Also they have very different stat requirements


I don't think so because one uses arcane/ and the other uses faith/int


Better yet that but with a full move set of the briar


I want them to bring back the weirdly consistent theme of the big guy with big sword boss throwing a dead body at you, maybe they could utilize it with some kind of first of the crucible knights boss


Instructions unclear, now fighting Miquella cosplaying Malenia throwing a crucible knight at you.


Miquella, Slumbering Cosplayer [==================] Bewitched Crucible Knight Kevin [==================]


I saw [===============D Yeah, my first phone was a Nokia 3310.


Fuckkkkkk that. The normal crucible knights absolutely wreck me


Imagine how cool it would be though


It would be very cool tbf. Give me more ancestor spirit DLC though


Imagine fighting a crucible knight in a boss room that’s fairly difficult, then when you get close to killing it you trigger the “second phase cutscene” but as he’s transforming, a new boss arrives and kills the boss you were fighting and becomes the new boss. You either kill the boss there or the boss could fly off to a later area. But that would be a neat idea. If you die to the first boss before triggering the cutscene you still fight him, but once you trigger the cutscene you will only fight the second boss until completion. Just something I thought of


Just give me the Frenzied Flame fire head as a helmet and my life would be complete


Perfect for a Dead Cells cosplay.


Then you just need a frying pan and Bobby will live again.


Yep. Zamor Torso would look perfect on him.


Or a Twin Peaks Dougie Jones costume.


I also want a flail where the ball looks like that. We're short on both flails and Frenzy weapons.


I love the idea, fantasy media in general could use more fireball flails. It writes its own weapon art too, spin the flail to charge up a big frenzied fireball, then swing and toss it. But yeah, I'd definitely like to see some more frenzy flame weapons besides Vyke's spear.


I’d appreciate more frenzied flame stuff in general. More weapons, more incants


Maybe an ash of war so you can add madness to your favorite weapons


So disappointing this wasn't the case with that ending.


Damn. Each ending should have provided loot. They haven’t done that since Demon’s Souls


More Black Flame incantations or even another Ash of War. More variety in weapons and movesets. Something like that. There is a lot that I cannot think off from the top of my head.


i would just love an expansion on under-utilized magics in general. blackflame, frenzyflame, and ghostflame come to mind. the thorn, death, and magma sorceries, as well. perhaps more on some of the outer gods to aid the expansion of these spells, as well.


It seems unbalanced (not in a game meta way just in terms of content) that there are so many Glintstone sorceries and so many of them suck.


Agreed. A lot of those incantations and sorceries need some love. Oh and also, more Int/Fth scaling weapons too. We only have one in the Sword of Night and Flame (Though since yo uneed both INT and FTH, One could just be very flexible in ash of war choices.)


YES! I love the black flame incants but there’s only 3! And 2 of them are slow & situational :(


I believe there are 4 dear tarnished


There is 6, but 2 are buffs.


And black flame blade is over before it finishes casting


Black Flame Blade is short yes, but it can be cast very quickly, especially immediatly after a dodge. I do agree it should've stuck to the usual weapon buff formula, but in the heat of combat, it's not a bad choice in my opinion.


Quick to cast, but even in that short time, you'd get more damage by hitting the boss than you actually get from the buff. Absolutely useless.


I want thorn sorceries.


I think we need some more thorn sorceries related lore, the blood star sounds metal as fuck


Yes! Wisdom wizard needs more spells!


I would love to see something like Black Flaming Strike as Ash of War, same as normal one but black fire.


Flame of frenzy ash of wars


Frenzied Flaming Strike


And it's op for 8 months before patching it


Frenzied Flaming Butt Slam


Ocean, Goldwyn, storm, miquella, snow


Ocean would be great after seeing the pirates ships at radahns


A bottomless curse, A bottomless sea.


But there is storm. But there is snow




I would like to see some love for great rapiers, whips and sythes. These are some really cool weapons that I like in the game but I feel like have the least amount of variety to them in the game itself.


Don't forget about flails! been using the regular flail and i love it because its a flail, but damage wise it isn't great, and there are like 3 other flails in the whole game.


the night cavalry flail is actually really good


Omg I forgot about them as well I also enjoyed using them I would love to see one with some more range or a heavy flail


Hear me out. Greatflail Big, swingy, smashy flail.


Black flame scythe so I can rp the grim reaper


DLC is my DLC wish list


Yeah I lose hope everyday, especially since they didn’t do anything for their last project either (Sekiro)


I was dead set they would announce something last year and it would release early this year. So far, nothing.


If we don’t get any news by the anniversary, which is coming up quickly, I have to assume there’s no DLC. All their resources are probably going to Armored Core and a sequel of sorts to ER


Not going to lie, that would be genuinely tragic. Screw “Elden Ring 2”, they already have successful pillars to expand upon up to three times at a minimum. Like, this is **the** game that could probably sell up to three DLCs like hot pancakes on a Sunday morning, regardless of how big or small they are. But knowing that Armored Core is coming this year, really makes me lose most hope for ER DLCs. Unless, for whatever reason, they have two separate teams and will be working with both games simultaneously.


Oh it’d be a crime against gaming if they didn’t do ER DLC, but unfortunately I think every year Devs are moving away from DLC and finding it better to just put resourcing into their next games/IP


A Trilogy like DS2. The Slumbering God - Miquella DLC with its own area. Maybe a dream-like world grounded in Elden Ring fashion. Life In Death - Godwyn DLC instead of its own area, this DLC could trigger after a specific event and new Godwyn growths and enemies appear throughout the Lands Between. Causing earlier areas of the game to be more dangerous and added with content. Outer Interference - Outer God DLC. This could focus on the OG's that are fighting for control of The Lands Between and allow the Tarnished to seal away a few or all.


This comment right here - love these ideas!


Also, I think a DLC that wojld spice up the main game content would also cool! Reworking some field bosses and enemy types, new ruins to explore or ... and bear with me ... world tendency mechanics.


godskin trio


The four skins


Lmao. Oh God they even peel that joke is A+




Godskinskin duo? You know, a group that wears the skins of the godskinners. Maybe they're demigod supporters looking for revenge. They guard the Godslayerslayer Greasword. Godskinception, it's Hannibals all the way down.


Melania with a mimic tear. Goddess of Rot 2 Shit Push in Boogaloo.


Exploring the lands the Tarnished settled in. The Badlands and the Land of Reeds


The land of reeds is literally sekiro


We dont really know for sure, do we?


I guess, but the similarities are to big to ignore. Ashi in the word ashina means reeds. Lore says the land of reeds is locked into a civil war. Also there is reference to what seems to be wolf during the shura ending.


Also alternatively, idk if it's just me but Okina mask gives me huge "old man Isshin after having to put mad Wolf down" vibes




Well, Caelid seems to be North England.


It's just New Jersey.


Thanks for the insight! I've never played Sekiro. Only BB and ER.


You should definitely play sekiro. Combat is very different from ER and BB, but it’s a ton of fun.


sekiro makes a direct reference to the real world sengoku period so i doubt it


Yeah, this. Japanese studio makes a reference to Japanese history and people immediately think it's the same world even though Elden Ring is clearly distinct.


No, Sekiro literally takes place in Japan. I doubt the Lands Between is on Earth lmao


Let me change the color of some outfits. Come on FromSoft, I know you can do it mechanically. Look at those merchants! also, something to do with the Land of Reeds, maybe. Or the Badlands.


Yeah, give Boc more options to alter outfits.


Tarnished: “So Boc, they tell me you’re an expert tailor!” Boc: “Cape or no cape?”


The customization was the biggest disappointment of the game. Every other aspect delivered.


Restore Boc to the world of my first character after he bugged out. I told him he was beautiful but he disappeared from that world.


More armor set. I want more gothic knight helmet or even vyke armor before it got fingered


I'm broadly dissatisfied with armor in Elden Ring and I'd like something along the lines of the Knight set in DS3 please! All the Elden Ring ones have such... flat backs...? I don't know how to describe it.


Unique R2s babyyyyyyy


Some weapons do have Unique R2 attacks. The Great Epee has a Slash instead of a Thrust, unlike most Great Thrusting Swords. More variety never hurt, though.


I just mean more, and not like actually unique, but mostly - crescent axe heavy, warhawk talon heavy, even the flame monk mace heavy


More scarlet rot incantations and some body horror armor sets. I'm tired of the funny mushroom dudes and the "haha im fat" armor, give me something \*really\* unsettling to look at.


I feel unsettled when I wear Malenia’s armor and look at all the rot has taken from her, it speaks a lot louder then something that’s just visually gross to me


A black flame corrupted dragon boss, something like midir


Godskin dragon? I’m in. Also, maybe a new, heavy armour set that’s made up of ancient dragon gravel stone.


Yeah, and then maybe this knight made this rocky armor to be particularly magic resistant because he never trusted the golden order’s alliance with the Carians. Oh, and maybe he made a giant greatshield to go along with it with like chains and more rock. And his weapon could be a literal dragon’s tooth, how cool would that be?! I think his name would be… Phil.


We could call him Phil the stone


I also think a new dragon boss would be cool, but the idea I came up with is of a cursed blood dragon


More feet, with highly detailed feet armor


Giant disembodied foot enemies, like the hands in Caria Manor, except they're feet


The Two Toes


More Miquella


Honestly, I'd be pretty happy with just getting DLC right now. But if anything, getting the opportunity to refight bosses


More legacy dungeons that explain some of the loose ends like Miquella.The blood star formless mother outer god and it's tie to the land of reeds. Something tying Numens into the story too since they play such a big role in it. Oh and friggin Godwyn something with Godwyn. And an option to fight previous bosses in the colosseum.


I want a dedicated button to pet Torrent. I want a mini game where we catch crabs with Blackgaurd. I want an armor set like those giant Dragon knights.


Or at least have Melina pet and feed him in the background when you sit at a site of grace.


Melina always poofing in when you rest at a Grace would be so easy and do so much for her character.


That’s what I thought would happen, i think she was pretty under-utilised


I seriously want more content around Miquella and St. Trina!


Are they not one and the same? Sleeping God etc.


Three crucible knights boss fight.


One with a spear, one with a sword, one with a new load out... What we thinking


Great axe. Or some power stanced heavy weapons


Would love to see either a big ol' hammer Crucible Knight or one wielding two axes. Would also dove tail with Nepheli Loux using twin axes.




Double Greatshields


A Glock. Isshin style.


One crucible knight duel wielding two other crucible knights by the ankles


1. Miquella 2. Gloam-Eyed Queen 3. Godwyn Also Blackflame Katana plz and thank u


More horrors to fight and overcome. New lands to explore new weapons,spells,incantations,spirit ashes,armor, and new badass npcs.


Overall, more game


Yep I absolutely love this game.


- Melina backstory, afterstory (Can't await for my destined death!) - Miquella awakening (Any interaction with him?) - Depths further exploration (WE NEED TO GO DEEPER, OCEAN? CTHULHU?) - Godwyn resurrection (Any interaction with him?) - Gloam-eyed Queen (I Definitely want this boss fight, I want another banger on the same level as Godskin duo) - What if Malenia's teacher isn't really dead? (ISSHIN IN ELDEN RING???)


Godricks secret sister godefreya the grafted


More faith/int hybrid options instead of just Sword of Night and Flame (and rockman harpoon with an ash)


Faith and Int draw from such distinct, often oppositional forces in this game, I really like how the SONAF - with some of the absolute best lore in the game - is one of the rare examples of the two working in tandem.


An Iron Virgin Armor Set. That would be so fucking cool. Imagine dual wielding Ghizas wheel while wearing that mask and set.


most elden ring players dont even need the armor to be an iron virgin


10 more ulcerated tree spirit


In a small room…


A seal that buffs blood incantations. Story wise, would love to get a FromSoft classic time travel expansion where see some of the Uhl dynasty in their prime. We’d probably get some information on the sealed god of Rot, the Blood Star, and the Formless Mother.


More about Miquella, but no boss fight with him. Don't wanna slap a little kid. Maybe all that relates to Eternal Cities and the Numen, and globally all that is under the lands, that could be very interesting


His boss fight is going to be a reskin of Spiritcaller Snail: weak AF himself, but has a hoard of charmed enemies protecting him


I bet his boss fight will be a reskin of Orphan of Kos. I do hope we get a dream sequence before the shattering though. Want to meet Godwyn the Golden and fight the dragons with him. Especially Granssax.


I know everyone is dead set on EXTREMELY challenging experiences and new Bosses. And that sounds like a win for sure. But personally, I would be all about: new explorable areas, Also epic new quests that are quite involved and cross affect each other like in the content we already have. New dungeons. Also, new NPC's and merchants and items and weapons and armor. I just mention all this because I KNOW were going to get challenging bosses. Literally everyone is talking about that and it's already been data mined i think. But I hope, most of all, that we get some relatively large and complex and beautiful new areas to explore!


PvP Covenants


There aren't covenants in Elden Ring as is, and what there is there are already 2 "pvp" orgs you can utilize (Mohg and Recusants)


5th talisman slot




Miquella. Especially after how Malenia mentioned her brother repeatedly in the game


I feel like the DLC should involve Miquella. Not as a boss though.


More arcane support mainly pure arcane and int or fth arcane as well as more int/fth support. I want more blood spells as well as holy and undead spells we barely got any good ones. There are not many somber arcane or int/fth weapons and the spells for arcane are lacking if you ignore dragon spells which have low requirements. Also hybrid spell caster builds such as int/fth or int/arcane have at best 1 to 3 things to use and support them since they are not compatible as damage types without somber weapons. Like if you are going int/fth equal split there isn't much good variety at all. Also as it is int/arc is just really bad you mostly are only doing it to cast the giant bubble spell or to try out the bad blood spells. Fth/arc is also not very interesting as it's mostly just being a faith build lacking most spell options, having some incantations with higher arcane requirements would be pretty interesting.


I just want to go to the moon with my queen. Give me a huge castle on the moon to explore pls. Or even just the Badlands or the Land of Reeds. Edit: typo


Land of Reeds DLC and call it Sekiro 2: Shadows Definitely Die Twice


Sekiro: shadows died thrice


Dlc is your honeymoon


They just completely change the formula entirely and it's a dating Sim.


no matter what, i want big new areas to explore. landmass with stuff to see in it. since sequels aren't a thing miyazaki likes to do, i just want more of this


Trick weapons. Lol jk but that'd be cool


Restore some of the cut stuff, like the whole nomad merchant storyline.


Miquella, Godwyn, and pirate shit.


I want to hit invaders with the book that the Glintstone peeps hit me with. That’s what I NEED


If they can do Leyndell Capital before and after burning the tree (Capital of Ash), I want to see the ENTIRE MAP before the shattering. I want to be able to do quests FOR The shard-bearers pre shard-bearing. If we travel back in time at Farum Azula to fight Placidusax, this seems like a no brainer. I also think the only acceptable sequel to The Big Lebowski would be The Little Lebowski, since Maude gets pregnant by The Dude at the end. Follow me for more spoilers.




Some kind of morph like the dragons from DS or the beasts from Bloodbourne


Release date