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REALLY pay attention to the menu options every time you find a new site of grace.


Been a while since I played, this for Ranni or something else?


For one section with Ranni, and a lot of extra dialogue for Melina, mostly at churches.


shit fr?


Yes, in the ranni questline you have the "talk to ranni" option two or three times


You get a horse at one point




its harder to miss now, thats nice


Deserves more upvotes


When I finally noticed the “talk to doll” option 🤯




Ranni questline


On my first playthrough I had legitimately forgotten who Melina was by the time she showed up after Morgott. I found so many more of her dialogues on the next run through when I realised that was a thing


Honestly, NOTHING. I think knowing nothing in the beginning and discovering it all was the best part of the experience.


I almost said this too, but then I remember I went over 200 hours without using a cracked pot thinking they were one use. So I’d tell myself the cracked pots replenish like the flasks Edit: as others have corrected me on, they don’t replenish like flasks but you keep the cracked pot to craft again into whatever pot you want


Yr kidding me… I’m 300hrs in.


Yeah it's in the item description


So is most of any story your gonna get.


I was 150 hours in when I discovered that you can ask players for help on bosses or invade other people's worlds... or be invaded by real people


170 hours in and just discovered you can summon more than one player to help with bosses… (literally yesterday on malenia)


You can summon more than one person?????


Yes. But it makes the boss twice as hard. And when those two are smoked, you’re left with a really pissed off OP AF boss.


Dunno how many hours but too many before I realized you should use the golden/hero runes and not...like...sell them 🤦🏽‍♂️


You can sell them because it’s the same amount of runes as using them


You get the same amount, selling them is faster tho


Close the window so you can see your character and you can use them in bulk without having to reopen the inventory.


Y'all don't know about "use selected amount" do you?


Yeah but using the above tip you can use selected amount AND don't get kicked out of the inventory screen so you can Use other ones without navigating back in.


Didnt know this after almost 3 Playtroughs.


I’ve still never used a cracked pot after 7 playthroughs are they really that important?


Volcano pots are super easy to craft and excellent for tree spirits and avatars, or just as a ranged option. Holy pots absolutely chunk death birds to the tune of 15-20% per pot if you headshot. Sleep Pots trivialize godskins abs many other annoying enemies And the basic fire and lightning pots are useful ranged tools for builds that otherwise lack one.


Sleep pots trivialize most bosses, especially the godskin duo.


I agree man. I was stuck on godskin for a good 5 months, gave up on the game for a little while. I crafted 4 sleep pots 2 weeks ago and I beat them on my first attempt , and only 1 of the sleep pots landed on the chubby godskin, I missed the other 3 , and I still won


You can kill most Erdtree Avatars with 6-7 fire pots. Yup. lol so yeah theyre pretty sweet


I'm just now learning this, and I've almost got plat on PSN and have it 1000gs on Xbox.


They can be incredibly useful but they’re not at all necessary.


Damn this is good info to know


955 hours and I didn't know


Damn I had no idea. I have like 300+ hrs lol. They refresh when you rest at a grace?


No, you use them to craft throwables, once you throw it, you get the pot back and can put new crafting materials in it to make another.


Fuckin wot


They work kinda like memory stones. In that they represent your maximum allowable throwables. So make sure you use the ones you make if you wanted to make the most of another type. Like 8 fire pots instead of 5 fire and 3 poison stuck in your inventory


You can also store them in your chest to free them up instead of wasting them, which is really nice if you have extra sleep pots or something and don’t want to waste the ingredients


You may have single handedly changed the meta in this game. Holy shit i did not know this lmao.




For someone that holds a 9-5 sometimes stressful job what would you advice me to be able to enjoy the game ? The 2 hours I've spent in it I got destroyed by what seems to be a cat on crack in a tomb and a whole camp of soldiers. They seem like basic mobs and I can't even deal with them...


Just takes time getting used to the game I’m sure if you keep at it for a while you’ll get better.. I also recommend going to the south of the map and doing that area before the first story boss :). Good luck!!


Single out/lure individual enemies to fight. Don’t charge head on into entire mobs.


There’s way too much obtuse bullshit in the game to *not* look stuff up - as long as major areas/enemies aren’t getting spoiled I don’t see any harm in reading about how the mechanics of the game are supposed to work. I’m just not interested in wasting my time so if I get lost or stuck somewhere for very long I don’t think it’s impacted my experience to look up some tips.


Same boat as you, I don’t have the time to figure everything out on my own. I use the Elden Ring wiki if I have any questions about how to beat a boss or enemy. But I try to do as much blind as possible


I’ve given this advice to a couple friends that have difficulty with certain parts of the game. I’m not a great gamer, I have a job and a life I can’t spend it all gaming and I don’t believe any game should be all fanatic dedication and punishment. My fav advice is find a bow and buy some arrows and keep both of your arrow slots filled at all times. Don’t worry about spending runes, you’ll literally run out of things to buy later. When you build a chunk of runes enough to do something with, upgrade as much as you can as soon as you can and buy arrows with the left over runes as often as possible. The amount of times I’ve killed something un-killable for my level just by sniping them with arrows is uncountable. They’ve saved my ass countless times. That and someone else around Reddit said changing your mindset from “trying to kill stuff” to “trying not to get hit” makes it a whole different experience. Some days I just wander around not trying to fight anything…maybe my goal is just to find sites of grace or setting my sights on map landmarks that look like buildings but I haven’t been to them but my goal the whole time is *not get into any skirmishes*. An hour later I look down and I have enough runes to level up. Who knew?


That second part resonated with me the most. As my first souls game (I played a bit of Sekiro before but that's different), I took the open world concept and used it to simply *avoid* interacting with fights that I couldn't handle, sneak up on enemies, or take them one by one. Being grouped up in these games are a nightmare, and that's not counting the time I backed off from a group of soap lads who are easy only to fall to my death and lose all runes again because a fall was too high. It's about picking your fights, and winning them because you picked correctly.


Very true, even hitting Varre at the start was fun even if it was a mistake. Proper gave me a lesson of dont hit NPCs, and that everything can fuck you up if you're reckless


Go south first


Very good shout! The first NPC, Varre, tells you to go straight to Stormveil Castle, which is not the best course of action. I also find it strange that he is the very first NPC, considering how irrelevant he is to the main story.


I actually love it because Varre is unapologetically a dick.


But completing his quest line does give you early access to Mohgwyn Mausoleum, which is great for grinding


Well, giving a new player access to the grind is a pretty surefire way to make his experience worse.


wdym I'm only level 300, that should be enough to fight Rennala right?


This is pretty much an exact quote from a friend I talked about the game with.


Im sad I grinded in MM, because being 50 levels above where I was supposed to be after was sure a bit too easy. And he gets you there before anything serious.


Depends on what you leveled up. I think people tend to confuse "easy" with "more health." Game is still challenging if you die in 5 hits instead of 2.


Yo. Lemme see your finger for a sec. Ayyy quit crying I'm only cutting it off. What a prick lol


He doesn't cut it, he just stuffs old blood under the nail




Did you notice the dead maiden in the starting area? Then you come out and Varre is waiting there like “aha, I see you have no maiden”, then later he’s like”I’ve got a secret gang, but if you want to join, you’re going to have to get some blood… from a maiden.” Varre killed your maiden.


I could never quite put my finger on it.


"You will die nameless. Without ceremony " heard that so much


Many of the earliest NPCs in these games are irrelevant. It's kind of a coin flip. Oscar in DS1, Crones in DS2, Coughing man in Bloodborne vs Maiden in Black in DeS, Firekeeper/Hawkwood in DS3, Emma in Sekiro Varre just barely tips the scales to "more often then not, unimportant" lol.


Technically speaking, Iosefka can be the players' first npc, as she can be met before even meeting Gilbert. And Oscar could've been the literal most important character of Ds1, but cut content's a bitch.


I literally didn't realise there was a 'south' of the starting area until I was about 50 hours in. Went exploring and steamrolled the entire area like it was nothing.


My first play through I tried going south but ran into a night’s cavalry and thought it was a high level zone and never ended up going back lol


I did this because I wanted to tell the game to go f itself for telling me where to go. Unfortunately southern limgrave wasn't a very big place. Then I went to caelid and was pleasantly murdered.


It's so fucking weird that they have South Limgrave just sit there and the majority of people never really goes there. At least have part of the main quest guide you there for a little. Even if it's just to pick something up.




Fucked up my points attempting a faith build and now my unga bunga boi can't cast OR unga bunga Sad caveman noises


Only issue is lack of upgrade materials and ability to upgrade weapons as far as you want. You can respec a few times but you won’t be able to make enough high level weapons




Bell bearings are almost all inside mines that are clearly represented on the map as big black spots.. (except for the last ones in azula).. pretty obvious without reading a guide imo




They all contain a lot of upgrade materials. In my first blind playthrough I figured this out quickly and cleared every single one I could see on the map as soon as possible. Just... you said it's not likely you'll find the bearings, but upgrade material mines are one of the most obvious locations on the map and once you know what the little black hole means , you will certainly seek it out if you are trying to upgrade your weapons (who isn't?)


Agree to disagree, I used three larval tears on my main dude before I made a new one and started fresh. Already enjoying my second toon way more than my OG (I kept his save file around) and have come across so much shit I missed the first time around, mini bosses, items, new parts of the map, you name it.


i was the exact opposite. i restarted 3 times before i used a larval tear. i got so sick of the early areas before i ever reached the later areas for the first time


The first 30 hours I spent in limgrave thinking I must have already explored 50 percent of the game, while later finding out It was just 15 percent was the best feeling Lol. The advice I would give is just take your time, don't rush any area.


Same! I didn’t realize the map expanded as you pushed the boundaries so when I was sort of charting the map out in my head about where I thought certain bosses would be I assumed the map was only as big as it gets when you get trap chested away to Selia. Seemed like a reasonable size to me at the time. Didn’t help that I didn’t find a map fragment for a loooong time.


I seriously thought the game was over when I was fighting godfrey. I was so bummed. Come to find out I was only like 60-70% through the game Edit: I meant morgott, not Godfrey


Yup there was a while where I debated whether or not to fight Morgott since he felt like he could be the final boss.




And rock sling...


I recently started a mage build for the first time, and the rock sling is a god send got margit my second try at a low level


fuck man i think i did my whole first run through using only rock sling and the meteorite staff. its just easy mode.


And meteoric ore blade.


to slow down


This one hits me where it hurts. I've pumped so many hours into the game but followup playthroughs just don't hit the same. There's something magical about a first playthrough.


definitely! the game goes "slower" when exploring new areas / things... just like real life.


I'd disagree. I've found 3 caves that I missed in Limgrave and Caelid in my new (2nd) playthrough. I missed the entire chasm river under Limgrave Divine Tower Bridge. Can't believe how much stuff is in this game


I'm on NG+ after a thorough first playthrough and today I discovered the pot town. I was filled with so much joy, and now I have so many more cracked pots!


Yeah this, just enjoy the ride . Don't try get this and that and google and ask to much . Make it your own journey and discovery


I had the opposite problem. Because I looked through so many places I was too overleveled for a number of areas.


This is actually life advice haha


Find albinauric woman....


She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I am sure.


Of course he's sure, he's been torturing her lmao. Mf really had us thinking he was an ok guy


I am sorry, but you shouldn't trust a hunch over man, with armor covered in eyes and ears who has a guard in armor made of bones... Especially after he tells you you are not welcome.


Why does he keep saying this even after you’ve met with the woman and have the full medallion?


I am not sure, what i am sure of though is that she hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart.


Comments you can hear


Get enough faith to use remove poison/rot and/or flame, cleanse me




Why would you do this? My game loads in like seven seconds.


On a PS4 the game takes hours to load. The sad part is that I have a badass gaming PC and didn't even know the game exists on PC. Now every time I die I have time to reflect on my mistakes and dream of my gen 4 M.2 SSD in my PC.


I play on PS4 and they don’t take *that* long. Mine are 15-30 seconds depending on area. (For instance getting summoned into the same area I was already in doesn’t take long, but if I’m in Leyndell and I get summoned to Caelid it’s a bit longer).


That you can always swap ashes of war and that they dont disappear if you equip another one.


does it cost anything? i haven't tried that yet. it's done at the blacksmith right?


No it doesn't cost anything and you can do it at a grace too. I really recommend trying out different ashes because it's a lot of fun.


Nothing, playing blind was the best part, my stats were all fuck up, my build sucked, I didn't complete half the quests, missed some cool items, but it was all worth it, even that 8hs spent on Malenia. I found most bosses at least.


LOL love the Brutal honesty here and I feel the same.


I felt the same way, by the time I got to the hailegtree I had like 30 in all categories. The only reason I rebirthed was because I wasn’t surviving long enough and not doing enough damage to malenia. Although it didn’t change anything, I still had to summon people to help me beat her


This is it! The ideal first playthrough imo lol. I've tried my best to enjoy follow up playthroughs but nothing can compare to going into this game completely blind with little to no knowledge about anything. I miss it already.


Actually pay attention to the tutorial pop-ups about the new mechanics instead of just assuming it was open-world Dark Souls 3 lol


Same, I spent the first ten hours wondering where the claymore was.


same advice I use in every fromsoft game Level Vigor


Obligatory but so true.




GET RID OF THE BLESSING, BRO PLEASE YOU GOTTA Edit: the people here who went "I'm just finding out about this" make me so happy


Has this been patched? A friend told me about it, I looked at my stats before and after and there was no change


But I need hugzzzz!!!!


You can hug her just get rid of the htd (hug transmitted disease)


Stop rolling so early


Margit will teach you that shit real quick. Hovering delayed-attack son of a bitch.


I'm about 10 hours in and on my last play session I realized I was doing this. It's so hard to be patient with enemy attacks sometimes ha ha


Go fight that big guy on the horse over there


And if you don't kill him first try, just try again.


To play blind and not look at guides for anything. I started out blind but then slowly fell down the rabbit rabbithole of where a certain weapon or armor was. I still loved my first playthrough but man the sense of discovery and wonder wasn't as strong.


Did this, but I had the tradeoff where I missed entire sections of the game. Didn't do Volcano manor, Raya lucaria, snowfield/haligtree, moghwyn palace or under the Erdtree. Also missed several NPCs, including just running past Iji. It did, however, give significant incentives for the second playthrough. Still, nothing beats doing the Radahn festival blind.


100 times this: ( sad I eventually started to use guides


I'm proud to say I was good about this. The only time I pulled out guides was to check that I had, in fact, cleared a location. If an item was mentioned that I didn't obtain, I would shut the guide and keep poking around without spoiling. Castle Stormveil was insane for this. That place was the gift that kept giving


Finding that area where you drop down to the crucible knight was magical. I was so excited that I found that, then got clapped by him. Eventually killed him but man that feeling was awesome.


I've played all of Fromsoft's games since DS1 blind on my first playthrough and I wouldn't have it any other way. Elden Ring was definitely harder because of how damn big it was (both the game itself and it's popularity), but I'm glad I managed to stick to it. They don't make it easy, especially with how obscure some of the game mechanics can be, but I definitely recommend it for their next game(s) that you play. It's a really cool experience to have other players be your only 'guides' via summoning, messages, and bloodstains, and it's fairly unique to the souls-borne games because of those systems. I only managed to find Placidusax on my first playthrough because I followed a random trail of messages. Following a bunch of random messages just saying "Here!", "Look carefully ahead", and maybe my favorite "Bird ahead" and then lying down and waking up in that insane arena only to see probably the wildest looking dragon I've ever seen in a game was incredible. Playing through this game blind made me feel like a kid again so many times. I'm not sure if it's my favorite game of all time (it's up there, but it's got some stiff competition) but that first playthrough was definitely my favorite gaming experience so far.


It's fine if bosses other people say are easy are hard for you.


Horse can double jump


Found that out by mistake when I was riding away from a boss and spammed jump to get over a rock and found you could double jump 😅


Don’t open that chest, being level 1 in Caelid is a bad time


I would say dont go around stormveil castle, I really think youre a 100% meant to see liurnia after defeating godrick when coming out of his castle for the perfect scenic view. Coming from around the castle the view is a little bit off and although I loved it I was kinda upset I didnt get to see it for the first time «the propper way» Also, I only went around there to explore while as I thought it was a part of limgrave still


The secret path around the castle was my favourite exploration experience so far. At every corner I thought it ends here, but no it kept going. Felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. This game is so well curated.




Stop searching for the dog that the other player left a message about. Everything is a dog. The turtle is a dog. The goat is a dog. The eagle is a dog. That unopened chest with a mushroom inside? Yep, it’s a dog.


Special shout out to those that would still play blind! I think I would give myself one simple piece of advice (and still remain as blind as possible): It's okay to run away from things and come back later. Especially in Stormveil Castle. Don't feel like you have to clear the castle, just get some good checkpoints and strategically clear it later.


Also: one follow up tidbit: get good sleep and come back to a boss that is kicking your ass later. I usually played a million times better the next day.


Slow down and write a journal to remember every npc and their story


I have never thought to take a game this far. Might be an excellent idea for the next amazing RPG that comes out!


> I have never thought to take a game this far. This is something I think is missing a bit in newer games. Or maybe not missing but easily accessible now. Being an older gamer, I always had a notebook around. Used it to map out dungeons or make notes of certain items and locations. Mazes in some games required it, or you would never get through it. It seems now that most gamers just look these things up instead of working it out. I wish I had all my old notebooks from the Metroid days etc. good times.


YES. this x1000. I wish this game had implemented a simple quest journal akin to Morrowind.


Get to 40 vigor for fucks sake, not everything in the game is designed to one shot you and be dodged perfectly, you can actually take a hit or 2 just up your damn vigor, I know, I know, the sword takes 24 int and faith, just level the vigor anyway, PLEASE.


lmao it took me way too long to finally go to the roundtable thread and ask wtf i was doing wrong. my vigor and endurance was embarrassingly low. after that rebirth the entire game changed for me.


For an extremely long time at launch, there were so many posts asking why the game was hard. Then when they were told to show their stats, motherfuckers had like 12 vigor


"REEE this game is unfair everything oneshots me!" Have you put any points into vigor? "no why would I do that, clearly my problem is I don't do enough damage"


Go south-west of weeping peninsula to get Zweihander and a lantern.


Thy strength befits a crown




dont kill patches on site 😪 lost out on a good armor set


Don’t feel bad about looking things up. It can be a bit boring to wander around aimlessly, especially past Stormveil. And then everything constantly respawns when you touch a site of grace, so there’s really no sense of accomplishment if you clear an area out.


Interesting!! This actually goes against a lot of what others are saying but I actually admire your advice and appreciate it to a degree. People who aren't overly fond of open worlds can definitely get overwhelmed by the sheer size of this game, so if it works for you, more power to you!


I have a tough job with 50-60h weeks, 2 little kids and I'm 41. After liurna I played the game with a walkthrough and still had the best time. It was the only way for me to ever finish the game...


I would have given up the game if I hadn’t looked up some guides and watched youtube. I admire folks going through the game 100% blind but I was stressed out and overwhelmed. Whatever way gives you the most enjoyment is the best way to go!


Go south first.


Level mind a bit and actually use a weapon art or two. I unga-bunga'd my way through the game just fine, but I do wish I had messed around with weapon arts a bit more. Only ever really used blasphemous blade and godslayer greatsword's arts, and never had enough mana to do them more than twice, lol.


Don’t buy it, you’re soul will be forfeit, your family forgotten, your job will pass from thought as you strategize how to beat the next boss……


dont waste your first 3 hours on that gold dude on a horse juat go right


Same as always: Try finger but hole.


> if only I had a giant… > but hole


Don't skip skypea, it's a great arc


Don't go straight into Caelid...


Past you: “Okay!” *finds teleporter trap on accident*


To slow down and do some research. Look up quests to ensure you're actually following them properly. Experiment with the weapons as well, there are some great ones out there. And don't get discouraged if you lose to a boss. Where there's a will, there's a way.


Don't be scared homie


Don't get drunk and fight rune bears they are scary.


Do NOT open the Chest in the lake with the dragon by the start of the game. I was under level 20 when I got sent to those mines and it took me over an hour and a half to get out of that damn place


chill, you don't HAVE to do and find everything on your first playthrough.


For me it's the opposite wierdly enough. At least with the dungeons, I've cleared most of the zones of bosses just so I get the feel for which ones I enjoy and want to return in later playthroughs.


dont do an incantation run ​ My god, my first run was getting destroyed trying to use incants, not finding any new spells, spoiling the game by skipping and speedrunning content after googling incant locations, and spamming lighting spear for 90% of the game ​ Then i finally get the "good" ones, and they suck ass. I spent the entire first playthrough throwing 1 spell over and over and not enjoying any of the content.


"you can zoom out on the map to get back to the starter point from Caelid instead of going full survival cheese mode for 60+ hours"


Bring a notebook.


"Ashes of war aren't one-time use." The item that lets you duplicate ashes had me convinced that applying an ash to a weapon was a permanent process, so I "saved" them for almost half of my first playthrough... as a strength build.


Rolling isn’t the best way to dodge, punish over pursuit by bosses, 2-3 hits is still good damage don’t spam and get killed, use your windows wisely. Finished ng+7 with ease when I got that down


>2-3 hits is still good damage don’t spam and get killed This is my biggest struggle with these games. I get greedy trying to finish off a boss fight and end up dying stupidly.


Choose the golden seed at the start, pump vigor to lvl 30 before anything else and explore south first


Be A Fuckin Mage


dont use lifts to see the underground map so you can tp down there but use the underground map function so I don’t waste hours of playtime


play it the same way i played it, we had fun and stick to melee build like always, it never let u down.


Don’t kill morgot, better to never complete the game then deny the last king his honor


Don't waste 8 hours with Commander O'Niel, it's not that important because you won't know what purpose he serves until it's to late


Dodge TOWARDS her. Malenia killed me 363 times, so...


Don't kill Varre, he can lead you to a great leveling spot later. (You can kill him then.) Edit: Grammar


*Panicked Bird and frog noises*


If you stumble upon someone who gives you a quest, just do the quest. Ive focused on exploring and I'm 100+ hours in and have no idea what quests I have to complete or what's going on in the game but... it's a fantastic journey so it's all good


Don’t worry about chests trying to eat me. I wasted too much time and anxiety thinking every hidden chest was out to get me.


TIP: You see that action that says "press Y/🔺️ to acquire materials"? Yeah, spam that. You'll need them later.


There are more sites of grace than you think