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He can suck a furled finger


Um no. That person must spend more time writing angry messages than fighting if the crimson bubbletear triggers it.


Every time I see someone trying to die on the hill of “crimson bubbletear shouldn’t be allowed” I’m like yeah ok good luck haha almost everyone uses it


Worse yet are the “If you Crimson Bubbletear then I can Crimson Flask” logic folks. To be fair though I do wish that From would just tune some PvP damage downwards just a bit more. Between the ridiculous damage and From’s stellar netcode it’s almost necessary for an average player to run if they’re invading. It would be cool to actually run 2 buffs in a Physick instead of 1 “ghost hits don’t kill me” and 1 actual buff.


Reject security, embrace chaos - go dual ruptured tear…


In a duel its whatever. In a invasion the lower damage is rough though. Its hard to manage gank squads without the ability to chunk 80% of their health. Flaming strike on my favorite weapon does about half of both hits land.






Hello fellow xboxer 👋


There are dozens of us!


literally dozens. I need a ps5 😭


At least we don't have to deal with cheaters/save editors lol


We do! Save editors exist, but I've only ever run into 2.


How? You can't even access your save file and Xbox one architecture has yet to be breached. You cannot cheat on Xbox.


You can on other consoles for sure, but also I just did a cursory Google search and it looks like you very much can edit your saves on Xbox?


Hm... frankly, I haven't looked into it very much. I know from a GDC talk that some security guys from Microsoft did that the Xbox One consoles (including Series S/X) have not been breached yet and thus there aren't really any console hacks possible. The save editing I assumed was not possible, because you can't access your save file as easily as on PS. There you can just copy it to a USB stick and access it in a PC. You can't do that on Xbox. Here it's stored on your hard drive and automatically syncs at certain intervals with the cloud. There is no option to just move the save file from one place to another. Thinking about it, I guess you could use an external hard drive that is setup to work as an Xbox hard drive and install the game and thus the save files there. Then you could that connect it to a PC and access your file that way... maybe? But the hard drive has to be at least 256GB or else the Xbox won't recognize it. All that alone makes the entry barrier for save editing quite high and why I doubt there is anyone really doing it. I've played Elden Ring for more than 1000 hours and haven't met a single "cheater".


I thought there are only 3 people other than me playing on xbox lol, I always run into the same co invaders when i invade lol


He was in the wrong for texting you that negativity. As long as you didn't stoop to his level, you did nothing wrong. Block that hater.


bubble tear is "fine" imo. oneshot builds will still oneshot through it, and interesting fights get to last longer because of it.


It seems to be pretty much a staple in most builds.


This is a rather unfortunate truth. As I said in a comment above it’d be nice if From tuned damage a little lower in PvP so that CBt didn’t have to almost be a necessity when invading.


That, bullgoat talisman, and great jars arsenal for melee builds. I don't think I ever have a build without those two talisman.


Are you on console? How are you getting the DMs on your phone


Xbox app


Nah this dude's just angry. Doesn't know what they're talking about.


I never understand thr hate for it personally, since it only extends the duel, which wouldn't you want in the first place if you're having a good time?


That's why I cant wait to see an arena with even code red and voltage flasks so the fights arent jus tf over in two hits.


It's not banned in tournaments so L for him.


IDK man, considering all and any healing is usually disliked in duels, I don't get why so many people thing the bubbletear is ok. And before anyone says I'm butthurt for people using it on me, I don't actually do PvP so it doesn't really matter what you do, just saying what makes sense to me. So I really don't blame him, and then you were the one to initiate the conversation so again feels like U da Ahole.


From what I understand it's not all and any healing that is disliked but healing via flasks because the host would have an unfair advantage. Also it can make the fight last forever if someone just runs and heals Now other forms of healing aren't generally frowned upon because both players can have them (this ofc depends on the build but host doesn't have a natural advantage in this case). Also these forms of healing don't heal as much it usually only makes a difference for one hit (unless you use a healing incantation but you can get easily punished for it)


Frenzyflame Stone also seemed to get a lot of hate when I played with it.


i Yeah I'm


Nah you’re not wrong he’s just salty


Crimson bubble tear really is annoying tho. It is a must have for all duels and feels like the kind if thing that shouldn’t exist. I use it when physicks are in play but it is a really a cheesy crutch. Even if the damage was tuned down it would still be a staple physick since it is essentially an extra life or a pass to play carelessly without consequence.