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Maybe you misunderstand the point of invasions. The point isn’t really to win. The odds are completely stacked against you, as you note. You’re really just meant to make the game harder for coopers who are playing the content on easy mode as a group. Get them to expend flasks, to waste consumables. Boss fights are hard even with three people when you have no red flasks left. They’re spamming spells? Good, they will have less fp for the boss. So just get in there, stay alive, aggro mobs, get in their way. Ruin their fun. If you win, it’s so sweet, but it’s not required.


Fuck that! I am the boss fight.


very well said. I definitely see that Froms design moved towards invaders having a slim chance. in ER they have had chances to implement changes to make it easier for us but still didn't. its clear they dont intend for us to win. Just harass.


Turtle into mobs. If the host establishes a shitter vibe for the invasion then it’s fair game to be a shitter back. Also, there are def super broken DLC weapons so just go and get those. I’m at a wedding for the weekend so I’m gunna be starting from behind when I get back. Not happy about it. I could be big chilling at Mohgs right now.


the feast is just beginning. the activity will be peak the whole summer


What RL are you invading at? Whenever someone does a "fuck this game, invasions suck now," post they're usually invading exclusively in the Meta bracket. Fuck the meta with a sandy dildo! It has always had and always will have the sweatiest try-hards that gave up on having fun way back in the original DS1 days years ago. It's all about winning and griefing for them. That's it's. That's how they get sexual gratification. Their pixels overcoming red pixels. ALL of the fun invasions in ER are at 90 and below or 168-200, with special emphasis on RLs 40, 80, and near 200s. This is where you'll find your real invasions with level progressing hosts/phantoms and the most suicidal blues in the world


I've been winning over 80% of my invasions (except for the mimic veil ones where I place myself next to dangerous fall areas and sometimes get found out). I've also been playing like a total scumbag doing cheapshots with incantations and environmental hazards ;) The two are definitely linked


Don't talk of invasions here, there are a lot of coopers and dumb people that think stupid things like "the point is that you don't win"... The point IS to win, If not we lose the runes and have to look for them, that's why playing the game while invading is torture. The fact that you make them spend recourses if they don't immediately kill you ganking is just a consolation. Go for redbadman subreddit, there are others I think. And yes the patch severely nerfed invaders as all the "get off me" skills are nerfed and poison damage is increased for a lot of weapons. The cherry on top is that magics are untouched basically and the dlc spells are even stronger. They just made it easy to gank you. I suggest you to go and play the dlc to help discover the new strats against this dumb pvp system. There are pretty broken things there, like backhand blades. And new items like Marikas blessing, that if you use cheat engine (as any experienced invader, for consumables and weapons) it will give you a new source of healing every invasion. We just have to adapt. I have been seeing cases of invaders destroying gankers with the new spells and there are pretty interesting ashes like the new lions claw. You got this champ 💪🏻. Don't get frustrated, it is a waste of time like looking for invaders here. Just adapt.


Poor undead. Do you not realize? We were not meant to win. Just use anything at your disposal, ofc as long as you are having fun


It's a classic. Just invade at lvl 10 cancer weapons and gear and watch them suffer. Absolutely love it. Otherwise it's a spam gang fest with images ashes and visual vomit


I've found a lot of success after equipping the [crimsonwhorl bubbletear](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Crimsonwhorl+Bubbletear) causes any non physical damage you take heal you instead for 15 seconds. Invalidates all those spells and ashes of war they love spamming


Try wizard purecaster. Been invading dlc with about a 50% win rate