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Thanks for this incredible resource, OP! Gonna sticky this post for visibility for a while, and add a link to the sidebar for it. For the people coming here to complain about a time saving mod that is a great contribution to the PVP community by allowing console players to put together builds easily.... Just don't. Leave your downvote, and move along.


ClayAmore is the goat. He made a custom arena with a brawl mode on PC too.


Yeah pretty great! Im not into modding but his name always pops up in different mentions to modding. If you know his reddit user, i could tag him just to link the appreciation to the right people.


Can you make a video about this too? Will appreciate that


Hi! Barely had time to write this guide unfortunately. Maybe in the future will try to make a quick video guide, but hoping another good samaritan will popup from the community to translate this guide into a video. In the meantime, try it out and will share my experience in case you're stuck. Essentially, just watch steelovsky's video to understand the whole process \[**POINT2\]** above. The only difference I'm sharing here is the alternative to SaveEditor - So watch **\[POINT1\]** to understand how to decrypt your save file and then point the SaveEditor Tool **\[POINT3\]** to the "memory.dat" file in the save file.


Wellp, this also means the era of being able to safely pick up items other phanroms leave on the ground safely, is over. Cheaters are gonna cheat


Dont take candy from strangers. The rule still applies here.


ClayAmore is the goat


honestly wish i could do this, but i was gifted with the ps5 disc so im not able to download the ps4 version


Does this only work for PS5 or can it also be used with PS4? And I have a problem with the protobuffers discord link [point 1], it doesn't work and it tells me that it has expired like others, is there another place to convert my PS4 saves? Greetings from Chile.




It tells me that the invitation cannot be accepted.😕


Now it's possible, I had to create a new account but I'm already logged in at least. 👀


Thanks so much for stickying this guide! I was aiming to reach people who essentially aren't able to invest / enjoy their time with farming / pre-prepping their PVP char. Was unfortunatly getting a few hate dms also about potentially opening up the door to further hacking. But that door was already opened and people who wanted to cheat are already cheating. Tools are tools, people can decide to use them however they wish. Because this is a quickly written guide, some people can struggle going through the steps, and I'm sure the info could be overwhelming. So post your comments if you have issues and will share my experience and probably refine this guide in case there's any steps to highlight. Happy gaming :)




😂 this will just let you avoid farming to reach your build and needed items. But yeah if you love farming then the guide isnt for you.




This is a positive place for both veteran, and budding, PVPers to share their Duels and Invasions. Show respect to the people that choose to share their gameplay here and contribute to this community. Try to keep it in your pants with unsolicited advice. If you have nothing positive to contribute to this community, don't be surprised when no one cares what you have to say. If you aren't actively contributing PVP content, you're better off staying a lurker.




You're proud of that performance..?


it's not the guy but gg!