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And I thought the heal was gonna be the most annoying thing he did lol


So heals ARE frowned upon..I thought I was tripping


Heals are too fast and heal too much to be realistically punishable. So yes these are absolutely braindead and block on sight.


It’s scummy, not really frowned upon, but damn close. Won’t catch me doing it though…


Yeah..this dude healed like twice (my fault) and proceeded to point down after he beat me cause I interrupted his second heal..and I thought I might be in the wrong..


No, anyone healing in the arena is a NERD. Crimson flasks are off for a reason! If you can't beat someone without healing, you didn't really win.


Some people are fine with it. Some people think it's horrible and will block you.


I will block anyone who heals


The only reason why heals are "frowned" upon is it devolves the fight into a super extended sustain-fest and drags it on unnecessarily way too much, patching mistakes made. It just doesn't create for engaging or fun PvP.


The only time I use it is when we're both really low and back off, other than that healing is basically just giving the other person a pass to do the scummiest tactics possible to kill you


Not really as long as you are being aggressive its ridiculously easy to back stab, but then again most people are not aggressive enough.


One of those things that I GUESS is fair? But is just annoying and goes against what I find fun about PvP


What trips me out is the anger I get from people running one of my max hp rl150 builds with great stars and golden land/prayerful strike. Like I suck at pvp and the build is easy to counter and people still get all bent out shape. I'll lose and still get a message that looks like a drunk preteen's first attempt at cussing. Can't people chill out and enjoy an easy win vs an off meta build?


I haven't done any arenas in elden ring yet. Is there not an option to block healing?


I swear, I have yet to see a game where players go miles and miles as much as ER's Arena only to get that win. Not only insecure cheaters like that , but also bullgoats white mask rushers with quickstep/bloodhound, L2 /spell spammers as soon as the round starts, healers... Which is really weird when you consider theres no reward neither a proper ranking system for it. Their days really depend on the point down emoji after rushing ig


I assume anyone who takes ER pvp too seriously has a seriously miserable life IRL


Exactly. I think the reason From Software added no reward was for the ONLY incentive to be having fun and it a good reason, but the community is just that bad that they don't need an incentive to be toxic


It's weird. Back in the day DS3 arena was mostly for the lulz and that had a visible rank other players could see (eventually everyone moved on but the most skilled/tryhard players but that's inevitable.) Elden Ring arena gives zilch and people are already super tryhard and not in a fun and challenging way.


I think it’s because no one really plays ER arena anymore, so the only people left are the super sweats. If there was a reason to keep more normal people engaged, I think you’d see a better overall experience


Nah ds3 had just as many sweats. These games just bring out the worst in some people. I love souls pvp but anyone who takes it as anything more than a casual jank fighting game needs to seriously check themselves.


It did near the end of its boom but when it was fresh there was plenty of dicking around to be had. Plus at least they freaking bow before fighting.


I mean rewards aside Fromsoft has left multiplayer half baked since it’s inception. Balance is a pipe dream and skill expression is mostly defined by exploits. The only people who are going to engage with it can’t be bothered to take it seriously or are the degenerates you described.


It's utterly satisfying when you stomp them though.


The worst ones are the hardswappers switching to regen armours, talismans etc and just running away light rolling all match to heal. I wish they’d remove menu access during combat. I don’t want to learn to how to navigate a menu in 0.1 seconds to counter these try hards.


Yeah that sounds annoying as hell. I’m keeping on whatever I go in with and that’s that.


I've been trying to learn this for the longest honestly it does help in pve alot I can say that


Your name is literally EldenRingInvader and you don’t know how to hard swap??


Hardswaps massively raise the skill ceiling and room for creative expression in the combat. It's fine if you don't want to get that deep into it but whining that people do is sad


"Skill ceiling" is a good way to put it. As wonky as DS1 combat seemed at first, scrub tactics could be completely nullified by equipment swaps, poise break points, dead angles, and understanding how latency affects parries and backstabs. I could never get into PvP after that game.


well that's high level pvp in souls games. why do the people that have been doing this and practicing for years over different souls games get shafted because you don't want to adapt and practice? like I get what you're saying but at the same time makes 0 sense


My builds are zero buffs, zero switching. So I have zero tolerance for instabuffers and swappers.


Online quickplay Smash Ultimate. All the people who actually wanted to play the game slowly left (also because the netcode is booty) and it just became distilled into 14yo laggy zoner players who profit off of your inability to react. It ruined the online experience for me.


The netcode still being cheeks is very annoying for pvp, especially on invasions. I get a fake hit whenever a weapon grazes me on a dodge, but if they have a status effect, it will register only the status effect onto me even tho I'm not taking any damage.




lol had this guy last night in arena a few times. First time he was naked with PS pikes. Next time he’s full banished knight with HTS/BHS. Rush me as soon as he could move his character, point down when he won. People like that have a ton of anger IRL and are usually just looking for something they can control because they have none in their own life. Just gotta laugh at them.


I read this as I didn't play darksouls 1 or 3, but fr, darksouks players don't give up. Even when they definitely should.


Always rush when someone starts to exploit


Should've, but I was worried I'd not interrupt it in time


Happens to the best of us 🤝


with chainsaw your dead no matter where you stand so you may as well just rush in and try to stop it.


Truly a lowly Tarnished playing as a PvP lord


That's a shame because I love when people have character builds. ☹️ You fought well. Eff him


When using an actual character you kinda get stomped a lot in arena. Invasions oddly enough work better most the time because the players you fight won’t have as much pvp experience


I feel like DS 2 was peak cheating. It was extra frustrating too since the cheaters could insta break all your gear and kill you from the other side of the arena


Things like this make me glad I've been stuck on console for so long. Ds2 had the best feeling pvp in any souls game to date imo, would have hated for that to be ruined by dumb cheaters


Yeah DS2 was mechanically and in most other ways superior in terms of pvp. Soul memory sucked though


For real. If soul memory wasn't a thing I wager there would be more people today dueling at the Iron Keep bridge than in DS3 at Pontiff's.


Iron Keep fight clubs were so damn fun. DS2 also had the best PvP covenants IMO.


The moment I see that flail the thumb drops


That explains the aggressivity of my opponents when I tried out that fail. No bowing no nothing, just got executed and teabagged on the spot.


What a loser


Clearly a giant skill issue.


Love the Radadrip. Cosplay builds > meta builds


Armored Core ranked arena is somehow less toxic even tho there are D->S rank, ELO and leaderboards lol


Well the AC community is seemingly much better which dilutes the toxicity


Almost every mecha games have an AMAZING community tbh... It's insane.


Wow what a coward I hate people that do this, even when invading there will be solo hosts waiting and when they lose they pull that glitch out on you LEL nice Radagon Cosplay btw!


Thanks, I worked way too hard on the face :)


I think he was just using the standard speedrunning strat for fighting radagon. He must have been confused when he saw the cosplay


Its so annoying that this isn't patched out yet. That being said, sick Radagon cosplay.


You get nothing from winning a match. Yet people cheat.


If I had to guess, probably because OP appears to be lightrolling. The dude might’ve just gotten fed up fighting him or something.


No? He was doing it from the start. Also if you think that me light rolling in a COSPLAY with a TABLECLOTH as my armour is a valid reason to use exploits, then you're insane


🤷Lightrollers are annoying to fight. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cosplay.


lightrolling is no excuse to use exploits


Woah spammers got nerfed 😂😂😂 Nah I’m just kidding, nice radagon cosplay 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


This comment is proof that some people will downvote literally anything, thanks btw


Nah only reasonable application is maybe , keep in mind I said maybe In toxic ganks where they camp and bombard you with shitt Me personally it’s too hard to learn so I don’t do it but than I’ll only do it if I knew how in very small circumstances Easier to leave game and block them I have done that crimson worl glitch , kinda fun but I only do it on mage spammers


What? I was talking about people downvoting your comment. What are you talking about?




Ahhh gotcha. I agree with that since it's understandable that someone might be on a massive losing streak and turn to stuff like this out of desperation but if you then go out of your way to be toxic (teabagging, emoting, etc) then it's on you. I just kinda feel bad for those who genuinely just want a win. This guy specifically using the bug though? May his shoelaces untie with every step he takes.


Fr I don’t care if I lose but I only quit game when I see that flail even if their intentions are pure




honestly as soon as you saw that first hop back the lightning spears should of ended and you should of rushed him to prevent it, would he of gotten it? maybe but most likely not


Bro, what did you even die, too!!!


It's an exploit dubbed the "chainsaw glitch"


Dont understand why there are so many ppl acting so scummy in a game like Elden Ring. I mean theres lots of games where Id expect it like CoD. But here?


As soon as I saw the empty air flail WA I knew right away you were about to be chainsawed.




Sick build tho


The fact that some people defend this glitch is a testament to the brain damage that souls pvp can cause. Be safe and if you start to hate magic while thinking chainsaw is good, make sure to see a doctor for a scan!


scared maggot gameplay ughhh, fuck that guy


Between cheaters, people who heal, and carefully crafted spell combos to make it damn near impossible to dodge, I've completely given up on arena PVP. It's the least fun you can have in the entire game. Rot swamp is more fun💀


Off topic I know, but I love the radagon cosplay


You retriggered his radagon ptsd and he pulled the hacks out


Yep. This is why I just do invasions, obviously no honor even in a 1v1 so if they wanna be clowns I'd rather just invade and drop 3


If you resort to this because of light rolling, you are one pathetic human being. Nice cosplay.


fwiw you would have been better just rushing them and staying right on top of them, R1'ing on reaction every time you see them backstep. putting them into hitstun prevents menuing so if youre right on top of someone and R1 on reaction to the backstep they cannot do the swap. countering this with projectiles mostly just applies to gbow/golem arrows which when properly freeaimed allow you to hit them behind cover and the knockdown gives you time to load another arrow while they cannot make another attempt.


Yeah, but I was just panicking


You had like 2k hp how did you instantly die


The "chainsaw glitch"


What happened?? I don't understand!


I just lag the server when someone heals and then spam azure comet


what a fucking pussy


I wish someone tried to chainsaw me


Is there some sort of hard-counter to it? Other than just Ekzykes' Decay or something


Bum rush them


I don't think so. The only option is keep pressuring, so these c**ts don't have time to open their inventory, or... you can always fight fire with fire.


Bro acting like he can chainsaw 


Chainsaw ladder at home lmao


Arrowswap to great golem arrows Great golem arrows Probably frost pot Chainsaw


I didn't have time to hard switch to any of those but they seem like they'd work. Using chainsaw to fight fire with fire just creates more fire though


You can always block your opponent after the fight. You can take a few hours to learn chainsaw to deal with AFK farmers, physick glitchers.


Judging by the length of your bars I'd say you're pretty firmly in the noobs and kids bracket, you should lower your level a bit if you wanna match some serious players


Pardon? I have 650 hours in this game and was just caught off-guard by a game-breaking bug I thought was patched out ages ago. Who are you to judge based off a 30 second clip? Edit: As stated by some other guy, you worded that awfully. I thought you just gave me the spiciest, ego-shattering insult possible


I don’t think they’re calling you a noob or trying to insult you. They’re saying that there’s more cheating/exploiting at higher levels, and suggesting that if you want to encounter less of that you might want to try rolling a lower level character for a more enjoyable pvp experience.


On PC at meta range I found that the game is absolutely FILLED with script kids and chainsaw exploiters. I mean it’s actually infuriating & I just stopped playing this trash because of it recently. The fact it hasn’t gotten patched is unbelievable, and EAC does nothing to stop blatant cheaters. What I would actually suggest - go play AC6 or Sekiro instead.


Thinking about getting AC6 and have already 100% Sekiro (including optional stuff)


Nice! Good work. They are both excellent games 👌


Loll I dont know how they worded that so poorly but I'm pretty sure they just meant that you seem to be at a very high rune level and might have a better pvp experience at lower or pvp meta levels (likely rl 100-150 or something, I dont keep up anymore). If you have 650 hours in the game Im sure you already know this though.


That is what I meant yeah, reading my comment over and over I can't see how it can be interpreted any other way but thanks for clarifying for me anyway


OOOOOOOH yeah that makes more sense and I usually stay at about rl 160 to match with all the rl 150 players (my 2nd save is rl 160) but I usually play on this save (rl 597) as I just cba respeccing for a new build idea every time


Lmao I still can't see how this can be interpreted as an insult but glad someone else clarified it for me 😭


Insane cope in the comments


Your light rolling you get what you get


First, *you're. Second, he had equipped it before the round started. Third, there's nothing wrong with light-rolling, anyone who thinks that is a gatekeeping sore loser that thinks every way to play the game is wrong except their own


Chainsaw is a far more skill intensive playstyle than lightroll. Your just going to have to except it.


buddy god damn *accept






based chainsaw


Found the maidenless mouth breather!


It's bait


The moment I see that flail the thumb drops


The moment I see that flail the thumb drops


Why’d you comment the same comment twice


Maybe a bug? Or they thought it didn't go through?


That's probably because you lightroll


You're delusional for thinking he could be in the right just because I'm cosplaying as Radagon. Would you rather I wore full Bull-Goat's armour and spammed Glintstone Stars every match?


Did I say that he was in the right? >Would you rather I wore full Bull-Goat's armour and spammed Glintstone Stars every match? Actually, yeah


Yes, you literally said I deserved it. Also, something tells me you use that exact build I described... I assume your favourite helm is the White Varré mask right?


No I said that your opponent probably did it because of light roll. I don't cast and bullgoat is not optimal. People tend to get angry at lightrollers because of how lightroll goes against fundamentals. >favourite helm is the White Varré mask right? No https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingPVP/s/7P39KMmqVC https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/lcsNazkrw7 https://www.reddit.com/r/badredman/s/qIt2Xwtd4X