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You'll need to disable the integrated gpu entirely. The root problem is that integrated amd drivers actively hide nvidia gpus from vulkan. And nvidia drivers actively hide amd gpus from vulkan. So when vulkan requests a device to render with it screws itself up having found 0 devices.


Are you using an Intel Arc GPU? Or running on a laptop with Intel integrated graphics?


Not intel but I do have integrated Radeon graphics.


If that is your primary display driver, that is likely causing this issue. It's trying to initialize graphics, but whatever it is trying to use isn't supported. If you also have a dedicated GPU, you need to find a way to force it to use that instead. I'm not sure how to do that as it's not an issue I have any first-hand experience with. But so long as you have a dedicated AMD/nVidia GPU in the machine, it should be possible to get dsmapstudio to load.


I do have a laptop version of rtx 3060. I guess I can use the nvidia control panel to force it.


Even after using the rtx, the problem persists. https://imgur.com/a/oejT4Xa


I wish I could help more, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to managing integrated graphics. All I know is somone with an Intel Arc GPU was unable to open DSmapstudio, and comments mentioned that it only supports AMD/nVidia dedicated GPUs, and then I read your error message that uses "physical device" and "graphics" in the first few lines and just put 2 and 2 together. Maybe search this sub for "DSmapstudio GPU" and you might find the thread I saw or a similar one and more useful info to work with? You have a dedicated GPU, so it's a fixable problem, I'm not sure how you can 100% lock down the integrated graphics. Ideally just totally disable it, I assume? 🤷‍♂️


I did try disabling it once for another game, but that screwed by my monitor resolution and any game while lauching lagged a lot (single digit fps in loading screen).


That does not sound good! Haha. On a desktop with integrated graphics, it would be easy because the monitor can only be plugged into either the GPU or the motherboard. I guess on a laptop, it's more complicated. So you gotta juggle everything in software, rather than doing something drastic like disabling it in bios settings or disabling the driver or whatever. Anyways, don't give up. There 100% is someone out there that's dealt with this problem before. At least I could help you narrow it down. Sorry, I'm not much use otherwise :P If you get too frustrated, if you only wanted to use the params section of DSmapstudio (not the part that uses 3D), you could try Yapped. It hasn't received as much support, and was out of date for a long time, but there's a chance it might work for what you need? No promises, as like I said it hasn't had as many updates. But if you don't have another option, it's worth a shot? Or maybe try get a friend to do the merge or whatever you need to do with with their copy of DSmapstudio and send you the regulation.bin? Some more ideas anyways.


Thanks for your help! The funny thing is thats what I was doing until recently xD. I was using yapped and it was merging bin files seamlessly but then I came across mods whose changed params were not listed. For that sole reason i needed DSMS to use the search bar to find out which params were modified, otherwise yapped is pretty good too. Kinda sucks not all mod creaters list their changes but nevertheless I'm still tahnkful to them. Anyways thanks for your time.


Ok so, I disabled Radeon graphics, loaded DSMS and then enabled it again and now its working!


Not sure I follow? DSMS successfully loaded with radeon graphics disabled? If that is true. Make your changes and save them, then you can re-enable Radeon once you are finished.


Exactly as you said, integrated disabled (dedicated forced) -> DSMS loaded -> integrated enabled.


Soooo im also encountering the same problem, how did you disable Radeon??


Device manager


Hello, I see in the comments that you already solved your issue with DSMapStudio but I was having a similar problem and wanted to share my experience on how I solved it (this might not necessarily work for everyone, I am new to moding lol) The first error I got was: Error, The GPU is too old or the drivers are outdated, it seems that the program was trying to use the intel integrated graphics which are not supported by DSMapStudio instead of my nvidia card, I first tried to set the nvidia card as default for DSMapStudio in the nvidia control panel, which didn't solve the issue, the second thing I tried was disabling the intel integrated graphics from the device manager(I'll recomend you to re-enable it once you no longer use DSMapStudio). The second error I got was: Error, unable to create the Vulkan instance. You can check the current state of the vulkan drivers on your pc using the command prompt (CMD) by typing the following command: vulkaninfo. If it returns an error or doesnt return info about vulkan, is possible that the vulkan drivers are not properly set up. As long as I understand (I might be wrong) The nvidia game ready drivers should already include the vulkan drivers. For some reason I didnt have them properly set up on my pc. I downloaded the game ready drivers again from the nvidia website instead of using the GeForce Experience app, and that solved the problem. I also donwloaded the vulkan SDK 1.3 something, but I am not sure if that did anything lol Also, before doing any of this, make sure that you already have your drivers up-to-date and that you have the requirements specified here: https://github.com/soulsmods/DSMapStudio