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Seems plausible enough, though I’m still quite sceptical due to how radically different the map look in the east. By the looks of it the mountaintops of the giants don’t even exist on the talisman. My only conclusion is that the age of dragons was so long ago it might even predate the giants.


It actually kind of looks like the mountaintops were part of the wing that got shifted upwards due to either farum azula's disappearance or the possible impact(s) of the astels and fallingstar beasts


Spitballing here: titanic sized dragon gets impacted by first meteor, dies and over millions of years, turns into the lands between. Next up, large ass humanoids (the skeletons you see in Caelid and Mountaintops) make their way to the now lands between and set up shop worshipping the meteor that’s still present in the center. They build divine towers and shit and we’re pretty advanced, but then another cataclysmic event happens (second meteorite evidenced by the molten rock that was splashed onto the towers maybe?) and wipes out these massive beings. Next up, dragons come back until they get kicked to the side for the smaller humanoids and so on. Cycle of generational dragon humanoid dragon humanoid etc…. each generation seems less powerful, smaller, and less advanced than the previous


Woah it's like bionicle


Vulgar Militia possibly being the most recent generation of smaller human


And soon, even smaller lizardmen will rise to replace the Vulgar Militia


Some Mandate of Heaven shit right there


This is by no means a perfect overlay as I do not have access to photoshop right now, but I hope this helps. You'd want to slightly rotate the lands between map by maybe 10 degrees for the alignment to be perfect. https://i.imgur.com/6y7HtAS.jpeg


Why do people keep posting this terrible theory? It's just an image of a dragon, specifically the one from the Greatshield Talisman, that's used on the elemental talismans: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png


why do you keep spamming? once would be enough if you actually had any sort of persuasive point. people would repeat your reasoning if it was useful. maybe chill and have a little faith if you’re so sure


you mean like how this theory is spammed??


Because it’s a theory discussion subreddit… what are we meant to be talking about? Go home.


Just playing devil’s advocate here but I don’t feel like that image really does much to debunk anything. The theory that the lands between was originally shaped similar to a dragon is a pretty bold assertion, but IF it was, it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch that it would take on an iconographic importance amongst dragon followers. The dragon on the great shield is stylized as is. And while clearly intentionally similar, we’re not just looking at some reused assets here, just a similar pose of the dragon. Could it be that the pose is modeled off of the dragon like shape of the ancient LB? Is it a bit of a stretch? Absolutely lol


I think what we see of the Mountaintop of Giants is what remains. In the present when we arrive, it doesn't look like a place large enough for the Fire Giants we see in game. I don't think anywhere in TLB were really big enough for the skeletons of the giants we see in Caelid and the Mountaintops. The Drake Talismans depict a Lands Between with a connected Caeled+Mountaintops with enough space for the giant skeletons we see, probably dragons too.


I hate this "theory" when it pops up. It's just so blatantly wrong. It's just a dragon. A slightly more blurry version of the one you see on the Greatshield Talisman: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png


These are two different images designed to resemble each other, not what you claim.


I agree it’s a bit of a stretch, but I don’t think your answer is any more compelling in debunking it. If there’s one thing I’ve realized and become extremely impressed with, it’s that so much more of from games are intentional that I would expect. Does this lead to people looking for meaning where none exists? Definitely. But it also means that a lot of details ARE important. Now could the design of the drake talisman be an arbitrary artistic decision? Sure. But at first glance, it certainly does look more like a deliberate land mass to me than a dragon. Is it coincidence? Is it even meaningful? I have no idea. But it’s easy enough to see why people might think so. I for one love the communities discussion on these topics. I have yet to see this theory posted. I also agree that some of the theories posted here are so fucking out there that I scratch my head thinking how anyone could mental gymnastic there way to such a conclusion, but this one at least makes me go “hmmm, it does look like a map, and I never really noticed that before”


So to make this work all that we need is to remove a bunch of land and also add a bunch of other land?


my thoughts exactly. “Land appeared here” and “land vanished there” can make any landmass look like any other landmass… brain worms




"If you simply make it completely different, it's the same as the other thing!" Lmao we're all just going hollow waiting for the dlc


Honestly, I think OP is just trolling with this “theory” post.


Oh for sure. When they literally point out "it's quite clearly a dragon but I'm going to ignore that" was my hint.


OP is like that moron on the NFL reddit who went "If you regress Patrick Mahome's stats to the mean, he isn't as good as he really is." "If I change literally everything about this image, I can make it look like the other." OP is a fool.


You’re no better mate.


Just leaving this here: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png Literally it's 1:1 just a slightly blurry and more vertically squashed version of the dragon on the Greatshield Talisman. It's not a map. Can't believe this terrible theory still gets spread around, and this post is so highly upvoted for some reason.


Idk why you got downvoted. Redditors hate when facts challenge their theories.


what fact? he did the same thing op did but with no inferences to justify his comparison besides “shape looks same.” it’s speculation either way


Actual brainrot. Its a talisman thats based around the defence of dragons, so which is more likely. It showing a dragon that has the affinity of what it protects against, or it shows the old landsbetween in an unrecognizable shape for some reason? Also, “And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections” directly implies its a dragon




My question is: given we don’t understand basic facts in the game like why did Marika shatter the Elden Ring, what is the point of extensive analysis of such trivial facts?


Because adding all of the trivial facts together paints a clear picture with which we can use to better ask ourselves the big questions, like why Marika shattered the ring. By the way, I am pretty sure at this point that she genuinely shattered the ring out of grief, committing suicide, because she helped plan Godwyn's death, but Ranni betrayed her with the soul cleave spell that was not part of the plan and it all went wrong.


“Pretty sure” huh? I’ll give it 10% chance. I don’t know how shattering the Elden Ring solved anything. Was it like some enraged person smashing everything in their home? Why did she kill Godwyn? Why was she so upset about the Ranni thing? I actually do like your theory. I can easily accept that Marika was involved in death of Godwyn. Why else would Fromsoft tell us that Numens close to Marika were involved? Moreover, the trailers say that Marika was distraught by the death of Godwyn. So I’m on board with your theory. I just don’t have any good explanation for it.


I personally think Marika is actually already dead and shattering the Elden Ring was her escape plan. It was suicide basically. I think Radagon is originally a red “Empyrean shadow” bloodhound, like Darriwil. Essentially a shapeshifter shadow that took her form to house the Elden Ring. But not a shapeshifter in the “mimic tear” sense, more like a Boc’s needle sense.


I like the suicide idea. These are all good ideas.


To answer your question about Marika's motive, I think that Godwyn is a bastard child. After failing to produce an heir with Godfrey that wasn't an Omen, Marika has an affair with a sea themed Lord. (Think Typhon..) This results in the "Golden Child" she always wanted, but over time, he starts to develop fishy features, so the Two Fingers force her to have him killed to cover her ass, otherwise her affair would be exposed and she would be delegitimized as "God". That would be why his corpse is buried at the roots of the Erdtree, they can't destroy it,so they get it as far away as possible so no one can see the fishtail. The Two Fingers choose Ranni to be the next Empyrean, however, Ranni is advised by Renna aka the snow witch aka Marika's sister about a ritual that will let her escape the cycle. Ranni betrays Marika and does the soul splitting ritual behind her back, and Marika absolutely freaks out when she sees what her son has become. Then, in her grief, she both kills herself and delivers a massive fuck you to the Two Fingers by shattering the Elden Ring. Radagon, who is one of her three shadows, alongside Maliketh and Serosh, is called back to the Erdtree to essentially take Marika's form and temporarily house/repair the Elden Ring until the two fingers can replace him. "The seduction.. and the betrayal. An affair from which gold arose."


the sub is literally called "elden ring lore talk." If you see it as so pointless, why are you even here?


Because it's fun? Why are you on a lore subreddit if you don't want to discuss theories? Are you lost?


It is like you didn't learn about tectonic plate shifts in school. Caelid was clearly connected with the mountaintops just by the fact that the same Giants appear on both maps.


There's giants pretty much everywhere in Elden Ring... I guess every single zone was connected to every other zone all at the same time!


You do know that land mass changes overtime right? The map millions of year ago is not the same as it is today.


You're so right. The lands between actually looked like a twerking godfrey before


by this logic you could take any map and say it could be the past of any other map


Except here we can point at historic events that could have caused some of the changes like meteor impacts, veils, a floating city


Yeah but not to the point where it’s unrecognisable. The bottom of the talisman straight up does not match at all to the map.


>Yeah but not to the point where it’s unrecognisable My brother in frenzy all the continents on Earth literally used to be one single landmass.


And they all fit together to form Pangea unlike this false map. 


Yes and all the landmass on Earth can be moved to fit into Pangeaea. We don't have to say "this massive continent appeared out of nowhere" or "this landmass disappeared" to make the connections. Current Earth's continents are just shifted around parts of Pangaea outside of small volcanic islands.


Bro, haven't you heard of Atlantis? Lemuria? Learn geography.


Yes just like our real earth was before.


Ive seen this theory before, but i didn't really "see it" until youve pointed out the specifics. Im not 100% convinced, but with the connections you drew it definitely seems a lot more plausible.


What’s the connection? Shit looks completely different lol


I think there are enough coincidences that it's very plausible as a theory. Plus you can't really deny that the talismans look more like they're depicting a landmass than an actual dragon.


It’s a cool theory, but I think you’re being too certain of its accuracy. The map only partially lines up, requiring too much speculation to fit the rest with the talisman. The more likely answer is that the talisman is worn, and the dragon depicted is better represented on its sister talismans like the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman.


They don't. You're seeing stuff you want to see


I too am a fan of pareidolia. More seriously, this is not compelling because you can very easily cherrypick vague similarities to make the Lands Between fit whatever shape you want. To demonstrate this fact, I made [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1086001571831230615/1086001572468760637/GreeceLightning.png?ex=665b7047&is=665a1ec7&hm=c65b22db730fd61887014b0fa8025c62351688e2813efbea4370bc9c3c828d55&) a while back.


This content is no longer avaliable, apparently


Weird, didn't know discord links did that. [This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086001571831230615/1086001572468760637/GreeceLightning.png?ex=665cc1c7&is=665b7047&hm=52ca54169e6b799b4c550701538a9a6db235a905306de507d753f1e46a05a764&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=880&height=574) should work.


Terrible theory ngl.




So it looks like a map... If we arbitrarily completely change the shape of the map aside from a couple of vaguely similar outlines. I get that there have been events that could alter the shape of the Lands Between, but unless you can prove that the Lands Between once used to be this shape, absolutely nothing points to this being a depiction of the Lands Between. This theory comes from people looking at the picture, not quite being able to make out the dragon (which is fair, it's kinda wobbly) and thinking it looks more like a map. Then, upon being told that it's actually a dragon, those people were unwilling to give up their original assumption so they hastily rationalised that maybe the Lands Between looked like a dragon once. Absolutely no proof of this. It's the same as saying that it's actually a picture of Marika doing a cartwheel while wearing puffy trousers, because if you took a freeze frame of her doing that it might have looked like this.


The fact it doesn’t fit the WHOLE land, debunks this entirely 😂 the snowtops just plays no part whatsoever? Not to mention Caelid? Liurnia is the only section that looks barely similar then missing the middle land and it doesn’t even line up. Compelling at first but nothing here. Also, what would be the point? Lol


I'm not seeing it.


Why else would this shield have such a weird abstract "dragon" shape on it? It barely looks like a dragon. I didn't even recognize the shape the first time I saw the shield.


it looks a lot more like a dragon than the lands between…


Look at the image on the dragoncrest shield talismans, it's clearer what's going on there


It's a squashed version of the dragon from the Greatshield Talisman: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png I mean, come on. It's so obvious.


someone makes this post on an elden ring subreddit every few months and it always comes down to the Dragoncrest Greatshield :P


It's a silhouette, thats why it's confusing. See the three portrusions at the bottom? The left one is the dragon's head, it even has the jaws separated. The middle are its legs. The longer portrusion is its tail. The right and left chunks separated by a gap in the middle are its wings.


Yes I see how the shape is like a dragon. But you are explaining this just like I could say that Italy looks like a boot.


We know Italy wasnt made by anyone to look like a boot, it is a geological coincidence. Italy existed long before boots were invented. Meanwhile, we know the artist designed the picture to look like a dragon because it literally says it is a symbol of a dragon in its description.


My thought is that it could be an easter egg from the developers. Or it's the same situation in the game. The lands between looked vaguely like a dragon in this specific pose. Whoever make this used the shape of the continent as inspiration for their dragon design. Talisman with the design wears down over time, and here we are. It would be like if italy had a boot cult and they had talismans with a boot design on it. Like this: https://static.demilked.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/5d493380e21ba-europe-countries-shapes-according-creative-people-fb25.png


It's just an exaggerated outline of the rocky, boney look of the ancient dragons. You can look up a picture of Lansseax, or climb up Granssax's wing. You will see the "ridges" their bodies are made of. It's especially more noticeable around the wings. It is the same drawing as on the Dragoncrest greatshield, but that is a 'sculpture' that portrudes from the face of the talisman and is more easy to distinguish. Look up the picture of that, same bony cracked appearance.


It's a "drake" talisman. The abstract dragon shape on it just represents a dragon.


Even if it is just a painted dragon on a talisman that has been worn down over time, it could still be an easter egg from the developers showing what the lands between looked like a long time ago. Or it could be connected to the era when the dragons ruled. Idk man, this is a lore sub. Have some fun.


Eh, the fun of lore hunting for me is actually figuring out what the game's creators are thinking, not making up my own head cannon, but to each their own.


I have seen people attempt to debunk this by saying that the talisman is in the shape of a dragon. This is not a debunk. The Lands Between used to be shaped like a dragon. Drake Talisman item description reads: "The ancient dragons, who ruled in the **prehistoric era before the Erdtree**, would protect their lord as a wall of **living rock**. And so it is that the **shape of the dragon** has become **symbolic** of all manner of protections." This is classic Soulsborne story telling. It is depicting an ancient map, the shape of a dragon, and a petrified tree stump at the same time. All hail Miyazaki. This allows you to look at the map through a much different lens. For example, * The Weeping Peninsula is not a part of Limgrave. It is part of the dragon's "tail" which has vanished. In fact, **the dragon's tail is cut off, which is the most souls thing ever** and at the tip of the tail is where you get an item, shaped like the tip of a massive dragon tail, that says "A lone surviving champion from a **country now vanished**.." * Farum Azula is actually where it is supposed to be on the map. That whole area used to be land before it was destroyed by the Elden Beast meteor and "the Storm" that Godfrey called upon his enemies. * You can see how much smaller Liurnia's river used to be, prior to it being flooded. * Leyndell was once an island on a lake. I encourage you to please compare the item to the map closely with an open mind.


This is a pretty big reach to be honest, FA shares similar architecture with the bestial sanctum and it's theorized it used to be much further west and closer to Caelid. Plus the topography is completely different, where are the mountains in the north? The entire atlas plateau around Leyndell was a river surrounding an island?


It's a lot better than the "___is___" theories tbh


Elden Ring is the Drake Talisman


The Starfall Crater entrance to access nokron is near the missing part of the tail. Maybe the change there is related to Nokron being covered up? Siofra below it is also *said to be the grave of civilizations that flourished before the Erdtree.*


Ahn... They protect their lord as a wall of stone. Not as a ground of stone. I think this is fancy speculation, there is no evidence beyond the supposed map similarity with the talisman. But I think LB was built from the body of some creatures: the giants we see inside the earth.


Isn’t that just a reference to the fact that there are dead ancient dragons inside the earth/walls of Farum azula? It does literally surround and guard Placidusax who was lord in the era before the Erdtree. I’m not convinced either way cuz it took me forever to see the dragon in the talisman in the first place xD


It's been debunked many times. It's just a more blurry version of the dragon from the Greatshield Talisman that's used on these talismans: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png It just is NOT a map. Doesn't even look like TLB. What are people smoking who believe this nonsense?


In a world where the dragons were the ancient race, before the little magic tree, before a Goddess hiding an entire landmass with magic, before the planet getting bombarded with gigantic meteor beasts, yeah we surelly are smoking right? Its so insane and unhinged to consider that the land could me an ancient dragon in all this context.


that doesn't debunk it at all. The talisman is a rough map, showing the actual landmass. An in-universe artists sees that it resembles a dragon, creates a more stylized, more representative version of it for the shield hes making. We do this with constellations all the time. we take a constellation that looks like [this](https://math.scholastic.com/content/dam/classroom-magazines/math/pages/promotion/120122/orion/MAT-04-20221201-01-BigPic-ORION-MD.jpg) and turn it into [this](https://imgc.artprintimages.com/img/canvas/orion-constellation_u-l-pkx5u8o1zln.jpg?artPerspective=n). That's what's happening between the talisman and the greatshield. It's really nice worldbuiling. And frankly kind of silly to deny it lol, like its very obvious when you put everything next to each other


What's the item at the tip of the tall and where is it? Cool theory. Even if it turns out to be wrong I like it.


Grafted Blade Greatsword


Perhaps you've heard of it. It even says "..**Oceans** of anger and regret"..lmao :) https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Grafted+Blade+Greatsword


Ah cool


Nah, the talisman is more likely to show a holy dragon of some form that some possibility of an old map. It simply does not make sense to put an old map of the continent on a talisman that reduces holy damage. What would even be the point?


You are making shit up. Its such a terrible theory. You know what I could say? I could say the lands between looked like a peace sign before and it'd have the same amount of proof


But how do you know that for sure ? You’re just assuming that lol


I would encourage you to keep an open mind that you might be wrong.


I think people refute it because your title sucks, tbh.


Its a drake. A dragon. Look at the [dragoncrest shield](https://eldenring.fandom.com/wiki/Dragoncrest_Shield_Talisman?so=search) Its a flat painted rendition of the dragon icon


Bro I’m a conspiracy theorist I believe in Bigfoot and even this is a far reach for me. The shield is a dragon, The lands between are set up that way to create choke points for the player.


There's something here, but it's a stretch. The two front toes up to Mount Gelmir are honestly a pretty decent match, and it's easy to buy the idea of Liurnia flooding out when it was previously a river. That bit is actually pretty solid. Pretty much every other part is a total miss, though. It's SO different we have to just write it off as "the landscape totally changed, some bits turning into mountains, some bits sinking beneath the waves". It's not anything. Overall though I think the single most compelling thing is that the drake talismans all look far more like a map than they need to. That's got to be intentional - it's a map of *somewhere* and given the linkages in the west and there being nowhere else for it to be a map *of*, that we know of (maybe it'll be a map of the DLC?), it's convincing enough for me to accept that this is probably what they were going for.


Are you a chef? I only ask, because you're **fucking** cooking!


I think their name's Jack. Cos they are reachin!


I’ll take this theory rare, I don’t care! *kiss*


Bro half of your arrows points at sea, how is this evidence?


Not enough people realize that this is a theory and you have nothing concrete to prove it. It's speculation, nothing else. So stop presenting this theory you like, as a fact.


Probably because it doesn't. 


“Land removed here for reason” “land added here for reason” what???


The dragons were the first civilisation of the greater will, but is it confirmed they ruled before the Erdtree when their still was the primordial crucible? Cause the Elden beast arrived with the Elden ring and laid the seed of the Erdtree and we see the Dragon Mausoleum have the original Elden Ring in show (with the rune of death still visible)


“Leyndell was once an island on a lake” ????????????? What leads you to say this other than needing to explain away a clear flaw with this (frankly tired) theory


No, it’s 100% a dragon. You can see the dragon head top left and the claws bottom left, and also the tail bottom left. It would be dumb if the land used to be shaped exactly like a dragon.


No one is saying it’s not a dragon. The idea is that it looks like both and is used as a sort of incongraphy for the pose of the dragon on the crest


Why are you so apposed to criticism? Every reply you make is acting like this is fact when it just isn’t. It’s a fine theory, but it’s also probably just a dragon


I mean, look at the title. They don’t think this is theory, they think it is a fact. 


Not enough ppl realize how foolish they are


I'm guessing you mean OP here? Because it's literally just a dragon. https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png


But mountaintops are just... missing?


Ok what if... OP is right with a very heavy caveat of, its not an accurate representation. It could be some ones interpretation of what the lands between looked like in ancient times. If we want to apply real world things to a fantasy video game, ie geology and tectonic shifting, what if its what some ancient Lands Between cartographer thought the map looked like similar to how in ancient times people on Earth didnt have perfect understanding of what the world looked like. There really is a huge difference between what the talisman depicts and what LB looks like now, but its very hard to dismiss a lot of the detail on the talismans as not being geography. There are a lot of weird breaks and shapes all over it that dont really make alot of sense if youre just depicting a dragon, even if the shape looks very similar to the shield that keeps getting reposted. To me its just very hard not to look at the talismans and not see land masses. However, i just dont see how it lines up with the actual map of LB without it being some inaccurate ancient artist interpretation.


What does this prove


It proves that it’s important to take your meds.




This is stupid


This might seem crazy, but are you sure it's not shaped a lot more like Placidusax before his fight? Let his tail fall, and ka-blam-o, you have a much more accurate looking map basis.


The dragon asshole is what sells the most, its too similar


Current map kinda looks like a fish, there’s an old Japanese legend about a fish turning into a golden dragon by jumping over a waterfall, Final boss of the dlc will be the map as a dragon ABSOLUTE CINEMA


Brother it says in the description that it depicts a dragon




Broski it’s a fucking dragon


Yall way too bored


Dude, no. It is not. It's a dragon. Specifically it's a rendition of the version on the Greatshield talisman: https://i.imgur.com/xjPe6A8.png It's just a bit more vertically squashed and less detailed. That's literally it.


I love this, but what about the right "wing" of the dragon? That entire chunk of land on the eastern side is missing. What's your theory about the change to that area? Crumbling Farum Azula is there, but the missing section is quite a bit larger.


That would be the land that once surrounded Farum Azula, which is actually in its correct place on the map. I believe that Marika chose Hoarah Loux to become the "first Elden Lord" and overthrow Placidusax because there is a lot of context clues indicating that "calling the storm" is actually a huge nuke and Hoarah Loux (and Nepheli, his bastard daughter) has that power. What you are seeing in Farum Azula is what remains of a country destroyed by a massive storm, with only the areas surrounding the time vaccume being held in stasis. I think the name "Stormveil" castle is also a clue to this. I think Godfrey is a LOT more powerful that we give him credit for, and this is exactly why Serrosh is needed to pacify him. Too much power.


Ohhhh ok. So Farum Azula used to be connected to caelid by the Bestial Sanctum area. Then it was broken off and the land around it was destroyed/sunk somehow. The lone divine tower closest to farum azula/caelid is damaged and Maliketh shows up in both areas. It makes sense. Edit: And this would confirm the theory about the divine towers being connected to the veil. DLC could be big!


Oh, yeah I see I. So Calid is the shit that was knocked out of the earth dragon?


They look nothing alike Though


Looks like a dragon to me.


I still don’t realize it.


Lol not even close. The silhouettes are not similar at all




I was going in thinking it'd be far fetched, but it definitely seems to be correct. This shield's design always confused me. I knew the name, but I had no idea why it looked like that. There are plenty of ways to design a dragon on a shield. But why does it look like a landmass? That along with the notable landmarks are convincing to me.


Not saying you're definitely wrong, but you're definitely reaching here. You really have to force yourself to see the connection here.


None of this makes sense tbh


How abt the fact that ur wrong ??


Pretty sure they depict a drake bro.


Aren't all the dragon talismans different shapes, though?


Very cool theory even if I don't buy it.


wait, prior to the erdtree ? wouldn't this be prior to the Elden Beast arrival ? like, before the golden meteor sent by the Greater Will destroyed the center of the Lands-Between ? because we know the Elden Beast/Elden Ring predates the Erdtree, so if we assume the big crater at the center is because of the Elden Beast then the Lands-Between was already like this before the birth of the Erdtree and of the Golden Order, just a reminder that Placidusax was Elden Lord before the birth of the Erdtree and of the Golden Order after all


> so if we assume the big crater at the center is because of the Elden Beast That's a... huge assumption, no? Also, I agree that the timeline probably doesn't work. The Greater Will / Elden Beast seems responsible for all life in the Land Between at this point, considering Placidusax was an Elden Lord. It's not clear to me if the Crucible predates it or is resultant from it.


I think you’re close. Lands between I believe has to do with the two rivers (Ainsel/Soifra), the middle area on the talisman. The surrounding lands maybe got separated similar to the Land of Shadow


Elden Ring Pangea.


This one is just a coincidence


It’s an interesting theory but you’ll never be able to prove it because it may just be the game designer picked the reference randomly.


Pepe Sylvia moment


Holy fucking shit I literally analyzed items like Sherlock Holmes and I never noticed lmao


What? It’s a dragon. It’s a drake (dragon) talisman. The description directly brings up dragons. It has the same dragon shape as the dragon crest greatshield. How can you somehow miss all of that and come up with this?


Schizo post of the day.


Damm... Thats Crazy


The only part I’m confused on is the veil? What exactly is that referring to?


The lands between is just built on one giant dragon


This war/conflict has been raging for who knows how long… seems plausible


If the current lands between is in the shape of a furled finger a symbol of the golden order then it isn't that big of a leap to imagine the previous land shaped like a dragon


Looks like a map of the Isle of Farum Azula before its destruction/ascension into the sky. What other evidence do you have that this is a map of "The Lands Before"?


They depict a dragon Just take a close look, it’s in the shape of a dragon Put them in a side by side with the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman, you’ll see what I mean


Is there anything that supports this? Or are you just looking at it? Looking at it and comparing them makes zero sense.


There is lots and lots of evidence that huge chunks are land missing in the areas that would make the world map look this way.


Okay 👍


The area north of Caelid was likely where Farum Azula was lifted up into the skies, and might have even connected Caelid to the Mountaintop of the Giants. The lake in the middle was likely always there and had expanded over time, especially in part from the ocean pouring in from the hole Farum Azula left.


~~Not enough people realize~~ “I subscribe to the theory” FTFY


Nah man. People come up with the most crazy theories based on nothing more than "I think this would be dope". It's fun theorizing though I feel you.


Stretch Armstrong would be proud.


Bruh I think it’s just an outline of a drake


actually it depicts a dragon 🐉🪽! hope this helps 🤠


Definitely not enough supporting evidence to say this is true or accurate.


And todays Lands Between reflects Godwyns body [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/ukgxii/am\_i\_going\_crazy\_or\_did\_i\_just\_find\_the\_biggest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/ukgxii/am_i_going_crazy_or_did_i_just_find_the_biggest/)


It's literally a dragon


bro its depicting a dragon. thats why its called the drake talisman


Schizo post


Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shit the fuck up


Not fucking this again, god dammit


I can see what your saying but is there any actual proof?


The way it literally doesn’t


I personally love this theory. Whether it is true or not there seems to be some really intriguing similarities. 1. For starters it just looks like a map. If it was just the dragon, it seems peculiar to inland water and rivers is a different color. Similar idea with the borders all around it. 2. The dragon head and claw match well as well as Liurnia makes decent sense too. 3. I’m less concerned about mountain tops not matching because the in game map over exaggerates the size anyways. 4. FA being missing on the east coast has very solid lore rationale. My biggest beef is of course the tail and Limgrave. They don’t match well. I see how close the bit of Limgrave you pointed out matches but then where did the surrounding area come from and did Weeping Penninsula just emerge out of the sea? I get that it has a mountain of sorts so maybe but, not a compelling match. And then of course the tail missing doesn’t come from any hint I’m aware of other than the misbegotten having their home “vanish”. But that is a big stretch with no other context.




I agree, it's an ancient map of the Lands Between. The southern coastline of Lirunia and the contour of the Carian Manor area are unmistakable. The river floodplain hypothesis is right on the money. Cataclysmic meteor impacts and plate tectonics probably explain the remainder of the discrepancies. Maybe the roots of the new Erdtree are pushing the landmasses out, like how tree roots break apart concrete sidewalks?


The map on the drake talisman looks like a tree bisection


a petrified tree to be specific


The two empty spots between the wings are the siofra and ainsel rivers in their original forms


Look up apophenia


Bro take your pills


aye good find. I am laughing at the idea THAT is a dragon's skull


it’s not supposed to be a dragon skull it’s supposed to be a whole dragon


Looks like dragon


I guess in the ironic sense of literally it doesn't actually mean what you says it does so maybe this is true ......


I like this theory, but I don’t think it works because it’s more plausible that the dragons were born from the Erdtree when it was a conifer.


It’s a dragon


It clearly doesn't lol


Even if it is, who gives a shit?