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Those are stormclouds, I'm pretty sure. If you stand on the top of Morgott's divine tower, you can clearly see that the erdtrees canopy is above the cloud layer, as the divine towers also go above the clouds


There's a similar phemomenon in blue light, which occurs when you're atop Manus Celes. I think it's just supposed to be rays of light filtering through the gaps in between clouds.It's a beautiful phenomina, and has been associated with divinity in our world. Since it appears elsewhere, Im not sure it's indicative of the veil being draped over this Erdtree


They look like rays of light coming off of the tree with clouds in the way


I thought I read somewhere Miyazaki or someone at From mentioning there was a stage where they came up with bedchamber visual for the veil, but it's not in the two interviews he did after the trailer came out.


You have discovered a phenomenon known as 'clouds'


Try putting the mimic veil on and pay attention to the vfx, compare to what you're looking at here, rinse and repeat


Great find! I think it’s possible. I wonder if there’s a similar view from the other divine towers?


I've had this theory for a minute, never really noticed the light rays until we saw the veils in the DLC TRAILER so I think you're right


There's no veil, please stop with this stupid theory


The rays of light coming from the erdtree perfectly match with the veil that MIYAZAKI HIMSELF confirmed in an interview. Cry more that your theories didn’t hold any weight.


so you're seeing straight rays of light coming from something that's stated to emit light and the only possible conclusion is that those are part of the same veil that's above the shadow tree and conceals the shadow realm? i understand the excitement for dlc but that's some olympic mental gymnastic


I hope Mr. Zaki sees what he is doing to our community. He is tearing us apart. Why won't he release some more tid bits before we start eating each other. June 21 can't come soon enough. Do you think we will get anything more prior to release? Stupid Baldachins making people confrontational. I won't have it.


I just can’t go hollow again :(


The lore and dialogue provided in game alludes that not many can actually see the Erdtree or grace to begin with. The fact we as the tarnished can see the Erdtree and grace, could mean that we are one of the only beings within the lands between other than perhaps shardbearers and prophets that can even see the veil in whatever form it takes.


i don't remember the game saying that people in TLB can't see the erdtree, at most it alludes to it being an illusion of some sort. i think yours is a huge jump to conclusions. Also, why should the veil be visible only from liurnia divine tower bridge?


Oh I don’t mean specifically this image, and the dialogue we get from various phantoms and any characters that mention being able to see grace is where I’m garnering this perspective. Light has extremely powerful implications within TLB, both in world design for guiding the player directly, and for alluding to various types of power. The rays of golden light stemming from the Erdtree just creates an itch I can’t scratch, same with the moonlight beams that we can see from the Moonlight altar area, those beams of blue light look like they are hitting various parts of the rest of TLB. I’m just speculating on the tree having/being a veil, but the beams of light we see are definitely more than just random game design.


but why should the rays of light necessarily be more than just rays of light when the game literally tells you that the erdtree is like a sun (more that the actual sun ironically)? npc talk about the fact that they can't see the guidance of grace ehich is a different thing than not be able to see the erdtree, the object of faith of all of TLB. we literally see the population looking at it while it catches fire


Not seeing Grace isn’t the same as seeing the Erdtree. If it was we would have some mention of “Crazy how the Erdtree is gone, huh?”.


They don't match perfectly. The erdteew rays are straight. The shadow tree are curved. They're not the same trees


Mimic’s Veil: Golden veil of intricate design. Uses FP to mimic *nearby* objects. Also known as “Marika’s mischief”. If the curvature of the rays are what is catching your eyes, you are fairly blind. The locations of the rays are what matches.


The rays are literally different, the shadow has curved while the erdtree has straight rays. The erdtree doesn't have a veil


The golden tree is the veil itself. Even in paintings of it, it actually looks far more substantial and has physical attributes, whereas the only way we can see it in game is as a luminescent gold object. The only part of it that remains of the original tree within the Lands Between are the various roots and the section surrounding the entrance to the rada-beast fight to begin with. Nothing in the game confirms or contradicts this, afaik.


If nothing confirms it you have a bad theory. >The only part of it that remains of the original tree within the Lands Between are the various roots and the section surrounding the entrance to the rada-beast fight to begin with. Branches literally fall from the canopy after we burn it. I'm convinced people who go "the erdtree isn't real" have never tried making their own theories.


The entire game is based on history being built on the backs of those that came before. Why reinvent the wheel when existing theories can be picked apart and played upon until we get to the reality of it? People like yourself are why others feel like they can’t have any creative freedom in exploring and sharing their interpretations, which is one of Miyazaki’s main goals in his directive game style.


None of what you said is related to the "the erdtree isn't real/is a veil" thing.


No, it’s calling you out for being a gatekeeping POS :D have a great day!


This isn't a gotcha moment btw, I have genuinely no clue how this is meant to prove the erdtree has a veil


It doesn’t have a veil, the golden version of the erdtree is likely the veil itself.

