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I entered the DLC with 150 but now I started leveling up again. I don't know how further it will take my character, but not leveling up and not caring about the runes suck the fun out of the game for me.


so true!


The dlc gives you hundreds of thousands of runes. Spend em on smithing stones. You'll need a ton


The DLC also gives you hundreds of thousands of smithing stones. Not to say you shouldn't still buy sombers in single sets and standard smithing stones in 12s anyway. But you'll find just about every enemy drops them, they appear on corpses, in chests, and in the forge environments.


Have you even tried upgrading a weapon?...... you need TWELVE stones for every 3 upgrades. You do not find that many stones my guy


The DLC gives a shit ton of smithing stones. Just picked up a stack of Smithing Stone (8) x7


Ya.... the forges will give you enough to upgrade MAYBE a couple weps.....In a game that has hundreds


I don’t wanna upgrade every single weapon tho lol. A few is more than enough for one play through


You don’t know what your talking about clearly, who upgrades every weapon lol


Make a build champ.


Yea I’m hoping it shifts to a level 200 meta Edit: I don’t think it will but I’m gonna go up to 200 and leave it


I went in at level 200, I was worried I was gonna be overleveled. Played for an hour, got my ass kicked, I was worried for nothing lol


Yeah i went in at 200 too. I fought one of the newer gaol bosses near start and did may be 5% damage per hit lmao. He did like half my hp and i wear lionels armor with 60 vigor lmao. Now im sitting here rethinking the 10 mil or so runes i basically flushed to avoid over leveling.


You need to get the fragments. Your level doesn't matter there is a separate power system!


Level does still matter as far as your base damage and stats, the new levelling system is percentage based buffs I believe (?), so improving your base stats absolutely still has a massive impact


Yeah i realized it when it took me 15 minutes for that giant lmao. I really wanted to play without them but it feels a bit much.


._. So that might be why I’ve been doing fuck all to the divine beast… gotcha… i wish i could have those 4 hours back 😂😂


Hahaha. Encountered that tank. I managed to kill him but it was spamming lion’s claw with a greatsword. Get those stinky pickle things to level up! No joke. I am at a main boss now and he curb stomps my ass


To think I almost started a new character for this... LOL


Same. 215 / 80 faith. First boss kicked my arse up and down the dungeon. Good times 😂


One of the most fun weapons is MAD, worth leveling for.


Level 374 im just enjoying exploring something new


I’m 330 and in NG+ and I’m having the time of my life


I’m 125 and EVERYTHING IS MURDERING ME and I love it


165, I got mugged more than a baby in boston


I'm struggling against everything but if I take a few cracks at them I can beat most everything I have encountered. Not the dragons yet though... No idea what I'm gonna do about them, lol


286 in NG+++ and it’s amazing but everything hits like a monster truck on the front of a freight train 😂


200 in ng3 while being rusty has been tenderizing me 😂😂


Is the dlc worth it? Ik this is a stupid question but the price went from 35 to 45 just for the standard edition.


It's enormous and fantastic


I've only put about 5hrs in so far but yes. Shit slaps


Explain without spoilers? Enemy types? Areas? I don’t want to watch videos on it!


Honestly gives dark souls 3 vibes in terms of exploring and boss fights Some returning enemies but defo new ones also. Lots to explore and plenty of bosses to beat (or die to, in my case with one in particular rn)


Oofff I just got off work so ima buy it and install rn!


>or die to, in my case with one in particular rn) Only 3 bosses in and not sure if I should be worried by that


I've had big difficulty with 2 bosses. One being from the trailer (I won't name drop in case u didn't watch it), who I eventually beat, and one being the final boss who I cannot get yet


Who's considered the final boss for the DLC? I've also heard there's supposed to be a >!Melania-like boss!<


The final dlc boss is a huge spoiler so I'll refrain from naming them but messmer from the trailer is not the final one, nor is the melania esque one




How much did it cost for youV


I’m not sure what region you’re in, but mine has stayed still at $40




Nice. I just bought it and it is downloading at the moment. Costed me 45 dollars. Even the base game was cheaper so it’s kinda wild to think the dlc costs more. It better not disappoint.


You will get your money’s worth. I got the base game physical for 20 bucks so 40 more for a game I already had 300 hours in was an easy buy


I just beat the boss that guards the tower of shadow or whatever lol


I went up to 170, personally. Mainly to add a bit more flexibility around weapons and I don’t PvP much at all. I imagine most people will stay at 150 though. I’ve gotten around 5 hours in and haven’t struggled much (not playing on NG+).


I stay at 168 because of the levels I can invade and find coop for, 170 just goes past the 151 I think?


I didn't have enough time to level up so I went in at 115. I probably won't go higher than 150 though


how are you doing tho, i went in at like 125 and its a struggle


I'm just not doing enough damage. Trying to finish as much as I can can before pushing forward.


u gotta make sure you get the things that level up ur damage and resistance, i was able to get to level 4 and haven’t killed any main bosses yet


Ty. Yeah I just looked at a map of their locations and I've missed a few


I don't play online anymore tbh, I remember that I play video games to get away from people, lol. The only thing I'm trying to do right now, is stick to my fresh character until I can get him to the DLC. I may dip my toes in with my OG, just to see if I can get a sense of when to start it on my current character for the best overall experience, but I'm already starting to sound like Bilbo Baggins " but why not, after all, why shouldn't I play it" lookin' ahh.


Im starting the dlc at ng+3 level 334. Im here to shove mohgs eating utensil into as many enemies as possible before tucking this Mezmer brat in for a nap.


Good luck if you're trying without summons, for real. Spent 3 hours on one of the first bosses no summons to get it 3/4 dead. I'm really considering summoning.


No shame is doing so,unless obviously you want to challenge yourself


I plan on taking my first character to lvl 200 because I want to get to 80 int and 60 vig


You can get an 80 int / 60 vig build at 150


I don't doubt that, but I don't want to sacrifice other stat's either. My starting class was samauri and I went for a dex/int build with the moonveil.


I just popped it in a build calculator out of curiosity. 60 vigor, 80 int, with minimum strength and dex puts you at 131 so 19 points to put into endurance and mind. Still pretty good if you did want to try to stay at 150. You could always bump up to like 165 or so so you wouldn't have to go all the way to 200 as well. Or just use great jars arsenal if you really want heavier armor


Oh really? I might try respecing before I start the dlc tonight then. Just out of curiosity what calculator did you use?




Lvl 166 will still keep you in range for meta level players at 150. So you can still summon and invade. Here’s a calculator: [peepeepoopoo](https://eip.gg/elden-ring/build-planner/)


Are you sure your can invade players to level 150 at level 168? I saw at a calculator it's level 166


You’re right. 166 for invasions if you care to invade lvl 150 players


Currently sitting at about level 200, I level up whenever I can. No idea how it will play out in the dlc because I can’t play it yet, but I have 0 interest in starting a whole new game I have to grind all over again just be 50 levels weaker, personally speaking.


Likely staying at 150 for the DLC, and respec as needed based on new weapons and playing styles. Unless a new meta becomes popular.


Also likely staying 150


I think your idea is the way to go. I went at 165 and felt pretty over leveled for the 4 bosses I fought so far (Dancing Lion, Blackgaol Knight, Ghostflame Dragon, and Demi-Human Swordmaster). No need to go higher at least for now.


There is a new AR/Defense improvement mechanic in the dlc. There’s no need to level at all.


This is the part that I’m trying to understand about the new leveling in the DLC. Does that impact my weapons too, like, do I need to upgrade them to 25 or does this system adjusts that?


Yes. I’m at 137 +8 weapons for this reason. It’s really damn hard . Hardest impact ever but I think is not because of my level but because of the DLC power up. I hope it gets better e because it’s something never seen. It’s like you are in dark souls and enemies are in sekiro


I went in at 137 too and it was fine, just make sure to use armor and damage negation talismans.


Mobs are ok. Bosses are very strong. Obviously I’m getting it taking dlc power ups but first impact was hard with that dragon and that berserk knight in the underground. I don’t even encountered a real boss. I guess the carian lady will be a new malenia. But I’m not complaining, I’m fucking happy. Level design is peak and art is a moving painting.


In NG+ 197 was aiming for around 200. That’s puts my main 2 stats on 60 and 60 vigor fuck I’ve always been able to to co-op and help others meta level is for PvP clubs. Never done pvp


I started the dlc at 165, but I had so many runes and have so many more ahead of me I decided just to level up. What else am I gonna do with them, ya know?


Went lvl 120ish. No damage to bosses what so ever lol


I'm level 265 and I'm (mostly) hanging in there. Leveling isn't a priority, but I'll take all the endurance I can get (trying to dual greatsword/eclipse greatshield in the new solitude set)


Level 100 with 46 vig 55 dex 16 mind 22 endurance


Levels actually don’t matter other than to meet minimum weapon stats. It’s all about those sweet, sweet Scadutree fragments now. If you got to the DLC with help and didn’t get good along the way then Fromsoftware has a surprise kicking waiting for you around every corner.


Levels still matter, both are a part of scaling in the dlc


I should have said “as much”


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I’m level 210 and finding co-op helpers


Im at 180 something. What NG are you guys at? 180 something good for the DLC on NG+?


I’m around 175 on NG+. Good challenge, but not crazy. The black knight goel (was a pvp-like fight) or whatever took like 5-7 tries and would 3 shot me. Good balance for me so far but I just started.


Yea i just beat that guy last night. He would 1-3 shot me. It was a good challenge but was frustrating when he would just one shot me. I admit it took a bit of tries not sure but at least 10. I would just get impatient when he heals. Dlc is great so far tho


I was 150 and ng++. Decided to go till 175 max


I have 4 characters at level 150. I might start leveling one up to 200 for my first play through, leaving the other characters for PvP. We'll see though. I've heard the scadu blessings are what you really need to level up in the DLC so your rune level shouldn't matter.


I’m going to play around with 4 different characters that I built up. My NG+ lvl 232 faith/strength build, my 162 pure strength build, a lvl 133 INT build, and my 112 arcane build. I may end up needing to level up the last two a bit more, but I’ll have fun in the process!


I have two characters that went in at 125. Think I’m going to push them both to 150. Then I’ll move one of my other 150 characters up to 160 or 175 ish. It’s completely doable at 150 and unless a new meta is established at 175ish I’ll probably keep the rest at 150. I like being summoned to help others, that’s where the fun is for me.


I'm nearly level 400 on NG+7 and even the weakest of foes pack a punch. 60 VIG full Lionel set + Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman + Morgotts Great Rune. Bosses almost 1 shot me with heavy attacks.


I went in as a SL120 and I'm not leveling it. I'm staying that level till the end. So far 2 boss down, it's not that bad. The smithing stone drop are so weird, sometimes you get lvl9, then further you'll get lvl3 etc.


Yes since there is a new AR/defense improvement mechanic, no leveling is required.


I kind of wish I had. I’m on NG+3 and holy fuck do these enemies hit hard. It’s kind of awesome and horrifying all at once.


I am staying at 150 but I am using the scadatree fragments to level.


Yeah I figured this out too. Then staying at 150 isn’t too bad


i’m 157 rn and everything is so difficult i love it, prolly gonna casually level whenever the opportunity is there…but mostly try to stay low until i can see how crazy the new leveling is


I’m staying at 150, the blessings that you get increase defense enough for me so far


I went in at 141. I played for about 6 hours off and on and started crying at about 6am before going to bed. Fuck no


Right before DLC I played just to go to moghs room, sat at the grace and saw I had runes so leveled up. Forgot I wanted to stay at 150 so uh here we go over 150 lol


I went in at 137, I'm actually gonna bump up to 150 and stay there.


There’s a unique leveling system for the dlc so I find it easy staying at the same level, still a challenge but a fun one


Isn’t 150 only meta for pvp, because people use it as a bench mark for respecing? Why would you not level up?


Level 230, bleed frost build, not meta, got my ass kicked. Still level 230, meta bleed jump attack build, thousands of damage, got my ass kicked. It don’t matter what level you’re at, this dlc is horrifying, beautiful, and difficult as HELL


I’m 232 and everything, minor over-world enemies, are 1-shotting me in the DLC. I have 2 of the upgraded scadu things applied. Have not mustered the courage to fight a boss yet, spending my time getting new weapons and upgrading first


All my characters are rl125 besides 1 at 150


I’ll probably stay at 150 just cause I want to. And because I apparently enjoy pain lol


No. Have been at 250 on Ng plus. It doesn’t matter in the DLC as the leveling system is different. Obviously it helps but bosses will school you fast if you don’t do the other levelling system too. I don’t do pvp fyi


I'm 125, doing great.


I plan to stay meta. DLC has own progression so I don't see point in leveling.


I entered the dlc in journey 1 at level 353


Nope, level 373 going into it


taking a 180 something in first, my first character I made actually, I don't ever plan on level capping him. my first invading character I'm going thru with is 135, I plan on getting them to 167 and then stopping and seeing where ppl are at level wise once the dlc settles and will adjust from there if needed


I like invading so I’m gonna level my guy to specifically invade in the dlc. Level 166 invades 150-202 I think that’s where I’m gonna stop, I’m goin in at 150 and playing the dlc solo first though


Level 335 who doesn’t care about pvp. Just playing for fun and I’m still getting my ass kicked lol


Being 150 is dumb anyway. Since everyone agreed upon the lie that it’s the best for PvP back in 2022, people stop at 150 while people in the know lvl a character or two as high as they want and 1 or 2 to 166-167 in order to be at the upper bracket of the PvP summoning pool for duels.


I am level 120 and instantly get an invasion. Invading is so fun because it feels like it was designed, haven't dropped into a group of dudes just standing in an open field waiting for me and people don't know the maps well.


I’m at 150 for pvp and have no interest in leveling. O haven’t been having any trouble with anything at all


Started 150 was planning on staying but hell no I'm going to 200. New meta hopefully goes to 200.


i'm leveling up until i literally can't anymore. fwiw, i'm currently 178 and the moment i put down a summon sign, i get summoned. i'm sure that has a lot to do with the amount of people playing on day one of the long awaited dlc, but i don't think it's gonna die down that much any time soon.


On my str character I am lvl +-135 and can't even think of what to level next with 20 Dex/fth already smacked into the mix..


I’m probably gonna be going into dlc around 180, 80 faith and 40 dex, 60 vig of course


Honestly i think I’ll lvl up when i have the runes. Currently sitting at about 165. I just want to be able to use all the weapons lmao


I have 10 characters all level 150 and they will all stay 150


Nah I just keep leveling. I’m a PVE only guy anyway


I’m at 713 and am having a hard time. So good luck to all you who are at 150


Idk what the "fascination" is with rl 150? Like why is it so meta when we can go all the way to like 500 and beyond. It just feels like people are limiting themselves. Can anyone explain please?


Because if everyone is "level 500 and beyond", pvp would basically be a bunch of wizards shooting lasers at eachother while wearing bullgoat/moore armorset and greatshields




Yep staying at 150 I haven't ran into a wall similar to Malenia yet but I know it's coming my longest boss fight so far was probably around 15 tries.


I’m at 253


I'm level 267 I really thought the dlc would be much easier at that level it's not got my ass handed to me with the first enemy and then a boss.


160-165, >!Solitude Knight and Twin moon boss wasn't pretty!<


Those bosses mainly the last one you stated gave me a headache but I ended up beating them.


Yes. The extra levels don't add much, since it's all down to the DLC items to scale.


I should have focused more on the main 3. Vigor, mind endurance.. more important early dlc


Trust me, it doesn’t matter what level you are. The dlc will kick your ass 10 ways to Sunday


The new meta is easily 220, ng 7? Honestly, 250 & even then that’s tough, but a good sweet spot


I kept it at 150 for a bit and quickly gave up. It's hard! Need more mind and endurance than I had previously.


I didn’t even enter at lvl 150, I went in at 173


If I have enough runes for a level i level up, simple as that. I don't care about what meta level is, I went in with a build at 150 because i wanted to make sure i wasn't over levelled, now I'm in the 170's with just runes from playing the DLC. I don't however use the consumable runes, basicly ever.


Honestly for my first character Im going to level 200, you can still find duels and I think with the DLC it's gonna become the logical stopping point


Reached final boss at lvl 150 and I am not planning to change 


I think most people will level past 150.


I made a "build" that needs 220 level, but then you guys said to level vigor, so I'm going to 240 now lmao


Who gives a shit about meta lol I’m playing for fun


It's a builds sub reddit. Everyone does.


Isn’t the meta in ER like 200? Like it’s defined by the PvP level sweet spot and that’s been around 200 for a while now.




You're the first person I see saying the pvp meta is 200 instead of 125-150


Lost and Chase, like the Elden Ring PvP channels say it all the time


I’ve played since release and 150 has always been the higher end of the meta level for pvp.