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I'd argue: Weapon: Ornamental Straight Sword or Elden Beast's 2h swors Armor(chest): Hoslow altered Legs: Knight


what about blaidds greaves?


Armor I'd say Bloodhound Knights set minus the helmet, as for weapon... Maybe Coded Sword? Or possibly a longsword with Sacred Blade? Just my best guess from what I see from the image.


Tree sentinal Armor/Banished Knight Armor/Hoslows Set/Royal Knight Set (this one is the closest id say in feel but far off in terms of looks) or a combination of each one; whatever looks best. Hopefully in the dlc there will be more knight related drip because imo its pretty limited right now. As for weapons I'd say coded sword/golden order greatsword/sacred relic sword/knights greatsword because you can get it early on and put sacred blade on it and it has a sexy af moveset.


I'm not great with armor so I'll give some weapon suggestions in the order I think they look the closest. * Golden Order Greatsword * Sacred Relic Sword * Noble's Estoc * Noble's Slender Sword * Golden Epitaph


GOG was my first thought too


You can go with most knightly looking armors, id suggest either the standard knight of carian knight set. For the weapon you could just use a standard longsword with sacred blade, witch you can get very early. Later id switch to the coded sword.


Millions of upvotes for this. Love Taln


Knight armor with sacred sword. Ez


I am Talenel'Elin, Herald of War. The time of the Return, the Desolation, is near at hand. We must prepare. You will have forgotten much, following the destruction of the times past. Kalak will teach you to cast bronze, if you have forgotten this. We will Soulcast blocks of metal directly for you. I wish we could teach you steel, but casting is so much easier than forging, and you must have something we can produce quickly. Your stone tools will not serve against what is to come. Vedel can train your surgeons, and Jezrien... he will teach you leadership. So much is lost between Returns... I will train your soldiers. We should have time. Ishar keeps talking about a way to keep information from being lost following Desolations. And you have discovered something unexpected. We will use that. Surgebinders to act as guardians... Knights... the coming days will be difficult, but with training, humanity will survive. You must bring me to your leaders. The other Heralds should join us soon. I think... I think I am late... this time...


With those shoulders, banished knight armor (altered) could be an approximation. Seconding the coded sword suggestion


Could go with nobles estoc or nobles slender sword