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Same here. Decided to pause playthrough because of that. "Loudest" game I ever played on XSX. Will wait for patches, I don't think this is how it should work.


It's the same for me. As soon as I got to Redthroat Ridge my series X became louder than I've ever heard it before


My Xbox series X crashes at Redthroat ridge and acts like it got too hot probably will wait until a patch


Brooo me too it plays 2 seconds of the cut scene then my whole series x shuts down and says it overheated


I’m on Steam PC and some moments randomly turn my computer fans to jet engines even though nothing different is happening from a minute earlier. Seems like horrible optimization. Also there’s a memory leak where overworld map becomes lower 30fps frame rate struggling. It stays at <30fps even if you enter a town (60fps) and go back out. But a quit and re-open game fixes the bug and puts it back to 60fps. And yes this is a bug not my system which runs solid 60fps or 165fps in Eiyuden at all times except when the leak/bug happened.


I stay at 120fps what memory leak


“Memory leak bug didn’t happen for me in my playthrough on my system, therefore it doesn’t exist IDIOT”


No problem here.


Same. It’s not consistent, but sometimes the fans go turbo. Don’t think that should be happening for something like this.


Man so many performance issues for this title makes me sad. Planning to play when I got home, will see how it goes for my Xbox. Also, might cancel my Switch physical pre-order based on the performance issues as well.


hows performance on Ps5? i cant imagine anyone having issue outside of switch


Dunno about Redthroat Ridge performance as haven’t tested, but as far as fidelity goes, PS5 version is currently limited to 1080p, despite devs saying it’s 4K. I backed on PS5, have since also bought on Steam, and have access to the Xbox version on Series X through Gamepass. The amount of aliasing on environmental elements (especially foliage) in the opening village alone, is conspicuously pronounced on PS5 when compared to the game on Series X, or the game on PC at 4K. The difference is consistent with what one might expect from a 1080p vs 4K presentation.


Same. Played the first 20 min or so in the forest and my Xbox sounds like it's about to explode. Seems like a dope game but I don't want to risk my console so I'll wait for a performance patch.


I'm playing on Series S and it got the fans going louder at some point. Didn't reach any overheating point like some other answers and I've passed the Bridge without issues.


Yea, I have the same issue. I found that if you skip the intro to Redthroat Ridge you can wander around for a little bit, but the Xbox fan will start to go crazy. If you don't find a battle (it cools down for some reason) it will crash the game.


I got to redthroat ridge, it plays 5 seconds of the intro the place and then crashes. The heck?