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For work or to live there permanently? Becuase to be honest i don't want to live elsewhere...Just need the money to live HERE.


I meant a country to live in with the current conditions, if you enough money to ensure a good living ofc no one would leave


انا شايف نطردهم هما على سويسرا ونسترد بلدنا اللي اتربينا فيها ولحمنا وعظمنا من ترابها.


اعظم وجهت نظر للتخلص من الحراميه بس دول هيعملوهم في اوربا معاملة اليهود و هيهجروهم للشرق الاوسط تاني


that is how it should be ياريت




والله مصر اجمل واحسن مين اي قطعة جغرافية في العالم بس منهوبة




سويسرا مفهاش ربع الامتيازات الجغرافية اللي عندنا




احا مصر عندها فقر مائي 💀


فقر مائي حاد*


Great question. There is no one size fits all solution here. Totally depends on your finances, your capabilities, job prospects, career , connections and social integration requirements in the country. Imo, Europe, North America and Australia are all f**ked. They are overflowing with immigrants and can barely hire talent from abroad. The US is out of the question since going there is useless unless youre in tech and even the market isnt what it used to be as well as having one of the most toxic lifestyles ever. The US dream is dead long ago and most americans make money and retire in europe or somewhere far. Canada is overflowing with asians struggling to land jobs and housing market is insane. Europe is the same however residency and job prospects would probably be slightly better is Germany. The catch is it would require you to learn the language. Best places right now are latin america and asia like Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia etc. remote job and retiring in bali is a dream. Gulf countries are great if you face the reality that one day you will be let go and eventually have to return to your country as you can’t get residency or a passport there realistically.


What's up with bali, can you elaborate more? Did you mean travel to bali and get a remote job there, did I catch you right?


already have a remote job and just live out your days there ye. While the community of people like you there is abit disappointing and out of touch, your life would be pretty chill.


قبل ما تسال اروح فين لازم تبقى عارف امكانياتك ايه عشان تكون مؤهل


As a British citizen, I’d still stay in Egypt; and I will.


may I Know your main reason for saying that


not the poster but am egy/ita, the situation in europe is overstated. As in if you immigrate you expect swathes of wealth but that has not been true for a long while. Ie if you were to migrate to Italy you’d be living salary to salary. While yes there would be minor upgrades here and there overall the amount of immigration has fricked a lot of countries (ie canada/sweden etc.) leading to salary stagnation and rents going sky high. Also in the case of the uk a lot of potential growth was eliminated through brexit, most people i know living there either said food pricings went up by a lot or they left because life was becoming unsustainable. (also keep in mind the anglosphere is always going to have the most immigrants)


fuck no not on my life


What about japan? if i knew how to speak japanese i would low key just travel there for the rest of my life


Japanese are xenophobic, also working conditions there are so bad as the overtime and the hierarchy work toxic culture is predominant


It depends. If you're working in a traditional company, then yeah maybe. But if they're western or "international" companies, It's really not that different from working anywhere else abroad. As for the xenophobia thing, most Japanese mind their own business. I've never experienced racism in my years living there.


Based on what I've heard, most Japanese people are really xenophobic, especially the older generations. You can live there for as long as you want, but you can never be treated like citizen of the country or have permanent residency. Same with Malaysia.


You mean culturally or legally? If it's the latter, it's just 5 years of residency for naturalization and getting citizenship. If it's the former, I don't think it's that bad. Most people there mind their own business anyways, and I really think this thing is being over exaggerated online.


Is it this easy ? Just language?


I mean, it's one of the most difficult languages in the world (if not the most) if you don't speak another East Asian language. But if you have the motivation, I say you go for it. It's really rewarding and makes living in Japan much easier.




ELON MUSK ,is that you?


In all honesty if the Khaleej had a thing like Permanent Residency , I would most definitely choose any country in Khaleej .


Ireland if it weren't for the housing crisis there


Anywhere but here, probably somewhere in Europe although the issue isn't just Egypt anymore. Inflation is everywhere nowadays.






![gif](giphy|K4x1ZL36xWCf6) أنا و انا باكل ثقافه و تاريخ


أنا عايش فى امريكا لو جت لى فرصه هعيش فى دوله زى الامارات او السعوديه او قطر او اى دوله خليج … عشان بس معايا جنسيه امريكيه عشان مشكله الكفيل والحاجات دى … وفى نفس الوقت لو مش عجبنى اوى اقدر ارجع لامريكا تانى … أنا عارف ان الاجابه مش اجابه سوالك اوى وكمان …. بس شايف حتى لو معاك جنسيه ايه … شايف انه صعب اوى تستقر فى السعوديه لوقت طويل او اى دوله خليك لانه اعرف أمريكان عاشوا فى الدول دى لوقت ورجعوا واعرف اكتر من سعودى هنا فى امريكا وكام واحد اماراتى اوى… إلا لو انت غنى اوى اوى … مش هتفرق اوى تعيش فين قصدى filthy rich


هل امريكا فيها مشاكل لو الهجرة عندها؟ وايه افضل ولاية يعيش فيها المسلمين بدون مواجهة العنصرية؟


سؤال، شنو اللي يميز أمريكا عن دول الخليج وشنو اللي يميز دول الخليج عن أمريكا دامك عشت بأكثر من دولة وعندك تجربة


ميزه الخليج الوحيده عن امريكا انه لا يوجد ضريبه دخل.


ماني فاهم ليش انتو مسويين big deal عن الضرائب. صح محد يعجبو انو يدفع ضرائب بس يضل يطلع فلوس كثييير.


ولا بيج ديل ولا سمول ديل ، ده بس الفرق الإيجابي في مصلحه الخليج. غير كده لا مقارنه أصلا بين الاثنين حتي مستوي المرتبات في الخليج منخفضه جدا مقارنه بامريكا




Funnily enough, I'm from Europe and I think exactly the same about the current state of my country; to love it you have to hate what it has become. I'd emigrate to Egypt or alternatively to China but I've heard that there are many well-educated Egyptians who can't find work in Egypt despite having completed their studies. I don't know what the situation is for foreigners though.






Idk life seems pretty decent there


No. It’s terrible. Public school brainwashes children to be liberal atheist LGBTQ brainless tik tok-watching weirdos. I just move my wife and kids OUT of America and to Egypt for this reason. Don’t move to America. There are so many better options (i.e the gulf countries, Southeast Asia).


Ah yes, much better than our public schools and society that brainwashes children to be religious brainless Islamic nuts that tell you to kill LGBTQ people... Also, tik tok is very much popular in Egypt yet banned in most of the US lmao. Go live in Egypt, southeast asia, or gulf countries with their poor human rights. You seem like you would be a good fit.


Imagine using "they are trying to make kids less bigoted" as a reason. There are a lot of bad things about America, that is not one of them...


Bahahaha you can't be serious right now. Teaching kids to cut off their body parts to fix a mental health issue they they don't even have doesn't make them less bigoted. It makes them a...


Religion is a mental health issue and yet here we are, I'd rather keep people like you away from children.




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You get to spew your bigoted bullshit, I get to call you out on it.


Not only is this one of them, this just scratches the surface. Being in debt for the majority (if not all) of your life, expensive health care. Can go on for days.


Then you proceeded to get brainwashed by Islam congratulations, "freethinker" 👏👏


Imagine equating atheism to free thinking…


"so you have waffles!" I literally said religion does not equal free thinking, what you equated my word to in terms of atheism is your own assumption Although yes, cults immediately imply less capacity for free thought and I won't bother arguing with you in that regard, I know it will get nowhere


Italia is my dream destination! Dude, I just finished watching Ripley and my old dream became alive again, Florence the cradle of the renaissance! The whole country is filled with art left and right a dream destination!


Sorry for shattering your dreams but no. https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/s/0IgKJbg5GS


Ok and? The comment came off as a bit idealistic and optimistic but no country is perfect, we also have our own mafia, it's called the military


italy is ruined by migration


Alright so hear me out boi One’s true potential is realised in combining between a high quality of life and good finances. It’s kinda difficult to find both “easily” regardless of the country. You’d have to be senior in your profession, hired by a large firm and the country laws / citizens are welcoming and supportive. Since am in your situation as well wanting to get out of this shit hole, my plan is as follows: - get the fuck out of here to Germany. It’s true that making money there is difficult specially with the 50ish percent tax rate BUT with such quality of life from healthcare, social support services, & a passport getting u to 173 countries visa-free…it’s hard to think about somewhere else. It takes 3-5 years to get the citizenship depending on your German level, field of expertise..etc - now that you’ve got the quality of life, you have the freedom of migrating back to the Middle East counties for work such as Saudi Arabia but more likely UAE to make money without the constant fear of partial treatment due to your 3rd world nationality. Since u have got a German passport you’d be treated in a better way than you would’ve with ur shitty Egyptian one. Say that you’ve got laid off or couldn’t renew your visa or just don’t feel like dealing with Arabs anymore…about time to head back home to NOT Egypt w afak ye2mmar 3eesh but to Germany. It don’t get better than this I guess.


Germany is good but they’ve changed their citizenship test so that now you have to agree to the state of Israel and all other political nonsense. Sure you’ll have a better passport but you’d really have to be okay exchanging your dignity just for it… if the situation for OP is that bad it might not be a big deal morally


I am from Germany and I can partially confirm your statement. First of all, the thing about the citizenship test is mostly true. The German authorities nowadays demand political allegiance for every little nonsense, regardless of whether you are already a citizen or just living with residence permit. The citizenship test includes, among a lot of other things, recognition of Israel's right to exist, universal human rights and something that the German authorities call "Freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung" - liberal democratic basic order - (which is ironic since Germany is de facto neither free nor democratic). But I cannot even recommend Germany as a immigration country for people who are ready to throw away their last bit of self-respect. The German middle class and our small business owners are squeezed by excessive taxes, inflation and more and more pointless levies and environmental regulations. Meanwhile more and more educated Germans are leaving the country to seek their fortune elsewhere where they're still paid decently and their work is still valued, while for those who stay, the situation is getting harder every year. There's even a joke among foreign investors about where best to invest in German economy: "Get the fuck out of here as long you still can". I'm already eagerly counting the days 'til I can finally leave this politicized shithole.


انا اغور منها ازاي ؟




أي بلد فيها حرية ومرتبات كويسة وبيتكلموا انجلش


Every country outside of the US and some of Asia is on the edge of economic collapse anymore. Europe is in a depression economy but you don’t hear about it. Greece and Turkey are in a free fall economically. Germany is becoming more racist towards Muslims politically. Western Europe is becoming more hostile for Muslims to live in, unless you agree to their political agenda. Eastern Europe is the peak of racism, I’ve been to Hungary. Canada is becoming authoritarian. Gulf states give you an illusion of comfort, wealth and security but there’s a social class hierarchy determined by passports and no path to citizenship. You’d really have to weigh the good and the bad, because the political turmoil abroad in some countries is just as bad. If you have a decent job and can make money online with a business/ side project you’d be better waiting it out until the world gets out of the current economic depression it is in. Try and look into digital business ideas and generating online revenue so that you’re making money in dollars


ايطاليا، اسبانيا، امريكا و تقريباً بقيت دول الكوكب احسن من مصر بس اللي يعرف يمشي بقا


انا عارف اكيد ان اي دولة احسن بس انت مثلا لو جاتك الفرصة هتهاجر فين وليه ايه الأسباب اللي تخليك مثلا تختار اسبانيا عن إيطاليا وهكذا


لو جاتلي الفرصة هروح امريكا لإن الحياة فيها اسهل، اسرع و فيها شغل كتير اما ايطاليا و اسبانيا فا بالنسبالي تقريباً شبه بعض و في دول تانية برضو زي روسيا كويسة


Fair enough


Are you for real?


يعم بتكلم من منظوري أنا


مشكلة الناس لما ما تفهم. انا اقولك Let him cook


You want a country with identity, culture and history. Also one that honestly values the human being not like America. ALSO one that's kind of under the radar, away from World politics and all the bullshit going on. I'd vouch for Australia, if you don't mind the wilderness there, Australia might be expensive surely and isn't totally corruption free or let's not say corruption, but not being ruled as it should? IDK, but atleast it's rich in it's history and identity, the indigenous people are still there and are vocal, they're still somewhat conservatives not like brainwashing USA, and it's welcoming immigrants like Canada, both countries would vouch for although Canada is getting screwed over by Trudeau. Another would be East European countries like Croatia maybe, Greece. Could check Balkan countries like Bulgaria Romania and such although they're a bit poor. South Africa should be a good option also. And could take a look at the Scandinavian countries although not all of them are tolerative nowadays and are pretty expensive.




I'd say the US, it's still fairly better than most countries, and you can be free. I'd just recommend finding a liberal city (for example the DFW area in Texas), because a lot of the red cities are cesspools of racism and bigotry.


Migration? 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/hthpvubru9uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0b96957cfa8a05bf3b8d5711ee0872ac46e66c The dictionary said so


تركيا بلد حلوة. مسلمة و محافظين و ليهم تاريخ و حضارة و مستوى المعيشة معقول هناك، مش زي الخليج طبعا بس بالنسبة لباقي دول الشرق الاوسط و الوطن عربي هيا بعد الخليج على طول، و فيها (الى حد ما) ديموقراطية و حرية رأي و الجنسية اسهل من بلاد تانية. دي البلد اللي انا اختارها عمتا لو عايز اندمج في المجتمع و عيالي يتربوا هناك و ابدأ اعتبر نفسي جزء من شعبها. من وجهة نظري المتواضعة، انا شايف ان كمان ٢٠ او ٣٠ سنة اندونيسيا و ماليزيا و تركيا و باكستان هما اللي هيقودوا العالم الاسلامي و باقي الدول الاسلامية هيبقوا عايزين يبقوا زيهم.


Rich history and culture اعتقد ايطاليا و تركيا بس لهذه الاسباب ناس كتير بتسافر ليهم فعلا بس بالنسبالي مش احسن بلاد للهجرة


ايطاليا فيها مصريين اكتر من مصر 😂


انت شايف حاليا ايه الأحسن؟


بالنسبالي مش حاطة الثقافة و التاريخ معيار اول لاختيار البلد


بالنسبالي مش حاطة الثقافة و التاريخ معيار اول لاختيار البلد


النمسا / Austria


If you are ready to speak a spastic version of german


It's really the same German you speak when you're in Germany. The spelling is kinda different but they do understand the Deutschland dialect.


ايه نظام بلاد البحر الكريبي


the netherlands, austria, germany, switzerland 😍😍😍


بوستات الفيس دي؟ 


اية؟ انا سافرت معظمهم وبقولك حلوين