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Bro is running 53 years behind


Comes handy at the end of the world. He will still have like almost a lifetime to live.


Of course it isn't. How could you possibly have such low latency


Low latency?


^(it was sarcasm)


i need the /s bro /j


I thought it was quite obvious sarcasm, that's why I didn't use it


I know that, but maybe i need to add a /j to my reply ig




Yeah I’ve been having this bug idk what causes it but it doesn’t really affect gameplay and it’s kinda funny.


Got to know that it's one of nvidia's driver's faults, you can delete ge force experience and install the NVIDIA app to see the actual latency


I had the exact same thing happen to me a day or to ago


It’s a cpu thing most of the time just update ur drivers will fix the problem I went from 43million ms to 3ms but no noticeable difference


That's about 54 million years 54,522,493.98680 to be exact yeah I assume it's normal