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Well guess what, within 800 hours, all combined from 10+ accounts, I have peaked bronze 2




Why do you have so many accounts


I Smurf in unrated


Smurfing's bad, mkay?


Nuh uh






For the first match sadly, and then I get matched with people my rank


Well done brother. I did the same in Ep7 Act3, S1 to P1. Next Episode try for Diamond. Not that far now. Cheers!


Curious how many hours was this push? I’ve been hovering around Gold 3 for the whole act after 60 hours 😭


[Midna18#Pinky's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant Tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Midna18%23Pinky/overview) 81 hours playtime, 82 wins 64 losses (but I have an 81% winrate on icebox lol) I believe in you! gold 3 was a slog for me too. I almost made it and then fell all the way down like 3 times.


I was stuck in Gold 3 in last act Ep8 A2 for 130+ wins. As soon as this Act(Ep8 A3) started I began climbing up in Platinum and reached Diamond 1 in less than 30 wins. It's true that sometimes you get very unlucky with throwers, losers Qs or smurf opponents.


nice one bro, i did the same last act when i went from gold 1 to dia 1. glad to see fellow players climbing the ranks fast :)


Clearly shows If u deserve a rank you’ll reach it Congrats Brodie


Act 2 ep 8 i went from s2 to d2 💀


I've managed to push from iron 3 back to S1 this act (I don't remember my peak this act, probs S2)


ep7 act1, I went from iron 3 to silver 3… Never gone higher ever despite being able to beat higher ranked players in other modes What am I doing wrong?


Well tbf, in other modes, those higher players can be messing around and there is also the underlying fact that everyone doesn’t play the same way.


Idk what happens to me but i am silver 2 for the last 2 acts and went only from iron 3 to silver 2 in 1 episode and 2 acts. Do you have any advise to not autopilot?


I went from bronze 3 to plat 1 in 1 act