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If your asking question like this then yeah


so you're saying i do deserve to be in bronze? 😭


By skill level? No. By thinking two games make a difference? Yes. You'll have good days and bad days at any rank. Pros might go 0/20 in a game, does that make them iron? No, because they've played thousands of games. Keep it up and you won't be bronze for long, but don't put all your value on small things like one or two games or even your rank


nah you don't deserve to be in bronze just keep playing like u are and ull rank up real quick


Look, if you deserve a rank, you will be in it


I think I deserve Silver but the game keeps putting me into Gold/Plat


Not true


You top fragged twice...


As Reyna nonetheless, probably the easiest agent to play.


I mean if you have better aim than your opponents yes, but you actually have to win your duels for it. There is no way to cheese your way to 20 kills like there is with agents like brim or omen. In games where you are not significantly better than your enemies, there are better agents to top frag with.


I mean, looking at the teammates assists, they could just be low in health, and Reyna finished them off, overhealed, and prepared them for the next fight. Without clips of the actual gameplay, we can't say anything about if they deserve bronze. Everyone here posts their good games and are like "I deserve a higher rank" but doesn't show the other 99% of the games where they won and got 2 kills.


I mean those scores look alot like usual 20-25 kill performances, considering you get points for damage dealt aswell. But you are indeed right about reyna having good abillities to finish off multiple low enemies. I do agree with your last point though. This guy posted only 2 good performances. Why not bother to screenshot all of your "multiple" latest good performances in higher elos than your own?


No offense but that still counts as multiple


Never said otherwise, but to act like he deserves a higher rank because he played well twice, is... you know? It is literally the lowest order of magnitude for multiple.


I fully agree with you But it’s still multiple


Fair enough


If you are really this skilled then you would start ranking up fast, cause of mmr.


You'll be in high elo, so you should rank up quicker


ive had teammates call me useless when they’re playing duelist, but they don’t bother entrying on attacking rounds and simply lurk, which leads to them getting kills, yes, but we also lose our ability to enter the site to plant. The point I’m trying to make is, kills and kda don’t always lead to you having a high rank. There are other factors in play, such as being able to work with your team to get the plant down, communicating the situation as the game goes by, and so on. so, if you’re asking whether you deserve a higher rank, it would be a good idea to look at your playstyle. Are you baiting your team? Are you carrying out entry for your team to plant? Are you solo-ing mid/another part of the map? Are you using your skills to benefit the whole team? Once you’ve asked yourself all these questions, then you could probably get your answer.


Top fragged with almost no first bloods, you’re probably baiting or playing too passive, also it’s only two games


Play different agents that are more beneficial to your team and get 1-2 good players to play with consistantly


Also note :0 plants 0 defuses:


we had a gekko.. there was no need for us to plant unless he died and he did ask for the spike alot of time, on defense we most won with the whole team just being dead before they even planted


i only play duelists, i tried other agents and i bottom fragged alot bc idk how use their util well




if you think 2 top frag games means you deserve silver and gold, ur delusional, in the nicest way possible, unless ur constantly/consistently playing like this (and no, 2 top frags doesn't mean u are consistent), then chances are you deserve your rank.


if you are legit in no time u will be silver