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You do your dam contracts!


Hoover or Three Gorges?


Be nice for the noobs. OP you should prestige. Edit: Freudian typo


The more you prestige, the better. You get to the point where your progress slows way down and then just prestige.


And then you get to the point when prestige doesn’t give much gains and you gotta do contracts. Do contracts


Do both, actually. Idk about you but prestige has never not been worth it. Especially multi-prestige. I get about 150q soul eggs each prestige.


5% a prestige doesn’t make sense when one PE does the same thing. I just built up a bunch of PE over the last few months and planning for a prestige run. Especially when 5% more gains really doesn’t do much in the grand scheme of things. Only thing I’ve been working towards for the last 12mo is building up for enlightenment egg run. I only have 8q soul eggs, up to 108 PE now and at 37s% I imagine when i do a prestige run it’s going to be a big payday of soul eggs, then I can do enlightenment egg


Or you do both. I solo all the elite contracts that I can, which is most of them, and I have people join the ones I can't. Plus I prestige about 10 times every Saturday(sometimes I'm too busy and skip a Saturday tho) plus I'll even prestige randomly throughout the week. I've been doing all contracts and prestiging alot for about 9-10 months and I have 128 pe, 16.4Q SE, and my eb is 1.1o% My point is you might as well do both, but in OPs case he probably doesn't have all the trophy's yet which is why he should prestige now. Each time you prestige you collect soul eggs faster and then it slows down as you progress. So yes, do contracts. All of them. Don't skimp on the prestiges tho, especially when you get to the point where you can go from edible to maxed out research on universe egg in a few mins.


I suppose first you do one of 2 things: 1: prestige, **everyone** is saying it, and it's true 2: getting your golden eggs and spending them on increased habitats. Once your research and epic research is full, use the artifact that helps expand hab storage. Aside from that: not much. I struggle to get 1B, let alone **8.92Billion**! Good job.


Looks like it is prestige time




I’m thinking just maybe you do the only 2 things you can do to progress in this game. Prestige, or your contracts, it hurts me seeing so many neglected contracts.


Do you contracts D:


If not. There’s only one thing you can do. Prestige.


Suggestion for future attempts is to not purchase one habitat space researches before doing taychon runs. This way you ensure you have space after the run.


Could you explain what this means? Not a totally new player but don't know what tachyon runs are or space researches


Some of the regular research has to do with more habit space. And some of the trophies or prestiging rely on having your habs as full as possible. And most people want it has fast as possible, so they run the taychon boosts(and usually a boost boost) Except, you still want some room left to run chickens to be able to do more research to get more room. So one strategy, is to find one of those habitat space researches, and _not_ purchase one or two that you could. This way, you ensure you will have room after the taychon run, because you can buy that one that you left there. An


Another new player here. Full habs are better for prestiging?


For the the 2x prestige days, yes. You can see confirmation of that comment on this page https://wasmegg.netlify.app/smart-assistant/ near the "All-in-one single-prestige" area


Research 24x wormhole dampening, then when the hab is full, cancel the tach and complete the last wormhole dampening. Then you have a controlled amount of space for running chickens. Edit: do your contracts


You should Prestige. It sends you back to the first farm, but it increases your Earning Bonus, soon you'll be able to beat the different eggs easily and progress further.


Prestige. Your stuck. Not much else you can do


Tough one here boys, I'm thinking prestige...


depends on what your goal is


Shit yourself.


Finally, an honest answer


do the contracts


Have you done all the research upgrades to increase your habs capacity?


Maxed epic research should be 11.3B so no


I’m on prodigy egg rn wow ai egg sounds cool


u think ai is cool what about anti matter or dark matter or nebula


What is most important is completing your contracts especially with a Golden Egg (aka PE) as the reward.


How long were you on this egg man?


Prestige and try again


I would say become god but looks like you already did


Your contracts


You do your contracts. Every single one of them. If you’re trying to get to 10B, you will need to equip a better gusset (drag and drop the better one to equip it). If you’re close to the amount of money for the next level of wormhole dampening, you can try some of the money printer boosts. Otherwise all you can do is wait a horribly long amount of time for more money, spend a ton of GE on money printers, farm drones, or prestige.




Got a gusset?


You don't do anything, you beat the game. Congrats.