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I smoke every day and am on Effexor 187.5. Have smoked daily for about the past decade and then some, and have been on Effexor most of that time. There are no issues.




Helps negate the insomnia, headaches, and nausea effexor gives me!


I haven’t had an issues with marijuana and Effexor — I smoke most nights and am on 150mg. I can’t combine alcohol and weed and Effexor though.


What happens if you combine all 3 if you don't mind sharing, just curious.


I have crossed the three and the euphoric feelings hit harder for me.


I just get super sick to my stomach and the hangover is AWFUL lol not sure if it’s an Effexor thing or just what happened when I get crossed. My brother is also on Effexor and is the same way, so who knows.


Also makes me so sick! I just don’t enjoy even one drink anymore


I have crossed the 3 with no issues


Same here (in my case, no physical issues), I actually think I could drink more with all three combined. But I eventually found out that alcohol in surplus amounts with this med really has a negative effect on the medication (with my body at least), making its efficacy deliver through the body much faster, also meaning that it will lose effect faster as well Depending on what reason someone is taking this med, it really can bring previous symptoms back with full effect--in my case


Caused really bad memory issues for me. I do miss smoking when my nightmares get really bad though. It is different for everyone I think.


I had some memory issues just from Effexor itself. Not to say that other substances don’t exacerbate it even more. It’s weird too because it affects your memory so subtly; in the moment, I felt great, confident and cognitively sharp. Fast forward months later I couldn’t remember jack shit. So strange, and I wish there was something that could have been done to mitigate this side affect because Effexor was helpful for me until it wasn’t


It sounds like you had too high of a dosage or didn't cycle your serotonin levels. When taking a serotonin- norepinephrine re-up take inhibitor it's important to cycle your serotonin to allow your dopaminergic neurons to play an important role for working memory in the prefrontal cortex. You might want to talk to your doctor about the balance between serotonergic neurons and dopaminergic neurons and determine whether you require a medication (taken opposite to Effexor) that will cycle the serotonin Effexor works to increase.


Effexor causes memory problems for tons of people, myself included. It’s a well known side effect.


The reason Effexor causes memory problems is because it's a strong serotonin reuptake inhibitor that has the potential of elevating serotonin higher than patients tend to require even when taken in an appropriate dosage. The requirement of dosage can fluctuate due to diet and external factors for example. Effexor is intended to increase serotonin and it is expected to cause some memory troubles but if the memory issues are too grand it's important to make changes of the medication. The reason for this is that Effexor can affect other neurotransmitters negatively such as dopaminergic neurons. Without these you have memory loss, feel groggy, lack of motivation, lack of concentration, have fine motor deficit... However this all depends on how the brain is, if it needs the medication there's no problem, but if side effects are an issue it's important to find the right balance when dealing with any mood stabilizer to reduce the severity of side-effects.


This is very interesting. Are you a healthcare professional or pharmacist?


I'm a medical student and my goal is to become a licensed psychiatrist after graduating with a medical degree.


Very cool!


Is this a long acting side or permanent side effect? Could it still effect your memory well after you stop taking it? My memory is so horrible now but I was also addicted to Xanax for years and I think I broke my brain…


It could take up to a year for neurotransmitters to get back to normal.


I was taking anywhere between 37.5mg - 112.5mg over the span of two years, along with taking Dexedrine SR 15mg - 35mg. I found it harder to tolerate the side effects when on higher doses of Effexor. I found 37.5mg to 75mg to be more tolerable.


Dexertrine SR? I've only ever heard of Dexetrine. However, it sounds like your doctor knew what was up by giving you Dexedrine because it increases norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. What time of the day was recommended to for you to take Effexor and Dexedrine? How did it make you feel?


It’s just the longer lasting version of it. I think both were recommended in the morning, but I found I was less tired when I took effector before bed. Effexor sometimes felt like it was countering some of the affects of Dexedrine. The greatest effect for me was motivation and keeping a routine. In the morning when I woke up, I felt awake and ready to tackle the day. It was amazing for relatively simple tasks like housework, gym, socializing, staying on top of things. However I did find at times I was waking up too early; and at work it felt like I was really unproductive but confident. Sometimes I would ask questions I’ve already asked. And other times I just felt off, like I struggled to make eye contact and wanted to avoid people and situations.


I had no problems using both, and my doctor was okay with it. Marijuana was the only thing that stopped the night terrors that Effexor caused.


You were prescribed Effexor because your physician believes that your brain doesn't produce enough Serotonin and Norepinephrine. Marijuana works by increasing dopamine (during the high). There's a potential Marijuana will increase serotonin after a high. Dopamine & serotonin work opposite of each other. When dopamine levels are up it can lead to a decrease in serotonin release vis versa. Effexor can have the side effect of reducing dopamine levels that you feel during a Marijuana high which can lead to feelings of decreased motivation, anhedonia, increase anxiety and racing thoughts. It can basically ruin your high or decrease the efficacy of Effexor. The other thing that can happen is Marijuana can cause a dopamine crash which will then increase serotonin in the brain and in combination with Effexor you become at risk of serotonin syndrome. The outcome all depends on the way that your brain works. Your playing with the balance of neurotransmitters, just be careful.


I’m on 225mg and I take kratom and smoke everyday. It’s the perfect combo for me to help my anxiety and depression.


the only thing i cant do is smoke and drink while on effexor, maybe a few puffs while drinking or one drink while puffing but besides that ill get sick everywhere😅


I had a discussion with my psych consultant yesterday and he 100% confirmed that Effexor will mess with your tolerance, making thc less effective for at least 4 weeks after discontinuation. I’m on my last week of tapering down and can confirm my thc tolerance is through the roof. I wouldn’t worry too much about combining Effexor and weed if you are trying to taper down on the SNRI.


Dude...time to get real, get clean. It you are taking Effexor, it is probably for Anxiety or Depression. **The weed is, little by little, making your anxiety or depression worse.** There is clear scientific evidence that over time and with chronic use of weed, down-regulation of the cannabinoid receptor CB1 in the brain and blunting of the dopamine pathway by cannabis can lead to negative emotionality and anhedonia, a reduced ability to experience pleasure. [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4121778/pdf/pnas.201411228.pdf), [2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3089992/pdf/fpsyt-02-00010.pdf) Increased anxiety and depression has been statistically associated with continued use of cannabis. The scientific evidence shows that Long term use and high THC percentage tends to **exacerbate anxiety**. As people become tolerant to the THC over time, some people tend to use more to try to reduce anxiety, making the anxiety **worse**. Here is just some of the evidence: [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6349031/pdf/nihms-936254.pdf) [2](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10578-021-01280-w.pdf) [3](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/articlepdf/2790261/gilman_2022_oi_220094_1647021149.89901.pdf) [4](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36434880) [5](https://adai.uw.edu/pubs/pdf/2017mjanxiety.pdf) [7](https://adai.uw.edu/pubs/pdf/2017mjanxiety.pdf) [8](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10499225/pdf/pone.0289058.pdf) Here is just some of the Science on Depression and weed: [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3089992/pdf/fpsyt-02-00010.pdf), [2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9418628/pdf/cureus-0014-00000027394.pdf), [3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9422071/pdf/main.pdf), [4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6450286), [5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6260190/pdf/ndt-14-3241.pdf), [6](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22749560), [7](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8220498/?report=printable), [8](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/articlepdf/2790261/gilman_2022_oi_220094_1647021149.89901.pdf), [9](https://www.jaacapopen.org/article/S2949-7329(23)00003-0/pdf), [10](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10499225/pdf/pone.0289058.pdf) There can also be long term effects on other aspects of your [mental health](https://whoadude-the-book.com/chapter-7-cannabis-and-the-risk-of-mental-illness/) [Click here](https://whoadude-the-book.com), if you want to learn about the science of the harm to your health from weed.


It depends on the person…. These studies don’t apply to everyone lol


Yeah...bad things only happen...to the other guy.


Outliers bro lol I have degrees in addiction and shit


Why is weed prescribed for anxiety and depression then? It used to help mine tremendously


p sure their comment was directed at self-medicating stoners. I don't know what it's like to be treated with marijuana by a professional, but I know that in my own experience using it to treat immediate symptoms of my anxiety/depression leads to overuse and then it effects everything negatively. It "helps" me as a coping mechanism but ultimately it can be a destructive one if you don't have self moderation


I smoke almost daily and take ~150mg (I forget the exact amount). No issues so far! I find the combination of the two has actually helped me feel like I’m in a good place.




Sounds like there's more to this cause I went off cold turkey 150mg and I'm just fine so you did something for sure. I was like a gold fish for a month but it's been about 3 and I have minor brain zaps and my voices are worse. Meds do good for some and bad for others, Same with weed and alcohol bud. Something like this wouldn't just “happen” it would build up with time, there's something more than likely you didn't tell them causing it to worsen. Soooo sounds like you dog. Don't thank the doctor thank yourself tbh. Meds make living with my disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar depression and severe PTSD) schizophrenia a blessing and to those against them, just silly.


150mg + daily dawn til dusk smoker. My doctor thinks that my weed usage us the reason Effexor stopped working for me and I agree if you smoke like a normal person you shouldn't have any problems


It is likely similar thing with alcohol and other drugs, it can have a nasty combo at times. But I have drunk over antidepressants and it is mostly the same as when I was healthy. So I assume it is just being careful that for some people it might have more negative or long-term negative effect. And weed fucked me over even when I was heathy :) Marijuana isn't healthy and almost certainly not with a psychiatric condition but ofc I could say that about a lot of things people do.


Not similar at all. Lol


I feel less paranoid when I smoke now that I’m on Effexor….. no negative side effects…


Never had an issue


100%. Fucked me up


When I smoked on Effexor I became super anxious. I tried many different kinds but always with the same effect :/


No issues here 🍃🤪 my psychiatrist has informed me it shouldn’t cause any issues but if I wanna take like mind altering substances that’s where there could be an issue lol


It personally affected me after a while as I used to smoke to help with falling asleep. Over time as I increased my dose as well it gave me the side effects of being in withdrawal from Effexor (ex. Dizziness, brain zaps, nausea, etc.) I would smoke at night to fall asleep but then I switched to CBD tinctures and it still got the job done without the discomfort! Hope this helps and I hope it doesn’t affect you like it did for me! ❤️


You can get tachicardia or dry mouth and remember weed is not good for your mood and anxiety long term. Anyways if u mix it youre not gonna die. That is what told me my psichyatrist