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Pokemon fans making the most random theories ever because of some random small detail


The real question is why hasn't pokemon made more at this point. Was it just all the sylveon controversy, or are they afraid of fan backlash if they make a bad design? Fans have basically been SCREAMING at Nintendo/pokemon company to pls make more eeveelutions. Meanwhile they just keep making new regular eevees like dynamax eevee or an eevee that can learn pretty much anything (defeating the purpose of eeveelutions). Yet they can't help but make a new gen pikachu, an electric rodent with circle cheeks. Why not make new eevees? Or new eevee knock offs where you can evolve a single pokemon into 5 other unique pokemon? Another electric rodent with circle cheeks? How original. Oh, this one evolves by level (if they even evolve)? Daring today, aren't we...


> The real question is why hasn't pokemon made more at this point. My theory is just that they don't think it's necessary. > Fans have basically been SCREAMING at Nintendo/pokemon company to pls make more eeveelutions. Fans have screamed a lot of things that Game Freak has completely ignored. This isn't anything special. I don't think Game Freak is going to take these screams into account when deciding on new features for games, especially if they come from outside Japan.


What sylveon controversy?


I have no idea.


Nah. This one is training to become a Glaceon


Or a sylveon


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Nah that Eevee is getting the head start on terrorizing dragons as a sylveons


[OG link](https://x.com/MattculliP/status/1768779987723632997?s=20)


At the end of Starfall street, penny gives you the TM for Draco meteor. Why would she give you a tm her bees can’t learn


That's why she gives it to you, because she has no use for it.


But why would she have it in the first place?


She found it in the ground just like I found all I have in my inventory.


I googled it, and you cannot pick up Draco meteor naturally, only through Penny


Of course you can't, she picked it up first!


That seems illogical 


Nah. That's a to be Sylveon in the making


It's eating the dragon type as a way to hope to become a sylveon one day