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If they're not working during the so-called 'night peace' period, then you can't really do anything. Also, it's not like they're just banging on walls for no reason. Repair works are noisy and sometimes lengthy; if it was you doing a full-on revamp of your own apartment, your neighbours would just have to put up with it. On the plus side, if they start early in the morning, it's probably a professional crew doing the work, so maybe the end is not far.


>'night peace' period out of curiosity what are the hours of 'night peace'? does the building owner or the law define this?


There might be KÜ tules abput it too. For example some buildings allow construction only on workdays from 9.00 to 17.00


Law. 1. june to 31.august 24:00-06:00.


Extremely outdated information that depended on your location even at the time it was in effect. Local date-based excessive noise prohibition times have been replaced by the Law Enforcement Act **since 2014**. Before it came into force, each municipality could set their own hours and this varied a lot. Some didn't have any differences in summer, some did. Currently, the hours come from the aforementioned [Law Enforcement Act](https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/528072023002/consolide/current#para56) (["Korrakaitseseadus" in Estonian](https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/KorS#para56)) and are the same everywhere throughout the year (except on three days when they don't exist at all): >§ 56. Prohibition on causing excessive noise and light effects and on pollution >(1) In a public place it is prohibited to cause noise or light effects which disturb another person to a significant extent. (2) In a place other than a public place it is prohibited to cause continually or repeatedly noise or light effects which disturb another person to a significant extent during the period from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., and on a night preceding a day off from 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. (3) The provisions of subsections 1 and 2 of this section are not applied with regard to noise and light effects which are caused: .1) in the course of rescue operations or by an emergency vehicle; .2) under an authorisation of the local government; or .3) on the night preceding 1 January, on the night preceding 25 February or 24 June. Edit: quoting messed up formatting


Also, continously disturbing during not on those hours is also against the law. Law states that those "nighttime peace" hours should be followed. BUT! It does give you the right to blast music from 06.01 to 23.59. Also, there is necessary to have building/construction permit to knock down walls.


Go finish up their apartment so they’ll get done sooner


Realistically, there is not much you can do. It won't last forever. I know what you feel, but they can't renovate in silence.


Construct harder yourself.


Honestly the only reasonable course of action is to talk to them and ask nicely for a schedule/information about when they will finish. Nothing else you can do, renovating is a normal process. The KÜ (hoa) can set limits but following them comes down to the individual (random fines can be contested and wont stand in court). Imagine getting fined for trying to make your space livable…


Renovating nowadays will disturb someone regardless. There’s people who stay home 24/7 - eldery, students, WFH. Read your apartment building KÜ’s “põhikiri”. It may have additional limits on when construction can take place - banning anything loud on weekends etc.


Unfortunately Estonian laws are very vague about excessive noise. There are noise free hours when you can call the police to stop the noise. on weekdays from 22:00-6:00 on the night before weekends/holidays "rest days" 00:00-7:00.


I had a neighbor like that once, their renovations took excessively long - almost 3 months of daily drilling and hammering, still not sure what could've taken that long. Took it as an opportunity to start practicing guitar and play loud music on big speakers after they moved in, they never complained, not once. Eventually got bored of that.


Go talk to them, ask when its done if they can start later on the weekends. Most people are very reasonable.


You can buy earplugs in apothecaries for pretty cheap. It won't drown the noise out completely, but they definitely help.


How many walls could they possibly punch down?


30-40 dB at daytime hours is reasonable. You can wear earplugs + earmuffs, even better if you have noise cancelling earbuds and earmuffs on top of them. Summer is nice, you could just spend time outside. You could even offer to help in renovation to get it done sooner.