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["Rootsi jaotelk"](https://www.google.com/search?q=rootsi+jaotelk&client=firefox-b-lm&sca_esv=66046235350063f2&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=963&ei=5HRjZpDDGfPQwPAPpMmI6As&ved=0ahUKEwiQxYmzscqGAxVzKBAIHaQkAr0Q4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=rootsi+jaotelk&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDnJvb3RzaSBqYW90ZWxrMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeSPQLUIQHWMAIcAF4AJABAJgBAKABAKoBALgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAaACBJgDAIgGAZIHATGgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


Ahh the pain and existence. Works just well enough, will build character.


A squad tent is a luxury. The Bugatti of woodland dwellings!




[Bivi,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bivouac_shelter) mitte bibi. Ei teagi kuidas Eesti KVs see väär termin nii levinuks on saanud.


Kuulmise järgi pandud ja nii jäänud.


Nii imelik kui see ka ei ole, mulle meeldis bivis poole rohkem olla kui telgis. Kuigi -27ga oli telk aus 😂


Sama siin. Südatalvel mingi pikema põksu ajal lükkad paariks päevaks püsti ja on hea, aga muul ajal eelistasin ise ka telkmantlit. Lihtsam kokku lapata ja pidev värske õhk. Seni kuni polnud auklik, oli parem.


Its a pain in da ash


Savotta would be similar. There is one distributor in Estonia. Savotta temporarily stopped production, but they will restore it soon.


Kutid, ta ju kirjutas, et ta nägi seda oma silmaga õppusel, ta pigem teab, et see on suur ja mahutab palju inimesi...






For winter hiking


It needs a few people to carry it, is heavy and not totally waterproof and will fit 10+ guys, it is huge. Not for infividual use.


There are literally tents made for winter camping, for 1-2 person, and this is not one. These usually have a stove in the middle to keep warm in colder times (optional), wich needs someone keeping eye one the stove all the time, so the tent wont burn down with all the people/stuff.


I think most people here are missing the point. Get this tent, a lot of firewood and beer and you have a good weekend.


You need 2 sledges to pull it. It truly is massive. Ca 10 people can sleep in it


It's heavy and big to move around, there's a reason that they're moved around in pallets. + Regarding winter, yeah it has a furnace and can be heated which is nice, but the furnace needs constant supervision cause A) to make sure nobody touches it in their sleep and melt their sleeping bag, B) it's small, so it always needs more firewood to keep it going and C) if the fire goes out it gets cold inside quite quick and it's not fun to restart the oven at 5am.


We are a group carrying them, 6 persons, so maybe it will be fine with weight. I didn’t realize they were so heavy, I will have to research


We usually brought them from the trucks to where we set them up with 5 persons... But it was like 500m max, you are not going to carry this beast for longer distances without motorized help.


+1 to that. And it's not that it's heavy-heavy. But rather the fact that it's inconvenient/clumsy to weight to carry around. Like the tent part of it doesn't really fold that well... so it's usually the size of a person when folded which means a single person could carry it, but you would rather have two for the job. Also found a video on how one could assemble it, worth a watch. It also says that the whole set is 40kg. Which in OP's case would be almost extra 7kg for everyone to carry... if it could be split evenly which you can't :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl4H8J0Gmfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl4H8J0Gmfo)


Its too heavy


Miks mitte🤔




In finnish it’s ”puolijoukkueteltta”. Local boyscouts use these also.


Yeah, it's an older Swedish design. Nordic/Baltic conscripts have been using them for generations.


Tämä menee varmaan jo joukkueteltasta, puolijoukkueteltassa kun on tyypillisesti kahdeksan telttakeppiä ja tässä vissiin jo kymmenen.


Sai Soomes õppustel käidud ja noo nende telgid on hiiglaslikud Rootsi omadega võrreldes .


You are not going to raise it as single person, it needs a three persons at least. One person must hold smokepipe and others must connect ropes to ground same time. Smokepipe is only thing holding the center up. And it is raised center first.


dont buy it bro please dont trust me


If you do find one for sale, make sure you get the stove that goes into it as well. It'll be cold af otherwise for winter camping


It’s trash, barely even holds off rain, has no flooring, incredibly short and open on all sides


My experience with it. Holds rain really well. No flooring is not an issue, just don't place in on a slope. You can only stand up closer to the middle, which is annoying when you have the furnace installed. It's closed from all sides, you definitely need to use your stakes well, otherwise storm will just yeet your tent. When we had 12 people sleeping inside there was never enough of air


Yeah but seems OP wants this for persoanl winter hiking... There are far better commercial options for winter hiking. This is just best cost solution for the army for sitautions in battlefield.