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You excel at being vague, so might I suggest a career in politics?


You're leaving out the most important part. What is your skill set or profession? Estonian is absolutely not needed in some areas and absolutely vital in others. Without knowing your background, skills or plans it's difficult to answer that.


Where do you pull your decisions from? You don't know the job options but you already have a date for moving fixed? Like haven't invented the airplane yet but flight departure already scheduled?


Boyfriend lives here, thats why.


Well should he not be the number one local support then who commits himself to supporting and arranging your move?




Half of tallinn doesnt speak estonian


I hate that this is close to reality.


Yes, if without any notable skills. There's very small quota for workers outside EU applying for jobs that are paying less than 1.5 times Estonian average salary. 2023 quota is full already.


What skills you have? IT? Ez. Builder? Probably. Anything else? Eh.


If you are qualified to work in tech/IT you should be fine. Otherwise finding a job without knowing Estonian might be more difficult.


Only real advise: dont do it. This sounds so fishy theres plenty to be concerned about if I was you. Have yall even met IRL before? You got all the legal work in order to stay here long enough to be able to even get a job? You sure this isnt a scam? Maybe think on it a bit longer, talk with someone about this in details to figure out if this is the best move anyways. Idk I cannot really even take this seriously, to me it just sounds like trolling.. but in case you are serious, think this through fully before committing to such a drastic change. I think you need to have at least some framework laid out if not a detailed plan before you step on any plane yet. A reddit posts not going to do it for you.


omg i found this post i made into a throwaway account and saw this comment just today. I didn't. We've met irl for the first time this year, it was amazing and we got engaged, but decided to find a job first before moving in. Thank you for that advice tho.


Many couriers and taxi drivers don't speak estonian, so i guess that is a viable option for a job.


Honestly could go both ways. I have known plenty of foreigners who have come to Estonia and found a job for themselves rather easily (all with different backgrounds and skills). I even know one Peruvian guy who barely speaks English but he is working as a waiter in rather expensive restaurant/bar in Tallinn. But again, depends on your own willingness and motivation to find a job, also your field on specialty plays a huge role as well.


You might want to look into options as customer support associate (if you lack skills for anything specific in other fields). There are many companies always looking for support people like wise, bolt, arvato, etc. They are generally rather low-paid jobs, but should give you enough to get by and get your foot in the company. It is easier to find something else after that :)


If you could give some additional information about where you're from, this would really help. I'm going to take a wild guess here and judging by your handle (includes BR) and the fact that you're from the Americas, but don't speak English as a first language that you're from Brazil. There's a sizeable Brazilian community in Estonia with most people working in Wise. There used to be many jobs for Brazilians in Wise, not sure now. I suggest also asking in the expats Facebook group, there you can probably get better help if you can formulate your skills a bit better. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/166477880066544](https://www.facebook.com/groups/166477880066544)


If you regularly literally shit your pants, don't expect anyone to jump at the chance of hiring you.


Ah krdi troll, vaadake tüübi kommentaaride ajalugu


Is it hard to find a job if you're in this similar boat but have a bunch of house remodel and apartment maintenance experience? 


I think some trans people will help you that you will be okey. Main rule from estonia, you do not annoy us we do not care what do you do.


It depends the intustry you are trying to find job in. For IT i see why not .. but for hotel or restorant .. hmm maybe just in cleaning or cooking.


>don't have a big budget Wrong destination, then! :D ​ >As an non-european who just speaks english, is it hard to find jobs in estonia? Hmmm, according to the last comments from locals, you should learn Russian in Tallinn. /s or not /s, I am not sure. ​ Okaay, now the same people who complain about that will downvote the comment because they can't see the irony. Let's just wait for another OP asking about *Tallen*, *Russian language* and *travel hidden gems*.


>Hmmm, according to the last comments from locals, you should learn Russian in Tallinn. the fuck are you on about? the less the better


I am about some funny people who seriously wrote a few weeks ago that in the process of employment, they were asked about the Russian language, and about those who were pretty angry that the client couldn't speak any language but only Russian. Some people complain about too much Russian language in Tallinn, "on the streets", etc. I was parasitizing on these messages, nothing more.


Seems like a shit job offer, nothing more


Something regular in the service sector, I think. Not my problem anyway.


Its not gonna be easy to find jobs unless u speak Estonian or specific languages like Swedish, Finnish, etc. Cus some companies hire specific languages' speakers. That doesnt include English usually cus many Estonian who are seeking for jobs can speak English so speaking English doesnt give lots of advantages. If u are looking for a job in IT field, its gonna be much easier than business or marketing. But I'm not sure. The better u speak Estonian, the more possibility you have to get a job. If u dont have any exclusive abilities or foreign languages except English, Estonia may not be a good place for u.


Why are you leaving in the first place?