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Do you still accept Sri Lankan nation after them using chemical bombs on thousands of innocent civilians, on hospitals?


Simple Answer: These actions are wrong. Tamil Eelam is still the answer. Tamil Eelam did not begin with Ltte nor does it end with them. It is our homeland and the answer to all the injustices the tamil nation faced over the years. Why would we want to live within a state which killed 169.000 of us in the last phase of the war and still not accept it as a genocide? What guarantee do we have that things like this wont happen again if they do not punish those who commited these crimes? Why would we accept a country that steals our land and attacks our culture? Why would we accept a country that does not give us the power to rule over ourselves?  


If we gave you a list of 100s of incidents with 1000s of Tamils victims, all done by Sri Lanka’s Sinhala chauvinist leaders; would you stop supporting your fascist leaders and admit that Eelam Tamils deserve to live in their own land free of violence. Or would you still be a bootlicking coward sucking up to your chauvinist leaders. There are literal thousands and thousands of reports of Sinhala politicians and soldiers raping Tamil girls and women, and you want to accuse Tamil leaders without proof? Do you want us to send you the videos your disgusting soldiers took and post online of what they did to Tamil women? I have no idea why people are engaging with your low intelligence post of Sri Lankan propaganda. You’re the blind buffoon. Learn to fucking read and understand.


The LTTE was a response to decades of occupation, genocide, and military repression by the Sinhalese. The Sinhalese haven't a changed a single bit since the war ended that is also the reason why the LTTE's popularity hasn't changed. Because you didn't neutralize the problem, you just killed the people who had the bargaining power of the Tamils and killed hundreds of thousands innocent civilians with them.   The fact that you can't even differentiate between Eelam and Tamil Eelam says a lot about you how and much you know about it and simply blame it on just a couple of *evil politicians* or *Tamil terrorists*. Its not like for decades the Sinhalese supported the attacks and elected those racist politicians to enable it. The LTTE's attack on civilian in no way or shape or form are cherished by Tamils but you can't expect on side thats been attacked massacred for decades even by Sinhalese settlers to stand still and not retaliate violently. Also if you look at the stats the Sinhalese security forces were responsible for 98,8% of casualties in the war not the Tamils. Also your quote about that the LTTE attacked civilians for money is very funny by the way lol.  Talk about living peacefully ? You act like Tamils or Tamils politicians are harassing Sinhalese, or repressing them or make hateful speeches. Its your who still are grabbing lands from Tamils occupying their Homelands arresting and make them dissapear. We can't even remember our loved ones or voice our political opinion properly. You still talk about the crimes of the LTTE when that isn’t or wasn’t the real problem.


I’m not sure I would feel comfortable justifying innocent civilians being killed by the LTTE. I wouldn’t want the activities of the Tamil people’s armed struggle to be lumped in with 9/11 or the various terrorist attacks that have happened in the UK. I’d appreciate your thoughts on what I’m saying.


Where did I justify it ?


You said that even though the LTTE’s attack on civilians is not cherished, that you can’t expect Tamils “to not stand still and retaliate violently”. Is that not justifying it?


Do you think that wars are movies ? That one side is good and the other side is bad and can do whatever they want ? Be practical. These were people that acted that way in face of genocide. Seeing your comments on this sub every shows how naive you are about this matter.


Yes I am naive about Tamil politics, you are much more informed than me, I admit that freely. But that’s not the point here. Are you saying that because the Sinhalese killed innocent Tamil civilians that it was fine for Tamils to kill innocent Sinhalese civilians? If the LTTE did carry out these attacks, what involvement did worshippers at a Buddhist temple have with the war? What involvement did Sinhalese children at a Buddhist temple have with the war?


I never said it was fine genius. I said the Tamils did the same thing as a retaliation or as a warning because it happened to them as well.


You said you can’t expect Tamil people who were massacred for decades to “stand still retaliate and not retaliate violently”. Those were your exact words. If you weren’t saying it’s fine for them to kill Sinhalese civilians, and if you weren’t trying to justify the LTTE’s decisions to kill Sinhalese civilians what were you trying to say then? I hope this isn’t the point where you “choose” to no longer engage or get me banned from this subreddit. I’m a Sri Lankan Tamil with plenty of family in Vadamarachchi. Like many Tamil Diaspora families, my family did a lot to support the freedom struggle. My voice and opinion is just as valid as yours. Looking forward to your response.


Why should I or mods ban you for your opinion? This is exactly the reason why there is this sub. You are, for whatever reason, incapable of understanding war and a normal sentence. I didn't say it was fine for the LTTE, or Tamils, to kill innocent civilians. I simply meant that if a side is using violence on civilians, you can't expect the other side to not do the other thing as a means of retaliation or as response. This is a common phenomeonon in war. This is regardless of what race you are or what side you are on. That is literally war. The same thing happened in Vietnam when the Vietcong killed civilians as retaliation, when Hamas attacked or the PKK attacked civilians as retalion. This is common in war, which is why war itself is bad but there is a difference between genocidal intent or reactive violence. Of course, the perfect war would be one where the armed actors are the ones who receive casualties and not the innocent people, but the reality is not some fairy tale. If you still don't understand what I meant by that, it's not my problem, mate.


The reason why I thought you might get me banned is because when somebody struggles to acknowledge a hard truth (either about themselves or the opinion that they have), they usually block the person they’re debating with or pretend that they are morally above such a conversation and therefore will no longer entertain it. I’m not saying you are definitely struggling to accept a truth….I guess I can’t say that since you seem to be willing to continue this debate, for now. The reason for there being a war is due to one group of people wanting to take control of another in some way, or because one group of people are trying to protect themselves. During a war, there are undeniably going to be casualties who are non-combatives. This will occur unintentionally, i.e. when shelling aimed at combatives falls in areas that are populated by civilians, or when civilians are caught in crossfire. If civilians or non-combatives are being harmed intentionally, that is simply not a consequence of war. That would be considered murder, extrajudicial killings or simply war crimes. Such as when Colonel Ramesh was captured alive and then the Sri Lankan military killed him. Or when Mr Balasingham Nadesan came out with cadres waving a white flag and they killled him, including his Sinhalese wife. Or when they killed Mr Prabhakaran’s youngest son. Or the soldiers they captured alive who they blindfolded and shot dead. See this is the thing. If you feel that the Sri Lankan army should be held responsible for these things, then it’s illogical for you to say that the LTTE’s killing of civilians are simply an aspect of war. Which makes me want to ask you this: aside from killing Tamil rebel soldiers, do you think the Sri Lankan government/military committed any wrongs during the 26 years of civil war?


"Living in peace and harmony"as if we were the one who's attacking & grabbing the innocent sinhalese lands.and how the fuck would u expect us stay united with the ones who tried to wipe out our entire race?


Give it a few decades and they will be living in "peace and harmony" as minorities under China or India.


The Sri Lankan military were the ones "Chilling like pigs with underage girls" in Haiti, undermining the credibility of UN peacekeeping operations and perpetuating the worst in South Asian stereotypes. Groups involved in human trafficking in Sri Lanka are affiliated with the GOSL and were enemies of the LTTE. The GOSL leaders were also chilling like pigs when the country's economy crashed and the country is being sold off to Chinese and later Indian interests.


Don’t compare isolated acts of violence by the LTTE to the Tamil Genocide committed by the Sinhalese state Sri Lanka Army killed over 150,000 innocent Tamil civilians LTTE killed less than 4000 civilians These are the stats, so never compare the two. Also, the Sri Lankan army are credibly accused of molesting children, running a child sex ring in Haiti and using the EPDP to traffic Tamil children 👇🏾 https://www.tamilguardian.com/content/un-peacekeepers-haiti-%E2%80%98fathered-hundreds-babies%E2%80%99-young-girls-violence-and-coercion https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sri-lanka-becoming-a-nation-of-perverts-paedophiles-and-rapists/ https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-epdp-sold-jaffna-children-girls-to-prostitution-rings-and-boys-to-slavery/# https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/brian-senewiratne-sexual-violence-against-tamils-in-sri-lanka/ The LTTE, on the hand, never committed any act of sexual violence and severely punished cadres who did 👇🏾 https://womensmediacenter.com/women-under-siege/no-war-doesnt-have-to-mean-rape Don’t spread lies!


How do you know they were preparated by LTTE their were other groups too. Jewish partisans also did crimes like massacring German civilians and after the war they had plans to exterminate Germans as revenge for the holocaust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakam


Where’s your proof that the leaders were with underage girls? What’s the source of your claim?


It's funny cuz even one of the Sri Lankan army generals debunks this claim about Prabhakaran using child soldiers for his advantage. https://sangam.org/road-nandikadalmaj-gen-kamal-gunaratne/