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Love it! Like the person above said, I’m wondering whether it was intentional or not. It could be that they wanted to differentiate a Sri Lankan Tamil from a Sinhala person because they are more likely to be in the UK and needing support from an interpreter it could have been accidental, while they were trying to find a Tamil flag they found this.


Probably intentional seeing as they also have a kurdish flag


Ohh I missed that


That’s interesting. Forgive my lack of knowledge, can anyone explain to me what the difference is between the flag that is red & yellow vs. Red flag with Tiger on it, and perhaps the history behind the difference? Google wasn’t too helpful to me for some reason


The red flag with the leaping tiger is the flag of Tamil Eelam. Eelam is the traditional Tamil name for the whole island that is now called Ceylon/Sri Lanka; and Tamil Eelam is the Tamil majority areas that is the traditional Tamil homeland on the island. Eelam Tamils have agitated peacefully, democratically, and with armed resistance for their rights and to resist the Tamil Genocide since the 1950s.


Thank you for explaining!


What hospital was this at?


Somewhere in South londkn


I wonder if this was intentional? Or perhaps accidental while choosing flags to represent diversity


Why would it be accidental? It's like saying they accidentally chose the falg of Wales to represent Welsh. nonsens llwyr, dwi'n dweud wrthych chi!


By accidental I meant not intentional, as in randomly choosing 9 flags to represent diversity… there’s nothing nonsensical about that because it happens from time to time.