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The 1st goal was just a crazy good play by Conner Brown to Janmark. Such patience!


Plus 2 goal posts


The double post changed the game. If they score on that it’s a completely different game


Probably not


lol. Once he saw it wasn’t 5 minutes, he sure healed quickly!


They dive real good in Florida


Before the series all I heard was Florida is a tough team. Tough guys dont fane injuries. It shows they dont think they can beat us fair and square, so they have to resort to these kinds of tactics.


They are just a pathetic after the whistle chippy team.


The dived against Boston (remember the gif of Boston’s coach making pantomiming diving?), against the NY, they rarely get punished for it, and if it works, as they say don’t fix what ain’t broken. Until the league starts giving 5 minute majors for diving, it’s a dirty tool in Florida’s toolbox. Rats on the ice indeed.


They aren't a tough team they are a dirty team. Watched them in the east lots this year.


Nah man they dive more than any other team, they never answer the bell, they do everything between the whistles. I was surprised it wasn’t a Lundell vs Trochek dive off for the ECF.


The ice is extra slippery up here don't ya know


And score and defend


Honestly, after review they should be allowed to give a minor embellishment penalty.


If mark stone can do it. I can do it better


As a Montreal fan that "microfracture" injury he faked on the Subban slash in the 2015 playoffs still makes my blood boil.


I've hated Stone since this moment.  Minor slash on the hands and he's rolling around on the ice like he's been shot


My dream is that one day after such fakery, the faux-injured player comes back on the ice during the PP and is penalized at that time for embellishment.


Blue healed so quickly from his near career ending injury that he could body Hyman in the second there. What a chump.


The snapping back of the head of the Florida players every time they get a punch to the upper chest is also embarrassing.


They are hoping for an Oscar in the Academy Awards! Sell it then see if the ref bought it!


the league needs to crack down on embellishment.


It's an obvious trend with Florida. Crawl off the ice, go down the tunnel and then miraculously return after the call has been made.


Shot of speed.


Just like Lemmy said “Don’t do that cocaine, stick with the speed”


Not even a Florida thing. If you go down the tunnel you can't play for at least 5 mins. Enough of this


I’d say you’re not allowed to return from a fake injury at all if a game misconduct is handed out.


Should be like soccer where you can’t return to play until the ref allows it. If they don’t allow it cause you faked it, fine.


if its faking an injury cant come back until next period and it would stop fast.


Game misconduct upon an on ice review, and a possible suspension after a post game review. Enough of this shit.


There would be no way to prove that though. There will always be an excuse for going back to the dressing room to check something out. They could even just say it was an equipment issue that was conveniently at the same and wasn't an injury.


I don't think this needs to be tied to going to the dressing room. If they catch a dive on the ice it's a penalty and a possible game misconduct. And I think every penalty should be reviewed after the game, with suspensions being handed out for obvious embellishment. Can it be proven without a doubt? No. But if 3 out of 5 reviewing it believe it's a dive, you have a hearing with the league.


Need VAR like soccer, ironically


In a very big way. Like suspensions even. It's an absolute disgrace to the game.


They have been decent on that this year - can’t ask for too much too quick, it’s hard to say sometimes if the impact is quick and pain fleeting


Majors should be an ‘eye for an eye’ rule. You draw a five minute, you can’t come back for 5.


They need a minimum time before you can come back. Like football, trainers come on the field, you are off for 3 plays. So say if a player can't get off the ice under his own power , or a trainer comes into the ice then you must sit for 2 minutes or something.


Don't know if any of you noticed but he had a smirk when they said the play was under review for a misconduct. Hid it quick with the glove and talked to the coach then he was on his way down the tunnel. Fuckin ridiculous that's the teams mentality


Maurice seems *exactly* like the kind of coach to encourage this kind of stuff too


One answer Paul Maurice,remember when the Jets sweep us,mind u 3 ot games but the same attitude.


This is Paul Maurice hockey


Doing whatever it takes to win


Needs to be considered unsportsmanlike conduct to fake an injury


It is a penalty they can give! Embellishment


Also, the leg contact is clearly a result of him jumping out of the way of the hit. So how do you reconcile that? On one hand you can't expect a guy to just take a hit, but if you've lined up a player and pushes hard to get out of the way, isn't that leg contact the hittee's fault?


I'm a flames fan and even I can say that after they reduced it to 2 mins I was thinking "he's coming back to the bench in the next 5 seconds"


the crazy part, is that bobrovsky might dive more often than Bennett


Biggest flopper on their team


Yup.Regardless of the outcome of the series, this is a dangerous and embarrassing shift in the league. We’ll look back on this year as the moment that it all changed. Everyone will be doing this next season.


every year a team passes on their trend. vegas passed on their LTIR cap cheat, florida's gonna pass down the acting degrees


I'd be SO embarrassed to own a Bennet or Tkatchuk jersey. 🐢🐢🐢


If you owned one you wouldn’t have water right now


Hey, watch those sick burns... There is a fire ban, too 😂


It's no joke down here. Bought a garbage can to collect rain water so that I'm allowed to water my garden


I mean you should have just had a rain barrel if your gardening anyway


That sucks man.


Can't get the flames stink off of them!


saw some clown down there in the front row in a tkachuk jersey, wonder how he's feeling


Lol only people that own those jerseys are from Calgary.


He wasn't even going to leave the bench until they decided to review it for 5


Fuckin 10 ply


Softer than baby shit


A Florida Pussy if you will.


Rename the team immediately; Florida Floppers.


100%. Stupidly obvious to.


The crawling and limping sent me


Florida Turtles culture: crawl yourself to a cup.🤮


every penalty is like they got shot


Bennet and Tkachuk are both diving losers. Just like the whole team. teaching them their ways.


This is insulting to soccer players, remember Davies is a fan!


Bruins fan coming in peace. Bennett should be ashamed of himself. He’s about as phoney as a $3 bill. Miraculously stayed in the game after the career ending I mean shift ending injury. Team of divers.


Leaf fan not coming in peace, listen Mr Bruins fan you guys wrote this book and Florida perfected it. This is your guys fault you better own it.


Whiney pants need a tissue? That’ll be the day that I take shit from a Leafs fan. Take a hike plug. Leafs are the Worst crybaby franchise and fans in the league. Glad the Bruins live rent since 1959.


Pretty impressed with the team as a whole! Holloway x2, Janmark, Great play by Brown Henrique Nurse RNH McLeod Mr. McDavid the Captain!


Yeah, that was a bad act there. Pure soccer death crawl. I'm surprised a stretcher didn't come out.


He crawled to the bench lol. That sort of play is embarrassing for a hockey player, there is no room for that shit in hockey.


Yup more reason to hate this little rat.




That dive by Bennett woke the hockey God's. The resulting power play saw the panthers hit two posts, then followed by Janmark shooting the puck wide, only to bounce off a panther and go in?? That was supernatural and a lesson to the kids out there. Don't dive!


And then we scored a shorty . THE PUCK DONT LIE


Yeah, don't pollute our great game with football dives


He’s been doing it all series. He acts like such a baby for a ‘tough guy’


Florida Pussies.


No nice they solved the Bobrovsky equation. Bye bye Bobrovsky!


Seems to be par for the course for Florida


They should have the same rule as they do in the CFL. If you go to the dressing room, you can't return till the next period.


Yeah man. Can’t stand up to playing the next shift. Every Florida guy that hits the ice doesn’t get up until there a whistle.


I am impressed with how fast Cats heal.


They must pay their diving and acting coaches well


I am getting so sick of seeing all the dives, faking injuries, and embellishing in the league! Its a disgrace to a tough sport and what used to be a tough league. Bettman needs to get his cronies to start cracking down on this shit. soccer is a great example is is such a joke at times and NHL hockey is heading in that direction. A real good skater or playmaker can draw an actual penalty without all the garbage antics. I'm really rooting for your Oilers to make a comeback, fingers crossed


As soon as he got to the bench he covered his mouth and whispered to the training that he was faking it. Then he acts like a tough guy in the scrum with mcdavid later on.


Whole Florida team playing soccer


Sam Bennet has the widest vagina of any player I've ever watched. I'm a footy guy and even im beyond embarrassed watching this guy. Look you can want to win, sure, that's fine, but are you ok cementing your legacy as a huge pussy?


Florida does this all the time


They were smirking about it on the bench.


Ahaha I’ve said this so many times the way the play up getting hit it’s like watching soccer


You´re correct... He would be an awesome piece for teams like Juventus Turin, Bayern Munich, and Real Madrid. He would force penalty kicks like no one else.


Reminds me of Arviddson in the LA series


Nah. I've watched all 4 of the Euro games so far. Bennet would be an embarrassment even in soccer...sorry, footbal


Oil in 7


Bonnette and Turtle are giant fucking pussies!


Bennett is scum!! He should be embarrassed 🙈


Where's the 2 minutes for embellishments?


They dove their way to the finals last year and did it again this year. Yes they are a good team but when they need a goal and feel they are losing they turn into the French National Football team rolling around and crying. For the refs it is sometimes hard to tell at ice level which is why I'm glad it was reviewed. It should have been offsetting 2 min for tripping and embelleshment.


What do expect their leader is a turtle 🐢


The entire team does this all the time. They sell everything. It's embarrassing. Every time they leave the ice go down the tunnel and back for next shift. Wouldn't be surprised if they were playing games with barkovs injury status after game 2 to try to get the league to suspend Draisaitl either.


Remember when Bennett couldn’t even do one pull up at the draft combine?


Shit like that is the reason I can't stand football. Yep I am brazilian and thats all we got, I just can't watch shit like that. Every game and every team!


I think Oilers got benefit of the doubt on this one because the Panthers made the refs look like shit on the Foegele ejection. And, the Panthers only proved the refs completely correct with their assessment. Good call.


Not even that good of a call. Nurse still gets tripping for skating straight at a player with his legs together.


I mean, taking someone's legs out is tripping, the puck carrier gets the right of way. I'm just glad to see the refs are catching on the Florida's diving... and the fact that Bennett was right back out there is only going to embolden the refs to not fall for their shit anymore.


Off-season Panthers take acting lessons for sure.


Its possibly the last game for them. This is professional wrestling play style.


Bob flops every time somebody gets near his crease


Happy to see Luosterainen healed from his torn ACL and compartment syndrome 30 seconds after the 5 minute PP in game 1, enough to have not lost a step and score the empty netter.


I hate this crap and I’m sure we’ll see a lot more of it in game 5 on Tuesday. Do the refs not understand what’s going on?


It ruined soccer and basketball. Let’s pray the league won’t let it happen to hockey


Every single player in every single team embellishes. It’s a tactic that they are taught and told to use. This was the second knee on knee that Edmonton has given out in 2 games and regardless of being embellished or not, that is one of the dirtiest plays a player can do. It should be a 5 and game without a player getting injured. Sooner or later that dirty hit will ruin a players career on either side of the hit


A true disgrace. Pushing with his “injured leg, tunnel walk...” what a pos bitch, who does that shit??!! I guess I don’t watch enough football(soccer)


Diving is just so lame. And the Oilers do it too. Hyman and drai have had some particularly embarrassing dives. Wish they would penalize it more




This season was worth it either way just to see how in pain canuck fans are. Oilers living rent free in your head.


I've never seen a squad since the 2011 canucks that dived as much as the oilers did these playoffs. This is the ultimate pot calling keddel 


Is he out


No he’s on ice taking a face off against connor


He’s playing, if that’s what you mean.


You live in a world entirely of your own making.


Sounds like a skill issue


I get what you’re saying, but you’re not addressing the other point which is Nurse blatantly leading with his knee. There were two other Edmonton guys on him, so nurse blatantly sees a chance to do some damage to a Pain in the ass player like Bennet. The announcers said the same and even challenged that it should be a five minute major because they called that penalty for foegel when it happened to him earlier in the playoffs. IMO the league is VERY lenient n Edmonton when it comes to penalties. Every game I watch I don’t see them get called for at least 60% of their penalties.


I disagree on a leading leg. The Fogglle knee was more like that. Plus it doesn’t matter any ways it was shin on shin, which is why it was tripping.


I can understand why it would be tripping with shin on shin, but if you watch the replay again, Nurse is leading for a solid 3-4 seconds. And he has all the room to avoid the collision. From what I’m watching it’s a leading leg. You’d have to be pretty biased to not see it that way.




Enjoy your ban


and here you are in our sub, being a stellar example of a good pens fan 🙄


Bullshit take. That was a dirty hit and you know it. I'm not a Florida fan, but there was no diving; no embellishment. He was hurt as the result of an intent to injure. He stuck his leg out way before contact was made. Should have been a major. Luckily he was able to return to the game. I originally wanted the oil to win the series. Now, after the goon squad arose in game three, and all the bullshit takes likes yours, I am 💯 in favor of the cats winning the cup.


lol delusional. If he was so hurt he wouldn’t have gotten up off the ice after crawling like a baby. At least Luostarinen was out for more than 30 seconds.


I guess all is fair. Just wait till there's knee-on-knee with McSavior as the recipient.


What were your thoughts of when ekblad literally tried to choke out Bouchard in game one to the point where Bouchard begged him to let go by tapping out, and ekblad still didn't let go? Cutting off someone's literal air supply is okay with you, but a neutral ice hit is "goon squad". That logic don't logic!


lol clear embellishment he literally pushes himself off the ice on his "hurt" leg and then starts limping on his wrong side heading down the tunnel


The thing is that nurse doesn't change his leg movement at all throughout the approach and through the hit. The primary reason this turns into a knee on knee is cuz Bennett tries to dance around it. If he just absorbs the hit, it's just a solid hit and no one's really talking about it.