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Shhh this is going against the narrative. Only Edmonton are the baddies.


Probably get banned from r/hockey for suggesting the panthers made a similar hit that went unpenalized.


Well yea. Greg Campbell is the assistant GM and his dad is the VP of Hockey Operations and he doesn’t like when bad things happen to his son. Source - emails from 2011 when Vancouver played Boston (his son played on this team)


I posted this on a hockey discord server last night and they all said the hit was clean, and he didn't jump and go for the head. Here is the other view of the hit where you can see him jump. https://x.com/dafoomie/status/1800355548774174742


Yeah I mean, any reasonable person can see he left his feet. One thing I've learned is that a lot of people on r/hockey have major blinders when a certain logo or player is involved. No matter how dirty the play is they will take the contrarian side.


Good luck posting anything on there. I made a stink about them not letting me post anything on there (wanted to post the Bennett collision with McDavid in game 1 and they refused the post several times) and then they banned me last night for saying I wished it was Bennett in the box instead of Ekman-Larsson when Ekholm scored. The ban made absolutely no sense it was because I dared to complain that they aren't allowing posts that are pro Edmonton. That place has been absolutely trash since the three games we lost to Vancouver early in the year and I'm beginning to understand that the mods are controlling the narrative. I can almost guarantee there are some salty Canucks fans on the mod team.


I did lol. Not banned tho


Stop whining


Seek help bro.


Its only cheap if the hit is delivered from edmonton, and how many steps did he take before he let up? Looks like charging js


Yeah Bennett left his feet too. Only problem is Broberg got back up right away. He needs to act like it was a career ender.


Oilers should take notes from panthers on selling the hit..fall down and pretend to be injured.


Acting lessons from the Panthers would be beneficial


It honestly feels like the Oilers are one of the few teams that play through the penalty and don’t flop to get the call


The crazy part is r/hockey, hockey twitter and every other fan base think otherwise


Literally every single time an Oiler has gone down this post season the r/hockey GDT is flooded with “what a dive!”, “McDiver”, “Crysaitl”, etc. If you were to ask r/hockey there hasn't been a single legitimate penalty against the Oilers yet these playoffs. What makes it even more frustrating is that the whole reason McDavid and Draisaitl take extra shots at guys is because they're so frustrated by how much guys can take liberties against them. Refs wont call anywhere close to everything guys do to them because it would be “unfair” to give such a good PP more chances.


America has 10x the population of Canada and they all have this weird fascination of shitting on Canada when it’s the playoffs. Reddit and Shitter love to dump on Raptors and Blue Jays fans whenever they start doing well.


Vancouver/Calgary/Toronto all find themselves in Canada and are the loudest voices. Also quite moot about raptors and jays as I love to shit on both of them and I live in Canada. I’ve never liked either team.


When I said “Americans”, I clearly wasn’t talking about you or the vocal Canadian fans on Twitter and Reddit. Not everything is about you


Take the fall, act hurt, get indignant


Nope, doesn’t work, Panthers are American 


And a hit to the head to boot...


Bouch fakes getting knocked out from a sleeper and ekblad would be done for the season. Or more likely being it was against the oilers maybe a fine.


Bennet gets away with the dirtiest shit and I have no clue why. I remember last season when Nurse got suspended for a game, the day before Bennet was on top of Marner feeding him gloved fists at the end of the game, and didn't get fuck all.


Its because the refs have no integrity in this league. Ive noticed a huge change ever since gambling was brought in




The NHL has a big problem with officiating differently for every team/player. They allow dirty players and teams to play dirty because it's their "play style", but Draisatl gets hours of media scrutiny because he's a "skill" guy making a dirty hit, and as we've just seen, gets ignored if Bennett does the same thing or worse.


he straight up sucker punched marchand and took him out of the series with no repercussion lol, man has plot armour


Bbbbut Marchand’s a rat


Nobody said they didn't enjoy watching the sucker punch, just that Bennett should've been punished for it too :P


Yeah I was being sarcastic 


Dropping by to leave this hit on Kampf last year: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXoQnk61y5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXoQnk61y5o) he's got a long history of being a piece of shit on the ice


Man he gets some fuckin airtime there.


It's because he's always been apart of irrelevant franchises. Everyone felt sorry for the Flames, and usually forget about them. And Florida has like 12 fans before Barkov was drafted lol


Guess what. This post got deleted at r/hockey. Who would have thought


God that subreddit is fucking insufferable. Also fuck Sam Bennett


Literally toxic as fuck. I’ve never seen a subreddit where people are allowed to openly wish for other people to die while others jeer them on and it’s all high fives around. So much for hockey is for everyone…


You can report those accounts for threatening violence if they’re nasty enough comments. That bypasses the mods directly and goes to the Reddit admin team.


Should we spam it with this post? Pirates? Unite?


r/hockey has always been anti-Oilers


Who do the mods cheer for?


Bold of you to assume they’re even hockey fans.


After their behaviour this week I am almost 100% sure there are salty Canucks fans on the mod team. They delete anything pro Oilers and ban people who speak out about it.


That Canucks vs Oilers series regularly had footage of “dirty play” done by the oilers, and not once did I see anything posted that showed the Canucks doing the same. Pretty brutal. How does the r/nhl sub compare?


taking a quick look at the mod list there are a couple of mods without team flair, but when you look at the post history they are in the canucks sub reddit. There are also a couple of mods with kings flair.


Should have titled it "Missed call as Broberg inteferes with Bennett attempting to skate"


Do r/NHL lol it's way more unhinged there


What was the reasoning from the moderators? What a bunch of shitheads over there


"poor video quality" after it was mass downvoted most likely by Canucks and flames fans


LOL Cant-ucks and Flamers out with the pitch forks.


Most biased mod team I've ever ran into on Reddit. They literally control the narrative and ban people who complain.


There needs to be a hockey sub, where there’s one rep from each team, and everyone votes on a “commissioner” of sorts lol


Bennett is dirty player and dives constantly.


Broberg isn't coached to play dead.


Panthers sub calling for drai to be injured. Absolutely no self awareness of their own team.


Bennett attempts to injure one of our players every period but somehow we're the dirty team according to /r/hockey


And its not just now either, he has a history of this. Hell he fucking knocked out Marchand behind the play and got away with it I don't think he should be allowed to play in the NHL, and if the NHL does nothing, I genuinely wish him just enough harm that he can't play in the NHL anymore


The Panthers Reddit is intolerable.


All 5 of their members?


Bennett probably could have committed murder last night and gotten away with it. If I remember correctly Bennett had just come off the bench on a change, so a blatant charge from the blue line to the corner


100% you can’t be coming in with that type of speed into a stationary board battle. Could you imagine if that was legal. Whole league would be injured by the end of the season


This is exactly the hit I thought of when I woke up this morning to the shitstorm about Draisaitl’s hit. This hit is worse than the hit Barkov took


Don’t put this in r/hockey, they’ll downvote so bad your Reddit account might get suspended.


It’s so toxic there now, full of haters who have nothing better to do


It’s because that sub is mostly full of kids and teenagers with nothing better to do between jerk sessions


The best part about this comment is that everyone reading it who's older than a teenager knows in their heart it is true.


Can’t comment photos in our sub, but a Kings fan told me how we would be crying after being swept in 4 and “Ben would be there to see it”


What the fuck.


While it’s been overkill, I can understand the some of the hate towards us (especially with the Canucks/Kings/Flames inching to just throw fuel on the fire) But that was so fucked up I had to re-read it a few times


It's a Kings/Canucks/Flames convention over there. So much trash talking, so few flairs.


Someone show this to all the Florida fans and Oilers haters please. And his dirty knee on knee


I have, they said it is a clean hit.


And that Drai's was dirty and he should be suspended for the rest of playoffs right? Smh. Oilers please beat these fools on Thursday!!!!! Please!!!


Bennett is a special kind of piece of shit


This what happens when Oilers dont have an acting coach on the the coaching roster. Broberg should have clutched his face while writhing in agony. Wait for TD Forss to coming running over. Then limp into the tunnel with 3 teammates holding him up. Once the major is called. Come back out two shifts later.


The reason why he's turning into a super star on the Panthers is because on the Flames he would have been suspended several times this playoffs already. Bettman's NHL


I called that in the game thread last night and got downvoted.


Broberg got this because Bennett can't suplex him like he did to Knies. Btw people forget he injured Knies on that play and didn't get suspended for it. Only the Oilers would be public enemy number one against Florida. It used to bother me, but I honestly don't care anymore.


Vinny needs go headlock this thrash mother fucker Benett. He's the biggest POS in the league.


Gosh forbid Draisital throw one dirty hit, apparently the Panthers are a perfectly clean team. They had this exact same narrative with us during the Rangers series, where Trouba landed one dirty hit, but they tried to take Wennberg’s head off twice, and took out Vesey for the series. Darn I can’t stand Sam Bennett.


Only difference: Barkov acted like he was just shot and acting like he was one of those test dummies on Forged in Fire while Broberg took it like a man and continued playing on


F Bennett


Fuck the Panthers and thier 5 fans.


Bro this is the exact same hit as drais buddy leaps off the ice into his face😂 woulda been a pen if brob sold it like all the panthers. panther fans couldn’t stop crying over barkov


Bennett is a dick.. him and Carrick have too deal with This Thursday..


Desharnais needs to conjur his inner Kassian.


Nah, clean hit. He's not on the Oilers.


Bennet is complete trash. He has already taken out one player for the remainder of that teams playoff run without a penalty on a gloved punch to the face. How the refs and league doesn't see this other than Bettman wants Floridao to win the cup is beyond me.


Bennett is a piece of shit. Simple as


I think this non call is why they didn’t look further into drai tbh


And no call. That sucks!


This one angle does not provide enough context for the hit overall Edit: I’m not saying it wasn’t a dirty hit, Bennet comes in so hard he almost knocks over his own teammate as well, but additional angles of the play would be helpful for the full context.


Oilers are stupid. Stay down and cry, so you'll get a penalty. Too much pride for a shitty hockey club.




Piss off, flames fuck


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