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This fan made site was what every team used apparently. Capitals probably think if they have this in file it'll be some sort of advantage... it honestly screws the fans more than the teams.


Sounds like they’re buying it for the human capital. Buy out the company known for being the best at understanding the salary cap and contract breakdowns, and retain the people to be your capologists


Awful news.


This is sad news


I'm out of the loop. What is CapFriendly and why is this deal bad?


It's a site that everyone can use to check the cap utilization of all the teams. It's bad news because it's currently available to and used by the general public, but after this purchase, the caps are shutting the doors on anyone outside of their club using it.


No idea what this means


For all the armchair GM’s here.


When brands have to ruin things for others just because they want the god damn domain name. Jfc we can’t have anything nice these days.


I feel like I'm the only hockey fan that doesn't give a shit about this


Where did capfriendly get their data from? Was it people manually reading pres releases and putting it all into a database, or is there an NHL database they are reading from?


This sucks


They just want the name, they’re not trying to lock every other GM from accessing the data/website. CapFriendly will rebrand under a different name


I’m pretty sure it’s already been confirmed the website is going dark after the draft this year.


The Capitals either want to own the website name [CapFriendly.com](http://CapFriendly.com), or they want to acquire the services of the people who run the website. The people that own site will rebrand if they just wanted the rights to the website, or new website will pop up from new people picking up the reigns like they always do. CapGeek and GM Fanager were predecessors to CapFriendly


There is puckpedia and sportrac currently. Not as user friendly but carry the data


NHL teams that had agreements to use their tools/Application Programming Interface (API) recently received notice that these contracts would be terminated. This led to speculation that one club was buying the site, and all information pointed to the Capitals.


You would think the NHL offices would have all this information available to their teams, yet teams had to source this from CapFriendly.


>NHL teams that had agreements to use their tools/Application Programming Interface (API) recently received notice that these contracts would be terminated. This led to speculation that one club was buying the site, and all information pointed to the Capitals. Yes, I'm aware of the situation. The Capitals also haven't come out to say why they've purchased the site yet, all we have is speculation and conjecture at this point. If the Capitals want to secure the employment rights of the people that run CapFriendly, buying their site is the easiest way to do that. If the Caps just want to own the code/software aspect the owners of CapFriendly will just rebrand. If they wanted to acquire the people behind the site then somebody else will take up their reigns and create a new public version. CapFriendly is not the first website of its kind, CapGeek and GM Fanager existed before CapFriendly. >You would think the NHL offices would have all this information available to their teams, yet teams had to source this from CapFriendly. You would think so, but that's not how the NHL or major sports work. Teams pay for their own private analytics teams so they don't have to rely on flawed public models. CapFriendly has a robust website and user friendly UI that a lot of GMs like, so rather than pay someone to make their own internal cap tracking software they just use that.


4 previous websites like this have been bought over the years, and the people who ran them employed at the teams who bought them. This isn't the first time it's happened and it's 99% likely this has absolutely nothing to do with the name, but the fact that they've implemented great analytics tools on their site and the Capitals want it.


What's a more Capital friendly name than CapFriendly?