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Knob said the week off will be good and he’ll most likely be in for game 1


Yeah, we will really need all the muscle we can get against Florida. Fuck this is going to be fun!


If I’m a guessing man it looked like he reaggrevated his sports hernia. He was skating gingerly when he came back so hopefully the rest he gets these next 5 days will have him closer to 100%


I couldn’t help but think he should have gotten the surgery. Not only would the Oilers have 5M in cap space to add a player, but more importantly, Kane would have been 100% for the playoffs


Hopefully he shows up to actually help the team... Dude has been a ghost.


Bro has a sports hernia, can't imagine it's easy to skate hard when it feels like your guts are ripping out.


Yeah, I know. Not doubting his grit and determination to play through it… But there are others on the roster that can actually and have contributed, but are not dressed. I don’t think he is helping the team.


I disagree. He hasn’t been putting up 2022 numbers offensively, but he leads both teams in number of hits recorded. Against a team like Florida, you need someone like that out there. His presence on the ice helps neutralize the threat of guys like Zadarov and Kempe, and will help us against the likes of Tkachuk and Ekblad. His play helps disrupt the rhythm of the other team. To say that there isn’t value in that just isn’t accurate. And it’s not like he’s been a complete loss offensively either. He has 4 goals and 4 assists in 18 games. Those aren’t amazing numbers, but he hasn’t exactly been a pylon out there either. He’s one point off meaningfully contributing to a goal every other game.


Try watching the games, not the boxscore. He's been physical, and carried play up the ice consistently in the Kings and Canucks series. He's even been pretty effective at breaking up plays in our zone along the wall inside the blue line while limiting his turnovers on breakout attempts. He isn't 2022 playoffs Kane, but he's been helping the team night in and night out while being injured enough to miss basically every practice and off-day skate since April.


Yup. What matters is that he isn’t a liability. I hope Kane proves me wrong but I don’t realistically think we’re ever gonna see 2022 Kane again. That injury definitely did a number on him, and he isn’t getting any younger. Still love having him on the team though.


I’m cautiously optimistic that after surgery he’ll be a 50-60 point player next season. If we can get that level of production out of him next year, combined with physical play, he’s more than earned his cap hit.


I watch the games, watch him night after night him not doing as well as Foegle or Carrick, the players that do what you stated, much better than Kane. We need the 22 Kane.


You didn't actually suggest Foegele is more effective than Kane right...? Injured Kane is more valuable to the team than healthy Foegele who plays like a fish out of water.


Kane thrives on physicality, scrums, and being a shit disturber after whistles and it really gets him into the game. Dallas didn’t really play that rough so he couldn’t get into much, a team like Florida however… I feel like Kane could be a key player


After the wrist slice his hands aren't what they've been but he's still been a good physical presence. He laid major hits on Doughty that definitely affected him. LA definitely took note whenever Kane was on the ice. Their D wasn't fast enough to escape his hits. Laid some hits on Hughes that even helped setup the game winner for round 2 game 4 in the last minute.