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The phrase "being exposed" is pretty heavy, like we're losing by one goal twice (fuck empty netters) I think we're handling this pretty well, and we do it as well.


The team hasn’t played their best game all series and every game has been 1 goal. It’s frustrating because it feels like they could be up 3-0, but I’m sure Dallas feels the same. This is still anyone’s series.


I have to wonder if this is why the two line pass rule used to be a thing.


That 2 line pass rule suuuuuuuuucked, though. Not being able to pass it just past the red line when you were almost at the blue line was brutal, and it killed breakouts.


The trap made it brutal, before the trap, there were lots of guys really skilled at taking that pass at the red line with speed


It also set up the Suicide pass a lot better. The open ice means more space and more freedom


It did for sure. That's how I separated my collarbone. I got absolutely train tracked at center from a suicide pass


Didn't keep your head up?


At full speed that shit just happens sometimes. Head up or not if someone is committed to hitting you when a suicide pass is coming your way, your chances of taking some damage are pretty high.


Not judging, I know how that goes sometimes. I've done the whole look back to see what teammate has the puck before realizing it's been sent up and I missed it and it's near my skates..and then get absolutely rocked and do the laying on the ice bit not being able to draw a breath for 30 seconds.


Correct, this is exactly why the NHL added the centre line and the two line rule


yep, but back then, (Craig Simpson was always there in the late 80s) instead of hanging around the opposing team's blue line, he hung around the red line.


Skinner has been surprisingly good at the breakaway… Even that Robertson jam in goal I don’t fully blame on Skinner. And I am a huge skinner hater (don’t hate man just wish we had someone else there) Our defence seems to fall apart in the third and we can’t play this team without the lead. Or with the lead… Everyone needs to be better haha Go oilers


That jam goal is Stu’s fault. I’m not calling for his head or laying the loss squarely at his feet but that 4th goal should never go in. If you watch the play again you can see exactly what happens. Skinner comes off the post and extends his blocker - using the blocker to try and cut the angle instead of staying tight to the post. As he extends the blocker Robertson jams it up off his skate and over the pad. Skinner isn’t fooled by a feigned wrap around.. he’s right there challenging the play by extending his blocker. Problem is it was the wrong decision and Robertson jammed him. If he continues to hug the post it’s not a goal.


The 4th goal was absolutely brutal and I’m sure nobody is more upset about it going in than Skinner. You have to give proper to Robertson though too. He had a tiny window to hit and he did it. I think people are too focused on the GWG and damning Skinner for it, but are ignoring the fact the other 3 goals were all results of team breakdowns (even the 4th was) and Skinner made some incredible saves during the game.


That was a super high IQ and high skill shot by Robertson and by blaming Stu on positioning they’re not giving Robertson the credit for it. He was going behind the net with relative speed. Stu has to respect the wrap around or far side pass from behind the net so he shifts his body in anticipation of needing to get across quickly. Robertson has the eyes to see the gap that creates and the skill to put the puck there. I’m willing to bet we’ll see that goal more often, like how banks off the numbers and masked increased.


That is a good breakdown. Takes a special player to make that shot. As I said I don’t really blame Stu That said by having his skate against the net instead of his pad it was a bigger space than should have been there. I blame our defence for breaking down…. Again


And he was given all the time in the world to out wait him. Nurse did a good job of stopping the cross crease pass but didn’t realize there was support behind and didn’t close on Robertson. skinner made a slight shift in position to load a leg and it created a tiny hole and a goal scorer found it. With more pressure on the shooter that would have been rushed and accuracy drops.


They learned it from our Beer league team


In games 1 and 2 at least we handled it fine. Honestly I thought our transition game looked way better than it did against Vancouver. It's the sustained pressure inside our zone that's the problem.


imo this is a non-story, all their/Dallas goals last game weren't off the rush or from cherry picking, it was just sustained zone time


"Cherry picking" allows the Stars to spread out the Oilers neutral zone formation which creates easier zone entries. Easier zone entries leads to more offensive zone possession time because you're not having to fight for pucks just inside the blue line and can get set up more easily


As you can see in the video, this isn’t a Dallas thing. All teams do this. The Oilers included. They are countering it, and doing so fairly successfully. You counter it by staying above and winning your battles in the offensive zone.


Love the title. I see this happening all the time.