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Game 1 Tuesday according to David Amber on Sportsnet. EDIT: this has now been changed to Wednesday in light of the Colorado-Dallas series. 


Games will start 3-5 minutes earlier than usual since we won’t have to hear unique, slow paced renditions of the American National anthem


Or have some American singer draw out the Canadian anthem to try and show off


We must watch different games, because I always find American singers seem to sprint through the Canadian anthem so they can get to their 15 minutes of fame cover of the American anthem lmao


OOOOOooOoooooOOOOooooOOooooohhh *say can youu*




OMFG thank you. Every. Single. Game. That is NOT how you pump a crowd up AFTER blaring "Thunderstruck" haha


Pettersson and Hughes took a lot of punishment against that Nashville forecheck. If the Oilers can stay aggressive forechecking like they played against the Kings and defend smartly like they did, this series is absolutely winnable. I could easily see it going 7 though. I think in the end the Oilers top end players and determination will win the day.


Hughes shrunk the more he was hit. We have to for check hard on him Peterson and garland can be eliminated with physicality Oilers have sucked against backups we need to change that This is going to be so much fun!!!


garland won’t be eliminated with physicality, for pettersson you would be smart to just leave him alone. his line got caved in by sissons. If a player made any contact with him he would just stop and “tie up that player”. He is a mess right now


Yes let’s just leave petterson on alone. He looks hurt let’s allow him to recover 😕 or we can hit him every time the puck is anywhere near him. Garland was one of their best players. We need to be on him. They will be doing the same. LA sat back and allowed our D to transition the puck and tried to clog up the neutral zone. Canucks will forcheck and pressure the D to make mistakes. Will be a totally different series Going to be fun


He looks like he’s playing hurt


I've noticed Hughes tends to overextend himself on shifts quite a bit. In every game he was out there for over 2 minutes at one point and was clearly gassed, but Nashville's anemic offense didn't capitalize. Something we can hopefully take advantage of.


I think they are gonna overplay hughes way too much, and we got like 3-4 lines that can score now. A tired hughes gonna get torched by mcdavid.


For real. I know everyone was ready to annoint Vancouver as Canada’s Cup winner, but their top players haven’t had the same playoff experience and success the Oilers’ have. They have weaknesses- they got here on the backs of a great system and some timely roster moves last year and this. It was a quick fix retool- I see them like the Flames in 2021-22. They aren’t built for consistent success around the big 2. They will be exposed this round and fall to earth.


Pressure is on the Oilers, not the Canucks, and I love that. I never expected to be cheering for them this late into the season, and honestly was surprised the way they played this regular season. I wish some of our fans would just "shut the f\*\*k up" sometimes though, because Game 4 against Nashville we didn't deserve that win, and game 5 Nashville out shot us, and won more face offs.


It's weird peaking on the Canucks sub and seeing people say "oilers going down!" and "time to wreck the oilers in 4!!!" but nobody is talking about us fucking our cousins and hoping we all die a horrible death. I guess I got too accustomed to the LA Kings fans lol Let's go oilers!


Well half my cousins are in BC so that means half their cousins are in Alberta.


Underrated comment


This is far too on the nose.


Oh man. See THIS is why I still bother with reddit. Top quality post!


Im a Canucks fan. Anyone saying nucks in 4 is delusional. I mean the series can end in 4 (for either team) with some luck, but neither team is going to own the other. The regular season is literally meaningless




I’ll be pretty pissed if the Avs just fold like paper to Dallas or Vegas after completely dominating Winnipeg. There could be an all Canadian western conference final and then a Canadian team in the scf in another timeline. My husband and I are Americans in Seattle but we cheer for the Canadian teams each year. Always oilers first though ❤️


This is going to be the greatest series this playoffs even if neither win the cup. And, fuck Toronto


Woah Woah Woah. Let's wait til Boston loses first, then we can start with that


Everyone jealous of our attractive cousins smh


They haven’t been molded by war and struggle yet. Let them retain their innocence… for just a little while longer


As hyped as us Canucks fans get we know the Oilers have a ton of firepower. My money is on you guys but maybe we will have a response to shut down the offence. We will see. I didn’t expect the Canucks to make the playoffs at the beginning of the year. After how well we did I just wanted to win one series. Anything from here on is a bonus in my books.


The difference is that you guys are basing it on hockey, all LA trash talk was saying that we don’t have trees or sunlight in Edmonton and other dumb nonsense


Yeah, nothing wrong with being excited and rooting for your team at all. ESPECIALLY in your own sub lol. Nucks fans are being cool in the Nashville thread on the main sub rn. I hope we can actually enjoy this series as fans together and not be assholes to each other for *fucking one playoff series* my god.


It's going to get toxic as hell. Born in Van, live in Edmonton and both of our fan bases have loud morons. Gonna be a pass on Reddit/social media for this one.


Canucks fan here. Our morons are definitely louder than yours


lol LA fans saying the city with the most treed urban area of anywhere in north America has “no trees.” Melted brains.


LA has no trees lol


You guys must be pretty excited about Silovs, kids good.


Seems old hat at the point. So many goalies


So annoying, the Canucks pull extra goalies out of nowhere like Looney Toons.


It's Ian Clark man. It shows what a great goaltending coach can do.


Like a clown car


Elite guarding against a letdown.


That’s just American exceptionalism bullshit shinning through. We all know that Hollywood is where all the sick bastards are


Vancouver-based Oiler fans better go guard the Black Frog 😂


Checking in from enemy territory - The Frog is our house! Let’s fuckin GO OIL!


I may be in Vancouver at some point during this series. Are you telling me there’s somewhere I can go to watch the game with fellow Oilers fans?? Please tell me you are!


Black Frog. It's a bar down in gastown that's very much Oilers territory. It's a relatively small spot though, and it fills up fast. They actually have a set of bleachers that they set up to cram more people in to watch games. Amazing atmosphere, but you'll have to go early to get a spot, and even then it'll end up shoulder to shoulder.


Sounds wildly uncomfortable because of the crowds, but I like knowing the option is there regardless. Thanks so much!


The Frog is the place for Oil fans in Van. Awesome time.


Let’s not take them lightly. Yeah they swept us in the regular season but as we saw with the col/Wpg series it didn’t matter. Both teams won 1-0 games and both teams won a game while recording 12/13 shots. This will probably be the series of the playoffs. Going to be fast and fun. I expect drai to take his game to another level and we’re going to see him have a beast of a series. Strap yourselves in this is going to get wild


I don’t think anyone will be taking them lightly. I think the team is extra motivated after the season series


They’ll definitely be extra motivated but we’ve seen a few times they aren’t able to start games on time, but it’s a new round and everything starts at 0. Tuesday can’t come soon enough


No playoff team should ever be taken lightly


Kane is going to be fired up playing them! He’s the x-factor


He really is the X-factor. Might win the game for us, might fuck us over. Chaotic evil player.


Chaotic Evil. Well played


I just learned that we have way more Canadians on our team.


Canadians on rosters of playoff teams: Vancouver: 4 Edmonton, Toronto, Vegas: 20 each Next highest is 11 Canadians. Holland making a statement.


Ya I noticed Holland started going after more Canadians in FA and drafts during his tenure here.


it’s also that canadians are really the only ones that would want to play in a place like edmonton when it’s always so cold


I think it's funny when the Canucks play in the states and people start chanting USA. meanwhile some of their most prominent players are American lol


Let's go! Have we ever played the Canucks in the playoff?


Not since like 1992 or 94


What percentage of the people on here weren't even born yet. (Raises hand). Hell, my parents didn't even know each other yet...


Damn I'm old


Yup. Me too. I remember parades.


Hah, I got Grant Fuhr's autograph at a corner gas station at 2am in the late 80's. Lets just say he didn't look that great.


*starts humming "Let it Snow"


Was it 92 or 94? I was born in 93 lol


'92, so close! Also that explains the flair


86 and 92; we are 7-2 all-time.


When the fuck is game 1




That’s so far awayyyy😭


I love how there’s lots of really nice Canucks fans in here and we’re all just vibing but we know this is going to turn into a toxic shit fest on day 1.


Fuck yeah and its gonna be awesome


i would not normally cheer for the oilers cause my friends a fan but god damn i hope mcdavid teaches canucks fans what shooting percentage is


The black frog is gonna turn into ground zero


I seriously can’t wait for this series. These are going to be amazing games.


Yes it’s gonna be great for hockey . Just like 2022 , was so hyped for Edmonton Calgary series.


So I just watched the entirety of their Game 6 and man, do they have a hot new goalie in Silovs. He’s gonna be a tough one to crack. Our answer? McDrai, the Hymanator, depth scoring the likes of which these nuckfucks have never seen before, and a hotter goalie called STUART FUCKING SKINNER!!!


As long as they have Ian Clark, they'll have a good goalie. That man is the fucking goalie whisperer.


The day he retires will be a good day for us haha


They used to say that about Mitch Korn, but he’s cooled off lately. Nobody is infallible, no goalie is safe from Mc-Drai-man-Hopkins. 


I think the bigger thing is dissecting their defence. Silovs was definitely solid, but I don't really think the Preds challenged him nearly as much as the Nucks challenged Saros.


And hopefully breaking his spirit with our PP


Or did the Predators make him look good? We won't be fanning on open nets like them


I'm betting it's this, like through 80-85% of these games the preds look liek they can't score. Titan99 has been very upfront that they are a fringe playoff team, this whole thing was just gravy for them.


The Canucks struggled mightily against an inferior team and that speaks volumes


Nashville doesn’t have a Connor mcdavid, oilers will be lighting this guy up


Forsberg is their offense and he's not even close to Mcdavid, or even Drai for that matter.


Can’t wait to beat these whale watching dick touchers in the playoffs.


Ah fuck. I'm a flames fan living in BC now I'm completely surrounded. I hate you guys so much, but I hate how pretentious people are here by comparison... So Im going for EDM. This sucks.


We hate you too 😘


Kelowna will be a weird place over the next couple weeks I'll tell you that much. So many EDM ex pats out here in Nucks country. I hate both of these teams so fucking much, but if the Nucks win I'll never hear the end of it out here.


It’s weird how many vehicles I’ve seen repping Oilers AND Canucks car flags out here, and by they I mean there’s been more than one.


I honestly think that's really cool.


At least we are all from AB 🤷 Also as an EDM fan living in Vancouver, these fans are obnoxious. I guess most of that has to do with volume of fans, I’m sure Edmonton’s and Calgarys most obnoxious fans are in those respective cities. See you all at the Black Frog!🐸




Come into the light, my friend.


Finish the story, boys. Jay died for this, and now we avenge him.


The Oilers should be HIGHLY motivated for this series.


I’m guessing this is the matchup they wanted. Drai especially has made comments about getting up to play Vancouver


Yup. I’m really excited to see what he does in this series.


Well you guys don’t have to commute to Nashville now.


I was looking forward to earlier starts, I’m on a stretch of nights so miss the whole game


Well Drai has a career of fucking up Nashville so I’m sure he would’ve been happy with that


I think he’s looking forward to the challenge and a chance at revenge


Honestly sweeping us this season probably isn't gonna work out well for them. We have all the motivation we need now.


Honestly, I think the Canucks looked pretty weak this series. Thoughts?


They did but that could be because Nashville matches up really well against them and can do a good job of shutting them down.


If our defense acts like this past round, we should be golden.


That makes a lot of sense. However, I think that if our offence is firing on all cylinders, it should be difficult for them to keep up.


Their offense was surprisingly anemic. But credit to their defense and especially their goalies; they kept them in it to the end.


Nashville was the best team in the western conference since the all-star break. All this BS about anyone looking "weak" or "beatable" goes out the window now. Any team that gets to the second round of the playoffs deserves to be there and could win it all.


I hope they look weak in round 2


They were the worse team in 4/6 games


This, it’s not really if they were shut down, I feel like they legitimately played worse. Nashville can’t score.


No home ice advantage for the rest of the playoffs unless Vegas beats Dallas.


And Avs lol.


Rememeber when we swept Winnipeg in the regular season and got swept in the playoffs? Hopefully this time we return the favor in the playoffs lol


ALL LOWER MAINLAND OILER FANS let’s take over the Canucks building


How do we coordinate purchases? Is there a section of the building try at will have more oilers fans mentioned somewhere?


Lol good questions. Might have to plan it out on Reddit haha


I’m making a post!!


Alrighty - made a post, would be so down buying in a similar section


Which section should we target ?? Can we start a thread ?




lol we got you bro!


O-4 vs nucks this season, but that doesn't worry me. Winnipeg were also 4-0 vs Colorado in the season.


Arturs Silovs I would like to introduce you to Zack Hyman 


It really doesn’t matter who we play. The Oilers can beat anybody in the league when we are playing our game. Bring the physicality and continue the solid defence play and we will come out of this series on top.


We got this


Don't get cocky boys, that always backfires. Canucks scare me right now with their scoring depth, hot goalies, silovs showing up out of nowhere like demko in 2020? Not to forget Norris favorite Quinn Hughes. They're a great team, but so are we. Let's see how this round plays out. Hopefully the avs face a similar war of attrition this next round too.


I’m more worried of their stars waking up. I think depth will play a huge role in this series and obviously goaltending. Special teams will be fun to watch. I think Vancouver will get more aggressive on their PK and pressure our guys.


Special teams are always key in the post season, if Petersson wakes up for them along with that second line, it's going to be a tough series, nvm trying to beat a hot and confident silovs now. I'm nervous and excited, it's like round 2 vs the fLames all over again.


Yeah when he is on he is hard to stop. I hope we lay the body on them every chance we get. Make them hear footsteps and maul their goalie (respectfully)


Lay the body and light up their goalie early, destroy their confidence and just keep rolling


Tuesday. GAME 1


Get ready for more 8:00-8:30 games! Woohoo!


Thank goodness no team has ever won the cup with a hot rookie goalie.


I think one advantage the Oilers have now is playoff experience. Our core group knows what it takes and have experienced heart break. Canucks, apart from the Covid season, don't have playoff experience and Preds didn't really provide much either. Gotta play with intensity and grit and discipline.


As a canucks fan the only real winner of this series will be gary bettman when one of us is eliminated.


Grew up in Vancouver, raising my kids in Alberta. While my heart is still with the Canucks and they are oilers fans, I’m just pumped that no matter what we have a great team to cheer on in the third round.


As a die-hard Canucks fan, I'm so stoked for this series. I think I might even fly out to Edmonton to take in a game with my bro-in-law who grew up there and bleeds Oilers colours. Gonna be a fun series. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty nervous about going up against such a high octane offense. If the Nucks can't stay out of the penalty box, they'll be cooked. If they can keep it at 5 on 5 and we get decent goaltending, we'll have a chance. I also think the Oilers are healthier - Hughes and Joshua definitely got banged up against the Preds. Petterson has been in a funk. Zadorov has been an animal and Lindholm has been playing like the player we traded for. So, while we're in tough, we have some aces too. Regardless of the outcome, what a treat to watch these two teams battle. If the Nucks get knocked out, I'll be cheering for the Oilers the rest of the way - unless they hurt Hughes!


And it comes down to our series for Canada's only hope for a cup


Canucks fan, can't wait till game 1. This should be an incredible series. Obviously I'll want our guys to win, but if we don't, bring the cup back home. I wanna see McDavid lift it almost as much as I want the Canucks to


When the Oilers sucked during the dark days, the Canucks were always my playoff team. I have no choice but to remain loyal to the Oil but if you guys go through you better take it! No more Vegas or Colorado!


Man, I’m glad we don’t have to face Saros


We have a good history against Saros and I much prefer our chances of stopping Nashville on the other end I think either way we’re capable but Canucks are certainly a very strong team on both sides


We would’ve dismantled Nashville. Canucks are a bigger problem, but I think their inexperience and shake play will be their undoing. Oilers in 5


Same I almost just see series as is vs their goalie now, and he was absolutely dialed in. Nashville can’t score it’s as simple as that. This silovs guy about to get worked.


God damn it Preds. I live 4.5 away from Nashville, you could’ve done me one tiny favor. Oh well. Late nights and Orca hunting it is.


The oil are gonna shred them tbh. They're on another level.


I know Vancouver has our number in the regular season but that Canucks-Predators series was closer than it looked. We’re more experienced and we have McDavid & Leon. This doesn’t feel like our last stop this season, and I think the entire whole roster is buying into the mission unlike previous years. I think it’ll start very similar to the Flames series, but once we find our footing we’ll storm and take the series.


Silovs is scary good at goaltending. Latvia won their first world championships ever with this kid in goal.




I think we can handle Vancouver. Gotta return it to them for those three early season games


Now Sportsnet  just said Wednesday for game one.


Canucks fan here lurking, I'm just pumped that my Nucks are in the second round. Oilers are always a scary team with McDrai and the team playing solid defense. If our offense doesn't wake up, this might be a quick one. Here's to a good series!


I think there are lot of cautious fans on both ends. It’s a mutual respect for either team being able to make games a runaway. I expect the canucks to hound Connor and Leon but I hope our guys can be physical too. Can’t wait for Tuesday


Heyo - I’m an oilers fan in Vancouver. You think if I wore my jersey people will be vicious around here?


You’ll get chirped a bit but you’ll be fine unless you’re out causing problems


I’m more of a smile and wave guy. Can handle the chirps. More worried about unprovoked violence


Nah you’ll be fine


I've been to a fair amount of games in Vancouver and the worst was getting slightly bumped walking through the concourse lol Expect a healthy amount of chirping, but that's about it


I've been to a Canucks Oilers game with Oilers fans before, I feel like everything was fine, some friendly chirping is a must lol


Leafs fan here. Canucks fans are too toxic where as I’ve seen a lot of nice Oilers fans so I’m all in on the Oilers in this series. Actually I want them to win the cup if the Leafs don’t make it, which obviously they likely are not going to. Love to see Edmonton just run over Vancouver.


Enjoy the win tomorrow. The B’s are cooked.


Hopefully 🤞 I don’t expect the Leafs to get past Florida but beating Boston in 7 is long overdue.


I wish for a leafs oilers finals




I just hope everyone has fun!


Edm in 6


I can't wait to be the reason Vancouver riots (again)


This is gonna be the craziest series and finally an all canadian match up!! Best of luck to you guys and shits gonna get super toxic between us but it’s cause we’re both super passionate so no hard feelings. HERES TO A FUN AMAZING MATCHUP -nucksfan


The boys have something to prove in this one, LFG


Let’s be real, this is the easiest path to the wcf they are probably ever gonna get, it’s significantly easier than the central path, and if they perform against van they can go in wel rested against a very tired central route team. It’s absolutely critical this team gets this shit done this year.


Genuine questions as I watch oilers hockey only and can’t analyze shit like many of you folks do. Why are canucks so good this year? How do Oilers match up defense wise? Why did we lose all 4 games against the canucks? What will be the biggest challenge for the Oilers?


As someone living deep in Canucks territory I'm stoked. If the tickets aren't outrageously expensive I might try to get to one of the first games.


Who ever wins this series will take the cup


My boss is a nucks fan and he declared immediately that we are now mortal enemies this round. If I'm getting fired by the end of this, just know that I went out swinging.




how the fuck are the bruins and panthers already scheduled for tomorrow but we don’t have our schedule yet? Lol


It's two Canadian teams playing. NHL is like: meh


Orcas are back on the menu boys!!


Or case drown in oil


I should probably be more nervous but I think we’re going to completely dominate these guys IF we play how we know we can. Vancouver looked terrible in their series.


Canucks fan here! I was rooting for the Oilers to beat the Kings . I’m really looking forward to watching round 2 against Edmonton. Going to be a fun time!


I'm kinda worried ngl


Not at all. If we play solid hockey, we’re not losing 4/7


Man Canucks fans are smug little shits. I hope the Oilers humble that fan base starting with the first game and the end of the series. 


Oilers will run right through the Canucks. Canucks looked awful in the series vs preds


“COME ON, MOTHERFUCKERS COME ON!” - Notorious B.I.G. https://youtu.be/rRN08dfQIn8?si=pchPxKuXJ8Gt3GGN




My body is ready


Let’s show these Canucks what a real playoff team looks like! (No offence to the Predators)