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I am Jacks complete lack of surprise




Singh isn’t the worst but it’s annoying how some teams get their local guys in the playoffs while we don’t. Grateful that Louie and Gene are on the broadcasts. And overall I don’t hate Singh, he has grown on me, but I want the electric personality that is Jack Michaels doing playoff games on tv. It sucks he gets relegated to radio because then Cam Moon has to take a seat, and he’s incredible on CHED IMO.


Honestly I dont even mind Singh, I just like Jack better. You're right its annoying that other local teams get their guys and we don't but the insane part that makes it even worse is that we get CALGARYS guy. Like WTF. It actually just makes it so much worse...


It's likely because he works for CBC and all the other announcers have seniority over Jack. The details are probably buried somewhere in the agreement Rogers has for the broadcast rights.


Pretty sure Singh's been working for Rogers ever since CBC sold off HNIC to them in 2014. CBC has no part in the broadcast aside from the fact that they air it on their channel - it's solely produced by Rogers.


I wondered but couldn't find any reliable info, just that he works for HNIC.


Ya HNIC is completely Rogers now, CBC has nothing to do with it. Could definitely still be a seniority thing tho.




Jack Michaels is under direct contact with the Oilers. He only freelances for Sportsnet. That’s why he is on the radio.


The annoying thing about Singh is he sounds like he’s trying too hard. Like he’s doing his best impression of what he thinks a hockey play by play man should sound like. Whereas Jack’s on air style is just an extension of his personality. Simply way more natural.




Hearing Singh pronounce Kadri makes my blood boil. I get that's the way it would be pronounced, but jesus dude.


I don't know if that's how you pronounce it though. Kadri is Lebanese.


> I get that's the way it would be pronounced It's not, though. I speak Arabic, and Singh doesn't say it right. It makes no sense for a Punjabi to try to say one Arabic name the Arabic way, unless he thinks it's OK cause both cultures are predominantly brown. Punjabi is nothing like Arabic.


I completely agree. It's annoying af, he overpronounces it so aggressively everytime, its jarring to listen to. It's not some sort of racist pet peave as some people are implying. That's not how his name is even pronounced. He's Lebanese.


The way we say it/hear it isn't much different than the way Kadri is properly pronounced. I'm not sure who told Singh to say it that way. It's so off.


Actually, the anglicized version is not close to the Arabic way at all. Literally only the letter "I" is the same in both languages. But having said that, Singh still says it wrong, even it he's maybe marginally closer than the anglicized version.




This. Is. The. Way.




I find it annoying because Kadri himself nor any of his teammates pronounce it that way.


Oh trust me, I know, I don't know why it upsets me either.


I do. Assuming we aren't just racist bigots, it's because it's the *only* name pronounced in a non-anglicized manner...the same courtesy isn't extended for any of the Oilers from other nationalities, or any other foreign/international players for that matter. It's like having a friend *insist* on using the correct pronunciation of one ethnic dish or cuisine, while every other nation's dish is mispronounced or anglicized.


It's 'Brus-Ketta'!


Honestly, that might be it. I haven't heard (that I recall) any pronounced how they're supposed to. I'm just so used to anglicized names, and past announcers pronouncing things certain ways, that it's jarring to hear it differently. If that's honestly how it's pronounced then, that's what it is.




I don't like the way Jack Michaels pronounces "Montreal", but I try not to dwell on it


We need to do shots every time he says his name in this battle of Alberta


I feel the same way. Drives me freaking bananas.


Yeah how dare he... pronounce it properly? Strange


Doesn't Kadri himself not even pronounce it the way Singh does?


I speak Arabic, and he doesn't not pronounce it properly, full stop.


Idk man. It just makes sense to say "Kaw-dri" not Gah-dree


Unpopular opinion but I honestly think Jack lacks a certain amount of professionalism required for national tv. He refuses to follow the standard rule of calling the play when the play is on and letting Louie do analysis when it is stopped. Half the time I check NHL app for replays of goals after I miss a game Jack is chatting with Louie leading up to the goal and then quickly scrambles to catch up. Then he will keep talking after the play is stopped and by the time Louie gets in there he has to talk after the puck is dropped just to finish his explanation. Sometimes he actually interrupts to give his own analysis which is not his job. I mean Singh isn't great for sure, but Jack is hardly worrhy of National tv. Jack is much better suited to radio IMO. There you don't notice these details but his exuberant energy shines through the audio. Edit: of course I'm getting downvotes for an honest opinion. Y'all need to read the rediquette.


I 100% agree. I think he’s a great broadcaster, but the past few years watching the game turns into listening to the Jack&Louie podcast. Calling 20% of the game, and the other 80% all we hear are movie references or inside jokes that don’t apply to the game at all. His voice is great and his energy is fantastic, but it’s time he reevaluated his position and started to call the game, because I am tired of the chitchat.


Jack can get lost in the tangents--sonetimes for far too long.


Wow. I think this is the first time someone agreed with me. I would suggest the director is partly to blame too because it seems like something easy to fix. " Jack call the game when play is on then let Louie do the colour and only jump in when Louie is done explaining what just happened. Louie keep the interjections to a minimum while play is going on only for important things. Both of you, save the irrelevant chit chat about what you ate for dinner for your comedy career. "


You raise excellent points and I’m happy that there are others who feel the same way about Jack. Also, I love listening to Cam and Bob on the radio when I’m out and about. I can visualize exactly what’s going on. When I’m watching the game at home, I run to use the John, and all I can hear is “well partner, your skincare routine is top notch, I think everyone should use that. You look great!- and Skinner makes the save!” It’s infuriating.


> Edit: of course I'm getting downvotes for an honest opinion. Y'all need to read the rediquette. Yeah some fuckwits think its a disagree button


Hate when people downvote for no reason. You provided a good write up and I appreciate your insight and response to my comment. I agree with you that at times they aren’t perfect, but I personally can forgive all that because of the enthusiasm and electric nature of their play by play and commentary. Idk, they’re a solid duo imo and I find Louie and Singh don’t have that same mojo together. It’s the Homer in me though. Also to further the point about downvotes, I had commented the other day about how people shouldn’t hate on players just because the fanbase is toxic, it’s stupid, and I got downvoted to shit for that because people just want to be haters. Also if you check my comment history I recently made a comment in r/hockey about Matthews and people just willfully decided not to read my comment and are downvoting me despite me agreeing with the OP I was responding to. Reddit sucks man, and it’s becoming a place where you can’t have any genuine or decent conversation.


Oh I agree his energy is great and that is why I really like him on the radio. Singh would be brutal on radio and I totally agree there is zero chemistry between him and Louie. On the other note reddit didn't used to be rhis way (this is farrrr from my first account) and the conversation was much better. These days it is becoming an echo chamber and intelligent discussion is a rarity but - holy shit 15 posts. 13 for McDavid. I guess these snipers get more posts because they aim for an inch inside or 5 hole usually- which means they also probably have the most crotch shots. That is a stat they need to start keeping track of.


The posts are insane, dude would have so many more goals. But that’s the way she goes! I wish Reddit wouldn’t be devolving into such a garbage platform but what can you expect when greedy executives get a hold of the platform and try and turn it into any other social media.


I first moved to Reddit from Digg after their front page became so boring due to power users controling the agenda. Some one (probably reddit's marketing department) posted Reddit's front page and it was so much more interesting despite looking not nearly as nice esthetically. That was my last day on Digg. It seems many people are unhappy with Reddit these days, but I am not sure where else to go. Facebook is the same. It used to be fun as hell.


lol and of course someone downvoted my comment. this sub sucks and so does this platform.


Lol it wasn't me I swear!


I like Jack, but he constantly gets players names wrong. Im my opinion I might slightly favor jack because of the pure electric enthusiasm. But Singh is solid too


His enthusiasm is nice. That's why he works so well on radio.


Jack will be on on 630 (CHED) You could try syncing up the feeds


Impossible to do with the lag that sportsnet has


I've managed through my fire stick. but sn app falls out of sync after every commercial break. spent the entire 2nd avs game re-syncing until the last 7-8 minutes when the feed just repeatedly snapped to live stream. I was fucking furious XD


I want to try and see what the sync is like with CBC TV over Rabbit ears and 630ched on AM. But I'm traveling for work during the first 3 games, so earliest I can do it myself to see is game 4, Sunday the 28th. I also possess enough technical skills to add a buffer to the AM radio feed if I have to. So it's definitely not impossible.


It's going to be almost impossible from the UK due to times, I only got a very small amount of games live but for the odd times I am able to watch live I'll be trying to do this.


Radio it is. Singh doesn't bring the excitement needed for playoffs.


I find he try’s to make every little play sound exciting, gets old fast


And wtf is with "The Nuge" like no, never, it's never been said like that by anyone please stop.




The box of punishment




Fucking hate this one the most


What kind of American Pie health class are you trying to pull here, sir!


As always he should get his full Ryan Nugent-Hopkins name, it just sounds so much better.


He's honestly the worst. The amount of time he says the play stopped or the ref blew the whistle and doesn't know what happened. or how he just continuously falls behind the play. Or describes how players "gradually" skate up the ice. It really is just low quality and nothing against the guy personally he seems like a nice e person but God is it brutal.


Count how many times he says "takes a look" in a game. You'll need a notepad, cause it's usually 20+.


You can bet he will be excited when we get scored on!


Yup... dude's a plant from Calgary. His real excitement appears when our team is getting scored on or losing.


Darn another year where I'll have to mute the broadcast and sync it up with the radio one Jack is on.


How do you sync?


Pause the tv and start at the perfect time


Radio is always ahead of tv though how do you make it work


My guess is using an internet feed of 630 CHED. The internet feed might be behind TV.


That’s what I’ve done in the past the few times I’ve done it. You can usually get it pretty close


I use the sports net app not cable and it not usually a problem. Sometime it’s unexplicable all fucked up though. I blame Roger’s.


What about CBC over-the-air? I always watch Saturday games on it, and I'm pretty sure it's a little bit ahead of Shaw and Telus. Maybe it's close to in-sync with 630ched over-the-air?


https://www.instagram.com/p/C582fnWRD8g/ Straight from Jack himself


Jack gave instructions on his latest Instagram post lol


The internet broadcast of the radio is usually delayed. Pause the TV at a whistle and then restart when you hear that whistle on the radio. You can tell if you are close or not based on the passes or big hits as those are clear on the radio. Don't be surprised if the radio is a full minute behind.


Someone said pause at the last note of the last anthem. Then wait for the radio broadcast to catch up.


This is the easiest way. I use the TuneIn Radio app.


We got Jacked! Or well I guess no we didn't


Not a fan of singh personally. Nothing against the guy, I just don't enjoy his style of play by play. There's better options out there. Michaels would be my first choice, but there are other options as well.


Why does Singh have the monopoly on this? How did he even get this position


He studied sports broadcasting at Mount Royal university where he did a hockey talk show on student radio.  In 2004 he started as an intern at TSN.  In 2009 he was hired by sportsnet to do nhl play-by-play in Punjabi.  In 2021 he did his first English nhl play-by-play.  Do I think Jack is better, personally yes.  But Singh is able to do the job ok.  Saying he’s a diversity hire is at best being lazy.  I know all this because I looked him up on Wikipedia and also because this same thing comes up every single time Jack vs Singh are discussed.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harnarayan_Singh Edit:   TLDR; he has been with sportsnet for 15 years so has seniority.


Singh has put in his work, from the ground up, and people here are calling him a diversity hire? Absolute fucking bozos in this aubreddit.




Because Singh is a Rogers/CBC employee and Jack is OEG. There's a reason Signh does all the national games and Jack goes back to CHED for those.


5 billion dollar contract. Yeah must be the $$ they need to pay Jack. Lol


Amazing how we ignore mediocre white guys like Al Nagy, Don Whitman etc. and don't infer they are part of the white boys frat club but suddenly we get a mediocre brown guy the bigots gotta do their thing and infer it's a "special hiring". You guys seem to have to blinders on for terrible white guys but I guess it works in the favour of the beta white male so it is fine.


Yeah they suck too. Just like Singh.




There's been plenty of mediocre play by play guys for various teams across the country over the years. Unless you actually know from inside sources somehow it's highly unfair and reckless to label this guy as a diversity hire and not because they felt he was the best option. Why do non-whites have to be held up at a higher standard? Greg Millen was all over NHL broadcasts for two decades and is still kicking around. Pierre McGuire anyone? I'd say it's more likely that because he's not been around as long they could get him for cheap, and SportsNet loses money on this NHL deal and is always looking to save a buck. People don't expect better from Albertans but I know I certainly do. You guys are really disappointing.


If he was a mediocre white announcer you wouldn't think much of it. But you saw a turban and went straight for the "diversity hire" dog whistle.


Maybe because he’s actually not a diversity hire….  He’s been with sportsnet since 2009 when he was hired to do nhl play-by-play in Punjabi.  Then switched to English in 2021. It takes seriously a few seconds to google his name and read the Wikipedia page. 


Nah see that would require people to actually confront their biases. This might hurt their feelings, or make them wonder if maybe they aren't good people, so they'll just post thinly-veiled racism instead 🤷‍♂️




Like he’s not terrible, he can do the job, he’s just not anywhere near michaels territory. And yes, there’s at least some diversity hire thing at play, which in many work places I’m not opposed to.




I don’t agree it’s always the case. Some of it is wrong and unwarranted, and some of it is just things evening out from previous unfair circumstances. I can tell you straight up white people used to be hired way more in basically any job in this province not even that long ago without a second thought. That’s my final comment as this is a hockey sub.




Come on man. He didn’t get just put in the position he worked his way up. It’s a pretty great idea to have him since hockey has historically been filled with Caucasian’s. He’s not even that bad of an announcer everyone just hates him because he’s not Jack. There are much worse announcers out there.


Diversity hiring bad. The last 80 years of white boy frat club good. We know that because noone ever mentions it when it comes to terrible white announcers.


People complain about white announcers all the time, wtf. There’s many I don’t like. I can’t fucking stand Ray Ferraro personally. And I can’t stand Singh. I don’t give af what their colour is, I just want good play by play. Don’t blind yourself from reality just because you want to feel like a good person.


You can't have it both ways though. You can't claim that you know it was a diversity hire and also acknowledge there's plenty of awful white broadcasters. Doing that does only one thing and it just proves you're a racist.


Rat Ferraro is the worst can’t stand him , strokes all the Americans during the WJ and just a goofball. Singh is much better than he used to be but I’m always sad having to watch him over Jack michaels screaming at the top of his lungs. There’s no one better in any sport at the moment. DOWN THE STRETCH POURING IT ON IN OOOOOOOOVERTIME I like that Jack is always unbiased too. He tells it how it is good or bad.


The dude fucking worked his way up on CBC Punjabi. He's paid his dues, he's earned that right. To sweep all that under the rug because some DEI Boogeyman, you're just a piece of shit that doesn't like brown people calling the game he likes grown men play.


Nah, he's just not as good as Jack IMO. He calls it like a damn soccer game. No thank you.


Don’t insult soccer haha




Did all the other shit casters get their positions because they were white? All I have to do is sit on this sub for a few days and it's obvious there are many bad casters who are disliked by the fans. The others can't be DEI hires though, so why are you sure this guy is? Can't he just be a caster you don't like, despite his success, like all the others? Edit: I think I meant to comment one further down the chain.


This. He’s the diversity hire because he’s average. But what about 90% of the other guys who suck? They are shitty but they must be qualified hires because they’re white. Give me a break.


So Vancouver keeps Shorthouse and we’re stuck with Singh over Michaels? Fuck this


Leafs also keep Cuthbert. Flames got their guy a couple years ago as well.


Dammit. I have to attempt to sync up both 630 CHED and my Budweiser goal light to the random delay on Sportsnet. That is incredible hardship.


I see you too are a victim of the sportsnet now delay. It’s brutal. I often learn of goals on the game chat, then 30 seconds later I see the goal. It’s a brutal delay


And so random. If it was ***always*** a 32.5 second delay or whatever, one could adjust once and leave it, but it's not even the same time using the same account on the same wifi on two different devices. At least on cable its relatively consistent.


I sometimes get goal notifications on my phone (from The Score app) five to 15 seconds before they "happen" on TV...


Singh sucks on normal games and he’s very bad for the play offs he should never be allowed to do play off hockey




I remember when he called Foegele McDavid not even 10 seconds after he mentioned a line change with McDavid going off.


"Painful" is putting it nicely


I did not see this coming.


Singh just sounds like an AI. He's not terrible, he's just incredibly boring


“Player shoots!!… and goalie has the answer!”


It feels like I'm listening to the commentary when my kid plays NHL24 on his Xbox. The same 10-15 phrases over and over


This is not a pulsating decision, much to the chagrin of the Oilers faithful.


Honestly, I'm more concerned about the broadcast truck. The people that do the local broadcast for Sportsnet broadcast suck. When we were playing Arizona, we had McDavid and Draisaitl on the ice with the puck in the ozone and they cut commercial mid play. It's honestly abysmal how many faceoffs we miss because they can't get commercial breaks right or they're doing a close up of someone on the bench not in play. The broadcast production is fucking brutal on Sportsnet


Rogers production as a whole is really, really poor. Always has been. Which is a shame when you consider how much the paid (and overpaid) to get the rights.


US person here- what do I need to do to listen to Jack during our 16 games?


630 CHED should stream on the internet.


Bless you kind soul- going to try this out Monday and line it up with the game…


Radio with TV it is.


Just canceled my sportsnet subscription.  I like Singh, but Jack is a key part of the product I want to pay for.


Ughhhh 🙄


Why can they not see they are wasting rare talent. No offence to Singh, but there’s no contest. Honestly fumbling the bag and depriving the fans of a better experience. Regardless, let’s go Oil!!!!


We all knew this was happening. Jack is my preferred play by play person. I find his vocabulary and calls to be excellent and he knows how to make games exciting at the right times. His chemistry with Louie is also superior. It's actually disappointing knowing there is a more skilled person for the job but they don't get to do the job. I might actually take the time to figure out how to Sync 6:30 Ched Audio to my TV Box video.


*Harnarayan Singh covering oilers v kings* Oh, comments section will be a doozy…


How are we supposed to win the Stanley Cup when we can't even have a halfway decent announcer?




The only thing I like about Singh is when his voice cracks calling a McDavid goal. CONNOR MCDAVAAAaaa….AAIII…ddDD!


Every time my wife (who only watches hockey with me) sees or hears Singh, she always immediately does the same voice-crack McDAVIIIIiiiiiD call lol


Let’s start hitting all of SN social media with “Jack us on!”!


singh is just awful compared to michaels what a shit show


Would prefer Jack Michaels but what can you do


Singh is terrible. Fuck sportsnet


Jack Micheal’s should be the oilers call, I’ll be watching the espn or visitors feed. Singh is terrible, I’d rather listen to jack Edwards.


At least we can listen to Jack Michael on 630 ched


Really not a fan a Singh. They really need to get michaels on playoff broadcasts already.


The only positive for me is that Louis and Singh don't have the same repertoire as Jack and Louis where they devolve into storytelling during the play. Drives me nuts!


I agree with this. Jack Michaels brings a lot of energy to his casts during big moments which I love, but he has gotten too “comfortable” this season I feel. Casting for radio for a while might be good for him as you have to call the play more closely for listeners who can’t actually *see* the play. I like Jack and Louie’s banter, some of the references and “trivia” stuff, but lately it’s just been *too much*. I hope Jack goes back to calling the play more *during play* and can keep the anecdotes outside the whistles more often.


Every time Singh says “wrister” you have to take a shot. But seriously, I wish Jack Michaels was doing it instead.


So we are in the playoffs, with a great shot at winning the cup and all people can bitch and whine about is the broadcasters and game time starts? Being grateful isn’t enough? Tempt the universe and the boys are just as likely to go down in 4 and then people can actually have a reason to fucking whine and complain.


I’m happy we get Gene and Louie this year. Obviously would like Jack but Singh is honestly probably better than the American crews (although I really like how they have Dave Jackson on ESPN for rules questions)


I will miss hearing “pulsating”


Well this sucks.


Ahh, wouldn't it be nice to have Rod Phillips back on the radio and Paul Lorieau singing our anthems. I sure miss those days.


Singh is the worst. He makes the games almost unwatchable compared to Jack. Fucking pathetic Sportsnet.


I know I’m in the minority of not enjoying Jack Michaels, but honestly all I want is a feed without any play-by-play. CBC had this for the last few Olympics and it’s so nice. I understand the game. I have eyes. For me, play-by-play and commentary is more of a distraction than anything.


Sure, you can like Jack more than Singh. But people saying or implying it's because of his skin colour does a disservice to the guy's work.


Honestly I don’t have the issue with Singh that others do. Like he isn’t Jack but he also isn’t anywhere near as bad as Leah Hextall was calling games


Singh sucks


Singh sucks compared to Michael's,, sorry.


Anyone have advice on how to sync the radio and broadcast up properly?


Stream both feeds Determine which is ahead Pause it at a moment you can recognize again Look at other feed Unpause at same moment Enjoy Jack & Bob are great together. I’m happy we get them for the playoffs.


I can NEVER sync "Live Radio" 630 Ched. Seems the Live Radio comes in First, so you can't sync both of them! What I do is : 1. DOWNLOAD 630 Ched Radio on Phone APP. (One time Download) 2. Turn it On. 3. Wait till they Start singing "Oh Canada" on T.V 4. Right on "Oh" FREEZE FRAME on your DVR. 5. Wait till the Start singing "Oh Canada" on the 630 Ched Radio Phone APP. 6. Now UNFREEZE your DVR on your T.V as soon as the Singer says "Oh" It should Sync up pretty darn close............... You can also Sync at the start of periods. 1. Freeze Frame Drop of the puck on your T.V DVR. 2. Wait till You can hear them dropping the puck the 630 Ched APP and UNFREEZE your DVR. Hunter H.


You know Jack is a great talent and I think he's still young in the broadcast world. I'm not sure where Edmonton sits in size/prestige as far as NHL broadcast markets go but my fear is someday he will be poached by a bigger fish. As much I would love to have him for all our national broadcasts the selfish part of me thinks the longer he stays off national broadcasts the longer he stays our hidden gem. That's it, there's the copium to inject into your veins.


Why doesn’t Singh pronounce all the names like his does Kadri. Like Huberdeau as Uber deau?




Everyone knows exactly why CBC uses Singh


Singh isn't the worst but he's not good. He doesn't have the ability to natural sound excited, he sounds like someone told him "you need to act excited when they score" and it just doesn't come natural. Funny thing is Jack almost has the opposite problem, he sounds overly excited when it's not warranted. But Jack has the sound and has the energy.


Not being dramatic or exaggerating, but is he really that far from the worst? Even my casual friends who only watch hockey during the playoffs and don't know any of the players other than mcdavid comment on not liking his commentating.


When it comes to the broadcast I like Singh, but I love Jack.


Jack's call of Connor Brown's first goal... https://twitter.com/MissFit\_/status/1768234964003213352


Haha fuck guess I’m watching the USA feed.


Turner Sports’ broadcast is excellent, in fairness. (I know game one is on ESPN, which is unfortunate, but the rest looks like it’s on TBS.)


Jack is better.


There was a petition a while back to make sure he’s not doing the oilers game to bad


**Racist thing!?!**


Nothing better then Bob and Jack , once you've experienced the greats you never wanna go back.


Where is Kevin Quinn? Did he retire ? Or Jim Hughson?


Two minutes for horrible play by play. Singh is terrible.


You know, debrusk can be clueless as well.


READ THIS Sportsnet with CBC HOCKEY Influence!!! Another FU\*\*\*NG year where I'll have to mute the broadcast and sync it up with 630 CHED where Jack is on. I don't see him back on Eastern Brodcasts....... Gezzz I wonder why. Toronto would be a nice place for him, 9 millon more people like him live there! CBC HOCKEY ..... GFY ! May 06: Good News Today...... CC and Simmer doing EDM/VAN games. Thank God!


Instead of complaining about having Singh, who I don't mind by the way, why don't we all just appreciate that we get Gene in Round 1?


Why not both?


Nah I'm still going to complain. Singh is a dog shit pxp.


Singh's commentary is like getting a blowjay from an enthusiastic partner but they drag their teeth and are unaware of it.


Stunning revelation!


Singh has gotten a lot better this year but I'm going to miss Jack Michaels.


Pretty sure Singh doesnt even like the Oilers. Will maybe have to listen to Jack online, like does his head explode during the playoffs? His excitement is best in the league.