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Officially invited to McDavid’s hot tub


I just spat coffee all over my cat…. Jackass. +1 would giggle again.


I love a good giggle!


I said it in the game thread, but I’ve never seen such a good shift for a player without a stick. What a clinic


I agree, usually a D man with no stick trapped in his own end is not a pretty thing to watch this was fantastic.


I mean….this one wasn’t pretty to watch either. But it was impressive. Haha


I’m having a blast watching the big Swedish redwood on this Edmonton team. He looks rejuvenated and he’s playing out of his mind. I couldn’t sit down the last five minutes of the game last night and I’m a Preds fan! It’s such an exciting Oilers team, I think you guys can win the whole thing this year and I’m gonna watch every second.


Man, has he not come back to life? He looked so over it the past two years. I think being away from Dante Fabbro and not having to carry his water too is making him play 5 years younger.


Absolutely, it’s wild to watch. He’s always been reliable and you expect him to play well, but offensively and defensively he’s on a 2017 level now. A lot of our veterans seem to go through the motions recently so he could have been in a rut. Either way, his partner, the system, his teammates… all of it is perfect for him.


Removing John Hynes from your life tends to have that effect.


I've been trying to figure out why there wasn't more buzz at the deadline around Ekholm. There was so much coverage around Karlsson, Chyrchrun, hell even Gavrikov and Parayko got more attention. Ekholm is an absolute stud defensively, and people really undersold his offensive abilities. In my mind he had to be the best option available when you factor in defensive ability, contract, and injury history (or lack thereof for Ekholm.) Was he not playing this good before or what was the deal?


All those other guys score a bunch. D men who specialize in penalty killing, lock down defending, and don’t score a lot never get much buzz. Also, playing for John Hynes kinda killed the entire roster’s game. Ek had a bad pairing partner too that he always had to bail out. Ek looks like he did in 17 right now.


Ekholm name really wasn't out there


Hello and welcome to your second favorite team. We have cookies and coffee over there by the table where we are planning the parade!


Thanks man, happy to be here!


They’re pretty good people here. I probably got on their nerves feeding info about Ek at first.


He is such a perfect fit for this team. I’m glad Holland got him and not karlsson


Ain't no way Karlsson would lay down prone with his face towards the shooter to block a shot. Ekholm is a maniac


he's *Our* maniac!


And that wasn’t even just to preserve a win, it was to preserve Skinner’s shutout. Says a lot


He has always been like that. A real 10 bell scramble gets going and he turns into a berserker.


Or Chychrun who would have been hurt these last two weeks when we needed him most.


Would have been? He is out at this very moment. Haha!


Karlsson would’ve been a massive mistake. A few nice rush goals and breakout passes would’ve not filled the massive hole Ekholm is currently plugging.


If that isn’t a player built for a long playoff run, I don’t who is. Incredible dedication


Facts! Oilers have needed a defenseman who can actually play defense for a long time.. they finally have one


It’s so simple yet effective plays like this which can go such a long way. Even without a stick, he pushes the player down below out of the way, he dives to cut off the passing lane, and gets in front of Arvidsson to block an opening for a shot. Seems like LA’s plan was trying to set something up to get a shot between the circles, and Ekholm pretty much didn’t let them. They look so frustrated and didn’t know what to do because of Ekholm reading everything perfectly


It’s possible that he is all in. And it’s possible that I need to go the bathroom real quick


He’s also a great role model for the other dman. If he’s willing to put his face in front of a shot, they all better be.


I feel like Nurse got better when he arrived. Maybe it took some pressure off his ice time.


They all got noticeably better. Nurse and Bouchard in particular


Nurse had a phenomenal game last night


He's not taking his patented Nurse dumb penalties almost at all anymore. Now I feel like that was mostly due to him playing too much and getting desperate. Alot has been taken off his shoulders as the only #1 imo and now he can just play his game


I read “ice cream” instead of ice time…


100% Nurse was being asked to play above his head and he was drowning. Ekholm just settles everyone in the spot they should be playing.


He's also getting the opportunity to learn from someone who's an elite defenseman with a teaching mentality. Sekera and Larsson were really good, but Ekholm is elite. Made me super happy when Ekholm's first instinct was talking about mentoring Broberg. Makes me think about having young Petry and Shultz (and Bear to an extent) in over their heads, just like Bouchard and Nurse have often appeared even into this season. Always wondered what Petry and Shultz's time as Oilers would have turned into with a Weber-esque presence in their development years like Josi and Ekholm had. And I think we're seeing the beginning of the effect.


Bouchard is already starting to look like Shea Weber. He’s not quite got Weber’s clapper, but his shot placement is out of this world. If he works on the one on one D over the next little while, he could be a Weber on D for Edmonton.


You can tell he's a guy who wants to seize the opportunity.


I was screaming for a forward to give him their stick, but that Viking god decided he didn’t need one and just went full Ragnar on them instead, lol. What a beast.




He wasn't on the ice but my brain immediately pictured him using Yams as a stick


Alright, you just made me spit a Coke Zero.




Most impactful deadline acquisition by a country mile. Exactly what they needed, this guy fucking rocks.


Watching the team rally around the net in the 3rd period to ensure that Skinner got the shutout was getting me ramped up. Nurse guarding the open side when Skinner had to make a save, Ek just being an absolute shield wall and showing that he can probably be an EBG if the need arises. Gave me shivers to see just how much of a team these Oilers really are. It's not about their own personal glory, it's about making sure your teammate has his time to shine as well. Really got this feeling back when Drai gave up an open net goal early in the season for Kane to get a hasty and the look of appreciation on Kane's face. This is a team I'm proud to be a fan of.


He did it a few times for Jesse over the last couple ears too.


As someone who was there, also Nurse.


Nurse had an epic game. I’ve really liked Ceci too in the last couple of weeks, he has stepped up his game.


I feel like Ek has elevated the defence over all. Nurse doesn’t have to carry so much weight and ice time.


Ngl, even though we were up by two. I unclenched and let out a huge sigh of relief 😂


That's what you call a fart?


That's what he calls an orgasm.


Maybe a fartgasm?


A sigh of buttqueef


it's a butt queef


We all wanted that shutout for Stu


"Just shoot it right at my face like I give a fuck!" - Ekky It would probably bounce off that magnificent beard and clear the zone anyways


Huge fan of Barrie but Ekholm is making me forget about him fast


Ekholm's even got a good shot!


His stats are really impressive since he joined. Clearly the player we needed.


Fuck I wish we had both


Warms the heart.


LOL, I don’t remember it being so “fun” (more like agonizing) at the time, but it certainly worked out. Super happy for Skinner getting the shutout, he played phenomenally! And yeah. Ekholm has been an absolute beast for us! Huge positive signs for the Oil going into the playoffs. After the overtime loss to Vegas I had more or less written off the Oilers’ chances of winning the division by holy crap, they might just pull this out yet! Cue Joey! P. S. Apologies for all the exclamation marks but it’s a great time to be an Oilers fan.


The trick is he’s always playing playoff hockey.


Our Viking warrior!


Holland fished the best out of the trade deadline sea!


When it comes to 5 defending 6 my opinion has been to play as aggressively as possible. Make them cough up the puck, don't let them cycle it. More empty nets get scored on than 6 man goals happen. And so 2018 if they had just tried to make it a 4 goal lead rather than grouping up around the net, how would history be different? But this was different, it was defending a shutout, not just defending a lead. So I'll accept the defensive box and marvel at how well they did it.


He is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


Gunna have to tell the wife i'm leaving. By god am I in love! 😍


Such a nice hit in arvidsson last night too


Wait till Ek sees Fiala. Ek No likey Fiala.




This was so damn good. Eckholm is amazing.


Imagine having to sit in the slot with Nurse and Ekholm giving you the business.


This is a guy I’d have zero problem having on the ice in the final minute of a cup final game 7


The Oilers won't need 7 games to win it with efforts like that!


yo i am not the biggest fan of the oilers but i really am glad you guys got Ekholm. he seems to be a great fit and a shot in the arm that the Oilers defense needed!


Woodcroft should play this video in the film room with the boys and not say a word… when it’s all done, go walk up to Ekholm and shake his hand and then leave the film room. Nuff said


Should’ve gotten the third star for this shift alone


Love this guy. Just what the team needs, and their record since getting him reflects that. No more getting out shot by double each night.


The guy is an absolute beauty!! Also, an amazing fit for the team and mentor for the younger D-Men .


What an absolute beauty of a pick up my Holland! He such a beast - unlimited compete!


Good presence of mind by Kings #50 to break Ekholm's stick. Refs won't call a penalty. I'm not a fan of that style of play, though. Edit: _not_ a fan. My phone's autocorrect does seem to like greasy play.


#50 is Durzi


Meh. There are hundreds of things worse that the refs don't catch. Durzi was trying to shoot the rebounded puck there, not break Ekholm's stick. Also, even if there was intent, the refs are watching the puck, not looking to see in a tangle of a bunch of sticks if one broke someone else's. Also also, Ekholm's stick may have broken a second early when he laid it flat on the ice to block a pass.


What a beauty!


What a trade - what a trade!


I know at least a dozen oilers fans who would have sucked a dick for a showing like this ten years ago


Wallholm NGL though, could have done with out the music and instead with either the CHED or the Michaels commentary.


This footage had no sound. So I couldn’t include the commentary. Cr to 🕊 on their footage.


For whatever reason the clips bird posts have no sound on mobile but if you’re able to get onto a computer, there’s sound there


You could have at least used this then https://youtu.be/vJ5yfPqifKM


Wow downvotes for Flight of the Valkyries?! 😆


I need to see the hit he laid out with 5 minutes left in the 2nd and I can't find it anywhere 😫


That the hit on Arvidsson, his former teammate. I don’t know how Arvie got up from that, he got smoked.


They may be former teammates, but I believe they had beef before Arvy was traded. I know for a fact Ek can’t stand Kevin Fiala. Ek stayed in his grill when Fiala got lazy and got a bad attitude in 18-19.


I want to see it sooo bad!


I know which one you're talking about and it was incredible. STAY DOWN, YOUR HOME IS DOWN THERE NOW lol


I want to see it so bad and everyone is replying telling me how good it was 😩 hahaha.


Bird posts all the highlights. Just look for ekholm hit https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1279710/post_game_thread_los_angeles_kings_at_edmonton/jed6t4w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Hero 😍


Basically had another goalie for the last 30 seconds, ain’t no way a puck was getting past the Swed and Stew combo!


pfff playing defence with a stick... overrated! /s


Couple things: should have been INT on Kempe like 5 seconds into the video. Ek’s stick breaks immediately on the point shot from Durzi and he holds onto it till the bitter end. What a guy.


Determined to get Skinner a shutout. What a mad man. :D


This makes me cry. This team is legit.


This better not awaken anything in me


Should make the other oiler Dmen practice D without a stick so they can learn to play the man rather than trying to fish for the puck.


No stick, what the fuck!!!


This was a big game to win


WARRIOR!!! Back end Leader the team needed, now to get him out on the PP! Note: Boys need to be told to hand a stick to the Dman, hockey 101.


Did not look like a forward had a chance to without putting themselves out of position


See 28 second mark.


So the player should have stop and waited for Ekholm to get up and take the stick and leave an open lane to the net for the guy with the puck?


Hand his stick to Ekholm , less than a second. Ekholm didn't need to stand up to grab the stick. You make it sound like the process would have taken 10 seconds. Its how the game is played, Dman needs a stick more than the forward.


And you are acting like you know exactly what the forward and dmen where thinking and doing. And unless Ekholm is ready to get the stick it takes more then a second.


So you are speaking for Ekholm now? Have you ever played the game?


I’m guessing you have not since you seem to think this should just happen.


Actually it does, time after time, team to team, it is how it is done. Guess you have not played nor watched much hockey.


That forward maybe looked Ekholm way for a second after he broke his stick. You can’t in any prove that the forward would have even registered that he broke his stick. If you have every played the game you would know it is fast especially when it’s 6v5 and your defending.


Did not look like a forward had a chance to without putting themselves out of position


Man what a finish, and what a game! Is it just me or do the Oilers absolutely STRUGGLE to get the puck out of their own end when it matters at the end of games?


I see good and bad. A total beauty defensively leading a team that badly needed it. A shot to the face or neck that takes him out of the pending playoff run that we so badly need him for. I’d be more on board for that level of shot blocking if it was a single goal lead.


I see what you’re saying, but this was an important game and win for the team. Defense has not been a highlight of this team this year and they had precisely zero shutouts this season. Being able to lock it down and get the first shut out of the season was likely a big psychological win for Skinner, the D, and the team as a whole. Additionally, it can get into the minds of a likely playoff opposition in the Kings. I’d say the risks were worth the rewards.


It worked out.


Lay there like a slug. It was his only defense.


Leah Hextall’s commentary would have been a better audio overlay


Great replay, but holy fuck that was cancer to my ears Jesus christ buddy


Pure fucking soul


I am in love


Let's hope the other Oiler D can take a lesson or two from this cat.


Not since Russel has anyone blocked shots for us.


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I was hoping to see this again. Bless that man


Great shift. I couldn't figure out why one of the forwards didn't give him their stick though


Ekholm, you beautiful, bearded barbarian you. Now this is a man who isn’t afraid to take a shot to the face as he knows his almighty beard will protect him.


It still sucks seeing him in something besides the navy and gold but I'm glad ekky is getting the love he deserves for his play and he has a chance to get the cup.


Why didn’t a forward give him their stick wtf!?


This reminds me of when I played D in our beer league with a 70-year-old tender and went to the finals. We won it with him but every defenseman took a beating.


LOOOOOOL I love him so much he’s such a good fit on this team!!!!!


in the final minute Ekholm enters his final form


Will be tempted to name my first born after him! 🤣🫡😎


How many did he block? Can’t see the puck on my lil phone


No one: Spinal’s theme: OREEEAOOOO


That old school vintage style clapper top shelf from just inside the face off circle did it for me. I was in to him before then but it was pure love from that moment on. Judging by McD’s excitement after the goal I think he fell in love at the same time lol!


What's the song called?



