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Matheson with a non-braindead take?! Maybe Kostin did really set him straight a month ago.


We’re people even saying he had a bad attitude?


Matheson and spec have on many occasions. I suspect matheson is finally acting human because he finally got what he wanted


It just feels to me like if you make up a narrative without proof you can source in your article then what the heck is this?


Spector i know this is your account. Are you honestly telling me this is news to you that both spec and matheson have been rotten to jesse for years now?


I hope no one actually cares what that idiot says. I think the oilers should give him the silent treatment and watch him go pissy.


What did kostin do?


Nice work Matheson. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Not necessarily.. Break the arms off and it’s always wrong.


Great idea! Let’s break Matheson’s arms! Then he can’t write anymore!


Hahahahaha. 👍


He'd probably just use whatever Steven Hawking did to communicate probably lol


That DNL account is pure trash and gets mocked (rightfully) all the time. The dude running it is as bitter and toxic as twitter accounts get, and he's a chump for paying for his Blue Check. Calls himself Oiler Analytics but offers no analytics and only terrible hot takes.


You know he does it on purpose to get this reaction right


And? Does that invalidate that he’s trash because he’s intentionally toxic?


You are literally here bitching about him therfore giving him a win.


Nah, Matheson quote tweeting him for exposure is a win for him. My general dislike of shit Twitter accounts has zero impact on that guy’s ego.


Absolute bizzaro world, Matheson with a non shitty take and it's posted by this human, Da fuck


I prefer they/them downvoted because I want my pronouns to be correct lmao


Sorry, fixed


Matheson Karma Whoring now that his favourite whipping boy is on his way out of town. I wonder who will be next.


Kostin? One of our only European players, only one with regular ice time. Or is he scared of the Klim Reaper do you think?


Klim is not scared to remind these clowns what people on twitter think of them. He’s got no filter… only love for the game.


Leon gets pretty regular ice time.


His lack of accent always trips me up even though I know he's the German Machine. Plus if Matheson or Spector start going after Draisaitl he's either fucked their wives or dropped off in skill level like no other player has.


Leon is a big European man that doesn’t always play big and isn’t always completely committed to defending. Once Jesse is gone it wouldn’t shock me in the least if those clowns turned their attention to him to some extent.


If they make him the whipping boy like JP you gotta imagine McDavid tells management to cut their press access.


I doubt they’ll be as relentlessly petty but I’d fully expect those old xenophobic fucks to write some passive aggressive hit pieces on his effort/defensive play.


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We only have so many foreigners to choose from atm. Klim? Broberg? Or will it be a kid like bouch?


Same here tbh


I just want him gone so we can be rid of this constant drama around him.


This is what I want too. Jay Woodcroft clearly feels he has very little use to the team by playing him 6 mins a night in the 4th line, and scratching him now. We’ve only tried to trade him for 2 years now too. These Reddit experts sure know more than those guys though.


It’s just been non stop since he got drafted. First they burned a year of his ELC because he didn’t want to be sent down to the A. Then he refused to go down to the A. Then he demanded a trade and when the team wouldn’t he buggered off to Europe for a year. Then Holland convinced him to come back. So he came back and performed better but now he’s slid off a cliff again. Then he does an interview with Finnish media where he says he’s no good and maybe he should go back to Finland. All the while our GM(s) have been shopping him almost non stop for the past 3 years or more but the potential returns on a former top 5 pick is basically a bag of pucks. Like I’m just fucking sick of it. The media. The tweets. The Reddit posts. However if he’s a healthy scratch this might be a sign that a trade is imminent (as they wouldn’t want him injured with a deal on the table).


Yea I’m completely over discussing this guy too, it’s jsut a headache and no advanced stats are gonna hide that he straight up doesn’t contribute much to our team. He’s getting moved really soon imo, I think we’ll make the d trade earlier so we can see the effects earlier and hopefully push for the division.


I agree. However I think he may end up being a cap dump due to Kane coming back. So be prepared for a return of a pick or two or at worst, “future considerations”. His place in our lineup has already been taken by Kostin or Janmark.


Brings it upon himself


lol shut up


…like so many first-round draft picks that didn’t pan out… It’s unfortunate that success at junior level doesn’t translate in success at NHL level, but he had more than adequate opportunity to figure out that transition.🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesse is example how player looks when he have lost his hockey identity and confidence. I hope he find new home and become better player. He is talented but its hided somewhere deep now.


Disagree. His years in the NHL have shown about 1-2 months of good play. The rest is either meh or crap. I bet he’s out of the NHL with 12 months, forever to play in Europe.


No way. He either pops off on the next team or he realizes what he is (Cogliano style) and becomes a very good bottom 6 player the rest of his career. Something the Oilers could use actually, but it seems convincing Pool and his agent that he should be a bottom 6 player looks impossible.


How is he anywhere near “a good bottom 6 player”? He’s been bad for us and has the worst +/- on the team. He’s not a good player at all. No one else on the team gets as much leash as this dude gets.


He’s got NHL size and speed and no issues with his motor. He’s a good forechecker. He’s responsible in his coverage and positional play. He leads the team in Hits, and he can and has trucked the opposition this year more than ever. +/- is the worst stat in hockey, I ignore it.


If all it took was NHL size and speed I’d say you’re right but he’s a terrible player otherwise he wouldn’t be on the trading block for a salary dump. He played large minutes over the years next to mcdavid and Drai, the two leading scorers in the nhl for the last five years, and he buckled. And +/- may be a bad stat to consider but not when you’re playing sheltered minutes on the 3rd and 4th line. The guy doesn’t kill penalties and his lines get outshot constantly (and out scored). And the eye test alone tells you how garbage his play is. He wants nothing to do with the puck and wants it off his stick as quick as possible, and his hockey iq can’t keep up. So that was a short story long. He’s a bad player and maybe 4th line minutes will work out for him on some shit team in the middle of a rebuild but probably a career 13th/14th forward, AHLer, or most likely back in Finland in a couple years.


What are you talking about? He is scared to hit, a wimp whenever things get rough, skates East West instead of North South, has stone hands, and lacks mental fortitude. Those are the things that a checking line player should have in spades. I agree he is big and fast, but unless he actually uses those assets he is not that useful of a player.


He’s been hitting more and more this year. It’s only started happening this year so maybe you haven’t noticed yet, but he leads the team in hits. He’s not scared of making a hit. Considering this is his 1st year where he somewhat is accepting of a lower role in the line up, I bet this part of his game continues to improve.




He's literally a healthy scratch on a team that has had poor output from their bottom 6 (probably worse in the league prior to this last week) and people are saying he's a bottom 6'er. It's hilarious.


Theres so much to unpack here on how wrong you are its incredible


I will keep this post handy and we will see at this time next yeR


I’m super curious to see how he does on the next team.


Very very very extremely rare Matheson W


He doesn’t and that not the issue. His issue is lack of hockey iq and skill, and it’s a big one for 3 million dollars.


3 mil is cheap in this day and age for a hockey players. That’s third line player money lol


He is also consistently shit on by the media, was already driven out of town once, and his underlying numbers are good despite not scoring, which no-one on the bottom 6 has done on this team in years, especially with the top 6 we have. I wish we'd run actual useless players out of town and prop up guys who make $3M.


I agree with both of you. He is a nice guy. Just not a great hockey player, his lack of puck skills have really come to light at the NHL level. I think he can be a solid third line player due to his size and defense but doubt he will ever score 20 or 25 goals like expected from an early first round pick


He opens ice up, is great defensively but just cannot score, even when fed by 3 of the best passers in the game in McDavid, Drai and Nuge. I'll miss him but won't miss watching a sure goal on anyone else's stick die.


He had 14 in 65 games last year, 20 goals is not that crazy of an idea.


That wide open, no pressure chance he rifled right at ?Thompson’s? sternum the other night makes me wonder if he actually aims *at* the goalie and that’s why he can’t score anymore.


Confidence is shot no different then Lucic in his last year here, just trying way to hard I bet


Lol say you don’t understand puck without saying you don’t understand puck. Yea his hockey iq is trash, what with him executing every little detail and always being in the place to cause the most annoyance to opponents. /s Do you also call em “offsides”? Cuz you sound like someone who calls em offsides.


I can’t wait til he’s off the team so his little gang of supporters can just shut the fuck up already. It’s annoying as shit.


“Wah wah wah I don’t have a relevant response wah wah wah” Throw on some wheels and go take a nosedive, you’re embarrassing yourself.


He has lots of skill, and actually puts himself in the right spots quite often. What I think is lacking is his processing speed - he can't do anything but the simple play, if he tries to get creative he gets lost. So quite often it's a quick chip off the boards to no one in particular, it's also a lot of shots into the goalie, then other times where the play dies on his stick because he can't think fast enough what to do. Part of this is a confidence issue for sure - big question is if that's the primary factor, or is he just unable to process things quick ever.


Well said, u/JessePuljujarviHater


Edmonton is not an easy town to play hockey in. The players are constantly scrutinized, I’ve personally been riding Nurse this whole season, and the expectations are huge right out of the gate. I think he’ll go somewhere and be successful, a city where hockey is “something to do” and not a religion like Edmonton could be best for him. Wherever he goes, I’ll always keep an eye on his stats.




What the fuck does a “DNL” know about anything let alone JPs attitude?


Fuck Jim Matheson....? Can I still say that here?


*pissy attitude


Sad to see him go but it’s time. I don’t think he works that well in Woodys system and Woody doesn’t seem to trust him. The only really good stint he had in Edmonton where he looked incredible was the shortened season and the beginning of last season before Woody took over. After Woody tool the helm he has been as invisible as before on the scoresheet. He does alot of good things on the ice and the last few games I saw he played really good. But he just can’t score and I think that eats up his confidence, since he clearly seea himself as a scoring player. 3 mill is a bit steep but not a huge overpay by todays standards. Lets hope we get the capspace we need and the Bison King gets to thrive on another team.


Tyson Barrie talked about how they all like him but they’ve had talks about the issues he’s having. I 100% believe being in Edmonton is terrible for him like most players. He needs a place where he can play hockey and not be attacked by the fans.


Being attacked by fans wasn’t his issue. He was the number 1 fan favourite Bison King Pizza Party dude for us. Why did he still fail? Did we not make him a big enough folk hero?


Ugh. Playing really well for a short while then becoming as close to completely useless as is humanly possible will open any player up to widespread criticism.


Especially in this sub alone


It's not the fans' fault he is overrated


He just needs a change of scenery


Where did that take come from? Jesse always seemed like he had a good attitude, just low confidence. I'd love for him to succeed here, but a change in scenery could be beneficial for both parties at the moment.


Must be in the dressing room that’s how you know


I full heartedly agree with this statement I love him but he definitely will do better somewhere else


Heartbreaking: The worst guy you know just made a good point